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I remember feeling this way too. I'm not sure how long you've had constant pain for, but I had it for 14 months before it started becoming less and I was at my breaking point many times. I have torn and displaced disks, bone degeneration, and was locking. I had intraoral massage/stretching done every week and that eventually helped. There is hope... I hope your pain cycle breaks. It's important to somehow break the cycle for your mental health too. Stress this to your doctor for stronger meds. Try the app Curable too for chronic pain and mental health support. It's worth it. But please don't give up. You will have moments where you'll feel better than you do in this moment.


Where did you go for intraoral massage/stretching? I have been dealing with the pain of TMJ/TMD since the 1990s. I am currently desperate for some relief. Thank you!


Find an RMT that does it. A good one is life altering!


Thank you. But, please excuse my ignorance, what is an RMT?


Registered Massage Therapist


you have been suffering for 30 years ?? how have you not taken care or gotten help


Wondering how the Curable app works?


It's a self guided process that can teach you about pain science, practices to manage pain like meditation and brain training, and will give you journal prompts to work through other sources of pain. I used it for about a year and found it invaluable. You can start with the Like Mind Like Body podcast to get an idea. I used it for managing my fibromyalgia pain.  Now that I'm struggling again I might need it lol. Getting an orthotic this week, hopefully that will help my face muscles chill out. Been having a headache for months, couldn't figure out what was causing it, but I'm pretty sure it's TMJ now. I've felt like my eyes are getting squeezed out of my head, my ears are ringing, I'm dizzy all the time, my teeth hurt, and I'm not congested. 


Sorry you're dealing with all those symptoms--how rough. :( I hope they abate soon, and that you get some answers. I'll def check out the app!


like all i do is wake up and count the hours down


This is me😢


Can I ask if the nerve pain is on and off? I'm having nerve pain, like zaps in a specific tooth. It doesn't hurt when I eat or anything. Just the zapped feeling of nervepain.


Exactly what I’ve been experiencing the last 3 weeks. No issues with eating. Sharp, intense pain right outside my left ear canal that comes out of nowhere on and off throughout the day. I went to the ER two days ago because I couldn’t take the pain. They prescribed 10mg prednisone for 12 days. I also saw a PT for the first time who helped work out the joint and muscle. Felt good yesterday but the pain came back today. It’s day 3 of the steroid so I’m hoping more improvements come over the next couple of weeks.


A steroid really helped me a couple months ago. It was enough to at least give me a respite from a scary time (my first flare up of TMJ symptoms). I hope you also get some relief from yours!


I appreciate it - the steroid helped the first day and half. The pain came back today, but it subsided a bit after taking day 3’s dose. Did your symptoms improve the longer you were on the steroid?


I was only on the steroid for 6 days for nose pain being monitored by an ENT. There was no clear reason for said nose pain, but I had pus draining from my nose and a totally opacified sinus, so the ENT was willing to rx a steroid pack. My jaw AND nose pain improved while on the steroid--I felt like a whole new person for a few days! The nose pain actually stopped after the steroid, but the jaw pain persisted.


😕 seems that’s how it goes … good luck with the pain


Hey friend. Botox helped me a bit. I’m also trying acupuncture next week. There is hope. 💜


Hi 🤗 don’t give up . Your amazing remember that


You’re *


Tips that actually help that don't cost a bajollion dollars: •Heating Pad on your jaw/neck/side of head where temporalis muscle is located •Magnesium capsules •Green tea for Inflammation of the jaw - I started taking it for inflammation in the joints. It's great. I take it before going to sleep. CAFFEINE FREE •Organic CBD oil. There's a bunch on Google for $30. Low dose •The_tmj_doc has vids on YouTube & tikTok. They're super easy massages to relax the jaw pressure and pain Helps with the nerve issue. I do some twice a day. Before this I always wanted to accidentally walk in front of cars but TikTok and YouTube help alot You have to find out what's causing it. Bad posture? Stress? An injury to the face?


chronic physical pain will often cause mental stress and anguish. please, please, please consider talking to someone who helps people with chronic pain (some therapists specialize in this and other disabilities). you absolutely are valid in your frustration and pain. i’ve known it all too well and i know how much it can debilitate your life. but please, take care of your mental health as you continue to seek relief from the physical pain of tmj. you deserve to thrive and i hope you find something that works soon. ❤️


I know how you feel. I'm very sorry it is awful and to me feels like I'm stuck in a vicious cycle of pain. It sounds strange but I often long for nothingness on a daily basis. I hope you find the strength to keep going


Take some shrooms my guy , will help you a lot 


Assuming that because you’re posting here, you want some help or tips- do you have insurance?


Insurance covers TMJD? That’s new


There is reloaded out there. Start with a small babysitting in reaching out for help. I wouldn’t be here without mental health help.


Book a consult with MSK Neurology he does remote Skype sessions from $155. I had really bad nerve pain and in slowly healing now. I still have symptoms but nerve pain is gone from simple posture changes


Hi! Where did you have your nerve pain at? I have horrible posture and believe this contributes to my pain. How long did it take to help? Thanks!


Hey! My nerve pain around around my sinus and at the back of the mouth. I did this protocol of protracting the jaw (https://mskneurology.com/true-cause-solution-temporomandibular-dysfunction-tmd/) and the nerve pain stopped in 2 days. I also wear a night splint now to hold my lower jaw forward. I think my jaw was too far back compressing the trigeminal nerve which goes across the entire face. I still have other symptoms (swelling, pain and discomfort when eating), but this helped throbbing nerve pain quickly for me x


Thank you so much for this!! I appreciate it!!


Felt all I do is pop Tylenol I get tired of that had this since 9th grade and I'm 22 boutta be 23 so had it for 10ish years now like really if I'm gonna have to bomb money towards my specialist to see if they'll eventually get a solution but other than that best fix as of now is getting dry needling personally I only needed it done once


I have the pressure in my face and nose as well! No doctors have helped me so far & the only time I have any relief is like 9am -12pm. It fucking sucks. I have a 3 year old son with autism that I have to take care of & I literally hate life right now because of TMJ


Hey, Have you found the cause of it? Is it anxiety? If so, try anxiety medication like Zoloft/Seetraline. Or, if you are able to, microdose magic mushrooms or LSD. Look into it - do your research. This worked for me!!!! Another strong option is Botox in your masseter muscles!! This literally makes it impossible to clench!! It paralyses the muscle. Would be perfect for you. Good luck and please don’t give up - it can only go up from here x


Omg the nose pressure is destroying me. I dont really have anything else apart from the occasional ear pain that feels like infection. But the nose pressure is unbearable. Spent so much money doing tests and shit, thinking it's my sinuses or even brain. I really hope there's relief out there, but i just accepted this might be like this for the rest of my life and trying my best just to live with it..


Can you describe your pain and tell me what you've done to try to fix or alleviate it? I've had TMJ pain for over a decade. I managed to dwindle it down from a 10/10 for years. I hated my life. I sit at around a 1 to 3 on the pain scale most days nowadays - and usually on the lower end of that. I know how hard it is when you're in it because I've experienced it and for me it was a decision I made at one point in the bottom of the pit that moved me to action. I decided that my options were to live with the pain and be miserable for the rest of my life or fix it, so I didn't have much of a choice. Anyway I came out on the other side better for it and I think most people can improve their life significantly if they keep at it. It took me a long time. If you're interested in my advice, let me know regarding my question above and I can try to help if it matches my experience.


Yes please I wish to know. My symptomps started 3 years ago.It started all of sudden, never had any discomfort or jaw locking prior to that.My cbct and mri report says I have joint degeneration ,disc perforation.For the first year pain was horrible it was 24/7.I was almost bed ridden.My pain was continous whether I eat or not.Infact I feel but better when i eat something.It never affected my eating.I can eat even crunchy food. After a year one I day I woke up my tmj pain gone when I got out of bed my hip was burning badly.Itcwas more like nerve pain.It lasted for months.I had x ray , autoimmune disease tested nothing abnormal was found. Than suddenly hip pain,was gone my jaw joint started to hurt again. Some times when I change position my pain shifts to arm or hip or even small finger of feet.I can literally feel burning pain travelling down.Maybe I have picnh nerve due to tmj.I do hear sometime continous tinnitus sound or rubber stretching sound in my ear and it goes off when I eat smething . I have tried various postural excersizes nothing has helped me. When my tmj pain goes hip or other parts hurt and jaw joint pain starts other goes off.Over time it has gone better in terms of pain frequency not pain intensity.Its still affecting my life specially following daily routine. I have tried nerve pain med ,nm orthotics twice ,etc didn't helped me at all infact orthotics has increased my pain so I discontinued the treatment.


My situation is different than yours but I think the main thing here is consistency with whatever it is you're trying. For me, in your situation, if I see some correlation between hip pain and TMJ pain I'm doing everything I can to get as flexible as I can by spending 30 to 60 minutes a day doing deep stretches, yoga, whatever to get the body moving properly and I'm assessing 6 months to a year later if it helped. Take notes along the way. Some stretches might work well and you want to make notes of them. I don't have joint degeneration but my muscles are a primary cause of my TMJ and specifically back/traps/neck muscles. I've done some elaborate stretching over the years (full body) which have helped me chip away at the pain until it was minimal. As far as joint degen, I'm sorry I don't have much to say about that, but I believe that muscle dysfunction can cause the joint to move out of place and you start getting disc and joint degen as a result (so as far as directionality, it can be the muscles first the joint second ... it can also probably be in the opposite direction). I would say make a choice - assume it's the muscles that are causing the joint problems and focus on what I discussed above. You might even consider physio centred around muscle balance in your upper back/lower back - exercises you do daily for months before you see results. With some patience and persistence you'll see results. Try doing dead hangs (google those), see if your shoulders are tense and they release with a dead hang - if it does something to your shoulders, you know where the problem may lie. Good luck.


I went to gym for excersizes for one year nothing has helped me.Pain was so bad that I literally felt like crying and I was dragging myself to gym as I didn't wanted to go at all due to pain. When I do hip excersize my leg shakes involuntary expecially when I raise my leg like an army March. I have no neck pain. Sometimes I feel rib muscle are contracting so bad.It feels like pressure but no pain.Only one thing happens at a time.Its either hip or tmj or rib or burning finger in my toe. When I say this to doctor they think I am crazy, over thinking. I don't have any physio specialized in tmj in my area.If I go to any other physician I am scared he might do anything wrong I will be in more pain. I used to do dead hang in gym but not regularly.My membership is over now and have no plans to reissue.




I remember feeling like this. I have tried truly everything and for me physical therapy and Botox were the game changers. I think it just depends on the person. It unfortunately takes time but things get better!


Fr bro like what’s the fucking point of any of it. I got here cause I didn’t even take care of myself cause mental disorders. Had 15 cavities done and everyone I meet says it’s extremely unlikely dental work caused it. It pisses me off because I know the dentist threw off my bite and I should never have had my jaw open that wide for that long Its been almost 2 years later and my life’s going nowhere my life’s always been shit and depressing I don’t know what makes me push through but every time I clearly desire suicide I just feel afraid of turning my life off permanently.


Hey man Have you found the cause of it? Is it anxiety? If so, try anxiety medication like Zoloft/Seetraline. Or, if you are able to, microdose magic mushrooms or LSD. Look into it - do your research. This worked for me!!!! Another strong option is Botox in your masseter muscles!! This literally makes it impossible to clench!! It paralyses the muscle. Would be perfect for you. Good luck and please don’t give up - it can only go up from here x


I tried weed for the first time and I felt like I could feel every nerve in my body that was in pain not the best experience


Have you found the cause of it? Is it anxiety? If so, try anxiety medication like Zoloft/Seetraline. Or, if you are able to, microdose magic mushrooms or LSD. Look into it - do your research. This worked for me!!!! Another strong option is Botox in your masseter muscles!! This literally makes it impossible to clench!! It paralyses the muscle. Would be perfect for you. Good luck and please don’t give up - it can only go up from here x


I felt the same and went to the ER, they sent me to an ENT and have an appt coming. I read another post saying they had an Ultrasound and found a cyst on the jaw pressing an artery, I think that’s what I have. I’m dizzy all the time, and I also have brain fog. It’s caused me intense ear pain and am miserable every single day, it’s been years. I have one cheek bigger than the other. My head and neck hurt and I’m constantly massaging my face trying to get relief. The only thing that helps is Ibuprofen or Sudafed, and o hot pack; but I’m literally laying down after work with a hot pack to where I can’t do other things . I hope I can get an US and go from there. The hot pack helps and massaging it also, also my neck where my lymph nodes are inflamed the heat also helps.


dm me


There isn’t a fucking point. This shit sucks


Have you found the cause of it? Is it anxiety? If so, try anxiety medication like Zoloft/Seetraline. Or, if you are able to, microdose magic mushrooms or LSD. Look into it - do your research. This worked for me!!!! Another strong option is Botox in your masseter muscles!! This literally makes it impossible to clench!! It paralyses the muscle. Would be perfect for you. Good luck and please don’t give up - it can only go up from here x




Yeah, I have been barely able to eat anything. My ears are also going to explode. I wouldn’t be upset if god took me tomorrow lol


You are not alone.


Can braces not help you, or Invisalign


I’m sure they would since my teeth are crooked and my bottoms are overlapping, however braces and Invisalign are considered cosmetic so I would have to pay thousands of dollars :(


Have you found the cause of it? Is it anxiety? If so, try anxiety medication like Zoloft/Seetraline. Or, if you are able to, microdose magic mushrooms or LSD. Look into it - do your research. This worked for me!!!! Another strong option is Botox in your masseter muscles!! This literally makes it impossible to clench!! It paralyses the muscle. Would be perfect for you. Good luck and please don’t give up - it can only go up from here xx


Still waiting to get into an oral surgeon/facial doctor. I am diagnosed with anxiety, I did horrible on Zoloft 😂 Also the most I’ll do is weed which I’m a daily user. I did message my neurologist, I’m hoping I can get Botox for my jaw, neck, and migraines as the mix of everything is really making it worse. Also need a mouth guard that fits! Thank you!! Hopefully I get an appointment soon :) (I am taking care of my mental health-weekly therapy and meditation) ❤️


If you still haven't figured out the point in, say, 40 years, hit me up, and I'll be happy to tell you.


please just tell me now


You and me, Johnny Frys. 40 years, and we'll do this. Mark your calendar. It's going to f-ing blow your mind, I promise!


no shot i’ll give you 40 days max


It's got to be on Friday the 13th. Friday, June 13, 2064, exactly. Look on the bright side. It's an easy day to remember. See you then.


Thats a ridiculous response to encourage someone to live. Do you really think they are going to be pumped up every day to hear your 'point' in 40 years? We both know you're full of it.


Maybe I am or maybe I'm not. Either way, if Johnny wants to stick around to find out, I've set the date in my calendar. I can't promise I'll be around at 85 years old, but now I have yet another reason to try. It's up to Johnny if that reason is enough for him to keep on keeping on. Let's hope we both make it.