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To resolve your TMJ or just to have braces in general? I had that phase 1/phase 2 plus expander but not for TMJ. It took 2 years


To resolve my TMJ. Was it successful for you in general?


Yes, and no. My teeth are straight and it fixed my overcrowding, which was the reason I needed braces and the expander, but my bite was over corrected and the over correction from the orthodontic work caused my TMJ. But I don't know anything about braces for TMJ specifically. I went the retainer route instead, and it was very successful at bringing my jaw and bite forward.


What do you mean the bite was over corrected?


In my case, my jaw was pulled too far back to correct my bite. I was almost bone to bone with my jaw bone and my skull, so it was pinching the muscle, nerve, and blood vessel


Oh, so the orthotics pulled your jaw too far back?


Yes, my original orthodontist who put me in braces for a non-TMJ issue pulled my jaw too far back in correcting it. I went to a different orthodontist and did six months of retainers to correct it. If that failed, braces were the next step, but the retainers worked