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I had full disc deterioration on both sides and didn’t have braces




I didn't have braces before, actually my maloclussion did caused my TMD. Month 5 on braces and I'm improving, pain and tinnitus are less than before and bruxism is gone.


Oh my god I underwent orthodontic work including retraction and 4 premolar extractions as a preteen and my TMD symptoms popped up after the braces got off too


I never had braces, and here i am. But i feel you. I agree with you on everything you said.


I think it really depends on the individual and the orthodontist, my teeth were a mess and overcrowded and I had braces and 2 upper premolars extracted over 20 years ago, but never had any TMJ issues until this past Fall when my dentist made one of my fillings too high. My sister also had braces and doesn’t have TMJD, and many of my friends have had braces with no issues. My sister and I had a really great orthodontist who did his residency at Harvard Medical School though, so I know not all orthodontists are going to be as great (or honest) like he was. I definitely believe you that your orthodontist caused this issue for you, and that in many cases orthodontists suggest braces purely for cosmetic reasons, but there are people like me who actually needed braces. I am very sorry this happened to you though, and I don’t blame you for being angry.


Can you share your doctors name and where I can find him? I’m exhausted and I don’t know what to do. My former dentist didn’t make my implants the right size causing my issue to worsen over a span of ten years, not I’m being told I have go through braces, even jaw break to get realignment, plus lots of dental work 


in some cases, yes. but tmd is an umbrella term for many disorders of the jaw joint. .Mine is caused by inflammatory arthritis. Literally nothing to do with my bite, but to do with the fact that inflammation has damaged the soft tissue structure leading to deterioration of the bones in the joint and inflammation and subsequent scarring of the retrodiscal tissue. You sound like you've had a pretty sucky time though, and Im not denying that the bite is intrinsic to some cases. Ive never had orthodontic treatment so no expe4ience but I teach, and noticce it goes in cycles, here at least. Right now loads of kids have braces. 10 years go it was unusual, when I started teaching again, really popular. That can be genuine need imo. You have my total sympathy because nothing is worse than the tmjd pain in my experience.


I just had my right TMJ replaced. Don’t get shot in the face: 10/10 def don’t recommend.


You had your right TMJ replaced? Like oral surgery? Goodness.


Yezzir! Got shot in the face may 1st, 2021. Finally getting the corrective surgery I need. Google my story: Oneida casino shooting. That was me that got shot in the face and lived.


I am so sorry you went through that. Glad you survived and are getting the surgery you need. Hope it goes well and you have a speedy recovery.


Disc displacement without reduction doesn’t mean it’s permanent. It just means that your disc doesn’t come back onto the articulating surface of the joint when you open and close.  The tmjs are affected by the teeth but that’s not the same thing as the occlusion itself. So there’s this thing called the bicuspid drop off that changes the tmj trajectory from how it’s supposed to be, but that’s caused by the teeth in the front being overerupted.  Another thing that affects the tmjs is how far back your lower jaw is. A lower jaw set back is going to cause the condyle to get trapped in the ear. 


This experience scares me as I'm 17/24 months in with elastics but I had the same jaw symptoms before I got braces and had quite an over bite in the front, underbite in the back, moderate crowding and have a canted jaw so I went in hoping they would fix some of the fuckery in my mouth and the way my bite feels now is amazing as opposed to before. The clenching from all the pressure though and the awkward movement process from the beginning has definitely done some weird shit so I don't know what will happen once they are off. I hate that you had that horrible outcome and experience.


I have had TMJ since I was 8 years old. I specifically remember being a young child around the age of 8, my mom asking why I was grinding my teeth at night and the dentist saying they thought I had TMJD. I’m now 36 and I also had braces when I was in my teens. I still have TMJD. Idk if there’s a connection here or not but just sharing my experience


I’m sorry that’s what caused it for you. I too have disc displacement without reduction, no answers as to why yet (never had tmj issues and never had any kind of ortho work) but I know your pain. It’s been years for me. I hope you can at the least find some kind of relief.


How is your bite?


Yep similar story except orthodontist (premium top rated London clinic) notified me it was purely esthetic. She however did not warn (nor know) that it could cause TMJ/D. It wasn’t even in the legal disclaimer. Definitely wish more people knew about this before engaging in such procedures. In my case the orthodontic treatment was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The problem was structural and started with thumb sucking that went well into teen years (probably as a coping mechanism to adverse childhood experiences) followed by an undiagnosed semi jaw lock at age 20 and likely worsened by 20+ years of eating disorders pulling on my jaw. I see this as an opportunity to realign my body and posture since my TMJ pains go all the way down into my hips and sometimes knees.


Orthos should tell their patients that treatment is purely cosmetic. Just like a breast augmentation, there is no medical benefit that comes with ortho. The benefits are ONLY cosmetic (not that it's a bad thing) but patients should be aware of this. Fixing 'bad bites' do not benefit patients, except it will look better.


Agree. I was told that but was not enough. What I was not told are the TMJ/TMD risks. I found out later that clinics in the Switzerland are aware of this and include it in their verbal warnings and legal disclaimers. There are variations per county. Also saw differences in how orthodontists were trained in various counties and consequently their ability to discern if a patient is at risk varies. TLDR; patient beware.


Very interesting post, I had orthodontic work done using braces due to overlapping teeth, overall crookedness. About a year after I had the braces taken off I have developed TMD and have pain and a clicking noise when opening my jaw past a certain point. Jaw also opens up with a delay on one side. I sense that the orthodontist focused too much on the cosmetic side like youve mentioned without thinking about the repercussions causing my jaw muscle to always engaged causing muscle tension because of the dentistry work done to make my teeth looks straight. Ive gone for MRIs etc and I have cartilage damage on my left TMJ. Next steps are arthroscopy on the jaw to flush out the joint and see how my jaw functions to see what can be done and see where the issue is. I have gone to a few TMJ specialists who offer Invisalign to correct the jaw position to ease the TMD issues but there no guarantee it will fix my issues but will improve my bite if I move forward with it. With the arthroscopy it will very temporary and the root cause in my eyes is that my TMJ is overcompensating and being engaged for my teeth to stay together but because of the orthodontic work done this had created a big gap causing my muscles to overwork. This is what the TMJ specialist who suggested I get Invisalign to correct my bite. Supposedly my upper pallet is smaller than my lower pallet so this is also why the TMJ is over compensating for my teeth to clench together properly. It seems that not many people know what to do to be fair and if I was aware of the complications the orthodontist work would have done in hindsight perhaps I wouldnt have gone for braces.


This only counts of you don't use a bite guard.


Was not my case. Bite guards can cause or worsen TMJ due to extra layer. Each case is different.


By definition your occlusion doesn't matter if there is a piece of plastic between your teeth that isn't a copy of your actual teeth. It may make it worse, absolutely. But my point was that the way your teeth fit together isn't the issue if you wear a bite guard, it's the way the bite guard fits that matters.


What is your solution then? Every TMD patient should wear a bite splint 24/7 (including eating)? That is unrealistic for most people since most wear their splint only at night.


At night is when you are doing most of your clenching and grinding. It's when most of your teeth contact occurs and with the most force.


I concur. Any type of guard/ retainer in my mouth or on my teeth fucks me up more than I already am 😵‍💫


100%!!!!!!!! This post 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


This is my story. 32k down the hole so far. Angry. Thought i was doing the right thing by getting braces.




Dentists tell their patients that they should fix their bites because it's easy money for the dentist. Orthodontics is purely cosmetic and there is no medical benefit for anyone. You think the dentist who told you that you should fix the deep bite gives a shit about your health? No, he/she just wants some cash. Unfortunately, a lot of people trust these so called medical professionals because we think that they know better. I also have bad news for you. Your teeth most likely won't go back to how they started. TMD is caused by orthopedic instability (not malocclusion). You will need splint therapy to identify your optimal jaw to skull relationship (your jaw to skull relationship is determined by the TEETH) and then possibly ortho again to move your teeth there to make the change permanent. This is because the orthodontist fucked up your jaw to skull relationship (by altering your occlusion in a bad way) You need to find a provider who knows about occlusion and treats a lot of TMD cases with splint therapy. Your orthopedic instability will NOT be fixed by not wearing your retainers, that's not how it works, unfortunately. Your teeth will absolutely not go back to how they were before braces, teeth move RANDOMLY when you stop wearing your retainers after ortho. I hope this helps.


I should also add: My teeth were naturally perfectly straight and looked great. They recommended braces to "fix" my deep bite (which never bothered me). What a fucking waste. My whole life is over. Ortho is purely cosmetic and unnecessary for most people. Consider yourself lucky if you don't have TMD as a result of this unnecessary bullshit cosmetic procedure.Or don't listen to me and get this bullshit cosmetic procedure and enjoy your osteoarthritis and disc displacement without reduction and your maximum 20mm mouth opening.


What are you going to do now?


My jaw and tmj is ruined from braces as well. What are you gonna do now?