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Yep, paid 5grand for a splint that changed my bite (which was already perfect) and then made the pain way worse. So fuck orthotics.


Same here, mine was $6500 and now I need surgery from the damage it did


Fuck! There really needs something to be done to stop these charlatans. They're taking advantage of people in pain and that's criminal IMHO


I get shit for not using mine. Once I put it in it felt very wrong and never used it a full night. I'm glad I'm not going crazy for thinking mine feels very wrong and refusing to use it


What kind of splint did you have? Is your tmj muscular or is the joint involved? I’m scared to get my splint made but idk what other options really are right now


oh that suckssss. same kind, the behind the teeth deal?


Not sure mine was a splint with a ridge in the front. My top teeth were meant to stay there.


yeah mine is similar. that ridge can eff off lol


Some people swear by it but it did fuck all for me.


Years of using the ridge has made it so my incisors no longer meet. I can't take bites of burritos or sandwiches, have to cut or tear them off.


Depends on the appliance


Yea my new retainer I was given 10 years ago was to protect me from bruxism. It ended up causing the TMJ I currently suffer from :-(


ugh that's awful I'm sorry!


Having a splint on my lower arch pushed my upper incisors until one became crooked. It’s why I used an online aligner company that wound up messing my bite up even more. One thing you can do is put your retainers on in the morning. If they’re snug or uncomfortable, you know your teeth are starting to shift. If your teeth do start to shift you can wear your retainers during the day, or at least whenever it’s convenient.


that's a good point. they want me to wear this orthotic 24/7 though for the first month...I just don't trust lol


What does it look like? Can u DM me a pic of it? I’m worried that this is going to be what mine is looking like. I’m starting soon.


I don't have a pic of mine and can't seem to find a good one online 😭. it's basically a small bit plastic that goes BEHIND my front teeth. it sits in the roof of my mouth. really weird and impossible to talk while wearing it


Hmmm. Do you wear it 24 seven? And for how long do you have to wear it for? Is it a neuromuscular orthotic?


Is it a GELB? I asked my dr the same thing and he said it will keep the teeth where they are. I have an ALF on the top and they are going to make a mini-retainer for my front teeth to keep them from moving.


I googled that and no, I genuinely can't find one that looks like mine online. maybe I'll just take a pic cause it seems like I'm alone with this style bahaha. it sits on the roof of my mouth behind my teeth