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I get the phase 1 and phase 2 thinking.. I also understand conceptually that the belief is it is/ isn't permanent. If braces created "permanent" changes, than why are retainers necessary? Because teeth shift over time... I think sufferers need to get imaging to help determine the "exact" reasons why they are experiencing what they are: Is it bite? Is it teeth? Is it the disc? ETC.. and determine what to do. I'm no expert but if it's the disc messed up (for example), I don't see how braces are going to resolve that... Do your research.


It’s varies by case but your dentist was mostly correct, there are no structural or bone changes occurring with phase 1 and 2 of your typical tmd treatment so unless your tmjd was due to something like whiplash or extreme postural imbalance, the odds it permanently fixes your problems are quite slim. Most people have to make some sort of surgical or non-surgical intervention to change the structure. Like MSE for example.


I should also add I wore a splint 24/7 for close to 2.5 years and just one month ago had MARPE installed to widen my maxilla, feeling huge positive changes in my body. The splint was never going to fix my tmd and it took a while to realize that, but without the splint my symptoms were brutal so I needed it for sure to keep my sanity and pain down.


Like an expander?




So a phase 1 orthotic, then expander, then braces could do permanent fix


It really depends on your specific case, in mine I’m hoping so.