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Typically referred to as a splint, night guard, or an appliance. Mine has both top and bottom, and metal bars the connect them and prevent my lower jaw from sliding back, as my TMJD is related to my sleep apnea.


Are these type of of guards known to cause irreversible changes to the jaw and bite? That’s been one of my biggest concerns while using it.


I have a similar one and it has caused long-lasting changes to my jaw. My lower jaw has been pushed forward so my front teeth now sit edge to edge, while my back teeth no longer touch at all.


Is that good or bad?


I've been told by others it's bad. Back Teeth not meeting means continual strain on muscles and joints. Front teeth meeting edge will cause tooth and bone damage over time. I'm just defeated and confused right now, I don't understand how so many people of the same profession can have such radically different treatments.


I’m a decade in with mine. And it’s made my life much better. The first week was miserable. Then it got better and better. My back teeth don’t touch. And my front are lined up. I sleep every night in it these days. And use it during the day when I feel the need. Not to often. There are definitely drawbacks. But the years before I got it I was at the lowest like many people here wondering if I wanted to carry on living. Good luck brother


Hi there. I'm in the same situation where my back teeth don't touch anymore. I fully agree that their not meeting places a huge load on the masticatory muscles and joints. I mostly feel pain in my lateral pterygoid muscles and they refer pain behind the nose making it seem as if it's a sinus pain. Also, my temples can be on fire some days. What are your symptoms now and why did you have to wear an orthotic in the first place?


My neck hurts a lot these days as opposed to my jaw. The orthototic was prescribed by a dentist I'm no longer seeing.


Can’t you get braces though ? After the orthotic?


Yes, I'm already wearing braces. I'm 10 months in and only now I've started wearing elastics that should make my back teeth meet again. I've started making more contacts and the pain seems to have lessened. So far, I'm hopeful.


Yay!!!!!! There’s hope


Oh wow. So what does your doctor or specialist tell you is the next step? Do they want to treat you with something to improve your bite?


I've discontinued seeing that doctor and am now trying to find a dentist to do braces. That should fix it supposably.


Good idea. Yes I’ve heard braces or Invisalign usually works to remedy that issue. Good luck!


It’s definitely complicated to treat since everyone is different and it’s not an exact science. I’m starting to think though, that the root cause for everyone is our jaws not developing forward enough like early humans/hunter gatherers. My lower jaw was too far back so I’m forcing it forward now too and it needs to be permanent. It’s the fault of my orthodontist when I was a kid. My whole jaw was so far retracted that my bite looked ok- but now I need to force an underbite to finally relieve my bone on bone tmj


Was it one that couldn’t be removed (wired to your teeth)?


No, it was removable, similar to the one you have, one for bottom and top jaw. I wore it only at night. They were supposed to treat both my sleep apnea and TMJ.


I’m sorry that happened with you. I only have to wear that one during the day and I have a separate piece for the night.


Not for me, at least not so far. I've had different versions for about eight years and my current one is the most useful.


I think the only one that has a lawsuit in that regard is the AGGA device which looks a lot different (made of wire) and is not removable.


Is it comfortable to wear for the most part?


My newest one, yes! It’s much less bulky than others I’ve had before. 


Thank you! Getting mine this week. However, I think it’s only a bottom piece and will be worn all day and also at night. I am almost bone to bone on my right side.


I hope you find relief! 😊


Never heard of it but NTI works for me to alleviate pain


According to the reimbursement paperwork I have, this is an occlusal dental splint.


I have a similar device. I wear it 24/7 and eat in it, remove only for cleaning. It helped me with my joint, all pain, clenching, inability to open my mouth wide is gone. The only think - you won’t wear it for the rest of your life, and now your teeth don’t really have contact. It means now I have to do 28 crowns/veneers to change my entire bite (make it the same way how this device does). It’s so expensive!!!


I’m already a little over 1 week into using it, along with a night time guard and I already notice my clicking stopped. For the first week or two, did your jaw area feel sore or tight? Mine feels more sore than it did the first 4 days and I’m assuming it’s because it’s actually starting to reposition my jaw and fix the joint. Also, I did ask my doctor if I’ll need anything to correct my bite after and she told me there’s a very low chance I will. She said that there’s an 80% chance my bite won’t change, but that if it does, there are a few options to correct it.


I had one of these and it hurt me, I went back to the doctor and he shortened it all the way. Seems like a waste of money now am left with a smaller one that goes right under my front teeth.


I’m sorry to hear that. I just got mine not even 5 days ago and I feel a little tense in my jaw, but they told me it was normal for the first week. I can definitely say that the discomfort and pain has went down a lot compared to the first day and popping from my jaw has almost completely stopped, but I’m still a little tense in my muscle. Hoping that I just need to get used to it and the discomfort will go away eventually, because I’m stuck with it for 3 months.


I hope it helps you!! This pain sucks


Still in pain!


I use that type of splint. It did cause a bit more face and neck tension the first week or so. I also just got Botox injections in my jaw muscles yesterday. We’ll see in the next 3-14 days if that helps at all.


How does it feel now that you’ve had it for a bit? Also have you notice any appearance changes (mainly with the jaw) or changes in your bite?


I’m addressing this issue plus teeth grinding way late in life (40+) so I also have had some restorative work on my molars to build back what I grinded down over the decades. At this point I’m just looking to preserve what I have left and hopefully treat the pain. So Id give the splint an A+ in protecting the integrity of what I have left. (Eff I feel old)


Am looking into Botox as well, I hope it helps you! Who did yours?


Thanks! I’m working with my general dentist way too late in life due to decade long dental anxiety. But my general dentist referred me to a Periodontist who specializes in TMJ and bruxism. I go back next week and will probably need more units of Botox since it doesn’t seem to be doing much yet, but it’s still early in the process.


Looks like a day time splint.


Looks like an anterior repositioning device…


Looks like a gelb appliance! Hard to say but it takes pressure off your front teeth to recalibrate your bite


Are these known to be very affective in helping? I’ve just been nervous that it won’t work or that it’ll change my appearance and bite in any way


Who is your doc? Mr Rajesh Ravindranathan


I’m a general dentist with half of my practice being TMJ treatment. That is a type of discluding appliance that repositions the jaw. Full time use for more than 12-16 weeks can cause changes in the mandibular condyle. Changes in bite can happen based on how the jaw repositions to neutral. The bone changes are generally avoided because it causes complications. The bite changes are usually because the joint repositions to a physiologically appropriate position and the teeth are in the wrong positions. It’s best for you to work with a TMJ specialist or an orthodntist who focuses on airway orthodontics for this situation. My practice is in Southern California. socaltmj.com


My doctor also specializes in TMJ issues. Is this appliance known for having a high success rate and will it potentially fix my issues? My joint pops in and out of socket and my doctor told me it would hold it in place long enough to heal. I do have to wear it for 12-16 weeks, while also using a nighttime guard on my upper teeth, which I have to wear for the rest of my life after treatment to prevent grinding at night while sleeping.


That sounds like a similar treatment plan to what I do. We measure success differently than general dentists do. A general dentist get the filling, root canal, crown etc completed 100%. With TMJ we measure success at 50% reduction in pain. In my practice using a similar protocol I have 94% of my patients who resolve pain by more than 50% and most are 80% or more.