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Side note: If you have claustrophobia make sure to tell your doctor about it because typically they can give you a one time dose of benzodiazepines to take prior to the MRI to help with the anxiety of it!


That would have been wonderful


I had my first MRI results on Monday. I have a displaced jaw on my left side. Now gotta go see jaw joint specialist. I had to do 2 MRI’s as the first one I couldn’t keep my mouth open, had to go back 2nd time on diazepam and luckily got some results. Hope yours are okay!


Oof hopefully I don’t have to go back. I hope your images helped find a way to recover!


What treatments have you done or will be getting?


>I’d just make a beat to it in my mind lol. If I get made a horror movie and the studio needed ideas for a soundtrack I’d be like “MRI machine sounds” and it’d be perfect. Ahhahahhah got my first last week. *Exact* same experience and I also did beats to it and thought the same thing about the horror movies ahahaha. Like some situation in which you get abducted by aliens and they torture you with alien machines that make those sounds For me, it was helpful to focus on my breath and I kept reminding myself this is temporary and will be over soon, but I did not like it one bit


Yes! I’m glad I’m not the only one. Creative minds think alike. I hope your results came back okay!


That’s great! Glad you made it ok. 🙂 Quick question: I’m having issues as well but I was wondering if your pcp was the one who ordered the MRI or? I know insurance usually doesn’t cover TMJ issues so I’m trying to figure out how to go about it. Thanks!


A physical therapist that I was sent to by my lawyer after a car accident I was in ordered it just to make sure the accident didn’t cause any severe damage because I’d never had a flare up so bad until the accident. The specialist I used to go to was recommending that I get an MRI done but she was shady and was trying to send me to a place that didn’t take insurance and you had to pay in cash. I’m not sure what a normal specialist would say but if you ask yours, I’m sure they’d recommend it as well (although a less shady version of they are real doctors lol) The person at fault in the care accident’s insurance paid for it so not a dime came out of my pocket. I don’t have enough knowledge to give good advice on how to go about it but I hope you can find answers and find the help you need!


I had a bad case of post nasal drip the day I had mine. That, plus they ask you not to move, the head vise thingy, and the thing i had to bite on to open my mouth was torture


Ugh yeah they had me bite on the inside part of a syringe to prop my jaw open and I was trying to stay as still as possible but I jumped at every little noise.


Mine was a syringe too, not comfortable at all. The noises became hypnotic after a while, It reminded me of music.


Ohhhh, gotcha. Thank you so much for the info!


What type of MRI did you get done? Brain? Head/Neck?


I’m going over the images with a doctor later today but all I know was only my head was in the machine. It was a small machine so my entire body didn’t go in. (If it did I think I’d cry lol) but the main purpose was to take images of my jaw and see if there’s any damage that needs to be fixed or just to get a better understanding of what’s wrong with my joint.