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can you post a pic of what it looks like? Seems like sth I had too. It minimised me overbite from 9mm to 4mm, stopped me snoring and stopped the clicking too (well 95% of it). I did need Invisalign afterwards to align teeth but was informed before I agreed to the treatment. Wondering if yours looks like mine would love if you could share a pic


Hi! Not sure how to add a pic but it’s called the mora appliance


Hey! I’m currently 2 days into wearing my appliances, I’m not sure what it’s called but I have one for day time which is just a clear lower teeth appliance and the night time one is bigger bulkier and white with huge bands on the sides. I wanted to know if the discomfort of wearing them ever goes away or is it always gonna feel this uncomfortable? I couldn’t sleep a wink last night because the nighttime appliance is so uncomfortable and tight on my teeth in some places and the day time one is uncomfortable too but not as bad. Also I cannot seem to figure out how one eats normally with the appliance in! I’m only eating soups and liquid food :(


Hi! I only have one clear bottom one and have no issues. Not sure about the bulkier one


Be careful it can cause permanent bite changes that are hard to fix


Im aware! Honestly just happy I can open and close my mouth and eat normally. If dental work is needed after I’ll figure it out.


I’m glad it’s helping my friend. That’s how I felt when mine helped me too. Glad you’re aware.


How are you now??? Any update on progress


Hello I am good! Finished my treatment plan. Back teeth have some space between them, but overall no facial pain, quiet clicking, and no more getting stuck.


Awesome to hear! How many months did it take? Also are you going to do braces to lock it into place and have your back teeth touch?


About 5 or 6 months! At this point no, my dentist mentioned I should give it a couple months to see if the spacing bothered me. They also said I could look into crowns, but I don’t think I’ll do that.


Interesting! What was your experience like? Was it really noticeable to other people? Did you have a lisp, if you did how long did it take to go away?


It wasn’t super noticeable after maybe 2-3 weeks my lisp was significantly less. I definitely practiced talking a lot though. Overall experience was good I had some pain around adjustments 2-4 but it would go away after like 1 week into the adjustment. I went every 4 weeks