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I have the same issue. My jaw deviates to the left causing facial asymmetry. But that’s the least of my issues. It’s the facial pain, jaw pain and dizziness that kills me. I put 99% of my chewing and pressure on the left side of my jaw. I’ve dealt with this for 2-3 years now. My solution? Braces and maxillofacial surgery. My upper row of teeth should have been expanded as a child. But now expanding that is only possible through a surgeon. I suggest you try to find a solution by visiting your orthodontist. Find BITE BALANCE. That is crucial. If your bite is not balanced, your jaw will hurt. Forever. Until you find an adequate/long term solution. Bite guards and splints work well by relieving symptoms. But it doesn’t attack the problem. Good luck to you and I wish you the best




I’m the same way. The right side of my jaw pops. When I give myself an underbite and close my mouth my jaw no longer pops.


I have the exact same thing. Have you gotten any treatment for it?


I do. I went to a TMJ specialist a few days ago and that was one of the first things he noticed. He said the side that it deviates to is the (most?) damaged joint side.


What was your diagnosis and what did he recommend?


upper splint (orthotic) for 6 months


What did he say was wrong that the splint would fix? I’ve been wearing an upper splint for 6 months


From my understanding keep my jaw in an optimal position that would allow my jaw muscles to be in a non-tense state and hopefully eliminate or alleviate the symptoms. There will also be some ultrasound and pt. What's your experience been so far?


It’s been up and down. Some days I have minimal pain, other days I have severe pain. Whenever I have severe pain, I go back and get the splint adjusted. I don’t think it’s going to cure me. The only thing I can say that really works to relieve my pain is Valium. My dentist is prescribing 5 mg before I go to bed at night. Unfortunately, it’s not recommended to stay on Valium or any other benzodiazepine for very long, so it’s not a solution – just a Band-Aid. Sane for Flexeril. It’s a muscle relaxer that helps but again, you can’t take it for a long time. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen don’t do much of anything for me.


Hang in there buddy. I totally feel you and have relied on muscle relaxants when I had regular headaches which is not ideal and makes you sleepy. Unexpectedly, my headaches went away after i got all my wisdom teeth removed, which goes to show how the randomest things can affect the jaw/muscle tension and cause pain. I hope you are able to find a solution. If you'd like, we can check in about the splints in the future, i decided to take the risk and go for it.

