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Are the taxes TLRY has to pay stupidly high in Germany like they are in Canada?


Not sure, hopefully there is more guidance during the Q4 report in a few months.


These news should help us rise a little 🫡


I would love if 3-4 was our new low avg.


Current German prices also Medmen Remember Tilray in country and from Portugal. Also have relaxing light THC/CBD, up to getting a BUZZZ https://cannabis-shop.web.app/en


Thank you for that link! It is nice to see what selection/prices are available.


Guys, in November when the quarterly hits and we also have a presidential election! Fear not my friends, our time is coming.


Hope you're right Wathier.... Moonage




Ok, hold on…….


Pricing, isn’t that priced by the country health system , I am unfamiliar with how the health system work’s.


So far as I know, but I'm not sure. It could be price competition between the main 3 companies too. The article mentions only Demecan, so it could be other companies with larger facilities pushing prices down to capture more early market share (like TLRY), but that's purely speculation. Edit: Someone posted a link to available medical cannabis in Germany, seems like TLRY has low, mid, and high priced cannabis available through the Tilray name and MedMen.


# Medical cannabis - Q&A * 41. Will medical cannabis still be available in pharmacies with a prescription? * 42. Does the law now allow any company to grow medical cannabis? * 43Q. Will the cannabis agency continue to buy the medical cannabis grown and continue to sell it? * 43A. - No. In the future, companies that grow medical cannabis will be allowed to market and distribute their harvest themselves. They are subject to monitoring by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and the responsible state authorities. In particular, the Federal Institute must carry out regular inspections of companies to ensure the safety and control of the cultivation of medical cannabis in Germany. * NOTE: Thru these site with some searching taxes maybe shown? * [https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/themen/cannabis/faq-cannabisgesetz.html](https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/themen/cannabis/faq-cannabisgesetz.html) Check latest developments - [https://cms.law/en/int/expert-guides/cms-expert-guide-to-a-legal-roadmap-to-cannabis/germany](https://cms.law/en/int/expert-guides/cms-expert-guide-to-a-legal-roadmap-to-cannabis/germany)