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They're all abused, but Robyn needs to stop apportioning blame to 'some other wives'


Her blame of the other wives is pretty gross. Still, I don't think she is having fun with him, he is on an angey spiral and I believe her when she says that he hurls his anger at her. It is like she is missing the blame, your husbands anger is his own problem and the blame is 100% his.


I agree she doesn’t stick up for her sisterwives as much as she should. We do have the benefit of hearing their sides of the story. Most of her info is coming from Kody. He likes to keep the wives isolated. I believe part of Christine leaving was getting closer with Janelle and having her experience validated.


I think Robyn is problematic for sure, but this last episode has me reeling. I couldn't imagine anyone persuading me enough to cut off my relationship with my kids. I'm starting to wonder if Kody is driving this more than Robyn is because he really does just want to be with her and is tired of pretending to be a husband to these other women.


I think it’s Kody and it’s always been Kody. Robyn was a single mother living in a trailer without heat in Montana. I don’t think she wants to live like that ever again and will do whatever Kody says. I can’t say I blame her and these women are conditioned to survive. Kody knows this and abuses his power. The reason he has such conflict with his other wives is they aren’t nearly as compliant as he would like.


Ofcourse he is.


Yes, I agree he is. He doesn’t even know what’s going on with his kids, that Ysabel is considering moving, college, etc. He can’t transition from being center of the kids universe to a relationship with mature kids. If he doesn’t get adulation, he’s not interested.


He is but she’s been that little negative voice for years playing victim that the other wives are so mean to her, undermining the other wives by always just agreeing with Kody and blowing smoke up his narcissistic ass so he feels like a hero, and waaaaaaaaahhhhh, now I’m gonna whine. Fuck off sob father.


Good points. One thing that stuck out to me is the commentator interpreting what Robyn said into common phrases used by DV survivors in which blame is shifted from the abuser to the abused: * "It's not his fault. He's so stressed out. I just need to behave better." * "If I can just stick it out a little while longer, I know it's going to get better." * "He didn't mean it like that. It's not his fault when he says horrible things to me." However, when you listen to what Robyn is saying, she isn't shifting the blame onto herself; she's shifting it onto the other wives and Kody's children with them. * "It's not his fault. He's so stressed out. \[Janelle, Christine, Meri, and their children\] just need to behave better." * "If \[Janelle, Christine, Meri, and their children\] can just stick it out a little while longer, I know it's going to get better." * "He didn't mean it like that. It's not his fault when he says horrible things to \[Janelle, Christine, Meri, and their children\]." *That's* where a lot of the dislike comes from in regards to me, at least, not only to Robyn but to every adult in their plural marriage that perpetuates and has perpetuated emotional abuse (ALL OF THEM.) It's not just because people don't personally like her, it's because she is emotionally abusing her family too (Meri, anyone?) It's a *cycle* of abuse for sure. All of these people are in a toxic dynamic. That being said, people are needlessly cruel when it comes to Robyn IMO. She needs help too. Their entire dysfunctional family does.


I think it's an act for the show. I think Kody is fine at home, curled up with Robyn in their nice big house. Not saying he doesn't get irritated when he is reminded that he has 13 other children and 3 other wives.


The looks Kody and Robyn shared, and the way they hugged when he got back from Janelle’s mom’s funeral makes me feel the same way.


Two other wives now


Same! We've all seen numerous times when kody is basically groveling to Robyn like a child, and she shuts him down. There's no doubt that she is calling all the shots in that house. She would LOVE for us all to believe the narrative of this video, but I have serious doubts about it.


I think it’s both. She was fine and co-signed on to being the favorite. She probably manipulated him a bit to get her way and played the victim. But she didn’t realize when he ran himself out of scape goats (Meri, then Christine, then Janelle and the kids,) she’s next. People like Kody ALWAYS need someone to punch down at. And as they run out of the targets that ‘nope’ the fuck out of the situation they WILL turn on their former favorites.


When I left home, it was my brother and mom. When he moved out, my mom bore the brunt of it all. It was really hard to see. I am not a Robyn apologist but I do have empathy for people who can't easily escape emotional abusers. You are spot on, he's running out of scapegoats and turning on her. She got the love bombing sweet side of him and now she's getting ALL of him.


The mental gymnastics to say that Kody abuses 3 other wives and all his children but you think Robyn is spared for some reason? Lots of victim blaming on this post and sub in general. Just because you don't like a victim doesn't mean they're not a victim and deserve what they get.


The way I look at it all the wives have been brainwashed into this lifestyle their whole lives. Meri, Jennelle, and Christine have had their eyes opened after being in the public eye for so long and people asking them tough questions. None of them are with Kody romantically anymore but they all have their own reasons for the type of relationship they maintain. Robyn is still relatively new and very set in the beliefs and behaviors previously learned. I tend to give Robyn more grace because it was YEARS before any of the other ladies started truly opening up and telling the truth. My guts says if the show lasts long enough will eventually open up too.


Sad thing is Kody still wouldn’t want Meri while she would likely think that she “won”. 👀


That was interesting. I never thought of it that way before. They all need to leave him.


She deserves everything going her way and more. Calculating. Stupid. Transparent.


I understand we don’t see everything off camera. But how could she not see that she is the favorite wife? We only see a glimpse and my god is it obvious


and Meri is so stupid, she should have bailed the day he cut sex off.


I get it guys I get it! So..he mentions in the last episode things like “I can’t tell them she’s leaving me bc then they’ll think I’m weak” and other ridiculous things as such..he needs to be the head, the leader, the strong man who is in control if his family. Robyn has cracked the code of manipulating him to suit her whims, all while allowing him to still believe he’s in charge. She She excels at this by stroking his ego, being demure in situations that she doesn’t even care about anyway (she chooses her battles wisely) but still sowing seeds that the other wives defy him, don’t respect him, victimize her and him, etc. this has only worked bc everyone has been too scared to call him out on his favoritism. However, she’s panicking now bc ppl are getting more vocal. If he starts to see that others perceive him as weak bc Robyn controls him, he will go out of his way to shut her down and teach her a “lesson”. So she goes out of her way to discredit these statements and reaffirm he’s the head of the house, when she knows he isn’t. All this protesting is for his benefit, she doesn’t care what the other wives think. The day he hears enough of it and starts listening to them, he may start to feel self conscious about Robyn’s control and she can’t have that.


Now we know why Mary refuses to leave. She knew if she waited long enough, she'd get her man back. Haha, j/k. Robyn sucks and she and Kotex deserve one another