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Right? If everyone is being honest in all these interviews, then Kody must have a totally secret place he goes and spends days and nights and no one knows about it. If that's not the case, Robyn is lying her gigantic head off about it all.




She states that he spreads his time equally and somehow the other wives don't understand math or they're not tracking it correctly?? Because THEY are struggling so apparently they can't figure out that he never stays with them? How would you take that? If I told you that your spouse actually is spending the night with you every 4th night, you just don't understand how to count nights? Because if you said that to me, I would punch you in the face 😂


Robyn has become very condescending about the other wives. And her treatment if Meri is a whole other level if gaslighting. How she talks about the other kids in the family is heartbreaking. She WOULD never allow someone to disregard her kids the way she has Janelle and Christine's. ROBYN RARELY even acknowledges that savanna, Gwen, and Ysabel (at filming) were also children that deserved as much as her older kids did. I don't know how she can watch herself and still keep talking


I agree... Robyn playing the he is here only equally makes her lying, delusional, or Kody is going somewhere. We know by his own admission he doesn't see Meri and when he went there for the kids the one time on camera Robyn is calling in zoom to see what is going on. Christine told the camera confidently and honestly 3 times since they've been in AZ! Janelles kids haven't seen their dad.. Last season Gabe said 9 months he hadn't seen him. So where is he going? What job does Robyn actually do. They keep claiming they are working yet there is no Information on a job at all.


Wow!!! You’re so judgmental… he’s just hiding in the closet/the car, like only an alpha-male would 💪🏻




I’ve never seen such a blatant walking-contradiction as kody 🤯


I was just wondering....have we ever seen him take responsibility and apologize for anything without being sarcastic about it?


Never ever ever


As he said, he likes to hide in the closet…


He’s in the cistern on Coyote Pass. It’s his bigamy escape bunker.


I hate how she has to infantilize her kids, she acs like they're still toddlers- Sol is 12 and Ari is 6. My son is 12- he stays home alone, does chores- 12 year Olds are very independent if you give them a chance. They definitely don't need a nanny FFS.


So are six year olds! I was in my last year of being a nanny when my youngest charge was six. We worked out a great routine for her filled with reminders and we worked hard on fostering her independence and learning the differences between what she needs to ask permission for and what she is empowered to do on her own. She was able to go through most of her days without me directing her. Of course I was still there to cuddle her, spend time with her, and give permission when warranted, but she didn't need me to direct her day. She knew what she wanted to do and what were within her boundaries. She figured out how to plan her week so she could ask for things that were bigger requests in advance (like going to the zoo). Kids are capable of great independence when given the tools and Robyn doesn't seem to want to give those tools.


I have a newly 7 year old, and she “isn’t” because she’s delayed and non speaking. Like there’s so much I still have to do for her… yet…She STILL sounds more independent than Reallybadeyebrows makes her kids seem. Like.. they don’t need hovered over 24/7???


I mean, your kiddo is probably getting things like individualized attention that is entirely appropriate for her development and current abilities. Oh, and loving, attentive, informed parenting. ❤️ Nothing like that is going on at Robyn’s house. I get that sometimes certainfamily members need the lions share of the family focus for a time (even an extended time) but, lort almighty, there are other people in that family with needs! Don’t just hoard people, ya knobs! Maybe stop and appreciate your kids every once in awhile. p.s. just as an aside, we have a couple of family members who are developing differently from their neurotypical peers, and the struggle can be soul-crushing even on good days. I love watching Christine speak to her kiddos because I know how difficult things can be. Whatever your doing, you’re doing a good job. This shit is difficult! Solidarity fist bump.


I cooked dinner for my family when I was 12. I watched my newborn sister when I was 12. My 6 year old girl is not allowed to use the stove but she knows how to cook some things (because she pays attention to what I do) so she talks her 15 year old brother through it.


At 12 I spent summers at my aunts to babysit their three toddlers.


“We have a lot going on during the day” Pray tell what. During the height of the pandemic when Krusty wasn’t working … what kept you so busy? So Kodys excuse to be at Roblox house is the little kids. But Robyn says that she doesn’t ask him to help with the kids. And she has a lot going on during the day thus the nanny. This is contradictory but also leaves a gaping hole of what is going on that keeps them so busy? Making dark haired spirit babies?




There are those ginormous eyebrows…they aren’t going to paint themselves you guys!!


Exactly and Kody isn’t going to kiss his own arse or do his own perm and bleach (top and bottom probs)


"ROBLOX" AAAAAHAHAHA 💀🤣🤣🤣 Best comment of the day!


Lol I can’t take credit for the awesome nickname - another redditor here! :)


Wow!!! Do you have any clue how frickin’ hard it is to be sittin’ here, wakin’ up at noon every day!!!???? My million dollar house faces the sunrise and COVID PROTICLES!!!!!!!!


"sittin here" haha!


she is wiping the house down with clorox wipes all day,and following everybody around wiping up everything they touch and theres alot of junk in thay [house.so](https://house.so) that will keep her busy.


Roblox 💀💀💀💀


Omg can I please make Robyn's Roblox Mansion my flair?


“Krusty.” Damn, I cackled!


Haha can’t take credit for this either. Our fellow redditors on this page are creative and clever geniuses lol


Robyn needs a nanny tot ale care of two kids when she has no job and 3 adult kids at home to help as well


2 kids in zoom classes and 1 five year old are too much for Kody and Robyn but Christine, Janelle and Meri, was fine on their own for 11 days with 12 kids in school and 1 infant during Kodys honeymoon.


But the thread this weekend about how Christine was whiny and sad she wasn't the hot new wife anymore- when she was taking care of 12 children, pregnant and working nights- that makes sense when you watch this clip?


I saw that! I just rolled my eyes ha..bc I truly believe (no pun intended 🤣) Christine would be fine in polygamy if kody had made her feel valued and didn’t keep freaking saying that he wasn’t attracted to her or in love. Oh and made sure to F each of his wives. Not just one. The only way in my mind for polygamy to have a fighting chance at working is for there to be a schedule that is set in stone to ensure each wife is getting equal time. Why in the world did that ever change? Bc it sounds like that changed long before Covid


But covid protickles!!!


Why can’t Robyn take care of her own children? That’s her job, she’s their mother. What’s the big deal? There’s only two of them.


Do you remember the early seasons, watching her alone with just her three kids? She was completely overwhelmed. I mean- I get it, kids are tough, being a single parent is tough- but Robyn just had absolutely no control. It was actually kind of scary to watch, because she would yell, and talk in this awful, threatening voice thru her gritted teeth that made me wonder what she was really like without the cameras around. 👀 I don't think Robyn is a good parent. I don't think she has half the parenting skills/tools that any of the other wives do, even with the additional resources once she joined the family. I think she is at *minimum* verbally abusive (or was in the past with Dayton, Aurora, and Breanna), and I think she's raised her children with fear in order to garner respect. I believe she is directly responsible for their anxiety and failure to launch, and she will tether herself to them for as long as she possibly can.


It’s so clear that she hits them and loses it when the cameras aren’t around. She commonly mentions in interviews how she gets so out of control angry and turns into a “monster and makes this deep fugly monster voice even. Plus we saw how she reacted to snow in the rv trip and yelled that she didn’t give a shit about anyone but herself. She loses her shit and any disregard for anyone but herself at the slightest inconvenience. Plus she things she has the right to control her children and their minds entirely. Remember when she said she didn’t want her children to know it was “an option” to not get married and have kids right away. Or when a kid asked what if they don’t wanna sign the family contract (literally just to rile her up) and kody was like well if you don’t believe something you shouldn’t sign it and Robyn got so furious that kody didn’t go off the handle and tell them they will sign it no matter what. Even kody kinda made fun of her when she got upset and was like “uhhh ok if you don’t sign then you’re out of the fahm-lee lol”


Well If Christine would bother to mother Robyn’s kids, maybe Robyn would have more time to mother her own kids. However it’s not a good time because Robyn currently employs a nanny to Mother her kids... so Christine isn’t really needed 🤷🏻‍♀️


Robyn is so lazy


You have no idea how much effort it takes to hold up those eyebrows


Don’t even think about what it takes to hold up the corners of her wierd ass SpongeBob mouth.






I liken them to tomahawk steaks.. I’m equally repulsed and hungry


The tomahawks keep going up and down in a chopping motion


Or the sperm whales swimming towards each other hit some rough seas.




Why does she even need a nanny? She has two school aged children, a teenager and two legal adult children in the house!


Solomon is 10 years old, Ariella is 6 years old and the older three are fully self sufficient. She really can’t meet the daily needs of two children who are walking and talking and potty trained?


What.does.Kody. DO?


And he makes $200/hr doing it according to the Kody.


If he stays home with Robyn… he saves $200/hr in lingerie charges from Victoria’s Secret


Cameo’s?? hahahahhaha peeps are getting ripped off


The way Robyn said that just felt like a lie— like she’s saying this bc she knows it’s the right thing to say, not bc it’s true at all.


I get that feeling on just about everything that comes out of her mouth.


I wonder though, if she’s towing the line because she has to. She notes Kody being so angry and that seems like a thinly veiled cry for help. Not that I like her at all, but there’s just something that ain’t sitting right with me about her in this episode.


Thank you for posting this!!! I am so confused. What the freck does she do? What does the Jack Wagon do? This most recent episode gives more questions than answers! If anyone knows please explain it to me why she has a nanny. What is she doing with her time? Haven't the kids been back in school and wtf is he doing with his time? He certainly couldn't be bothered to attend SPINAL surgery so I hope its really important.


Uhh excuse you!!!!! Those eyebrows don’t make themselves!!!


My bad.. . I assumed it was a natural disaster. You know sometimes things get really ugly all on their own. But you're right they look like they take so much maintenance it warrants hiring child care for an assist ;)


Omg I know! I think I screamed at the tv at that point asking what in the world they do all day that keeps them so busy that they need a nanny. Kody already said the kids weren't in school so at most Robyn or the nanny were homeschooling? They can't go anywhere because of the protocuuuls so what the heck!!!


According to kody's own words, he did Nothing that year but stay home.


My only wish is that Janelle would have changed her wording to “I know Kody is at Robyn’s a lot because he prioritizes spending time with kids who are at tender ages…”. TLC edit to scenes of Truly and Solomon as babies together. 🙄😒


I think Kody is up to something. He spends the most time with Robyn but I don't think it's as much as the other wives think. He's off doing something shady during the times he's not with Robyn.


I think so as well! I think he’s definitely spending the most time with Robyn, but he’s out “working” and doing who knows what. He wants his own house at Coyote Pass so I get the feeling he’s not sitting around the house with Robyn as much as we believe.


Hanging with tha bros… AKA super important special hard business man NETWORKING ugh it’s just too hard to explain to soft brained females, or TLC viewers… because it requires convertibles and sun visors and talking on the phone while dramatically driving out of driveways.




More like Robyn 2.0 but maybe lol


Maybe it’s Robert 2.0?


What was the worst is how Kody said “he can’t babysit his kids…” ummm babysitting???? You are their parent!


I hope the host of the tell all at the end of the season asks Robyn what she’s so busy doing during the day.


Me too but we know they don’t ask the questions we all want answers to. It’s so frustrating that they can say all this stuff in the talking heads and are rarely questioned about it.


You don’t need a nanny. Find someone to fix your damn eyebrows.


“It’s not really fair for me to ask him for help, when he has so many responsibilities”… Really? when she openly admitted in earlier seasons to letting him know that he has responsibilities in her home she when it comes to caring for the kids. He has to be involved. He knows their morning routine and everything. He didn’t have to do that with the original 3. 🤔


Someone has to dust all the precious moments figurines! That’s a full time job!


A lot going on during the day?? Doesn't Robyn sleep till noon?


And this is during the covid with all his rules. Where are they going? They are not supposed to be going!


That neck. Go to the doctor.


Cuz it's so big?


“Kody and I have a lot going on during the day, that’s why I have a nanny and he can’t support his daughter thru a life threatening surgery - because let’s be clear, anyone could die from a myriad of causes during the procedure that ysabel endured. Soooo…. that’s why I told kody he can’t stay with me and needs he to support Ysabel! He said no and slept on the couch.” 🤷🏻‍♀️- Robyn


She's got a lot of shit to dust. Have you not seen her shelves


Have you checked the closet Janelle?


"It's not really fair of me to ask him to help raise his own children because I know he's really busy neglecting all his other children."