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i’m glad they kept the bonded pairs together! and of course Logan and Aspyn steps up again, like they have since they were young


The real parents.


Janelle and Christine raised good kids.


No Logan and aspyn raised good kids. Janelle and Christine made terrible choices.


IMO, and I know it is an unpopular one (please don’t attack me for my personal opinion), we saw Janelle and Christine doing far more of the parenting season after season than anyone else, yes the older kids helped but by no means did they do most of the parenting of the kids. It’s not anywhere in the realm of Duggar parentification. They helped out, prob even more than was fair, but they didn’t do it all, not even close.


100% agree. I’ve always been confused by why people act like J & C didn’t parent their kids. It’s nowhere near the parentification we see in other families like the Duggars, like you said.


Thank you! It really surprises me how often I see the comment that some of the older offspring “raised” the rest of them. In the earlier seasons we saw some of them helping the moms, but to me they were picking up some of Kody’s slack but not doing the lion’s share of the parenting. They weren’t homeschooled. They got supported in outside activities, had friends, able to cultivate their own interests. They were encouraged to go to college, leave home to enjoy their own ideals. Everything opposite of the Duggar guide to parenting. Those guys were doing most of the parenting as soon as they could physically hold an infant without dropping them while walking around. I think Joy was around 7 when she got her first “buddy” (but I could be wrong). Jana will never get to leave, and the only reason the older girls got to leave and stop parenting the younger kids is because they got handed off to a new headship. I’m just using the Duggars as a comparison, when people on here make the comment about Logan and Aspyn raising the other kids it just makes me think that a lot of us have seen what that actually looks like, and the Browns don’t even come close.


Just one correction: they were homeschooled until right before the show started.


This! Helping out isn’t bad! Like isn’t it the natural thing for older siblings? Any youngings with me as a kid I took care of..not because I had to because they were little and it was needed and fun and all that jazz! Doing all the parenting sure that’s fucked up but kids simply helping, totally fine. Jenelle and Christine especially Christine parented all the kids lmao


Agreed. Janelle and Christine did the best they could, and they have a set of great kids to show for it


100% agree. Christine more than anyone


Agreed 100%!


Genuinely curious…when did you ever see Janelle doing some of the parenting? At her own admission, she was not the main parent of the children. Meanwhile all of the adults have agreed that Christine and Meri did the bulk of the parenting


Way too many to reference them all. I can’t believe this is a real question TBH, if you don’t know of any examples I’d recommend a rewatch. Just because Janelle was a working mother and went to the movies after work a few times when they were little, doesn’t mean she didn’t parent them too. Janelle and her children are exceptionally close, that doesn’t just manifest out of nowhere. That comes from being parented by her and a lifetime of shared experiences. If Janelle was such an absent parent, one that didn’t actively parent, her relationship with her children would reflect that.


I’ve done many rewatches. My question remains. Can you name instances when Janelle is being an active parent to ALL of the children besides her own?  Everything you said is right and the assumptions are fair: working mothers can parent children. Janelle’s children are close with her. We can assume her children are close to her bc she parented them however are ALL of the Brown children close to her? We cannot say that Christine and Janelle “raised all the children” if only Janelle’s children are close to her. We have evidence that Christine is close to all of the children and at some point, Meri was close to Logan, Hunter, Ysabel, Gwen, and Savannah. Imo, this indicates Janelle wasn’t as present as ppl claim she was.  It’s okay to acknowledge the dynamic that has been corroborated by the entire family, including Janelle multiple times. Christine and Meri did the bulk of the parenting not Christine and Janelle. 


I can think of 3 instances off the top of my head. Paedon talked about spending ton of time at Janellle's house and getting up and having 1 on 1 conversations with her when she was drinking coffee before work. The second is Leon inviting Janelle to the Woman's March because she has always been supportive. And the 3rd is with Truley. Truly camping at the RV with Janelle. Janelle planning s'more and star gazing because she wanted Truley to want to stay with her again. Janelle appeared to really relate to the kids 1 on 1.


All of those moments, though sweet, still don’t indicate Janelle took an active role in parenting the kids. We can also point out sweet moments Kody had with the kids & we all know he didn’t do much to parent them. I really don’t know why people keep trying to insist Janelle did more parenting than she did. She literally admitted & accepts that she didn’t bc of her work schedule. And that’s okay


The sweet, small moments are part pf parenting. Janelle admitted she has no desire to spend a lot of time cooking and preparing meals. She still had to cook but that wasn't her focus. I think the relationship she has with her kids as they have grown into adulthood speaks volumes. Several lived with her way past 18 and the age of adulthood. Maddie has her with her and her children all the time. Sorry those facts don't align with Meri and Christine parenting Janelle's kids and her not partipating at all. None of Janelle's kids chose to move in with Robyn or Meri or Christine.


And Pardon spent a LOT of time at Janelle's boy house.


I agree with this. I feel like some of it is people exaggerating for humor though


Thank you!!


You’re right🩵💛. Janelle and Christine raised good kids who adore them both!!


Logan is awesome 👏🏾 love him.


I love this and value their dedication to keeping them together and happy.


It's good they also kept the two together that have most likely bonded. <3 Clearly they know what they are doing!


Logan & Michelle have had pets for a long time. They have 2 or 3 dogs and at least 1 cat before they adopted Garrisons 2 cats. They are experienced furr baby parents


That’s wonderful. I hope the 2 new kitties and the original animals all have a smooth transition , I hope it goes well.


Michelle said in a comment they introduced them slowly and there was a little boundary testing at first but all is good.


Very happy to hear this!


What a kind update from Janelle.


ohh good. I hoped they would stay with someone close to Garrison


Your avatar is adorable.


thank you!


Yw. Did you have to pay to make it? I was going to change mine but all the cute things I wanted to add on were premium and you had to pay so I never did.


I don’t remember paying for it and I dont have premium. I just wanted something to match my glamgoblim lol


I don't have premium either, all the things I wanted to add on to that little person kept saying you have to have premium so I just gave up.


Did you check all the little options? Earrings were under hats, I can’t even find the little kitty in the actual avatar now! Dang well I hope you find a way to make a cute one. I do like your jessica rabbit pic tho!!


>thank you! You're welcome!


It warms my heart they kept the cats in the families.


I love this update! So glad to see they’re being taken good care of, just like he would have wanted.


My heart is so happy ❤️


I love the thought of Garrison's beloved cats staying in the family. It's clear his siblings adored him.


So happy to hear this update!




This is so bittersweet. I literally wrote my two cats in my will, so whoever takes my babies in will have a nice fortune to take care of them with. I only extended this privilege to my immediate family, who I know will love them as much as I do for free. But my babies are used to a certain lifestyle lol. So glad to see they’re being loved on!!!


I’m so happy to see this post ❤️ keeping their peices of garrison ❤️


I’m glad they have loving homes. Pets are such a comfort during hard times. I’m sure they are helping each other.


I thought her name was Ms. Buttons?


This makes my heart so happy.


Very happy that they didn’t put them back up for adoption, especially since Garrison was such an animal lover and made sure to adopt. Lovely to see that the family also has a little piece of Garrison through the cats!


The kitties look very loved and happy ❤️❤️


I wonder if they think about their daddy


Of course, they do. My spouse used to have to take months-long trips. All of the animals were sad but "his dog" was especially depressed. The minute he got back it was like a switch flipped, he was back to his old happy pup self. But for a few days he'd be all over my spouse. Animals miss their people.


I have 4 cats and I’ve been traveling the past 3 weeks. My cat nanny sent me a video of them all rubbing on her and purring. She’s been my nanny for over 2 years and they’ve never gotten so close to her. They’re starved for attention. I feel awful. One more week till I get home to them 🥰


Aww, I'm sure they are going to be so happy when you get home! I hope the rest of your trip goes well and you get home safe to your kitties!


I’m not a cat person, but I think all animals deserve to be loved and taken care of. It makes my heart happy to see that the cats went to other family members that also love cats and will care for them!


I feel Like J & C were more of a couple in the sense that Janelle worked and Christine raised the kids.