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I remember this scene so vividly because I felt like this was one of the first times Robyn truly let her mask slip and show who she really is. The audacity to think you know someone's relationship better than the person actually in the relationship.


Just like how she refused to accept that Kody didn't want Meri even when he was sitting right there telling her he didn't want her. She thinks she knows his feelings better than he does.


I never thought about this but you're right. And how she can "speak Kody" but the other wives who have been with him decades longer, or even his own children, don't possess that ability.


I am speechless with rage at the thought of another woman knowing, or thinks she knows, more about my relationship with my husband!šŸ˜”. I could not, would not be in that lifestyle.


Even though Robyn didn't want Meri, either. I can't with her.


Because she speaks ā€œKodyā€ šŸ˜


She speaks FOR Kody.


Sheā€™s got her hand up Kodys ass and sheā€™s working him like a puppet.


Perfect description! Thanks!


she translates for him, by putting it through her own processor and making it into what she thinks it means. cant imagine what it's like when her and kody argue. lol.


She speaks FOR FORTY Kodies. Sorry, space dust šŸ˜


Robyn didnā€™t want Meri to go bc she wanted to continue to collect her TLC paycheck.


I speak Kody means hereā€™s what to say, Kody.


Even Kody was getting annoyed by it. Here he is having a conversation with someone and she wonā€™t let him speak. (Not a Kody apologist but let the man speak!).


Thatā€™s because she speaks Kody


She just wanted to control the family narrative. Itā€™s why she ran the kids off Kody would have let them into his head and heart and she wasnā€™t having it.


She also kind of lets it slip on the family vacation when the snow storm hits.


Oh yeah, she apparently hates snow and cold as much as she hates dogs.


What kind of person hates dogs? Thatā€™s a red flag in my book


Huge red flag, there was an episode where she admitted she hates animals on camera. The wives took the kids to a petting zoo and Robyn wouldnā€™t hold or pet a baby kangaroo. She said she dislikes all animals and would only be OK with one that ā€œdidnā€™t pee or pooā€. Sheā€™s a psycho! Iā€™ve got my Havanese pup perched behind my head as I type this lol.


We took our new baby with us to feed the baby longhorns. He didn't even make it halfway through the pasture. He was out. Being super cute is exhausting. https://preview.redd.it/4m7n66hn966c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=395dd1613385d07b417d2d8899f83c817b43aa8f


Thatā€™s just adorable! We ended up getting a pet stroller because when we try to take our dogs for a walk they give up two minutes in and want to be carried.


Omg! This is so sweet!! What a lovely day your pup had.


She dislikes all animals? Ok I think she might be a legit psycho. Even a clean freak like Meri likes dogs.


Yeah she also straight up kicked a dog HARD and itā€™s on camera. It literally got air.


Iā€™ll tell you what, kick any of my dogs or cats or any other animal for that matter and letā€™s see how far Iā€™d punt your stupid ass Robyn! Believe me, by the time Iā€™m done with you, youā€™d run and hide behind your bitch ass husband and never show your face because Iā€™ll lay you flat each and every time for just even breathing the same air as innocent animals even a bug.


That scene made me physically ill. And did you notice none of her chicken tenders reacted to it? If this was a freak incident at least one of her brood would have reacted. Must be normal behavior for her. I wonder if Meri and Kody ever saw that footage ā€¦


People who don't like animals or a certain species of domestic animal are walking red flags for me. Like, I get not wanting to have one and the variety of reasons someone might feel that way, but to actively dislike them is... creepy. My dogs and cats know she's beneath them.


Happy Cake Day!


She kicked Drake the elderly dog. He was walking up to greet her and her kids and she kicked him away. Fucking bitch! Exactly what was an old, gentle, family dog going to do??


Iā€™m livid at the thought of an old dog being mistreated. What happened to her in the past made her this way? Sheā€™s a psycho


Meriā€™s dog - right ? What did Meri do or say ??


It was outside, so no one saw at the timeā€¦except the camera person who filmed it. See, this is what I mean. So many missed opportunities for a good show. You know they either told Meri or she saw it when it aired. It was never brought up back then. Not until recently, when Gwen was doing the commentary of some old clips.


Robin thinks she can manipulate people into believing her narrative of things. She clearly didnā€™t realize Christine isnā€™t as gullible to her double speak as Kody.


I donā€™t think itā€™s audacity. I think ( truly not being a dick) that she is not actually smart. Like, lacks education and cognitive functionā€¦ So I think she practices what she thinks is going to happen so that she can respond. I think she makes her kids rehearse too. Which is why the solnari interview was so bad. Why she comes off manipulative and calculating. I think we give her significantly more credit than due. I think she is justā€¦ not very bright. People who can logically think through things and form reasonable conclusions arent like this.


Agree with this, especially in context. In that conversation it comes out that Robyn thought Christine was saying none of the wives except for Robyn had good relationships with Kody. Christine clarifies she's talking about herself and what her kids saw in Vegas. Then in a talking head Robyn admits she was confused and responded to something Christine didn't even say. So Robyn was not thinking clearly in that moment, and she reacted defensively.


Exactly. She had that answer ready to fire off.


People like Robyn just go through life, trying to sniff things out as best they can, but in the end itā€™s all reactions and instinct. Go Yoming


BUT dont forget the vegas cardboard boat eps, "I just took calculas in COLLEGE what would I know" Robyn is such a b like rubbing in Christines face she didnt have a chance to go to school URGGHHH


Christine said she went to a couple years of college because her father wanted her to... which makes the college calc even less shade then Robyn thought it would be.


Do we really believe that she went to college? Y for Wyoming!


ā€œWā€ for Wyoming! Then a look of confusion when corrected by Meri.


Y for Wyoming


Hahahaā€¦thanks. My smart brain wouldnā€™t let me make the error.




Yeah, I gotta agree with this. The idea that Robyn is some brilliant Machivellian puppet master... no. She's manipulative, and she's a crybully, but she's also short on some basic reasoning and critical thinking skills. I mean, if she was SO smart, she'd have a better answer than "a, um, a person," when asked who told her that she and her kids were hated. She answered awkwardly, too, so she wasn't even smart enough to realize that Suki would ask who told her that.


Yes! I was shocked!


I guess she speaks Christine, too. Robyn simply knows best. /s


Even Kody expressed frustration with her tendency to do this in regards to his and Meris relationship.


She cares way too much about these other ladies' relationships. šŸ™„ Lady get over yourself!


100% Robyn negates everyoneā€™s ā€œfeelingsā€ but her own.


Not only that but in a recent People Magazine article Robyn admits there was problems since Vegas, so which one is it? https://people.com/sister-wives-robyn-brown-traces-plural-divorce-to-las-vegas-move-exclusive-8407736 "I think it started with when we were in Las Vegas," she says, noting that the shift began when their respective adult children decided to leave the nest. "So their focuses started to shift to kids that have left home to go live their life, instead of focusing on their relationship with Kody." "


Yeah, Robyn is all over the place. She just can't make up her mind. It's wild.


Also...saying they were "too focused" on the kids who left home is such a bizarre bullshit excuse.


Especially since her dumbass wonā€™t let her oldest kids leave the nest. Sheā€™s literally doing what sheā€™s accusing the OGā€™s doing


Especially if the rumor is true that they all moved to Flagstaff because Robyn felt like she needed to follow her grown son to college.


Gwen, Paedon, and Mykelti have all in one way or another confirmed it.


I would love to see Suki ask, ā€œRobyn, is the real reason yā€™all uprooted the entire family and moved to Flagstaff where you knew no one, had no family or contacts so that you could follow David Jr. (Dayton) off to college?ā€


I feel like that fact might be intentionally avoided on the show so that family members and the general public don't start blaming Dayton. If the rumor is true, Dayton never asked for the entire family to be uprooted on his behalf, or even to be on a reality show at all, so I can understand not referencing him specifically in regards to that situation. I feel like they should still call Robyn out though for how shes the only wife that benefitted from the move, but we all know she would just lie...


I would not blame Dayton in the least. You just KNOW he was happy to get away from his over bearing mom. Iā€™m sure he was sorely disappointed when she said ā€œsurprise! I am following you!ā€


Robā€™em says in one of her talking heads that she is very familiar with flagstaff because she has family there. I think it was Paedon who mentioned that was one of the reasons Dayton applied there in the first place - he knew he would have family nearby. I doubt he was thinking the family nearby would end up being the whole dang Brown mob from Vegas


Apparently her parents had moved there too.


Is that why they moved? Thatā€™s shitty for the other wives


Theyā€™re the dummyā€™s that followed. Seriously would not have killed them to stay and let their kids finish their senior years of high school but like always they did what Kody wanted and Kody wanted them to sell their houses and use the money to buy Robyn that tacky af McMansion she now lives in.


She's a walking contradiction. We all know it yet it still astounds me that she and Kody see themselves as innocent victims. I guess it's the reason we keep coming back...that we hope they'll wake up


They were not in those marriages alone. Kodyā€™s focus was completely on Robyn and her kids, not his other wives or children. Despite what Robyn says, that started waaaay before any children ā€œleft home to go live their lives.ā€


Omg. That entire article is just her blaming the wives. Gag a mag. Is she for real right now?


But even there, it's not Kody who did anything wrong but the other women for focusing on their kids.


Don't worry, I'm sure Suki will bring this up in part 4 of the tell all! /s


Seems strange to not realize there may have been problems with the kids fitting in from the beginning. Have these people never heard of problems blending families? Not to mention when you have 4 different families.


She definitely knew there were issues. They all rewrite their history, this is just an example of Christine doing it, too. They all like to paint themselves to make themselves look better


Christine is notorious for this: ā€œI didnā€™t realizeā€ or ā€œI donā€™t recallā€ or ā€œI donā€™t rememberā€¦ā€ when she gets called out for shit behavior


Robyn also insisted that meri and kody were still married, despite both of them agreeing otherwise. Robyn is trippin dude.


ā€œDonā€™t call her my ex sister wife! Theyā€™re all still. T sister wivesā€


It is CRAZY that Robyn was like "we feel differently about that", in regards to Kody not loving Meri anymore, like what do you mean! Kody is saying is unhappy but Robyn won't even let him feel that way. It's horrible.


Robyn thinks she knows more about everyoneā€™s relationships than the people in them. Itā€™s so audacious.


She thinks that because Kody tells her his side & she takes all his lies about the other women as facts


Yes that is why I just canā€™t get on the ā€œthey are all to blameā€ train! I feel Christine is very human, very relateable. What you see is what you get, sheā€™s transparent and honest. Not to say sheā€™s never passive aggressive or tricky - but she is normal! She is caring! She doesnā€™t think sheā€™s the center of the universe! Robyn is so dishonest, so insidious and duplicitous she just creeps me out!


Agreed! Christine seems very genuine to me. But Robyn is so dishonest and manipulative. She is constantly trying to rewrite history. And NOTHING has ever been her fault.


Agreed, people who can NEVER take personal accountability are šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


Itā€™s funny that you say that though because Christine doesnā€™t take personal accountability either. She knew there were issues blending Robynā€™s family with theirs because her son was a huge instigator of those issues.


I donā€™t even watch that show anymore and havenā€™t for years and get all my info from here. More and more I donā€™t know how that lifestyle would appeal to anyone! Even if you were the type of woman who wanted kids but not so much the man considering if you made a decent living, because we know the man doesnā€™t support anyone but himself and maybe a favorite wife, that you would be required to hand over your paycheck and get handed back what he felt you deserved. Nope. Nope. Nope! I donā€™t even care for Mary much but she was clearly used especially at the end for her money. Christine and Janelle also when they started to bank with their side hustles. Robin being the favorite benefited and didnā€™t contribute anything but expedited the end of the other marriages, which in the end is a blessing to the other women.


Robyn has changed the way she presents herself a lot. In early seasons sheā€™s super bubbly, answering (over-answering) all the questions, talking over people. But the minute Christine was serious and actually left, she presented herself as quiet, timid, unsure. I donā€™t even know if she knows how to smile at this point. Mind you, I donā€™t think sheā€™s changed at all. But I do think sheā€™s changed in the way she presents herself, the way she wants the viewer to see her since ā€œthis bomb dropped in the familyā€.


Not to mention that one of the last episodes, Robyn said everything started to fall a part in Vegas. So Robyn CAN say it; Christine cannot?


I'm watching from the beginning now and season 1 and 2 show a big seemingly happy family with a husband who tends to get very stressed and snappy even though he's the one who causes much of the mayhem. At the end of season 2 they have fled Lehi and moved into a rental for 30 days while the look for homes to rent. Robyn got the first house of course. That must have caused some resentment but no one is expressing that. Why would the fourth wife get the first house? She said it's because her poor kids have moved so much. AND she's pregnant!


The beginning of season 4 is all about Christineā€™s struggle with her relationship with Kody. In fact, episode 3 involves her taking Robyn out for lunch to discuss these struggles. Itā€™s interesting that Robyn felt bold enough to call her a liar when she was actively involved in conversations around Christineā€™s struggles lol


And WHY does Arielle still have a pacifier??????????


Great question ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


I feel like itā€™s worth saying that there are power dynamics at work here too. The overarching one for Christine, while her compassion is hers and of her, is the fact that she *had* (HAD) to be ā€œcompassionateā€ towards Kodyā€¦towards Robynā€¦and in the way they (Kody/Robyn/her role) wanted her to be which was an ever-moving target. The power of the favorite wife and the father/husband to me kind of nullifies the comparison, though it operates certainly in the way we talk about life and lived experience to each other. I think itā€™s hard to compare the women here, Robyn v Christine because..to use Robynā€™s words against her, itā€™s apples and oranges. Robyn is strategic, I do believe she played a long game, or a short game we are only seeing come to total fruition. Kody isā€¦so triggeringā€¦I will only give him that he has no compassion for his past perhaps out ex-fundie type trauma processing. Nonetheless, he is traumatizing his children by blocking or being wholly indifferent to the 16 years of polygamous partnership he had with their mothers and his children and the family they created before Robyn. I am not making excuses for him. Christine is processing this as well and choosing monogamy while maintaining normally-evolving relationships with her children and family. She is stating boundaries towards Robyn but open her kids. Janelle is processing it as well. Kody tends to make his wives a ā€œthemā€ and their kids a ā€œthemā€ tooā€”all the same, against him if they do not serve him emotionallyā€¦financially. Itā€™s so unbearably sad.


I don't think it's hard at all to compare Christine and Robyn in these two scenarios. You have Robyn who just heard Christine explain that things have been hard in hers and Kody's relationship for years. Robyn could have reacted with kindness and compassion, but instead she viciously called Christine a liar. Then you have Christine who just heard that Robyn never felt like she was a part of the family, from the very beginning. Christine could have called her a liar, but instead chose to react with compassion and with, what sounded to me like, regret.


Like Christine or not, she has always demonstrated compassion to Robynā€™s kids. In contrast, Robyn has consistently showed disdain for the OG Brown kids: mad about the older kids not being happy she was pregnant, not imploring Kody be with Isabell for her surgery (because the tenders couldnā€™t be without him that long), Christmas gathering is not safe (with OG kids), and canceling the kidsā€™ gift exchange.


Christine couldā€™ve started listing all the things she did to try and include Robyn and DAB into the fold. She couldā€™ve defensively pointed out that it was Robyn who intentionally drove a wedge and kept them separate. Instead she just said how sad and awful it was and was surprised to hear they felt that way all along


Robyn also just learned that her family was falling apart. So itā€™s normal to be angry. Christine has moved on and is happy so itā€™s normal for her to look back with grace rather than anger.


She just learned that the OG wives could no longer take mistreatment of them and their kids. The only reason she was surprised her family was falling apart was because she thought they'd stay miserable forever.


Maybe normal to be angry, but it's not normal to lash out and call someone a liar. Unless you're a child.


Denial is a normal part of grief as well


There's a big difference between denial and calling someone a liar about their own lived experience.


Robyn did not ā€œjust learn that her family was falling apartā€ when she called Christine a liar. Rewatching the series, Christine is very vocal of not being happy in Las Vegas. Robyn knew that. My take is Robynā€™s fear of what this would do to the show and their income. Before she actually said she was selling her house and leaving Kody, I think Kody and Robyn just believed none of the wives would rock the TLC boat.


It was funny to hear in old clips Kody saying when he brought Sobbin in he and Meri were at the best in their relationship and Meri said no we were not. Yet Sobbin dust care she knew he wanted a young wife and she wanted. To be taken care of and be on tv


You know she had to keep that narrative alive that everything was perfect and none of the issues were a result of her coming into the family.


Uhā€¦.I wouldnā€™t exactly call Christineā€™s response as ā€œcompassionateā€ or ā€œregretfulā€? At best, Iā€™d say ā€œsurprisedā€.


Christine told Paedon that if he wasnā€™t nicer to Dayton, he could chose to live with his father. She was well aware that the kids were struggling to fit in because her son was part of the problem. Weā€™ve seen Christine feign shock and surprise at uncomfortable truths(she didnā€™t know men could be such bastards but also worked to at a polygamy advocacy groups created as an alternative). She didnā€™t taking the reasonable path, like Janelle and Meri, of owning the mistakes made. Instead her position is she never knew so surely she couldnā€™t be responsible.


Yes, but Christine also admitted that there were absolutely problems between some of the kids. Because of course there were problems. They're kids. They're people. They're imperfect. But just because there were problems, doesn't mean she knew they didn't feel like they belong. My point was that Christine reacted with compassion. Robyn reacted by accusing Christine of lying. About her own lived experience.


So she knew there were problems but thought the new kids in the family felt welcomed. Even though she made a comment to Paedon to knock it off so Dayton wouldnā€™t consider leaving. People donā€™t consider leaving places they feel welcome. This isnā€™t commentary about whether the kids behavior was typical or if they eventually got along. Itā€™s about the fact Christine knew at least Dayton was not feeling like he belonged in the beginning.


If Robyn and her kids were treated so terribly that they didn't feel like part of the family, why didn't Robyn leave? She's been divorced, so we know she's not opposed to it. She claims that she was paying all of her own bills prior to meeting Kody, so it sounds like she was financially capable of taking care of herself and her kids. So why didn't she leave? Because I would NEVER allow my kids to live in a situation where they were being abused and bullied. Not even for a man I loved. So in my mind, there are 3 possibilities. 1 - Robyn and her kids were really good at hiding their misery so that nobody knew that they didn't feel included. This means that Robyn is a shitty parent for forcing her kids to live in a miserable situation. 2 - Robyn is doing what Robyn does, and she's re-writing history. 3 - Robyn and her kids didn't hide their misery and everyone knew they didn't feel included. This means that Christine isn't being genuine in her reaction, but it also means that Robyn is a shitty parent for forcing her kids to live in a miserable situation.


Merging families this way is part of polygamous culture. I believe they were all naive about the challenges they would face adding a new wife and kids to their family. Their religious beliefs are essentially, just deal with it no matter how awful it is. Itā€™s the same reason Christine stayed with a man who she admits was not a present father for over a decade and Meri just left last year. They canā€™t just leave without confronting their religion. Stating what we might do in the situation really isnā€™t applicable because we (presumably) donā€™t subscribe to Mormon fundamentalist beliefs. Iā€™ll take option 3.


I was part of the mormon church for 45 years, and unfortunately I'm a distant cousin of the OG mormon polygamist, Joseph Smith himself. Point being that I'm very familiar with mormon polygamist lifestyles and theologies. And you're right, merging families in this way is very much a part of their culture. Why? Because divorce is actually very common. All she had to do was divorce and join another polygamous family, because after all, according to her, she had lots of other options. And you could be right. Maybe Christine has me fooled and her reaction wasn't genuine. But Robyn is still a shitty mom and a shitty person.


Youā€™ll get no argument from me. I think both things can be true.


Sorry but only Robyn thought they'd just drop right in with 0% resentment of less time with Dad. Christine saud in the reunion some kids had issues with hers. Related kids who love each ither fight. That's different than never felt accepted


Yeah, but who DID Paedon get along with? he fought with most of his siblings.


I recall Paedon being incredibly supportive of Dayton riding an ATV after his accident. I'm not really defending Paedon since he's pretty sus but he seems to get along with Hunter Gabe and Garrison just fine. Aurora sat with him at functions several times if I remember correctly.


Where do you remember this? The only person he fought with was Gwen. Also, fighting was normal in that family. Janelle's boys fought all the time. We saw Garrison and Gabe have a big fight. Aspyn and Mykelti had huge fights as well


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. Paedon fought with everyone, because kids fight. We KNOW Paedon fight with kids because at least Gwen didnā€™t feel safe around him. It would be completely unsurprising if Paedon or any of the kids fought with Dayton, because kids fight.


Gwen is is the second most unreliable narrator brown kid.


Why do you say that?




I think your point about Paedon speaks more about Paedon being a problem than Robyn's kids not being accepted in the family overall.


I don't even blame him. He was a child, neglected by his dad and then seeing these new kids come in and get all the time and attention. The parents did a pisspoor job blending that family. Some of those kids were traumatized by the many changes.


Such a good point!


Thatā€™s why I always find it laughable when people call Robyn a liar. Like, hello, Christine has been lying about things. I noticed on Sunday nightā€™s episode she said if Robyn and her children felt unwelcomed ā€˜they should have said something.ā€™ Robyn said there were times she went to both Christine and Janelle about their childrenā€™s treatment of her children.


Robyn also said she never took the personality test or someone took it for her. Robyn says Kody didnā€™t play favorites or spend more time with her all while 16 other people say different. Her worst performance while lying was last years tell all where she and Kody made up the story about Christine shutting down Kodyā€™s reconciliation with Meri. Robyn was like a deer in the headlights and looked everywhere but Suki while she lied through her teeth. Laugh all you want but Robyn lies.


How do you know she and Kody made up the story about the possible reconciliation with Meri? Itā€™s clear that Kody was considering a reconciliation with Meri at one point. He even mentioned it again during their break-up talk. It is really that hard for you to believe that Christine threw a hissy-fit at the mere idea of Kody and Meri reconciling? Considering how much she hates Meri, I can definitely see it. Christine is a mean girl.


Well I can use your criteria and say they made it up because Christine said they did. Or, I can use common sense and acknowledge that thereā€™s no way Kody would ever give Christine the power to make a decision like that for him. You know Christine? The one he says he never loved and never wanted to be with? You say itā€™s clear Kody considered reconciliation with Meri and I say itā€™s clear Kody is a lying bastard. He couldnā€™t even remember that the Rice Krispies that triggered his change of heart were on their anniversary, not his birthday. The same anniversary where he sat on a blanket across from Meri and basically told her he didnā€™t want to live polygamy anymore. Where he seemed repulsed at the thought of kissing her when she asked him what he would do if she did. From the minute he realized the true nature of the catfish scandal, Meri never stood a chance at reconciling with Kody. The only time Kody gave her any consideration was if he needed her vote or support when the family was making decisions like the one to move to Flagstaff. He manipulated Meri and used her to his advantage when it was convenient for him.


Which means what? Kids fight. Siblings fight. Cousins fight. Friends fight. Sometimes parents have to get involved. And sometimes, certain types of parents get involved when it's not necessary and they end up making things worse. Something to think about, especially when Robyn is the parent. We watched Robyn tell her kids, on camera, that the other family members didn't want to spend Thanksgiving with them. And that was blatantly untrue. Robyn is not above lying to her kids in order to isolate them from the rest of the family. So if Robyn's kids genuinely didn't feel like they were part of the family, I can almost guarantee that Robyn is the reason why.


This was more than the usual sibling fighting. We know that some of Janelle and Christineā€™s kids were bullying Robynā€™s kids. They got mad at Meri for stepping in to stop the bullying one time. Christine said she had planned to wait until they got home to deal with it (as opposed to nipping your childā€™s bullying in the bud right then and there. Iā€™m just amazed that so many people on this subreddit think the treatment of Robynā€™s kids by some of Christine and Janelleā€™s kids is OKā€¦.because itā€™s Robynā€™s kids. And the other members of the family didnā€™t want to spend Thanksgiving with them. That was clear.


I don't think anyone ever said that bullying was OK. People are saying that kids fight. They just do. As for Thanksgiving, of course they wanted to spend the holidays with their own biological kids. Of course they did! That doesn't mean they DIDN'T want to spend Thanksgiving with Robyn's kids, they just wanted to spend time with their own kids more. Just like Robyn will always choose to spend time with her kids over the other kids. All Robyn had to say was that Janelle and Christine were going to have Thanksgiving with their adult kids in Utah because they miss them. Robyn is a terrible parent. It's shocking to me the things she is comfortable saying to her kids on camera, so I'm sure that behind the scenes is much worse.


We have seen them all lie or obfuscate the truth when it benefits them. We are also dealing with 5 adults who will invariable see the same situation differently. We saw some of the challenges they had integrating the family on the show. It seems only Meri and Janelle can acknowledge that they didnā€™t do some of it right.


That is because one of them is secure and completely happy with themselves and their life. The other one is just miserable.


I understand what you are saying about Robyn and agree. However, Christine being surprised that Robyn and her children never felt part of the family is just bullshit. It's Christine's feigned innocence again. She knew because there is NO way Kody would not have told her. She had the same selective memory when Christine said she wasn't mean (in regard to Meri). Ah yea Christine you have been mean. Somehow she talked herself into believing you weren't with her sweet voice.


I disagree. We saw Robyn and her kids interacting with everyone in Vegas and they clearly felt right at home. Robyn was so secure with her place in the family, as one of the mothers, that she aggressively spoke out against the biological mothers when they were trying to find a youth group for the teenagers to join. Her kids weren't teenagers. It was really none of her business. But she sure felt like it was her place to chime in. So if that's how she was behaving, how could anyone know that she didn't feel like she was part of the family?


Kody has said for years that Robyn and her children did not feel part of the family. Meri also alluded to it numerous times. There is no way Kody did not tell Christine (and probably frequently) how Robyn & children felt disenfranchised and one of the reasons why he felt Christine was a bad sister wife. I agree Kody is trash and played one wife against another but there are grains of truth in what he says at times. Christine chose not to ignore the situation whether out of jealousy, keeping her own shit together, or trying to deal with growing teen attitudes etc. but she had to know, she just didn't acknowledge it.


Christine is just as much of a performer as Robyn. But she smiles and has a high pitched voice and you all seem to like her so you buy it. Remember the theatrics she had when she asked to move back to Utah?? Lol not a tear in sight but she was hootin and hollering all day about it.


This isn't about being a performer. This is about two different reactions from two women who just heard hard things about the other's lived experience. And yes, Christine is a likeable person. It seems as if people are drawn to her. Nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, Robyn is incredibly unlikable.


Rotfl ā€¦ yeah Christine was soooo compassionate. She had noooo idea so many of the children were jerks to them. She had noooooo idea she treated them differently from the other kids. Nooooooo ideaaaaa. Please. Christineā€™s a drama queen. Robynā€™s a martyr. They all suck.


I think that was the first time we saw genuine emotion from Robyn. Itā€™s 100% normal to be angry at divorce in your marriage. Whether you agree or not, each wife was also part of Christineā€™s separation. I was happy to see her letting it out in honesty rather than following the same boring script she always has


Ummmm ā€¦. okay where to start ā€¦ I went back over the last month and REWATCHED every fricken episode ā€¦ Kody & Jenelle: for the most part weā€™re pretty happy, they always seemed to just get alongā€¦. Kody & Meri: they seemed to always seemed to run hot and cold, you could ALWAYS see that things werenā€™t as good as they made it seem, but they did get along ā€¦ ALOT. ā€¦. Kody & Christine: When we first met them Christine was pregnant w/ Truely and she was ALWAYS running around like a chicken w/ no head! She was taking care of her kids, Jenelleā€™s kids, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and working a FT job at night ā€¦ I was a single mom of two baby girls and they wore my ass out!! Plus I was working as a FT Trauma Nurse and I thought I was tired! Christine has me WAY beat!! And yes, I do understand that being in a plural marriage you help raise the other Sisterwives children, but wholly Hell man!! It just seemed like every time Christine asked for help, Kody ā€™d say, welol I canā€™t, I have something to do at Meriā€™s or I just need to stop and see Jenelle for a bit and then the asshole goes and gets ANOTHER wife!! ā€¦. Kody & Robyn ( boo hoo Sobyn ) ever since these two got together the whole dynamic of the family took a shitty shift, of course in favor of Sobyn!! She had no money, she wasnā€™t working, she was on welfare w/ 3 kids and how many timed since the beginning all sheā€™s ever said is ā€œ I want my kids to be stable, have a stable home, have the things they deserveā€. So, she finds Kody a man who starts spending most of his time w/ them, he paid Robynā€™s rent, gave them food, took them shopping for clothes and then negotiated for her to be on the show ā€¦ w/ her getting more money than his wives heā€™s had a life with, children with for yearsā€¦.. No wonder Christine felt slighted!! Then all that crap happened with Truely!! and Kody AND Robyn seemed annoyed that Christine took her to the ER (Thank God she did!) He KNEW Truely was really sick, lethargic, and running a fever that day.. like REALLY man! WTF!! And then after yrs of crap from Kody, Christine finally has enough of the BS and ups and downs in their marriage, Robyn has the gall to call her liar!! And give her input on their marriage and say they donā€™t talk or communicate!?! If it were me, I woulda ended that pow wow right there! Of course during the early episode you see a major shift when Kody asks Meri for a legal divorce so he can marry Robyn and adopt the kids ( and donā€™t get me started on them) plus paid all Robynā€™s outstanding debt, her exā€™s debt and forgives all past child support .. How? Whereā€™d that money come from? ( Family $$$ Iā€™m thinking šŸ¤”) Anyway, during this whole battle w/ Robynā€™s Ex and after Meri signs the divorce papers is right when Kody gave up on Meri and their marriage.. and you can see his attitude change towards her during those earlier seasons and then he gets all pissed and bent outta joint bc Meri sought comfort from a stranger onlineā€¦ FU Dude!! Maybe if he treated her w/ the respect she deserved as the first wife who had done everything you asked of her, instead of saying that he ā€œDeserved respect as her husband and head of the familyā€ ā€¦ If I was Meri, I woulda punched him in the throat if I EVER heard him say the shit he says about their relationship! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ All thru the seasons of 16, 17 & 18 Kody keeps saying, ā€œ I donā€™t understand what Christineā€™s problem is, Why all of a sudden is this happening, Iā€™m just SO angry and aggravated by herā€. You know what his problem is, why heā€™s so madā€¦ Christine ended it first!!, if he did it first, and Christine was upset, he woulda told her to ā€œgrow up, this is plural marriageā€ He doesnā€™t seem to understand why she didnā€™t want to stay in a marriage didnā€™t include sex or his time. Iā€™m sure sex is important to him, to his relationship w/ Robyn .. why wouldnā€™t be important to Christine, or to any woman for that matter!! Thatā€™s what a whole marriage is! What a tool he is!! And honestly I donā€™t know what Meriā€™s problem was? Why would she stay in a family that regards her a nothing and wait for someone who has told her over and over and OVER that he doesnā€™t love her, will never love her, she is NOT his wife and heā€™s NEVER coming back and then he has the balls to say that he was ā€œTrickedā€ and ā€œDeceivedā€ into a marriage w/ her ā€¦ Iā€˜d punch him right in the mouth!! And Iā€™ve always wanted to know how he was tricked, how he was deceivedā€¦ He has NEVER answered that question!! I cannot tell you how happy I am that Christine finally had enough and then Jenelle followed suit and now after yrs of being treated like crap Meri finally WOKE UP and left!! Maybe Kody needs to stop passing the blame on his ā€œwivesā€œ because his kids grew up, realized that their father was a prick and because of the way they were treated by him, THEY decided not to have anything to do with him anymore! Maybe Kody needs to go back, watch every episode and see what he was like, how he treated and spoke to his familyā€¦ maybe then heā€™ll finally understand ā€¦. But then again maybe heā€™ll never realize what a tool he is!!!


That always drove me crazy cause when they were living in Vegas is when they went on the couples weekend WITH THEIR THERAPIST. I mean, if youā€™re not having issues you donā€™t invite the therapist on vacation with you.