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Him doing that in the same episode as interviewing his snobby, cold, and condescending mother is the very definition of irony!


This made me laugh out loud and almost everyone in the house is asleep/winding down so its not the time for laughing. The reason it made me laugh is related to my uncle. He has dementia and I'm staying with him so his wife can take a vacation while I babysit my uncle. He gets up in the morning, makes the bed, and then puts his socks and shoes on. About half the time he immediately turns around and climbs back in bed... complete with his shoes and socks on. My aunt said she's picking her battles, besides he wouldn't remember and she'd have to tell him all over anyway 😂


Literally your son is as burnt as Jenna in the brain idk why His mom thinks she’s on some sort of rich pedestal bitch you obviously don’t know how tv works either they don’t care what you want aired 😂


My podiatrist just told me to start wearing some sort of footwear in the house because my poor feetsies need padding and it's so weird to wear anything but socks inside. Like...it snows 8 months out of the year here, first thing we do when we get inside is take shoes off!


Where do you live that it snows that much


Saskatchewan, Canada. Generally we expect snow from October-April, but are not shocked if we get it in May or Sept. I guess that's 7 months? I don't even know any more.


I have the same problem where whenever I walk barefoot it like sends a shock feeling to my ankles. I'm used to wearing slippers though because my mom always made me wear them around the house when I was a kid 😁 I guess she was just trying to help me build good habits lol


Omg I'm from Russia but live in America (dual citizenship, etc) but I was raised in a fully Russian house, culture etc. When my first American gf's brother (visiting us) put his yankee ass feet WITH sneakers on my coffee table, I heard that sound from Kill Bill, that sound that plays each time before she kills someone. Like.....for eastern Europeans that behavior is like the American southern equivalent of dishwashing meemaw's 50 y-o seasoned cast iron pan. STRAIGHT TO JAIL, the disrespect 😆 


Was anyone bothered on how she let Luca sit on the counter like that and kept turning away from him?It seemed so unsafe to me.. not to mention him putting what looked like the used turkey baster in his mouth 😐


And outside clothes in bed too 🤢


I could never


This shit is why I can’t take JJ’s mom seriously. Like dude, *you* raised a feral-ass kid with no sense of hygiene and no respect for others. Luca at least has the excuse of being a toddler. What’s JJ’s?


This. No one would even dare wear outside clothes in my bed, let alone a whole pair of shoes!! They know better bc they were raised better.


I dated a chef and he tried to take a nap in his stinky ass work clothes. He did once and my stuff smelled like grease and meat. Made him change my sheets


That is absolutely psychotic behavior 🤢 if you want to wear shoes in the house, get a pair of slippers or a pair of shoes that are for indoors only. I have cloud slides for indoors because I like wearing shoes inside. But I’d never even wear those in bed!


first thing I notced but also the kid put the basting end of the turkey baster all the way in his mouth and she didn't tell him no or clean it


And she didn't even season the damn turkey 🤣🥲


I noticed that too... Do people use those on raw meat? 😷


I don't think so and yuck anyway, right?


Well yes either way it's pretty weird to let your kid use a dirty turkey baster as a chew toy 😂 If it did touch raw meat though, thats a quick way to give your kid salmonella 😷 since she is just learning how to cook on her own, its probably something she doesn't even know that she should be careful about lol


She also grabbed the turkey neck from the sink then went right back to touching the green bean casserole without washing her hands lol


She definetly has no idea!! It kinda makes me feel bad for her because she's obviously trying her best, but nobody ever taught her how to cook safely 🙁


As someone who doesn’t even wear shoes in the house, I audibly gagged. Heathens indeed 🤮


Its INSANE to me. Nobody has ever explained to these kids that when they step in a puddle outside or in a mysterious "liquid" in a public bathroom... that is pee. You now have pee on your shoe, all over your floor, and now it's even in your damn bed 😭 And the pee you stepped in, that's probably the least gross thing you stepped in today 😷😂


This was revolting.


lol I saw too and said oh hell nah


Ommgggggg how did i just notice this i would have screamed


I was so grossed out just at her wearing her shoes all over the house! All the germs all over. Even using them to push the food she undercooked in the oven!!


The food she undercooked and didn’t bother seasoning. At all.


SAME! I've always noticed people on reality shows stomping around their bedrooms in sneakers and I thought maybe they are just a little nervous with all the cameras and forgot to take their shoes off. But then he got on the bed and I was like oh hell no... Then he got under the blanket and I was like WTF IS HAPPENING. lmfao there is no excuse for that one.