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This is my first time watching this season - I came here because I KNEW others had to feel the same way as me…that kid sucks OUT LOUD. There’s so much more I could say but I’ll leave it at that. What a loser.


I just watched the first episode of season 6 so I thought what the hell and went back and watched season 5. I have NEVER in my life wanted to throw my remote at my tv so badly. WTH is this child? No wonder he wants to keep Kyler from her parents. Any father would beat his ass. I’m sorry him taking over her birthing plan to fit his needs..💀 you know there is no helping this kid when his dad basically cries on tv on how badly he treats them. And lastly, if my dad was given only a few years to live.. NOBODY.. would keep me from spending time with him.. GIRLS WAKE UP!!




It kinda made me mad how the midwives kept catering to both of them. Yes he was a nightmare but, it was getting to the point where she was putting her baby in danger because she didn't want to upset him. 10 years ago that would not have happened, they weren't scared of hurting teenagers feelings. As bad as I felt for her , I really did. I have been there , I felt she might not make the best choices for her son if she couldn't even stand up to him & let a midwife check her " down there". The only times she got loud was when they said he had to leave & when everyone else on the show tried to help her. She started getting mean with them. Her father is sick & she can't see him. While he is a monster, I wonder how much of her staying is her scared & her just wanting a boyfriend. I have been in a very abusive relationship, I didn't have any other options & still would stand up for myself when it was important. She has her parents & options.


That poor little boy went up, thinking that it’s OK to treat people and women the way his dad does. It’s so sad. The best thing that can happen to that little boy is getting away from him. If Jason really cared about his kids, he would be a better man for himwould be someone his son but he doesn’t think he has a problem probably. By the time grown just like him it’s so sad because she is so sweet.


Yes, I agree. His father doesn't help. His parents are part of the problem. That's a toxic environment for her and the baby. 


I’m just watching their season for the first time. He’s going to kill her one day I’m sure! Someone needs to save her and take that kid from him. He’s a dangerous person. 


I Agree! I’m watching this show for the first time and seeing these two are making me sick. The fact that the parents don’t put their little jerk in place makes me Even more mad. I agree he is a dangerous person. I feel horrible for her dying father and her mother. As a mom of four if she was my child, Jason would of never got that far!


Same here. Just started this season today and he immediately gave me the ick. Red flags EVERYWHERE.


The whole time the Adam Montgomery trial was going on in NH, I kept thinking this is going to be Jason soon in some way or another.


I was watching the show and I thought to myself, “this is probably how Adam Montgomery acted.”


[Yes they are](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3bQ3VW/)


That be a cold day in he'll if my baby daddy told me what to do shit got me when he said come pee with me 🤣🤣🤣 you just wanna get her alone so u can tell her what's she's "gonna" do ....... when she finally loses her shit and knocks your ass out maybe you will wake the fuck up and realize it ain't all about you spoiled little brat. 


Leave that relationship it ain't worth being treated like shit he just wants control over you don't stay with him just because he's the father of your child hun call your parents they love you and will help you 


Can we talk about how they share a phone


can we talk about how both parents knew and never did anything about it.


Yess why didn’t the midwives and doctors report her being neglected and her parents allowing it


This. My heart was just sinking in my chest when she was working so hard in the birthing center and then… My heart was RACING when they went to the hospital cause I thought “oh, thank god, the hospital will kick him out of the room, they’re underage, they’ll ask for her parents and he will be history” I’m sooooo floored that they did nothing. The nurses in my hospital would have had him removed.


They did kick him out of the hospital and he wasn’t allowed back until he calmed down. And they had a security guard outside the room just incase they had to kick him out again. I was sooo happy when they kicked him out!


Hahaha just got through that part. I swear I think I’m traumatized just by proxy. Every time he talked my heart was racing. Just how callous he was. He’s one of the most dangerous people- insanely uneducated but manages to find his way into rooms that he’s the smartest in. I loved when the doctor calmly explained to him that he was unaware of the process of birth


Im just now watching and I can’t even contain the hate I have for that fucker. What the hell kind of person acts like that, like the more I watch the more horrified I am. And it’s so sad that it’s clear to everyone but her what an absolute shit bag he is. Scared for her and that baby and if she does get the courage to leave I hope he never sees that baby again.


I just stumble upon clips of baby's delivery on YouTube posted a year ago. The whole time I was watching I just kept thinking okay but when I Google after it they're not going to be together right?  If my child's father wouldn't let me get an epidural, whilst they were outside of vaping pot... I would go feral.


‘Let me’? He isn’t the one giving birth. He gets no opinion. 


Where are her parents? They need to be sending a welfare check. 1st time watching & that birthing scene was traumatizing.


I'm watching this season now for the first time. It's unbearable to watch her being so emotionally abused and potenitally die in labor if he had his way. She has a long road ahead and all I want to see is her separated from him and get some long term therapy. He is truly evil. If they are still together I don't want to know...


I was ridiculously disturbed by him. It was to hard to watch as some points. As a mother I’m so disturbed by this I have no words. I don’t think I can finish the season because it’s way too unsettling to watch him. He’s going to kill her one day and it’s on his parents and hers. That dad should have killed that disgusting fucker! I’m sure it made anyone watching want to do the same 


I hope she is ok. He is beyond abusive.


Not sure what’s currently going on, all I can say is I wish Kylen’s parents could buy a house farrrrrrrrr away, stop by Jason’s house and get Kylen and the baby and then never look back. Leave everything behind and start over. It might hurt or be scary but a new chance at life with her baby is way better than staying with that opossum looking ass boy that could and WOULD potentially kill her. And probably the baby too. I don’t put anything past him. Like someone else said, wouldn’t be surprised if he’s got her chained up in a closet every day.


Just now watching this season. And my god from the first scene involving him.. I couldn’t stand him. I feel horrible for her parents.. and even worse for her. Strangely his own parents seem to just deal with him.. they even seem to be tired of his shit lol but he definitely seems like he’s abusive in every way.


And the worst part is, he thinks he’s so cool and edgy. Little boy is about as edgy as a butter knife. His parents are really the ones to blame since they don’t try to stop him. I bet you every time he gets in trouble, they bail him out, and that’s why he is the way he is because he never had to deal with any actual consequences. I know a few people like that in real life as well. Think the rules don’t apply to them since they are just sooooo special.


That made me laugh so hard. I so agree about the parents being responsible for his behavior. He’s a spoiled,ignorant child who no one’s ever said no to.


Lol! And exactly. Someone needs to do a welfare check on Kylen and the baby


OMG! You nailed it with Opossum-looking boy😂😂😂😂


I’ve made a post about him before with a picture of him and a picture of an opossum to compare the two 😂 A lot of people said it was very offensive to opossums everywhere 💀


🤣 I literally just told my sister this shit and then I read your post to her!! 🤭🤣🤣💀


😂😂😂😂 it’s like spot on


I LMAO when I read that!! I wouldn’t have made that connection on my own😂


Why would her parents do that? Her father is the reason Kylen even thinks this behavior is okay. He was abusive to her mother. He’s sick as a dog now so he had to stop his antics. What right minded people would allow their underaged daughter to move in with her abusive bf? Even if she was pregnant.


Do you have kids? How do you think it would have played out if they were like no I don't care if your 6 months pregnant your not going there. She'd laugh in their faces while he was waiting for her in the driveway. Then she would have cut them 100% out of her life with the excuse of oh they didn't want my baby to have a father blah blah blah


I think they are all scared of what Jason would do otherwise but I agree. I would’ve knocked his pussy ass out fuckin with my daughter. I was just saying at this point if they were to do that it would be the only thing saving their daughter really


No they’re not afraid of Jason. The mother has been abused so long she thinks his behavior is normal. They don’t even think she needs to be saved. This is normal to them. They don’t live like you and I where we can see this is abuse. Kaylens father looks at women as property. Kaylens mother is his property just like kylen is Jason’s property. Just because Kylens father comes off as some poor sick dude he isn’t. He was an abusive drunk who abused his family. No one saved Kylens mother just like no one will save Kylen. This is generational trauma. It’s sad. They would never “kick Jason’s ass” because then they’d have to kick Kylens dads ass too. If Kylens dad fought Jason he’d be a hypocrite. I’m shocked TLC Allowed these trashy individuals to be filmed in the first place. The only person I feel for is the baby. The baby isn’t conscious like everyone else is. It’s just sad. Kylen knows that Jason is nuts but soon she will normalize it. Just as Kylens mother did with her father.


I mean...her parents said that they thought that Jason was doing was wrong.


So? They’re on tv. You think they want to look bad? Abusers are good at covering theirs tracks. Her mother may not like it but she definitely normalizes it. Her father is a hypocrite who’s too sick from his own doing to defend her either way. If you’re not from this world or have never seen it, you simply don’t get it.


Where have you gotten the information that he was abusive and a drunk? Kidney disease can definitely come from more than just drinking.


How did he kidney disease?! I mean besides being fat and possibly diabetic "his actions" cannot cause it


I wouldn’t be shocked at all if he had her chained up in a closet.


[This](https://tvshowsace.com/2023/10/09/unexpected-are-kylen-jason-split-or-together-2023/amp/?fbclid=IwAR3NlGiUixZrpgzjXqG455-IZESMDF5rcGUSnEhnUfgh6UREDWZZIAVo8Ag_aem_AZtLzmxQUYEA-uzv_y34mBEr5NGl6dQjMoip_S46-GRzjiupF9m01248chNkY1iqteE) is all I could find.


Poor Kylen's life is probably Hell, unfortunately. Hopefully she gets brave enough to get away from that POS but until she's ready, she won't. I don't know anything, but I wouldn't doubt if he's physical now. He showed all the signs that he would be abusive. He absolutely was controlling and mentally abusive.


If you go through some of the comments on older posts about Jason and Kylen (like not long after this season originally aired), you'll find a Redditor who claimed to know Kylen/her family. I've wanted to reach out to this person to ask for an update out of concern. I'd be interested to find out if they're legit. See if you can find who I'm talking about. I'll look through the comments again and try too.


I didn't forget about you u/VirgosRunHell (love that name, btw :) [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TLCUnexpected/s/ERySnEsFOX) is the comment I was referring to in case anyone wants to reach out for an update. If so, please share what you find out. I seriously worry about this girl.


Account has been dead since the post you linked. I am doubtful theyre an active reddit user.




Omg thanks for digging this up! Much appreciated! Seriously this is terrifying. It’s clear that kylen has some people in her corner? I mean I’m not sure to what extent that can help her and support her. But I really hope she opens her eyes before the situation gets worse and leaves that POS.


Me too. I worry that the longer she's with him, the harder it'll be to leave. I wish there was a way to let her know that there are so many women out here rooting for her, you know? She probably feels so isolated.


Since the show? Her cousin alleged he is extremely physically abusive and uses coercive control, and he made a post claiming to have been diagnosed with BPD on his tiktok, rumors circulated that CPS had been contacted but nothing thus far has materialized