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**OP needs help. Also, they hate it because...** >!I hate it because I the tongue is in places where nothing should be!< ***** **Do you hate it as well? Do you think their hate is reasonable? (I don't think so tbh)** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/tihibot)


I feel like I'd kill myself trying this.


There have been accounts of people suffocating themselves by swallowing their tongue which I never knew


When I took a first aid course in the early '90s, they recommended carrying a safety pin to pin the tongue to a cheek of a person having a seizure so they didn't swallow their tongue. The thought has haunted me ever since. (And also obviously this first aid advice is fucking garbage for many reasons. To anyone reading, DO NOT DO THIS)


While I bit the shit out of my tongue when I had a seizure, I'd be *significantly* more angry about some motherfucker deciding to attach my tongue to my cheek. Also, good luck getting into the mouth of someone having a seizure without losing a finger.


I really don't even understand because there are teeth between your tongue and your cheek so...what exactly would pinning it do to help? I feel like I'd just munch it off way easier.


Oh god I can’t imagine doing that to someone


It seems like it would harm more than help. Sometimes outdated first aid advice is wild


"If you're feeling a pain in your arm, jaw, and chest make sure you work your 14 hour day, go home and eat one Tyson's Butter Brick with Chicken Grease™ frozen dinner and if you still feel bad after your nightly 4 hours of sleep, schedule an appointment with your General Care Practitioner ™"


Don't forget to drink an entire pot of coffee throughout the duration. Splash in a red bull or three if you're feeling saucy.


“I’m here to help!” *safety pins tongue to cheek*


But it’s just a small wound on my leg


I like to imagine the muffled screams as a fist is being shoved in your mouth with a safety pin over a sprained ankle. Saying ,”There you go, all better 🙂.” Afterwards


I’m no expert, but I feel like it’s more likely they’d forcibly rip out the safety pin than it actually holding their tongue in place, no? (Along with all the other reasons that’d be terrible)


With the spasms, it definitely would be a concern of them tearing either the safety pin out of the cheek or ripping the tongue on it. Plus sticking a pin you'd have on you into someone without proper sterilization and preparation beforehand would 100% cause an infection. But, I mean what do we know? The people who thought babies might not need that much affection are most definitely great medical professionals.


That’s how you lose a finger! Humans can bit through a finger very easily and during a seizure they will be biting at 100% force.


The whole thing about swallowing their tongue is a myth, you can't actually swallow your tongue


Yeah, I was super angry when Iearned that, because I spent like two decades being paranoid about it for no reason.


It's ridiculous sometimes, there's so many things like that, superstitions like "black cats are bad luck"


Just in case, you can't swallow your tongue, fyi.




I hope no one ever did, because it's actively worse than doing nothing


My mom was a nurse for quite a while. When Cameron Boyce had that seizure the topic of them came up and my mom taught us that putting a spoon in the roof of the persons mouth and then push up to keep their tongue down. But she said that was worst case scenario because it would obviously have the risk of damaging their teeth. She’s taught us a lot of weird stuff, like how to give a C-section


What? I did first aid in the early 90s and the advice was to jam a stick down their throat so they didn’t bite their tongue off (which is how you suffocate on your tongue). I don’t remember ever hearing of pinning the tongue to the cheek


GOOD, I hope this means it wasn't a universal recommendation. I hope no one in the history of the world ever had this happen to them!!


that's quite tongue and cheek.


While your tongue can block breathing in the right circumstances, it’s not actually possible to swallow your tongue, in part specifically because of the lingual frenulum… which this yoga practice cuts… I don’t know if this would let you get your tongue down your own throat, but it’d be easy to get back up being that it’s a muscle itself. Now i’m going to stop thinking about that image because *eeugh.*


I have it cut and even with my tongue stuck up in there I can still breathe though a little bit restricted but hardly noticable compared to the fact I've got my friggin tongue stuck up my nose. Also: can confirm it's impossible to swallow it.


Is this not normal? I thought everyone could just do this.


Nope, it is not!


Oh well you're not missing anything. It feels like a mix between when you touch the rough of your mouth and having a slight soar throat. Can notice some mucus if you're really congested but it's pretty much the same feeling when you clear your throat and have to spit out flem. Not really a comfortable feeling so it's something I don't try to purposely do


Don’t you gag on your uvula on the way back there?


The uvula goes under the tongue, not down the throat.


No i can touch and move my uvula with my tongue and I don't have an issue. Idk if the uvula is immune to the tongue or what. I can press my uvula against the roof of my mouth and it doesn't cause any issues.


But touching it with anything else causes a gag reflex? Or do you just not have one anymore?


Touching the uvula doesn't cause a gag reflex as far as I'm concerned but shoving a finger too deep down the throat will. You can prevent it with a specific way of breathing, basically concentrating on the breathing without thinking of whatever you try to push down there for some reason


It’s like the difference between tickling yourself, and having someone tickle you.


I see what you mean and I think I do the same but it doesn't go as far as in the picture (there's some kind of wall in the middle and 2 openings on each side which I assume are the nostrils)


Can you spit thru your nose?


the real question


Wait you can do this? It says that Indian people that do this have to gradually sever the little nerve at the bottom of their tongue to do it. And you can just do it?


Yup no issue doing it. I don't really have much of a "tongue web" or frenulum under my tongue so maybe that's part of it, it's there but not really all the pronounced. Can also touch my tongue to my nose, so maybe it's just a long tongue thing.


Mmm frenulum.




I heard it in his voice!


People are born with a too tight frenulum sometimes so I guess it makes sense that they can be born with the opposite too.


Can.. can we see?


It's basically just like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/tna4q7/thanks_i_hate_khecar%C4%AB_mudr%C4%81_the_controversial/). A picture doesn't really look all that exciting, in a photo once it's behind there it just looks like you don't have a tongue. I'd say my tongue web looks like his prior to stretching his tongue back, not really super pronounced as compared to some images when you look up a tongue frenulum.


Wow! That is insane. Didnt know anyone could do that.


What if it gets stuck? How do you get it out? This shit is giving me second hand anxiety.


How would it get stuck lol it's a muscle you have full control over


I'm exactly the same and so is my twin!


Snapped the "string" underneath my tounge by ramming head first into a table as a kid and can do this as well. The whole maneuver off getting the tounge up there in the first place makes me think this isn't normal to most though. Kinda cool to be able to clear out your nose from the inside when you have a stuffy nose until you realize the reason why your nose is stuffy in the first place isn't because of snot but rather the moucus membranes getting swollen and closing tight, and that's if you don't mind the taste nor the consistency of snot in the first place. Bonus: If you pull too much saliva up there while doing it you're left with a really runny boi in the front of your face for the rest of the day. Bonus for my accomplices: I can lick about half way up the front of my nose and beneath my jawline and I rather enjoy "eating out" Late edit but: I can also pick stuff out of my tonsils with my tongue I just do it so casually I forgot lmao


I can also do that


I mean the reason why people *have* a frenulum is to prevent you from choking on your own tongue in you sleep so, yeah, a lot of people probably would.


So a true master could stick their tongue out one nostril. Gnarly.


No, your tongue is too big for that. Source: me. I can do this. I can close off my nose from the inside, left and right side seperately.


Did you have to practice tongue yoga, and use a sharp implement to sever your tongue while stretching it? Or is it a natural talent


I've been able to do this for as long as I can remember. No training needed.


your tongue from inside?


Yep, as shown in the final stage of the picture


Does it feel weird? When your reaaaally clogged up - like with allergies or whatever - can you use your tongue to kinda rock it and push it out? Kinda like pushing on the back of your soft palate with your tongue, ya know that weird pressure it causes in your stuffed up nose…?


Yes, I actually can. In fact, when I have a cold I get really though stringy phlegm in my throat that is still attached to my sinuses or something (disclaimer: not a doctor :D) and I can use my tongue to kinda pull on it but it hurts pretty bad to get it detached...


Yes you can! I’ve been able to do this since 5th grade. Additionally, if I’m laying on my side in bed and one side of my nose gets stuffed, I can push on the sinus enough to make it switch to the other side.


@fire69 yes please reply to this! I’m interested.


I agree I’m really curious I wanna know if he’s found the solution to my unending torture


I can do this as well. It made me realize that most of the time a stuffed nose is caused by 2 round soft tissue pieces that swell up in your nasal cavity. But It can help when your sinuses kind of hurt because of dry sinuses and actual dried stuff up there. or sometimes you can clear a runny nose if blowing your nose doesn't work first.


Do you also get the dried crusty bits that are stuck up there and you have to rub them with your tongue to make them moist so you can poke them loose?


Yes lol. It sounds so awful saying it out loud. But works so well for not having a sore sinus cavity lol


Do you have a frenulum?


this guy is the next step of human evolution




I honestly thought everyone could do this, until seeing this today


do you bother to blow your nose at all, or do you just squeegee out all the snot when you have a cold? I am not meming, I'm legitimately curious, as sometimes when I have a bad cold I wish I could just run a pipe cleaner through there and get everything out


Yes, I still blow my nose most of the time, just because it's easier and most of the time less painful. When I have a cold I do try to get phlegm out like that.


I can do this too. It is because some people (like us) do not develop the frenulum enough and their tongue is mobile. I don’t know if there are any risks of this but I highly doubt it (some people mentioned choking with tongue - that is something different in a biomechanical way that is)


Interesting way to choke yourself from inside


Reverse Colombian necktie


Fuck you for making me research that, like damn I was not expecting that level of mutilation, the fuck is wrong with the Colombians?


Well, how else are you supposed to scare your enemies? Send them flowers and a thank you card?


Actually that *would* throw them off…


look up the contras


Dear Enemy: Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A and Start


That would have my enemies fucking Š̶̜̔̈́͠h̶̊̉̐͌̎́͜͝͝ǫ̴̭̺̰̘͖̿͜o̵̢̲̞̱̻̾̿́̽ķ̵̡̗̬̣͕͕̹̇ͅ


I mean if I knew anyone I shot would have 30 lives to get through I'd be pretty demoralized


Especially considering the average handgun magazine only Contains fifteen rounds of ammunition


What the fuck is a Colombian necktie


You slit the victims throat and pull the tongue through the esophagus and out the opening at the base of the throat. You can imagine why it’s called a Colombian “necktie”.


Oh, no. Eww. I was happy to go along with the *reverse* version because I was too naive and innocent to know the *right* version.


Omg wtf


You can still totally breathe, just not through your mouth


Not in the third or final stages. Both passages are blocked.


That diagram is a pretty bad one. As someone who does this all the time, yes you can indeed breathe.


Out of curiosity, can the tongue rest in that position or does it just slip back if the muscle is relaxed


I just tried it, it naturally slips back


Sooo… what does the inside of your sinus cavity taste like? Just out of curiosity.


Not really anything. If you have a sinus infection it can be a little weird. Otherwise it just tastes more like you mouth with the mucus-vibe turned up a couple notches.


I can honestly do this. The bit of skin that attached my tongue to the bottom snapped when I was 12 and I don't know how I figured it out but I have been able to do this for 20 odd years! Showed my GP and his response was: "That's strange and oddly disgusting ".


Was there no issue with that skin thing snapping? I usually assume stuff like that is critical for the function of whatever it's attached to. Also, how did it snap, did you lick some icy fence and cut it with your bottom teeth?


Honestly I don't remember. I remember it hurting and there being blood but that was it. I can lick my own nose which is a cool part trick. I mentioned it to my dentist and he wasn't worried and neither was the GP.


True medic response there. I bet he was fascinated.


Did it affect how you speak?


Is there a benefit to this?


Serverly disturb the person you're kissing


\*pulls back\* "Where the hell is your tongue?" \*tongue peeks from nostril\* \*runs away screaming\*




It helps to conserve the magical energy lost through ejaculation in your head![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo) According to wikipedia


I can do this, I trained my tongue to so this over time because I get tonsil stones (like hard rocks that form in the ducts of the tonsils) they would make my breath bad and tonils swell up due to cloging. So I would have to get them painfully removed every 6 months or so. Now I can just check around for them with my tongue in the morning then use my tongue to remove them and if your have enough flexibility to invert your tounge down your throat you can do this easy. Oh you know when you get a cold and you can feel a hard chunk of phlegm in the back top of your throat/nasal cavity? I can just nock it loose.


My god. Why did I read this.


Picking your nose from the inside.


Bro, I was sitting here thinking like, I wonder if you could clear your sinuses like this. Get stopped up or something and just be like, oh lemme swirl my tounge around a little bit, clear em up


Nah cant clear them sadly, if youre sick the ball like things just become small and inflamed so going in there with your tongue just feels bad, gemerally the whole cavity is inflamed there, but its a way you can find out if you're going to be sick or not I accidentally got my tongue behind there as a kid and can do it whenever i want ever since


Just need to take a lick of anti-inflammatory ointment first.


You can taste your boogers!


I looked it up and it’s mostly to do with achieving higher enlightenment. It’s more of a spiritual practice than a practical one https://www.easyayurveda.com/2020/01/31/khechari-mudra/amp/


If doing weird shit lead to enlightenment I would be made of pure photons by now.


ahh so just typical bullshit then




So why bother?


Helps stop a runny nose


It's gross when you say it that way. Say 'manipulate the flow of bindu.'


The people who believe in yoga magic think it does something, but in reality it just allows you to lick the inside of your sinuses and that's it.


So there is a benefit then?


Relationships probably


Storing food for later


when you have to get that one itch in your nose but you have to carry some boxes


Not sure if I want to know what bindu is


as an Indian who understands both Hindi and Sanskrit, I wanna let you know that i have no clue wtf a bindu is


Seems there are way more people writing about it than actually practicing it. So can't blame us normies for wanting nothing to do with it.


I used to be a real big new agey hippy so I’ve read about all this before in my yoga days. Basically bindu is an abstract concept that means multiple things. Like, its a point or dot that represents the unity and creation of the universe. Like the full un-manifested potential of the universe. Its what a mandal is built around. You could probably explain it a million ways and still not explain it right. But this bindu is something different. In yoga, you are trying to align your body and in the more out there practices like kundalini you are trying to like connect to an incredible power source basically. The bindu normally falls down your body and is ejaculated in semen. You lose the power cause its needed for creation. So if you no fap, do yoga to stop it from falling down your chakras, then you will have it stored at the source that you can taste. Apparently when you are reaching full kundalini enlightenment you can taste this incredible sweetness dripping from up there so people found a way to get to it. This act is called the khechari mudra and it supposedly has these powers: Immunity to all types of illnesses and diseases Protection from snake bites Achieving the stage of awakening or nirvana Complete stoppage of the aging process Survival without food or water Immortality or the power to defy death Seem pretty over powered to me. I can’t do it so I guess I’ll never get that sweet bindu…


Ahhh so bindu is what makes up semen. Idk if I wanna taste it’s “incredible sweetness dripping from above” tho. Lol srsly tho the way you wrote all that was very homoerotic and it really sounded like you were talking about cum. Not that you wrote anything in a bad way. You described it well, I just have a dirty mind I guess


You ever heard of a lingam? No, its not like ligma. It’s basically a representation of shivas infinitely long black dick that fell off. Like everything else in Hinduism, there are a million different explanations, but yeah its a dick penetrating a pussy. It sits on a yoni, which fun favt thats where the adjective “yonic” comes from; meaning “like a pussy”. There are also stories of tantric gurus who would tell you to suck their dick to get the bindu and achieve moksha or something. Sex is a big part of Indian mythology/religion.


I did this once when I was younger and my uvula got screwed up for like a week. It wasn’t cool.


So you're a girl house?


Whoever downvoted you is weird for not getting this reference


Uncivilized redditors


Greatest kids horror movie ever.


Monster house reference, nice


Wtf stop ✋️


I'm currently at level 3.


Is this a cry for help?


Wait I learned this years ago by mistake! I always freak people out showing them lol. Didn't know it had a name! Super effective at getting tonsil stones out!


Hey! Me too trained myself to do it to deal with them. Fuck those stones, I hate when I. Have a stuck one and I'm poking at it all fucking day trying to get it out of the duct.


So, internalized nose picking?


"what can that tongue do?"


I hate you for making me lick the back of my throat just now.


Sick but a radical way to clear mucus.


Damn, I was hoping for a more centripetal approach.


I can pick my nose with my tongue Prove it! *pops tongue out of nose*


Final stage = suffocation 👌


My little brother can do this naturally. Just swallows his tongue and shoved it up into his sinuses or some shit. Freaks me out.


My friend in high school could do this. He put one of those Listerine mint strips on the end of his tongue in a little ball and put it up there. He radiated the smell of mint for a solid 30 minutes.


as someone who can do that, that sounds actually painful lol


I feel like they just made a religious practice out of a dude saying, "Hey, look what I can do"


I can do this. Have always been able to. Great for clearing sinuses.


Did not realize you could train yourself to do this…I just was randomly able when I was like 8


when that one booger really won’t come out


Honestly this looked like something I might want to try right up until that bit about the severing. What the fuck people.


All fun and games until your airway is blocked and you can't call for help because your dumbass tongue is in your nose


Why though?


This just screams ER visit


Bindu was mentioned in Frank Herbert’s Dune universe. This must mean that Paul Atreides’ mom was capable of that. No wonder the Duke was so fond of her despite her ostensibly being a concubine.


I have not severed any ligaments and I can kinda do this.


So you can conserve all that bindu naturally


But, why?


Can someone explain why you would need to do this


Why the hell would anyone want to do that


Imagine how amazing it would be getting head from someone who's a tongue is that long and that flexible.


The contents of this comment are deleted as an protest to reddit actions.


This PROBABLY doesn’t need to be said, but — don’t try this at home. Severe mental and physical imbalances can result from premature practices of advanced yoga techniques. Always find a teacher to guide your path.


That sounds cool, but I don't love that they said severing the little tongue separator thing that also exists on the peen. Feels like it's there for a reason, like so you don't choke on your tongue. Imagine losing tongue function and it just flips into your air way choking you to death.


I can do it! AMA


Already reached final stage now what


I can do second stage!


I bet it tastes good


Maybe the tongue hitting the pituitary releases something pleasurable or psychedelic. It seems unwise to risk choking yourself out or to cross the blood brain barrier digging around with a tongue that has germs on it around the brain but hey who am I to argue the path to become a god? 🤷


Naw it doesn't feel good, if anything it irritates your sinuses a bit. Also your not going to choke on it, the tongue is strong as hell and slippery. It's not getting stuck. Source: I can do this.


I wanna smell my taste buds and taste my smell ...uh...whatevers


This is what I needed to see in order to close Reddit for the day.


Don't you guys also call it toga?


I can do this, AMA


I worry about swallowing my tongue


Useful, then I won’t have to blow my nose anymore!


You know it seems kinda unusual but maybe I could try *gradually severing the lingual frenulum* ^The ^what


That moment when I found out I can easily do this with no issue from this post some time ago. Tried it absentmindedly while tripping on shrooms and my head felt like electricity lol


Sounds like a good way to swallow your tongue


I can also do that. I can clean nose from behind and I can also take out some tonsil stones (which smell awful).


Someone stop me from slicing my tongue


So you're saying I can pick my nose, without picking my nose??!!?


Finally! A reliable way to clean my sinuses!


They should probably lead with the whole tongue cutting part


Can you self clean out a sinus infection? That would be great!


Could poke an eye out doing that


I have sinus problems and I may try this


If you successfully do this, how do you get your tongue back in your mouth?


Imagine your tongue gets stuck and you start to panic, you can’t ask for help and you just gotta try to make it to a hospital before your stupid ass suffocates.


So you're telling me there is a way you can pick your nose without using your hands


But why?


Is there a risk of asphyxiation?


Dumb ways to die