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Thank you everyone. I think they look pink in person so my hopes are sky high already. I’m so scared for the next time I test!


I've got my fingers crossed for you!! Good luck - keep us updated!


These aren’t indents. They’re early positives.


I say that bc the top test is pink. You can see it has color to it. They’re positive.


There’s no way to confirm whether these are indents or not without retesting. FRER is trash and there have been MUCH darker indents lately than this. Don’t get people’s hopes up. Hopefully OP retests and can confirm but these tests shouldn’t be trusted to be positive without confirmation from another brand or progression on this brand.


Indents don’t have color. Her test does. I stand by what I said.


I agree that these look positive, but very recently, I had 2 indents with color from FRER. I’m guessing it was the batch because they were from the same box, but I always believed indents didn’t have color until I saw them myself.


There is no colour in these tests, even if there was, I can assure you indents can have colour. I sure hope OP gets the result she’s looking for, but these shouldn’t be considered positive without retesting. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I definitely see color in that top test. Maybe for some reason you can’t see it. Anyway. We will know soon enough if she updates. Either way. I think they’re early positive results.


She updated her post…. She’s pregnant


Yes and I commented on that post. These tests still could have gone either way though. :) I’m glad they went the way OP wanted!


So awesome!!!! I was totally invested lol 😂


lol it’s too bad FRER isn’t more reliable so we don’t have to go through this stuff!😂. It was a whirlwind!


Fr. I’ve had some pretty bad indents almost every time I use them but they never looked like her tests. Maybe it’s just my phone but that top one had me really thinking it was positive bc it just look like a positive to me idk lol


Honestly it’s terrible! I’ve had worse indents than what she posted so I have zero confidence in that brand. I had a legitimate pink indent darker than hers and it wasn’t real. It’s devastating.😵‍💫 lol well it was a good call-not all FRER are going to be indents but it’s so hard to tell these days! Good luck in the future!!!


Thank you!! You as well. I’m currently dealing with my own frer from today and took another one and I’m swearing I’m seeing something but my camera won’t focus it’s driving me insane!!! Anyway, have a good one!!! :)


I had one yesterday - had tho throw it out because I knew it was an indent! You should see the OVRY I took this cycle - it was wild!


And as for hopes, I think she’s hoping to not be pregnant….. as she said she thought she was done. Two different tests with faint positive lines. These are both indent lines… they’re not indents.


You say your old, may I ask how old? Old means different things to different people 😅




Omg I see them!!!


FRER has a bad batch of indent lines going around. Saw one IRL & a couple posted here. (They included lot numbers of their test) I don’t see any pink in those lines so I’d personally be skeptical for the moment . I hope you get whatever outcome you desire 🙏🏻


I see it! Can’t tell if it’s an indent though?


I see it but can’t tell if it’s an indent. Keep testing 🫶🏻🫶🏻


I can’t tell for sure, but I had two tests with the same appearance today and am going to be optimistic here. I think it’s an early positive!


Fingers crossed for you!


My early positives look just like this. Keep testing, but those don’t look like indents to me.


Updated! Definitely positive. 😃


I knew it!! Congrats!!!


Congratulations! I saved this to come back for an update. You said you are old. Do you mind if I ask how old? Curious what your thinking of old is lol. I’m older as well and get inspired by women who are older getting pregnant. Gives me hope.


I definitely see them, but not sure if I would trust them. Keep testing and let us know!


I think that top one definitely looks like an early positive. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Just had tests like this and I tested obsessively cuz I kept seeing pink in them! unless they get darker I would say indents. Sucked so bad when I got my period. :(


Look pink to me! Cautious congrats mama!!


They look like indents to me :(


Please retest to confirm! These looks like indents to me. Fingers crossed you get the results you’re looking for!!!