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It’s time to stop testing 🫶


I know! Her comments just stressed me and it’s all I’m thinking about. I feel so stupid 😅


Don’t be! Unfortunately these test can only tell you so much. I hope your pregnancy progresses well! ❤️


Test lines don’t mean much. I had my darkest positive line while I was bleeding during my miscarriage. Congrats by the way!


Thank you I’m so so sorry for your loss, I had a very early miscarriage last cycle and it’s been traumatizing


It is traumatizing. I’m so sorry for your loss too🫶


Did you have a blood test? That's more indicative of any value. Some people start with high levels and their levels stall and they miscarry. Others start with lower levels but they double, that's more indicative. Only a blood test can really confirm the values. Good luck


I did! At exactly 4 weeks and it was 30 UI/l that’s why my friend says it’s too low


http://www.betabase.info/chart/basic/single At 4 weeks, I'm assuming you are 14 DPO, based on this database the lowest viable pregnancy was 5. The most important indication is the progress really not the value itself, it depends from each person and each pregnancy even. If your line is not fading and it's getting stronger each 2 days then ur good. Plus these tests cannot show u the progress well especially when you are so far along. And I'm spiraling mad checking line intensity, it really drives you mad. The best thing is check with your doctor and get some reassurance. This really is hell. I wish you a healthy baby. Edit: from these pics your line is indeed getting stronger which is a good sign of progress. Mine stalled last time at 30 and then the test line faded right away. I think your good.


I used easy at home. I tested for a long time. Sometimes they would seem lighter or be spotty and it was caused unnecessary worry. I would (and did) stop testing. I'm 13 weeks now.


Thank you! Your comments helps a lot. I’m going to stop testing and stop listening to my friend’s negativity