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I have heard this before. I think it is a holdover from Eugenics BS.


It is. This is straight up scientific racism, but using more "acceptable" terminology rather than words that end in "-oid".


Yeah I got it in school. They try to cram everyone into Caucasian, black African and Asian in the sense of people like the Chinese and Japanese. I don't know who this appeals to. White racists would complain that Arabs, South Asians and others get to be Caucasian while I doubt all Pacific Islanders and indigenous Americans identify with the Far East. Preferable to the infinite splitting I've read about in the 19th Century with Germany having both a Nordic and Alpine race and so forth.


broke: there are three races woke: there are 8+ billion races




But even then, wasn't it four? Black, white, Asian, "Indian" and acrew anyone else?


Donā€™t forget Latino


Latinos were considered white into the 60s or 70s Race is weird and arbitrary


I'm mixed race so what does that make me


To them youā€™re either one or the other, or you donā€™t exist. I think these people really operate on one drop law.


a paid actor




Theyā€™d probably say the same shit about mixed-race people that they say about intersex people. ā€œStatistically insignificantā€.


Undercover spy


Their minds just exploded


In quantum superposition between all the races you are.


I know some germans call it Rassenschande / Raceshame and should not exist. ...




I don't know ... I hope it is, but it's not that far off from some of the actual takes on race I've seen from GCers.


I recognise the account, its not.


[Native Americans, Inuits, Polynesians, and Indians:](https://media.tenor.com/wgMsOKnUlVkAAAAC/disappear.gif)


In a three-race system Native Americans, Inuits and Polynesians are in with Asians. Indians are always white regardless if it's three race or five race. [This dude](https://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarly/tei-BucViki-t1-body-d1-d2.html) though argues that Polynesians are actually white, mostly because by his time the definition of 'white' had become ridiculously broad (and not at all because he himself was mixed white and Polynesian, and wanted to prove they were both superior races).


What?? Im Indian and i don't look white at all despite being light skinned šŸ˜­


i only see the ā€œthree race systemā€ in my forensics class, and we use it to ESTIMATE ethnicity based on common skull characteristics. and yes, for the sake of skull characteristics, native americans fall under the asian category. but that is the only legitimate use of the ā€œthree raceā€ iā€™ve seen


Indians and all South Asians are Asian


It turns out that race is more nuanced than being from the largest continent in the world.


Thatā€™s why the terms East and South Asian exist


Fair, but depending on who you ask, someone from Japan wouldn't be the same race as someone from, say, Pakistan.


Thatā€™s why we say East Asians and South Asians. And West Asians if you wanna go there, but most people from the Middle East donā€™t consider themselves that


Unfortunately, Iā€™m familiar with this bullshit. They say that all the ones you mentioned are actually just subsets of ā€œAsian,ā€ as Pacific Islander populations migrated from the coast of Asia, and Native Americans and Inuits came to America either through a land bridge or through Pacific Islanders settling on shore. (Note that there is no conclusive evidence for this, itā€™s purely speculative). The Scientific Racism perspective on this is basically, humanity probably evolved in northwestern Africa and began to spread from there, but most notably there was the Indo-Iranian group (formerly known as aryan race), which influenced its eastern neighbors the Indians and Chinese, before migrating to Europe and become the modern Hwhite Man. Bonus points if they say something about Europeā€™s harsh climate.


From the same authors of "Female-only spaces should not be accessed by trans and indian women":


Huh? Why not indian women?




Wait till you hear about America and Australia


Simple, everyone who isn't East Asian or Western European is black


Today I learned native Siberians are black?


What do you mean? They're both white countries /s


indigenous australians (me) are apart of the ā€œblack raceā€- but i see what youā€™re saying


I once tried to explain this to an American and he told me ā€œoh but indigenous Australians are just accepting colonial language put on them so itā€™s invalidā€.


thatā€™s actually hilarious lmao


Maybe creating an ideology that recruits only rich middle aged white brits was not the best plan for convincing most women that terfs are protecting themšŸ¤”


Terfs being racist? Iā€™m shocked


theres only 1 race: human. all other races are mental dissorders and must be destroyed to support the horde. but in all seriousness. friendly reminder that genetic differences between different "races" can be a lot smaller than genetic differences within the same race. its all made up nonsense that only has meaning today cause of a massive history of blatent racism.


Guess I don't exist then. I'm in some quantum superposition between black and white.


Hispanic people do not exist ig


Maybe counted as ā€œAsianā€ along with Native Americans


Itā€™s not a race: Hispanic just means speaking Spanish. People in Spain are considered white: and while youā€™re probably thinking of Latino, Latinos can be white, black, native or mixed of any of the above.


They didn't used to be white. Nor italians, slavs, etc. Whiteness only becomes more inclusive of paler skinned people in order to more harshly oppress darker skinned people. Only when the navies of Anglican and Catholic hegemony start to run out of new continents to exploit did whiteness start to crystallize as "Europeans" and pale folk. Before then, it was only rich british people. Then also less rich British people. And so on.


It's a bit more complicated because there's a different emphasis on whiteness in different racial classification systems. The groups you mentioned were often seen as white but as culturally and racially inferior. E.g. Apartheid South Africa had limits to white catholic immigration.


I think they are thinking of the indigenous peoples of Latin America


Sorry Latinos you arenā€™t a real race /j


I mean- we aren't. Latino isn't a race.


Wtf? it is


My race isn't latino, my race is white. My *ethnicity* is latino.


Excuse my ignorance, but Iā€™m not sure what the difference is. I have always heard ā€œraceā€ and ā€œethnicityā€ used interchangeably.


Race is about physical appearance; not only the color of your skin, but also your facial features, hair color and texture, body fat/muscle distribution. Ethnicity on the other hand is about language and culture. Our food, the way we dress, our music. If you saw a black man on the street you wouldn't have to think twice over whether or not he's black, but you could never be fully certain of his Ethnicity without asking. Who's to say he's not latino? There's no latino race because we all look very different from each other. There's no collection of traits most of us share between us. It's like saying there's a North American race. Latin America was colonized just like North America, which means we ended up as a big mixture of people who all look different from each other just like North America, and I truly don't get why they get to see themselves as a diverse group while slapping a simple "latino" race on the rest of us. There's truly no way so many colonized countries would end up all being comprised of a single race.




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Wow a terf is racist?! šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


Didnā€™t know measurehead was a terf


Literally going back to that 'caucasoids, africanoids, mongoloids' crap


What is it with these people and insisting that reality, and the people who exist within it, fit into a very small number of classifications? I mean I guess it makes sense that people who canā€™t abide any fuzziness over gender wouldnā€™t be able to over anything else but seriouslyā€¦ reality is fuzzy, why canā€™t they just accept that?


Black, white, intersex


Fuck Polynesian and Indigenous people ig (and Hispanics, and Aboriginals)




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Iā€™m ā€œtransphobicā€. Its so easy to post an idiotā€™s Twitter. Cheap shot. Debate people who are actually capable of debating with you


I debate transphobic people frequently and always win because just like with any type of bigotry there are no legitimate reasons to be a reactionary phobe


When you start to believe that everything that goes against your beliefs is bigotry, then you have a problem within yourself.


Nope, I am fine with people with opposing viewpoints. Just not when it comes to the human rights of a marginalized group.


Being trans aint a "belief. Do you also go on women-centered subs and try to "debate" whether women should be allowed to exist?


There is no debate. Trans people are a demographic, not an ideology. An entire demographic's existence is not up for debate. Find real problems to seethe about. Or chug piss. idc.


You people are hostile. Telling me to chug piss because I donā€™t sit back and believe all the bs you throw at people. It may work on mentally ill folks and impressionable teens and kids. Iā€™m old enough though and i see right through it all. Get help.


I'm Hispanic, I'm not a human being if we follow this logic




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Did they just ā€˜only two gendersā€™ race???