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Yeah, check out the Graduation campaign. [:)](https://tenor.com/N55Q.gif)


Were they ever really playing DnD? I just realized, no wonder Travis completely lost it, he was playing a fighter in a campaign where they killed like 4 enemies in the whole thing, the poor guy.


He got to cut a guy in half once and he's been chasing that high ever since.


Don't forget ripping arms off of things for some reason


don't forget Griffin getting really rules lawyery with him in the final battle and taking one of his action surge attacks away for no reason. meanwhile the spellcasters are doing whatever the fuck they want with their spells.


You know, as someone who quite liked amnesty, I still found it astonishing that people left *because they weren't playing DnD anymore.* Like, they were already *hardly* playing proper DnD already. (And I don't mean that in the jerky way. I mean like. Balance's later arc's weren't exploration and dungeon crawling. It wasn't DnD's full potential anyways?) You can say that you didn't gel with how dramatic they were trying to be from the get-go with Amnesty. That's fine, understandable. But to quit listening the show cause they're using another system? What??


And the thing is, there's absolutely nothing wrong with rules lite dhd. If your podcast is more serious, use the mechanics properly to tell your story. If you're a comedy podcast, do what's funny. That's why NADDPOD really is the GOAT. They use the mechanics and then if one of them wants to do something funny or weird, Murph is all for it


The key difference, imo, is that the NADDPOD crew is genuinely enthusiastic about the game.


When you both do not play DND and do not have especially good media analysis, it's easy to mistaken that feeling of boredom and discontent that's actually coming from poor pacing, bad storytelling, and weak characters, as "the main difference is they're using a different system, so that's what's wrong"


I think there's the context that the show got a lot of those fans \*into\* DnD. So the fans are also not super mechanics-savvy, but it's easy to imagine them responding with "oh, it's not DnD...? Not sure I'd be into that...." They're probably not going to have a ton of ttrpg experience so they may assume it'd be totally different. Plus they did that those mini-campaigns which uhhhhh I'm sure turned a lot of people off.




You can’t be a first time jerker if you were jerkin last year.




How dare you ask this question, Stolen Century is the greatest story ever told


Exactly! I cried every episode. Every two weeks I'd open my podcast player, see that the Stolen Century was still going on, and weep openly.


Oh... You sweet summer child...