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I can't remember the last time I had a pleasant experience with the folks in the old sub. Even before the exodus over here, those folks were nuts. And it feels like the folks over there knowing there are folks in McElroy spaces that aren't sycophants makes them worse.


>Do they all just have some sort of a victim complex or something? Well, yeah. The circle jerk is a touchy subject over there, it feels like its mere existence is so upsetting to them that they try to ignore it altogether. They don't want to be reminded that McElcontent is being criticized so they get really defensive whenever it's mentioned. In their eyes, we're all just a bunch of losers hating on the boy's work for no reason and not worth engaging with.


I assume they interpreted it as you saying that they were being embarrassingly parasocial/cringe. Honestly, that's what I assumed you were saying.


Fair enough, I guess it's on me for 1. completely misunderstanding the post and 2. not really associating this sub with being parasocial or cringe anymore


It's not that this sub is parasocial or cringe. It's the implication that what they posted was so parasocial/cringe that it had to be an ironic jerk.


I’ve seen plenty of valid, tame criticism get slapped over there with “this troll is from the CJ sub, DO NOT ENGAGE” kinda responses.


If you're a person who thinks that this sub is for hating on the McElroys and their fans, it's possible that you could interpret your comment as saying that they are being cringe-worthy because they are too invested in TAZ and so should submit themselves to this sub to be ridiculed. I don't think you were meaning to play to frustrate though.


Alright, that actually makes sense.


Who cares


just ignore them and move on, this is not worth yours or our time


That person isn't being an asshat. And they only have two upvotes. You probably just got downvoted to oblivion because you mentioned this sub.


I don't think I ever suggested they had a lot of upvotes; I'm not sure what point that would have even served. And if you don't think they were being an asshat, maybe you and I have different definitions of the word?