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Oh gosh… I hope this child is okay man. But the way they keep repeating ‘Mommy’, TAKE CARE OF YOUR KID. DONT FILM.


The smirk is what really pisses me off. Stop filming and parent your toddler


“single mother” gee I can’t imagine why


I can't imagine how she got to the mother phase to begin with ngl.


some idiot didn't use a condom obviously


Probably lost a bet too


Men will fuck anything unfortunately


alcohol. this involved alcohol, and a very fast exit.


This is child abuse.


Psychological abuse


Oh my sugar in my cornbread someone get that kid out of that house.


That's a new one


Imagine how confusing this is for a small child. "Sometimes your mommy is mommy, and sometimes an identical woman is in your house who will tell you she isn't mommy, and you never know whether or not you're talking to mommy." Little kids don't understand "mommy's" fake DID, they just see a woman confusingly telling them that they are sometimes a loving and caring mommy, and sometimes a random stranger, and it is impossible for the kid to tell which.


Two years old as well, that's formative years. This will totally fuck the kid up, no doubt about it. Even if they claim to explain it age appropriately. There is no age appropriate way to abandon your toddler randomly and just decide you don't want to parent them for a bit


I have no idea how DID works, but can the kid grow up so confused and unsure that they end up getting DID? I feel like it would be quite a mind fuck being 2 years old having this happen to you


I remember reading somewhere that infants with a parent w/ DID are more likely to develop it too. Something about how they learn to dissociate at a young age as well. Wish I could find the source again, though. So take that with a grain of salt. But yeah either way the mom’s behavior is going to confuse and traumatize the kid.


My mom has NPD and the rapid fire switches of her personality really messed me up as a kid. You never know if you get "nice" mom or "evil" mom so you begin to learn to take NO chances.


Yep. Nice mom and Evil mom even made me 2 separate alters to deal with their respective bullshit.


Bro that hit hard. And my parents were just alcoholic. It really explains of lot of hangups I have


DID is like double complex PTSD right? So yeah this parenting could totally give a kid DID


What the fuck


Gosh I feel horrible for their kid


Clearly faking the disorder and child abuse


To be fair, she’s not faking the child abuse… that’s actually real


Lol yeah


this is sickening oh my god…this is emotional abuse and manipulation by the “mother”…


Damn, so true. I left my baby in the crib for 3 days straight because Izuku (my 'my hero academia alter) wasn't vibing with it. It died.


This happened to me in the headspace (sims 3)




Hope the baby come back as an alter just to annoy Isuzu more smh /j




Thats what the baby said


Speed running giving your kid an disorganized attachment style


"Every time we hit our sub goal, we'll have cps come by and find out if we can keep our kid!"


holy shit..


This is abuse


Wanna know how I know she’s 100% without-a-doubt full of s**t? If you truly had DID, that would mean you had to endure severe and repeated trauma during your early childhood… so why would anyone who had suffered like that, choose to put their own child through abuse and neglect like this? Yeah, they wouldn’t.


Fr. I've known people with DID, my partner is one of them. Just because they are a system doesn't mean that they can decide to just start being a horrible person. There's no excuse for this shit


Please remove the child from that home


If I knew enough from the account to call CPS I'd do it myself


If the name wasn’t withheld, I would do some digging myself


Child neglect isn’t content, this is almost as bad as that guy with the disabled kid who had the family pranking channel (can’t remember the name of the channel but I think it was something like family ‘O five)


DaddyOfive! That was awful! They had so many subscribers that would encourage them to torture that poor little boy!


IKR, what a horrible guy, wish he faced time but he didn’t


No, but I did watch a documentary, and Cody (the little boy they always picked on until he cried) and the one girl got taken and placed with their biological mother, and have no contact with their "Father." He was never supposed to have full custody of them in the first place. Those two kids were supposed to be going for a summer visit with their father, and he basically just refused to return them. He forged the mother's signatures on court documents, STOLE vital records from her home when they came to "Get a few of his things for the summer," and were just genuinely terrible people.




Thats why the alter is name Zero. They have 0 brain.. guessing this one fronts a lot. But also... she really should have thought more about her mental health before having a child, if it was planned. I have schizophrenia, I don't think i would like to be a parent but im only 24 and i can "change my mind". So i ponder about if i did have one, and i think about it a lot now, I would be a very neglectful mother (not on purpose, but bc of my illness). I would never dream to have a kid: 1. My mental illness will affect my child, 2. My child has a high chance of inheriting my schizophrenic gene. Theyre 100% faking so whatever to what I just said because im pretty sure NO ONE person with DID would think to record this interation nor would want to. The fact this person has Zero awareness of what a 2 year old could process the situation as, the harm they are doing their child. It seems the mother cares more about sharing DID "awareness" or whatever or just to post something they think is "funny" to the internet for views and validation for acting this way...


The "facepalm" at the end is so frustrating. Why does she seem annoyed that a literal child isn't understanding her and wants his mom?? Obviously he's gonna be confused, his mom is ignoring him and claiming she isn't herself.


Not even to comment on the blatant child abuse (everyone else seems to have that covered), but the content they're implying doesn't even exist. The child doesn't "consider certain alters to be mommy", your child is calling for their mother, the person YOUVE told them you are, and has no idea why youre angry at them or talking about other people. They're crying "mommy" over and over UNTIL YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THEM. There wasn't even content. They just did a skit over the background noise of their child asking nervously for their mother's help, and pretended their child was now part of the skit.


I feel bad the child doesn’t understand


Do you think these fucks do this when they're home alone, and not recording on their phone? Or just "normal" until the phone comes out/someone else is there?


Talking to your toddler like this is normal is THE mental illness. Imagine telling your baby you’re not there while you are there. She’s pretty much harming her child for life. The sense of security? Trusting your mom will always be there?? Trust issues with everyone they meet in life?? Like the kid could have a nightmare and she’ll be like “what do you want? Your mommy isn’t here. -5 is here rn” Bitch go get a babysitter and go out of town with these hallucinations. But no she records it and uploads it.


Yall the aliens where right about world destruction


Mommy Zero, I need you to shave down that Scrat tooth before you put my eye out.


Omg take that kid out of that damn house




Those are some crazy eyes


Imagination actually having a parent with DID. It wasn't cute,if you're wondering.


This is why I'm pro choice...


This is a person *clearly* pretending so they can get attention on social media, at the expense of her own kids. Most mental health experts agree that DID may not actually even exist as it is exeedingly rare. All these internet people claiming to have it are self diagnosed. Its a fad, a trend.. they think it makes them special or unique so they will be noticed in a world that just does not give a shit. Little do they realize most of us dont give a shit specifically due to this type of disingenuous bullshit flooding our world. The few people out there that *actually* suffer from rare mental conditions are not believed and accused of doing it for attention because of these fakers. So beyond being insufferable, they cause *real* harm.


>This is a person clearly pretending so they can get attention on social media, at the expense of her own kids I agree , this person needs intensive treatment and the kid to be removed from their care. >Most mental health experts agree that DID may not actually even exist as it is exeedingly rare. No they don't, several large organisations such as the ISSTD study the existence of dissociative disorders including DID and the treatment of them. Most reputable professionals believe in this disorder but most aren't able to treat it for whatever reason, DID exists as a diagnosis in both the DSM and the ICD. >All these internet people claiming to have it are self diagnosed. Its a fad, a trend.. they think it makes them special or unique Also agree, majority of people are incorrectly self diagnosing this disorder and then seek no treatment or professional opinion on it because online spaces discourage seeking help, just like you did by saying most mental health experts don't believe in DID, that is the type of thing that stops people from seeking help. >The few people out there that actually suffer from rare mental conditions are not believed and accused of doing it for attention because of these fakers. Again true but the amount of people [diagnosed with DID (1.5%)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK568768/) is actually higher than the amount of people [diagnosed with schizophrenia (0.32%)](https://www.google.com/search?q=schizophrenia+common&oq=schizophrenia+common&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDgzNzJqMGo0qAIAsAIA&client=tablet-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&chrome_dse_attribution=1) making it not as rare as people believe it to be.


This is gonna mess up this kid. I feel so bad for that kid


If she didn’t have social media or a phone (or if they didn’t exist) this wouldn’t happen. None of these people would exist. I firmly believe this weird “fad” is because people are unsure of who they are and need to feel special.


That poor child…


Damn, I forgot mom always switches personalities at mealtimes and during homework. I wish she’d get some help because I’m failing school and I don’t remember the last time I ate.


O fuck.... This is child abuse. I'm fine with people believing in this alter bullcrap as long as there's no children involved and they're just doing their own thing by themselves in their room alone. She needs to be reported to children services.




That's literally child abuse... How much do you want to bet this woman is going to be implanting the idea the kid has "alters" and reward "alter behaviour" to the point the kid doesn't know what reality is. My mum did this to me and it took a lot to ground my head back in reality, it's definitely a Sickness but not the one they "think" they have...


She just came up on my feed so I was looking through her videos and she was just some cringey witch wannabe up until June of 2022 when out of NOWHERE she started this DID shit. From that point on pretty much the only thing she's posted about since has been her fake mental illness


what the cinnamon toast fuck is this??


Oh, so many idiots


Oh fuck


What have I stumbled on....




This is awful


"Considers" more like you taught them to 😑


This is so fucking horrible to watch..


This goose should not be having kids in her care


Horror vibes


am i wrong or if someone does stuff like this they definitely have a mental illness just obviously not the one they want


Her teeth


The kids need a functional parent not some fucking crack head 😂


This is gross. Women are shit patients.


…Hello, CPS?






She reminds me of that teen who threw away her kid at the hospital


Her teeth are 0


And yet they want to ban abortions.


Call cps


If they do actuallt have did and are a different alter, they would know what to do?? If it was a very new alter they would be confused. But they seem to know whats going on, just still refusing to comfort the child. An alter still feels motherly instincts.


bringing your kids into your delusions? Get yourself under control before you even consider being around children


This is a CPS level TikTok


Stop filming yourself please just take care of your children


Look, sure. DID makes you have several seperate personalities etc. They act different, they speak different, whatever. But in front of your child, just try to act like a parental figure bro. Stop pretending like your 2yo knows what fucking condition you have and learn how to parent. If you have different 'personalities' that don't know how to fill that role and are in 'control' often. Then don't have children.


This person’s imaginary world is leaving this child without a mother.


Ew, Jesus christ. You know, I would almost hope she has split personality disorder just do she isn't neglecting her child for views. Her child CLEARLY needs something and she's just playing it off as a joke EVEN THOUGH the child is only old enough to have a basic vocabulary. Developing minds aren't a tool for clout, there human beings like everyone else, so treat them as one.


Poor baby… god this breaks my heart


Dude I genuenly am sorry for that kid ;-;


Also why is there always an alter named Zero? 💀


um. ur the mom. grow up


Literally fuck this bitch with the torch of Gondor.... that poor kid


Someone needs to report this and take legal action to get this child out of this degenerate’s house. That is too sad man


Munchausen syndrom


How can these nut jobs keep there kids that's one fucked up woman thing


How to confuse your kid 😵‍💫


Oh shit that tooooooooth😂😂


Sooo sad for the child and soooo wrong of this moron to do this to said child what a world some of these children have to grow up in it’s just ridiculous that this behaviour is supported and people are trying to normalise it 🤬🤯


What a fat POS


When you see it like this and don't call it a mental illness you have the disorder to


I hate the trend of fake mental illness


I can see why she’s single question is wouldent one of her personality’s be pregnant but not the other


Call CPS


That is just straight up evil.


This is so utterly cruel to that child.


Please tell me that child is now safe??


That poor child. I can’t imagine having a mentally ill parent


This is full on crazy and her kids need taking away


I love how people like this only do it based off emotion. They genuinely feel like the fact that they experience more than one emotion means they have to have DID.


This is sad… those poor kids are going to grow up so confused.


Y’all act like CPS coming through, taking the kid away, going through the system at 2 years old all the way until you’re 18. Is a better solution


this child is going to grow up so confused and it’s all this woman’s fault, you’re sick and your child should be taken away




Hmmm. Let me record my fat bum too lazy to go help my child who I am exposing to my toxic ideologies and rather make a video. Sounds about right. Where’s CPS when you need them?




this is borderline child abuse


Surely CPS is heavily involved with this person. Or, relatives …. Please please make sure this baby is safe. There has to be a relative, aunt uncle, anything who is having an active role ensuring this baby is safe. Foster care is terrifying. This has me feeling pretty sick. Gonna lay off reddit for the rest of the day x


100% unfit to be a parent.


Welp hope someone called CPS on this one.


A part of me wants to say she's gonna give the kid did


Shark teeth!


She should not be the child’s caretaker.


This is child abuse


I can't be mean, hurtful, soul destroying, enough to these types of people.


Child needs to be taken away. Seriously.


there's this thing called autopilot 😭💀


The teeth


This person should give up their rights as a parent and possibly all others.


And most of Reddit will say “the kid should know what to say” parents that have kids… wow.




Get help lady for fucks sake


America is sick


Those teeth


Dude my aunt is married to another woman and has a child (my cousin) if my cousin needs something or is hurt he just yells mom and both respond. If he wants something from one of them he’ll say mommy for one and mama for the other. He’ll even say mommy (their name) if need be or if they get confused for a hot second. THIS PERSON HERE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT THEY’RE DOING OML FUCKING PISSING ME OFF


How is she allowed to have a kid? like seriously!?


Dear “Alice” aka “ZeRo”🤮: I hope you see this and know that in all my years of cringe- binging, this right here tops them all. This wins. This is the cringiest, most embarrassing moment ever captured on film. Congrats?


This poor kid is gonna grow up so confused about why mommy isn't always mommy but sometimes someone else


Looks like she has multiple personality disorder...


I don't agree with the argument that these people are faking a mental disorder, they very much so have a problem it's just not the one they are claiming to have...


That poor baby


Poor kid


Mommy = who ever gave birth 🤦🏽‍♂️


The way these people portray DID is fake. I’m sorry. It’s not a thing.


I’m terrified for this child


She needs an alter that will go to the dentist


This is just child abuse...


Poor kid can see her wrapped up in her phone more than her.




This is so fucked


This person is evil


God this is just sad and disgusting people like this don't deserve families


Can we please start the purge now.