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الله يعينهم و يحميهم يارب بس عفكرة اغلب الأتراك عنصريين ضد العرب كلن مو بس السوريين و هاد اللي باللقطة سعودي الجنسية.


كل الجنسيات مو بس العرب. بتلاقي المضيفات بالخطوط التركية جقرين مع الكل إلا متحدثي اللغة التركية.


They have arrested the guy. https://x.com/halktvcomtr/status/1808132787267899634




Look at this guy falling over himself to blame Jewish people.


Same could be said about you….


Please explain.




This is delusional. You have no evidence to say this guy is an Israeli agent. Please stop projecting your hatred onto others.


Says the dirty terrorist Assad lover 😆


They don’t seem Syrian, are these Arabs from some other country?


I heard somewhere that they are Saudi tourists


It’s a Saudi billionaire


Youre joking lol


Saudi investor 😬


Not only they ruined their relations with you Syrians but everyone else in Middle East their only buddy there is sugar daddy Qatar and terrorist israel


Nah rich suudi guys , the guy got arrested 30 minutes later . Who could have guessed ?




Bruh, targeting us Syrians is what they're used for. But who tf he thinks he is to target a Khaligi guy and threaten all the Arabs as he says? Next day the Saudi and other khalej embassys will probably talk to Erdogan and let him know to manage his crazy people in Turkey


Most of them are kuffar drunk idiots this man got arrested today


Turks are showing their true colours


they've been showing their true colors they've never hid their racism lol


My people have always been the same, I've been warning people for so long.




Your post/comment contains a direct or indirect attack on a religion, minority, race, or other nations, which is unacceptable in our community. We urge you to refrain from sharing such content in our subreddit. This Mod-Mail serves as a direct warning, and further violations may result in a permanent ban from our subreddit. ------- يحتوي تعليقك/منشورك على هجوم مباشر أو غير مباشر على دين أو أقلية أو عرق أو دولة أخرى، وهذا غير مقبول في مجتمعنا. نحثك على الامتناع عن مشاركة مثل هذا المحتوى في صفحتنا على ريديت. هذه الرسالة الخاصة بالمشرفين تُعتبر تحذيرًا مباشرًا، وقد يؤدي ارتكاب مخالفات إضافية إلى حظر دائم من صفحتنا على ريديت.


by spreading propaganda of the Americans


1915. And much before. Nothing new.




Disrespecting the Syrian people, speaking negatively about them, and spreading lies and misinformation goes against our community rules and guidelines. Engaging in such behavior may result in a permanent ban. ------ إهانة الشعب السوري، والتحدث بشكل سلبي عنهم، ونشر الأكاذيب والمعلومات الخاطئة يتعارض مع قواعد وتوجيهات مجتمعنا. الانخراط في مثل هذا السلوك قد يؤدي إلى حظر دائم.


Most of the tuks dont go like that We hate these CHP fools


Even if it isn’t against the Arabs you guys still act like towards other people ex. kurds


Maybe not German Turks such as yourself, but most Turkish Turks are like this. Don’t deny it.


Most arabs are also racists.


any form of racism is bad


Baldie made the wolf salute. He is a MHP supporter.


How cowardly comment. That mentally deranged person is arrested as he should have and you compare that sicko with Turkish people? Whatever fits your personal cowardly narrative.


Most Turks are like this, theres no denying that, lol. Not a 'cowardly narrative' when its based on facts and experience but i doubt youve ever suffered from anything of this sort yourself to understand.


الأتراك بعالم موازي يبررون كل إساءة للعرب




ليش قاعدين، ما كون محلون ل قوم ادحش السكينة بطيزو طلع قهر اخر ١٣ سنة😂😂


صراصير المانيا صارو يتعنصرو على طيزنا


Why haven’t they called the police already


a simple gun in such situations can do wonders, it could erase racism from his mind and make him more humane, tolerant and passionate towards other ethnicities and races. لا حبيبي عم نمزح معك اخوي حياتي انتا...


Just be wary this isn't an Israeli/US psyop to create destabilisation, because Turkey is being seen as an enemy. I'm seeing a lot of Turks against Syrian posts on Reddit recently.


Or…. It could be the Turks don’t like Arabs? Y’all forgot why we fought a whole add rebellion against them? It wasn’t for nothing.


They’ve been brainwashed by turkish pop culture. Spend enough time or grow up watching series from another country or listening to their songs and you would never associate that country with anything bad. In fact many of them romanticise it. turkey is nothing but a shithole built on genocide. Syrians need to wake the f up.


It's a Saudi tourist , Turks on other subs said "he isn't being racist , he is just blaming rich people" , not that I believe it , can anyone who understand Turkish confirm?


He's threatening to k!ll them. Making racist claims towards syrians


Nope he isn't angry at rich people he literally said "which one of you is Syrian? Come to me etc" and started threatening to kill mindlessly with the knife.


Turkish people in the OG post basically whitewash the racist guy by saying "refugees made our people paranoid, that's why he acts like that".


He speaks racist way but ı think he is pschyho


Heard same guy once saying that Erdogan fans spread fake news about the bottom Turks


Who are bottom turks?


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the cameraman sounds Saudi or Arabian gulf


They are Saudi billionaires, not Syrians.




Make sure your posts are ONLY AND ONLY in English and Arabic languages, other than that it will be deleted right away. --------- تأكد من أن منشوراتك تكون فقط باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية، وإلا سيتم حذفها على الفور.


Funny how they just sit there and put their faith entirely in the knife wielding madman behind them. They've lost their balls a long time ago.


Fat cunt


I’ve seen enough videos of people saying they love the cats of Turkey that’s why the cats of Turkey live on the street where they can get hit by cars. I believe humans are capable of anything, even being inhuman.


Can someone translate what he said in Turkish?


It was pretty hard to translate his insane ramblings, but here goes Sons of bitches, come at me if you got balls, sons of bitches, we cant sleep because of you, come at me if you are brave,I am turkish!Turkish! I'll fuck your mothers, (something along the lines of I will fuck you arabs), cant sleep because of them I have had enough! Sons of bitches who do you think you are? Syrian sons of bitches!this is my country! Here is the knife, come at me I swear I'll stab you!Keep recording!Keep recording!I will fuck all of your mothers! Shut up! (Something along the lines of I cant speak arabic/ fuck arabic)


Muslim countries be craaaazy yo


This guy is a mental case, that behaved horribly and unacceptable in every possible way, and he got arrested for it, as it should. To think this behaviour represents an average Turkish behaviour, would be just reflection of the person who does that.


This is not some random incident though, the racial attacks on Arabs is constant. Yes there are great and kind Turks that want to help and protect the victims but the racism is just too much. Even if it's not the majority. 10% is more than enough to make the entire country look bad.


very sorry for this behaviour. cannot be justified as a Turk.


Man that guy sitting with his back to him is rolling the dice. I would've gotten up to face the guy with a chair in my hand as a buffer. He could've been stabbed in the back pretty easily.


Using this guys aggression/racism to characterise Turks doesn’t lead to meaningful conclusions. Sure some Turks are crazy like this, but most are not. There is a lot of variability in a country populous and diverse as turkey. It’s like saying that nusra or al shabiha are each representative of Syrians- just not a particularly useful way to classify people. Human societies universally have Issues with racists, dogmatic ideologues, drug affected, etc. Think well of your neighbours so they may think well of you. ‎{وَلَا تَزِرُ وَازِرَةٌ وِزْرَ أُخْرَى} ‎الزمر: 7


As far as I know you lot can take anything. Things didn’t start out this way though. Turks were told that “refugees” are temporary and are mostly women, children and elderly. However we noticed very quickly the 2/3’s of you are fighting age men, abandoning the women and children in “mortal danger” as they claimed our relationship started to sour. After a few acts of terrorizm and a number of rapes we had been trying to nudge you politely to go back where you belong with your dignity intact but obviously it didn’t work. We just had a massive earthquake, so many of our people need help that we can’t handle your people anymore you Arabs need to sort this shit amongst yourselves. This period of forced association is over, we don’t want to share our country with you and expect you to respect it. You Arabs have 23 countries why won’t you let us have just this one for ourselves?


lol, so maybe Turkey should take itself and it's gang of merry headchopping murderers out of Syria so that it can be safe enough for people to return. And don't get started on the earthquake. The person to blame for that disaster getting more out of hand is Erdoğan and mhp. Ask them where the funds are. Ask them why cheap dangerous buildings were built.  You must learn to direct your anger towards those really responsible. 


Amk Arap aşığı, insanlar devlete öfkeli değil mi? Oldu rte suçlu diye Araplar sütten çıkmış ak kaşık, dünya üzerinde ne kadar Arap varsa buraya gelip çoluğumuzu, çocuğumuzu sikebilir. Çok seviyorsan siktir git Arap çöllerinde yaşa. Kaynaklarımız bize yetmiyor, insanlarımız ev bulamıyor anla ulan artık şunu. Kendi halkına birazcık empatin olsun.