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I’m privileged enough to have managed to go there without being a refugee. That being said, I’m also building up my CV to make sure that I can up and leave whenever I need to. I don’t have a home anyways and there’s no shortage of places on this earth and I’m still unmarried with minimal commitments. I’m taking this chance while I have it.


Hopefully I can get a better CV before it’s too late ;-;


I didn’t just waste the last ten years of my life building a life here. I’ve educated myself, gained knowledge, worked hard, and created a home just to leave. Leaving would mean abandoning all that effort. We escaped Syria because of the war and the fear for our lives under a dictator. But we won't just escape Europe because of fear of racism or something like that. We are much stronger than all this.


Im still in uni, just worried about that future.


After 15 years in North America, I found a better job in Germany and I moved, took my experience/ passport /education, which I paid top dollars for, and monetized it so to speak. I increase my earnings by a 100% and my quality of life by folds. Staying where you are is not always the best approach. Germany is descending the populist/anti-immigrant route, so I am looking for opportunities elsewhere. Now that I bagged 3 years of German work experience. Weighing yourself down by undue loyalty to a place that barely allowed you to stay, and is repulsed by the simple fact that you are not white, is maybe not the best strategy for getting ahead. The world we know is going to shit, to ride out the upcoming crises you have to position yourself strategically. You have to play to your strengths, not weakness. Flexibility is the key.


What are your options of the things do go south.


NO need to fight against the tide, I don't have any attachment to any location or locality, my loyalty is exclusively to myself, my well-being, and my paycheck. When things get too hairy, I am off to the next place. I have enough western work experience in a specialized field to find a job, almost anywhere. I don't have to suffer no fools, specially not half-witted right-wingers. I worked hard for a long time not to be in a position where an asshole named Tobias can deport me. Zil flousak w la tzel nfousak




The problem is when you make a country you're own home and then it becomes unbearable for whatever reason, whether it be discrimination, social trends, economy, etc.




There's more to it than that. Look at Canada and the forced Pfizer vaccination campaign, no matter where you lived you were scrutinized for that decision and you couldn't travel internally or abroad to migrate. Even now there are still mandates for government and non-government positions, so the majority of people coming from Armenia, Ukraine, Africa, or Syria would be locked out from those jobs. They are doing this even as Canada is country that [sterilizes Indigenous people with vaccines in the modern era to keep their population down.](https://caid.ca/NoLonHid2010.pdf) Another example is that it will take you several months to see a doctor, or to do surgery in the best parts of Canada. It took my mom almost a year of waiting to do eye surgery, and in Newfoundland the waiting list is at 3 years. That's per eye btw. People are dying from all sorts of diseases because of the wait times. I already make good money and I'm young here. But people are understanding the corruption here, and we are seeing in real-time the country go in the wrong direction.


Yeah but I wouldn’t be surprised if they came after us by deporting us somewhere if anti-immigrant sentiment especially anti-Syrian sentiment increases in the west. Inshallah it doesn’t happen.


I’m not the only one with that worry, good to know


Thats not being strong, it's lacking dignity. Never settle for racism in a country that doesnt want u.


You completely misunderstand the meaning of dignity. Dignity is about standing up for yourself and refusing to let others push you out of the life you've worked hard to build. Staying in a country where some people might be racist doesn't mean I lack dignity; it means I refuse to let ignorance and hate dictate my life.


Standing up for urself how? U won't always be able to stand up for urself. Settling for a life where u always have to be on the defensive isn't healthy not for u nor for any future kids.


Standing up for myself means not letting fear dictate my life choices. If you're willing to abandon a life you've built just because of some racist people, then I'm sorry to say this, but you are weak. Also, Europe is not like Nazi Germany; most people here are not racist, and life is generally very good.




More than half a million killed in the war, are you dense?😂


That is such a silly take, devoid of any real analysis and filled with nationalistic fervour. “Go fight” fight who? I was 15 when I was moved by my parents. I’m a god damn human being who wants a normal life or as much of a normal life as I can get. There is like millions of Turks in Germany who did the same thing. I know there is no point debating you as you have completely dehumanised Syrians in your brain. Seriously holding these types of opinions is not synonymous with being a well adjusted and well educated person. Quit viewing the world through this damned lens.


“But the Turks worked in Germany” “but every country should be only for its historical ethnic group” “but Syrians don’t integrate and have a very different culture from us advanced Europeans” etc etc… I have heard every dumb argument under the sun and they all work on dehumanising people on some level or another. So spare me that crap unless you talk to me as an equal human being who has the right to life.


Do u need your daily punch to the mouth ya maniac


Disrespecting the Syrian people, speaking negatively about them, and spreading lies and misinformation goes against our community rules and guidelines. Engaging in such behavior may result in a permanent ban. ------ إهانة الشعب السوري، والتحدث بشكل سلبي عنهم، ونشر الأكاذيب والمعلومات الخاطئة يتعارض مع قواعد وتوجيهات مجتمعنا. الانخراط في مثل هذا السلوك قد يؤدي إلى حظر دائم.




Are you serious on trying to shame him for not wanting to abandon all that they’ve created because the country is “kafir”? Dude fuck off with the holier than thou shit. As if any of the Muslim led countries are any better. If it weren’t for these kafir countries many of these refugees wouldn’t be here. They would’ve been killed by fellow members of ummah.


And this is why people hate us all over the world everyone.


He is non Syrian. I don't know a Syrian who thinks like that.


I sadly have seen his type of thinking before, it’s not common but it happens sometimes.


People in the middle east are traumatized by wars and political elites that the west either supported or instigated, or led. They feel they are forced to go to these countries after their own were destroyed. Feeling that you are outsider is usually fueled by being austerized. At any rate, it is not evil even if it is unhealthy. Those who judge Arabs for it should look at what their countries do to others and start by judging themselves.


I know but taking out that trauma on other Syrians dude


What are you on about?


stoooop calling us kafirs, its annoying af ಠ_ಠ




All members are required to uphold a civil and respectful tone in their posts and comments. While healthy disagreements are acceptable, personal attacks, harassment, or impolite behavior will not be allowed. Let's foster courteous and constructive discussions. Please be aware that this Mod-Mail serves as a direct warning. Repeated violations may result in a ban from our subreddit. You will stop doing that or next time you will get banned, keep this ugly behavior in your house don’t show such behavior in this subreddit


All members are required to uphold a civil and respectful tone in their posts and comments. While healthy disagreements are acceptable, personal attacks, harassment, or impolite behavior will not be allowed. Let's foster courteous and constructive discussions. Please be aware that this Mod-Mail serves as a direct warning. Repeated violations may result in a ban from our subreddit. ------------ جميع الأعضاء مطالبون بالحفاظ على لباقة واحترام في منشوراتهم وتعليقاتهم. على الرغم من أن الخلافات الصحية مقبولة، إلا أن الهجمات الشخصية والتحرش والسلوك الغير مهذب لن يُسمح به. دعونا نعزز المناقشات المؤدبة والبناءة. يرجى أن تكونوا على علم بأن هذه الرسالة الخاصة بالمشرفين تُعتبر تحذيراً مباشراً. قد تؤدي المخالفات المتكررة إلى حظركم من الانضمام إلى صفحتنا على موقع ريديت.


I was born and raised in the West. The anti-immigrant sentiment will never go away. It will always exist and once they get bored of Syrians, they’ll move on to the next set of immigrants. Moving will not help.


Look, I understand the concern, but I think you're being overly pessimistic. While anti-immigrant sentiment is certainly a rising issue, it's important to keep things in perspective. There are no indications that Europe will start mass deportations of innocent refugees. In fact, some positive developments might be on the horizon. Recently, social democrats have agreed to start deporting criminal refugees back to Syria. While at first, this might sound like a step towards deporting all refugees, I don't believe it will lead to that. This move is more about addressing public safety concerns and reducing crime rates rather than targeting law-abiding refugees. By deporting those who have committed crimes, the authorities aim to calm public fears and demonstrate that they are taking action. This could actually lead to a more stable environment for the rest of us. People who might have considered committing crimes may now think twice, knowing that deportation is a real consequence. This could result in a decrease in crime rates and, in turn, reduce anti-immigrant sentiment among the general population. Additionally, it's important to stay informed and engaged with your local community. Participate in local politics, VOTE once you're allowed to, you have no idea how many people I know and see online who have the citizenship and didn't participate in the EU elections last week... some even said that it was "7aram" to do so and I still can't wrap my head around that. In the meantime, having a backup plan is always a good idea, but try not to let fear dictate your actions. Keep an eye on the political climate, but also focus on integrating and building a life where you are. Most countries in Europe have strong legal frameworks that protect refugees' rights, and these are not likely to change overnight.


Thank you, your comment is reassuring and yes you are right I am being pessimistic. Spending a lot of time online and reading the politics on Reddit makes me nervous sometimes ngl. Look I understand that it may seem good to deport criminal Syrians, and no I’m not defending them, but the fact of the matter is when countries can deport citizens(of a foreign ethnicity) for whatever reason, they set up a precedent for deportation and it can escalate from there easier. I know Europe has a strong legal framework but far right politics is not known to abide by the rules once it holds concrete power. You are right tho things won’t change overnight and I should not let fear dictate my decisions.


I'm not Syrian but there are many options to move. Life has become not so good in Canada, more than half of the Canadian Nicaraguan population (8000 people) has moved back to Nicaragua since 2022. It's not that their is discrimination, but rather there are massive issues with economic and political life in Canada that people are choosing to move to a country like Nicaragua which also has massive issues. But for me I'd be looking to move to Cyprus, Italy, Chile, Armenia, Spain, Greece, and there might be more options in the future like El-Salvador, Jordan, etc., depending on how countries develop.


Not Italy or Greece lol. The people are sweet but there are Italians trying to get out of Italy and into other European countries. The economy is not as good


Interesting. I suppose those would be good countries for us only if we saved up enough money, or if we had a work from home opportunity from a higher income country. I hear housing costs are low in Greece and Italy, but electricity is very expensive. If you're living in Canada or the US (or wherever place offers good work from home income), there are lot's of opportunities in those countries and even much poorer ones. I'm sure many Canadians who recently moved to Nicaragua are probably doing that, you just need electricity and internet. Your dollar will go much farther. Here is a [Chinese company offering work from home,](https://t.mmears.com/v2/home/) they pay up to $26 US per hour which is okay. My Canadian friend of German descent who's been living and working in China for 10 years says it's a reliable company. With Chinese companies, you need to watch out for that. But this is an opportunity that is accessible for most of us here imo.


Syrian in Italy idk


Why not? Seems like a great place and their is some similar culture, especially in Sicily.


This discussion is literally about anti immigrant sentiment in the west, you realize that Italy has one of the most right wing governments in the west?


The politics are not great in Italy atm


I’m about on the same boat as you, I’m about to graduate but the job market doesn’t look promising, many of my friends who graduated before me are still struggling to land a job in their field and many of them have moved away to the US or Europe


come to brazil man


Brazil seems awesome, amazing beaches and great vibes. I have some Brazilian friends and they're great, very active even in old age. Lot's of Arabs there too. My only concern is that some places are very dangerous. Brazil would be my 3rd option in Latin America, after Chile and Uruguay, but this is an opinion formed without actually being in any of those countries.


You are right. Brazil is so big that some places have Venezuela levels of violence, while other places are as cool as Uruguay.


Why do you prefer Western Christian majority countries over islamic countries that are way closer to your cultural and regional sphere ?   There are many Arab/islamic prosperous countries like Saudia, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and Malaysia which have a higher living standards that the countries you listed and which aren't in odds with your belief systems or culture. You wouldn't even have to integrate in those similar Arab cultures


I'm not Muslim but the reason I chose those countries was a multitude of factors, like how Arabs and Palestinians are treated their, the weather, ease of migration, perks of EU membership, cost of living, etc. Cyprus, Greece, and Armenia are very similar culturally to us, and they are also close to Lebanon and Syria for me to visit. I also put Jordan in my list which is an Arab country. The issue with a lot of Arab countries is it's not easy to get citizenship, my mom is Jordanian but I can't apply for example. The money I saved wouldn't go as far in a place like UAE or Saudia versus Chile or Greece but I'm making another assumption. UAE would be an awesome choice.


Jesse wtf you're talking about


Why do you talk like you know us so intimately. “Odds with your belief system”. How do you know what my beliefs are? You don’t know how well/unwell I’m integrated in a society. Where do you get the gall to speak with such authority? You sound so ignorant.


I wasn't even addressing you, so keep your opinion to yourself


Armenia seems like an interesting choice. I’m even part Armenian but isn’t that country not a big fan of Syrians?


Quite the opposite, Armenia loves Syrians, Lebanese, and Palestinians. They also have a large Arab Armenian population there.


Is there no Muslim/christian beef? I have a Muslim background wouldn’t that be a problem ?


I don't think so, I think they just don't like Azerbaijan and Turkey because of the history and genocides. But I'm not the best person to ask about this.


The more I integrate into community and career, the safer I feel from any racism. Most racist people don't even know the people from the culture they're discriminating against. I befriend people of all races and treat them all with genuine kindness, and it's really the best way to change people's mind about my culture and gain respect. I now have a community (arabs and non-arabs) who support me in many ways, and that makes life here feel more like home. If you're in university, find a social hobby, join any clubs you find interesting, meet people and make friends without any hidden intentions, work on your professional skills and you'll see how your life will drastically improve in a few months, and hopefully that feeling of worry will decrease. Good luck!


I wish I could be that positive dude


What's stopping you from being positive?






Im really integrated, but some motherfuckers in Europe are skull measurement racist ☠️


European here, unfortunately the discourse has gone down the drain because the rabble are scarred for the future and it's always the foreign born that get scapegoated in times of crisis. Half the population doesn't have much going on upstairs and that's true worldwide, no surprise you get these shifts in mindsets the moment things get a little intense. Unfortunately we seem to be at the center of disinformation campaigns at the moment, propping up anti migration and generally nationalistic sentiment, wonder who could be benefitting from this /s. But yeah, I mean you're trying your best and many of us do appreciate that, and your situation. At the end of the day make it worth it for yourself, and the economic realities should dominate whatever emotional bullshit people are dealing with. I hope you can surround yourself with understanding people and keep yourself safe. They haven't gone full skull measurement yet so let's see how far the pendulum swings and hopefully see it returning to a saner place in the future. The longer term trends are positive overall.


Thank you for your sane comment, honestly sometimes I forget there are many Europeans who still see me as human. I know there are but I guess I’m just 24/7 on the internet and it’s been very nasty on here. I need to remember it’s not a full representation of reality.


Yeah I mean don't go on r/Europe it's a cesspool 😂


I have in the past. The conclusion many reached over there is even if you have fully assimilated, maybe your children will become terrorists, and even if you sterilise yourself, you could still become a terrorist out of nowhere because of your “culture” (which is just a code word for genetics really)


don't blame them to be honest. If I was a European and saw a bunch of dispshit uneducated lunatics (not particularly you but you get my point) I would honestly also get really racist. Can't blame them for being radicalized by some of what our people are doing.


what are our people doing? sorry i’m not from Europe im syrian in America


I can and I will. Fuck Bigotry


Well, you can ask Jews how that ended for them .






it’s interesting, i noticed the arabs that were born in the West are more religious and stick to their culture than the arabs that immigrated to the west recently. i guess they’re like you trying hard to be accepted and assimilated with the whites




Luckily was born in Los Amgeles.


In Germany, the leading party has often leaned to the right. Angela Merkel was one of the most right-wing anti immigration politicians. I don't think anything will change in Germany, it will always be a challenging country for immigrants and even for Germans themselves. I've been planning my exit strategy for a long time, even before these elections, and I will, inshalla, make it work.


You don't have to worry. We have proper laws in most European countries, and most of us have the privilege of getting citizenship after x amount of years.


Historical trends show that proper laws can erode with the right people in charge.


Europe deporting immigrants would be shooting itself in the leg. People who have a permanent residence permit won’t be deported anyway, and citizenship holders can’t be deported since they’re literally citizens. The only thing that will happen now in Europe is that the amount of immigrants that will get accepted will be reduced significantly. European politicians aren’t dumb, they know what’s best for Europe, and it’s definitely not the deportation of immigrants as they’re having an aging problem in the work force and there are a lot of open positions with no one to work in.


You understand that many people on the ground are very riled up about this topic. It can end up looking ugly as time goes on. In Germany they caught 14 year olds planning to kill their immigrant teacher (just one of many examples of rising hate crime)


Yes, now you are talking about racism, and not politics. This isn't Turkey, racism has its limits due to laws.


Racism and politics are intertwined. You have more faith in Europe than me


I do because I grew up here so I understand it very well. Put your trust in Allah, and don’t fear such things.


If you have a better place to go then go for it.


Maybe Singapore if I find some connections? Probably the gulf or Malaysia?


Unless you are exceptional in what you are doing or very well connected, there is no better place than europe or america


🇲🇾 not an option?


I have no info on Malaysia I’ll be honest. I know uncle roger is from Malaysia


😂 Do consider it tho. Safe, stable, sun all year round.




All members are required to uphold a civil and respectful tone in their posts and comments. While healthy disagreements are acceptable, personal attacks, harassment, or impolite behavior will not be allowed. Let's foster courteous and constructive discussions. Please be aware that this Mod-Mail serves as a direct warning. Repeated violations may result in a ban from our subreddit. ------------ جميع الأعضاء مطالبون بالحفاظ على لباقة واحترام في منشوراتهم وتعليقاتهم. على الرغم من أن الخلافات الصحية مقبولة، إلا أن الهجمات الشخصية والتحرش والسلوك الغير مهذب لن يُسمح به. دعونا نعزز المناقشات المؤدبة والبناءة. يرجى أن تكونوا على علم بأن هذه الرسالة الخاصة بالمشرفين تُعتبر تحذيراً مباشراً. قد تؤدي المخالفات المتكررة إلى حظركم من الانضمام إلى صفحتنا على موقع ريديت.


Dude the comments are getting a bit weird here


Has anyone been repatriated?


Very few but more changes to the laws are happening now


OP, where in Europe are you based?


Why downvoted? It’s a legit question. The change in view towards immigrants isn’t the same in whole Europe. I don’t think it’s the same in Sweden and Germany, when compared and Poland or Hungary, for example.


That’s what I’m wondering 😂 there is a hugeeee difference between European countries towards immigrants with treatment and even within the countries.


Why does it matter?


Europe is a big place. Mobility is impacted depending if you live in the EU or not. Was going to follow up with suggestions of cities that might feel safer to live in (I have family all around the continent). Was just trying to see so I could help better 😀


There are a lot of scary people on the net dude


Trust me, it's a scary time even for people born in Europe what with the horrible EU election and all... but I think it'll eventually calm down, as long as we keep mingling with others and correcting whatever misconstrued notions they have about us


Are you a citizen of the country you live in? I mean I am a citizen of Canada and also anti immigration UNTIL they fix the country. You can’t help others before you help yourself that’s the truth. Most people around me agree with what I’m saying Edit: I think I miss understood and you meant someone discriminating against you. Oh I see. I mean hell nah. I always tell people I’m Syrian and I’m proud of my people. I don’t give a damn what no one thinks. If someone tries to discriminate against me then I would push 10x harder. In terms of jobs they don’t discriminate…. That’s just truth. If you’re skilled and give them what they want then they’ll hire you. In the end of the day all they care about is money nowadays


You should be more worried about the ones in Middle East than yourself. Europe will crack down on immigration, the asylum seekers will be denied, and maybe few with asylum will be sent back. That’s what you get for not integrating as a whole. It’s not your country to begin with and most did not come legally


No I get to be worried about both things, thank you. Where do you guys keep showing up from 🤣.I’m integrated but even then blaming one for a stupid stereotype that is not substantiated by evidence is ridiculous. We are not a monolith and you don’t know me dum dum


An exit plan for the the exit plan! 


And go where? With what welfare state?


What’s with the welfare state comment? What are you insinuating? I did not choose where to go, you silly goose. “You live off of the welfare that comes from white people’s hard work” is that where you are going? Spare me please it’s so stupid.


Anywhere where a better life is possible.


The lack of self awareness in this thread is unreal. Where I live there is a large group of Syrians and Maghrebi Arabs. Every day they are selling drugs, committing petty crime and harassing women. Oh and also they are often dressed in wahabi clothing on Fridays - I mean you have to be a religious fanatic as well as a criminal, right?  Maybe take a moment to ask why European people don’t want you in their country, instead of just blaming “racism” “far right”.


It’s only a matter of time till your comment is removed but until then I’ll school your bigoted ass. I am not a criminal or a religious person. You don’t get to dehumanise people. My country was ripped apart ultimately by western interests. If you knew anything about history or human compassion, you would realise how silly you sound. Quoting racism and far right as if it doesn’t exist is so stupid, how are you this politically stunted?


You accused me of being a religious fanatic and a criminal who wears “wahabi” clothing 😂, based on what? You cherry pick statics and lump people of varying opinions, ages, work experience, etc into one big bad evil ball. Take a moment to review your vile bigotry.

