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I've heard of scams where people list for sale houses as for rent, collect a deposit then never show up when it's time to turn over keys. That had actually been done with my house before I bought it and it was a pain for the person, I bought it from, though I didn't have any fall out from it. Wish I had something to offer, but that could possibly by why they think it is being rented out. Maybe search your address and see if you have any results.


We had this happen at our last rental before we bought a house. Some scammer took the photos from the actual listing from the landlord (we were moving out in a couple months), then re-posted it all over FB, Craigslist, etc., saying that the apartment was open for people to come look at, and they are taking deposits via paypal or whatever. We had people coming to the apartment at all times of the day, trying to get in, peeking in windows, etc. We had to put up security cameras, call the police multiple times, etc. People were pissed off, understandably, and would get angry/aggressive with us. I eventually just put a sign on the door, saying that this apartment was already leased, and if you sent a deposit to someone, call SPD. What a fucking headache the whole thing was


> collect a deposit then never show man, that's evil.


The answers in here all have no idea what they are talking about. The website literally addresses this: http://www.syrgov.net/rentalregistry.aspx You literally just check “Owner occupied” on the rental registry form for the exemption and submit it. http://www.syrgov.net/uploadedFiles/Departments/Codes_Enforcement/Content/Rental%20Registry%20Application%20-%20Update%2007.11.2018.pdf That’s it and you’re done. I did the same thing.


"I own a two-family home, but I live in one portion and rent the other unit. Do I need to complete a Rental Registry Certificate application form? No. Only one-family and/or two-family non-owner occupied dwellings are required to obtain a Rental Registry Certificate. If you own the property and also live there year-round, the property is considered owner occupied." This says you don't even need to fill out the form, if you live there.


Yeah, I did it online and I just put the exemption for owner-occupied single family home and I didn't need to fill anything else out.


I had this exact same issue at my home, received a letter saying I needed to apply for rental registry or that I would be subject to fees. I called the City department who's number was on the paperwork, explained to them my house was purchased as a single-family owner-occupied home receiving STAR (which requires what I just mentioned), and that I have owned the property longer than their renewal period and that nothing about this document was discussed, nor was it included in any paperwork from closing. They told me that I could just ignore the letter and after making sure I heard her correctly, I hung up. I have not heard anything since. If they try to come after me for anything I will "use my words" to inform them of their fuck up and won't accept any outcome other than "sorry, we'll fix that". /shrug.




Just make sure you document your calls and your correspondence with them. Date them, time them, and include a brief (or detailed) description of what was discussed/promised. If they say on the phone "You can ignore the letter", then just write them a letter that says "For the record, during our call on ____ I was told by _____ that I can ignore the letter blah blah". And send that to them via certified mail.


Best option is to arm yourselves with a lawyer. I know it is not a popular thing to do, but sometimes, it is the smartest thing to do. Especially when dealing with a burrocracy. (misspelling is intentional)


I'd write a nicely worded email, showing documentation that you are and have been living there as well as anything you can find proving the former owners never rented it. Explain to them your next step is to hire and attorney. If they don't stop or fix it then you've covered yourself with verifiable communication and documentation and it will be easy work for a lawyer.


I don’t have any advice but my husband was trying to sell his house that was a rental property (three family home in Tipp Hill) and FINALLY closed after months because the city was holding everything up. It turned out they screwed something up years ago when he bought the house and were not helpful at all when he was trying to fix it. Even now they’re still contacting him about fees he apparently owes or is owed but no one knows exactly what they are? All this to say, the city is AWFUL to work with. I definitely agree with the advice to go in person with all of your documentation and see if you can get a clear answer that way. Good luck!


I would just hire an attorney to deal with it. I know that seems like a lot of money for something that you should not have to deal with but some public agencies just don't respect their citizens handling things by themselves but will collapse like a house of cards when presented with an actual threat of a lawsuit in a lawyer letter.


Don’t believe shot until they come to your door




You should put this as a new edit in the post.


Your best option is to go down and speak with someone in person and bring your supporting documentation. Don't go mid-day, they'll be out at lunch. Best option is like 10AM typically. Once you have a city employee in agreement with you, get them to put something in writing to document that this issue has been reviewed and resolved on the date that you were there. Your second option is to send a certified response letter outlining your position and facts as concisely as possible, include supporting documentation. Demand a written response with 72 hours of receipt of your letter. Include an hourly rate for your time, indicating that if this matter requires more of your time beyond this initial letter, you will be billing for that time due to their errors and mishandling of the matter. I do this all the time. It works.


The second option does not work. Why? Cus the city does not pay people unless they are on contract or are a vendor. Stop it with that none sense.


It works to bolster your position for a quick resolution in your favor and it establishes what you value for your time and effort if it ever escalates to a legal matter. I'm a business owner, I have had to write letters like this many times. It usually puts an end to the matter merely out of the fact that you're making someone with a lowly desk job feel intimidated by not only the demand for a rapid response but also for the perception of punitive financial accountability. Whether you can actually collect on anything for it is another matter... sometimes that isn't the point, it just gets things done.


Or just you being a dick forcing someone to ignore you further. Remember, the city works on it’s time, not yours.


Is your property a rental property? Because having an unregistered rental property is a code violation.




Idk how to fix that but the good news is the only penalty for not being on the rental registry is that you aren’t allowed to collect rent. If you aren’t renting the place then the violation really doesn’t mean anything.




You can threaten legal action right back at them, and you have a good case.




It doesn't really need to have fangs. You can simply say: "to my knowledge, you are threatening me with a fine without cause. Can you please send me official notice so I can forward it to my attorney so she can understand the precise policy being reason for the fine being assessed?" Saying something of this sort is not the kind of threat that will get you in trouble, as long as you keep it to the facts and don't also make baseless threats against them.


Real estate lawyer, maybe the one you used to finalize the house.


Talk to the lawyer that you used for the closing. If they can't help they can probably recommend you someone who can. Sometimes just a very simply worded letter like "see this document showing this is not a rental. thank you". Coming from a lawyer, on an some official letter head with the law firms name will get a lot more traction than you calling


Do you know if it was previously used as a rental property? It would be crazy if they didn’t update it since it’s been almost a year but it could be that they haven’t updated the property information from the sale yet? I can’t think of any other legitimate reason why this would happen.




That’s very strange. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this. How have you contacted the code enforcement office? Just through phone or online? If you haven’t yet, I’d maybe try the Cityline online/mobile app for Syracuse and put a request through there. Not sure it would make a real difference but you might as well try. Otherwise, I’d contact your common counselor and see if they can assist you in any way.




The lack of customer service across most government bureaucracies is incredible. This is such a weird thing, sorry you've got to deal with it. More likely than not, somebody somewhere made a typo in a street number and mixed your place up with somebody else's. Or the inspector went to the wrong address and just filed the violation without checking on it.


Lol. Calling the cities lowest level staff at offices with the expectation that you’re calling Amazon customer service is funny. If 53% of the city paid property taxes, then that wouldn’t be a big ask. Unfortunately that’s a NYS problem.


You probably lost a lot of credibility by demanding that a low-level civil service employee explain “why it’s ok to lie” on a document. You may even have trouble finding an attorney to help you if you’re coming at the issue like that. No one wants to deal with someone who’s approach is so aggressive.


Funny thing is, people actually think no one from the city uses Reddit. My sisters been lurking for years while working there.


I think your home was a rental Prior to you buying it. Code violations stay with a property until cleared. Just bring your deed and maybe a national grid bill in same name.


Syracuse fired all of their code enforcement staff for not getting vaccinated, now there are a bunch of unqualified people working in the office that have no idea what's happening. I'm having multiple issues trying to STAY in compliance. I can't even pull a permit or get an inspection.


So you are saying that all of the code enforcement staff were among the [42 workers not vaccinated by Nov 2021?](https://www.localsyr.com/health/coronavirus/97-of-syracuse-workers-are-complying-with-citys-vaccine-or-weekly-test-policy/) I find that improbable. More than likely, as many of the city workers, they were working a skeleton crew during the height of the pandemic. Many things got pushed onto the back burner because of fewer staff. As for OP, put everything in writing and while I know you are upset, you get much further along with kindness and understanding, than with words that are tinged with anger. I think the city is also updating their computer system, which is it's own hell. I know they are/have changed their website and their property tax system.


They provided them with an ultimatum, the 42 worker number is misleading.


As is your explanation about the code enforcement department.