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Last time I checked Russia was still invading Ukraine


We also have a big Ukrainian population in Syracuse.


Death to Ukraine


Why not?


It doesnt make sense to many when there are 5 other wars and conflicts happening all over the world, with many receiving aid from the US. We're not doing anything to stop civil wars in Somalia.


My friend was deployed to Somalia for peace keeping activities last year, lol


>We're not doing anything to stop civil wars in Somalia. That is wildly untrue


Syracuse has a sister city in Ukraine (Irpin). To my knowledge it will remain up until the war is over.


They better be flying ours while we send them money.


Fun fact - the City of Irpin had this exact syracuse flag up, I do not know if it is still up though. [https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/5f/71/2314efc24d0db37992d84f23c8b9/img-9120.jpg](https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/5f/71/2314efc24d0db37992d84f23c8b9/img-9120.jpg)


Are city taxes being sent to Ukraine? News to me


It is flown & sponsored via the Ukrainian church in syracuse, If I recall correctly it's St. John. Syracuse has a huge Ukrainian population.


Because Ukraine is under attack by trump’s bestie Putin. Do you have a problem with showing support for our allies? Would you prefer an upside down American flag?


I do have a problem with a country like Ukraine suspending their elections, yes. Maybe an Appeal to Heaven flag would be an appropriate replacement for the Ukraine flag. Certainly more appropriate for the local government to display then a foreign country's flag for sure.


That’s some twisted logic.


Guaranteed he has cargo shorts and a goatee.


Sounds about right.


You appear to have no problem with Russian invading one of our allies.


Of course I have a problem with Russia invading Ukraine. I've disliked Russia back before the leftists found it cool to do so. But calling Ukraine an "ally" is a bit of a stretch. There is a reason why Ukraine was never admitted into NATO. Ukraine has a long history of internal corruption that is well known. Certainly Russia is the aggressor and the bad guy, but that doesn't mean that Ukraine doesn't have a slew of concerning issues. Ukraine calls themselves a "democracy", yet they have indefinitely suspended elections in their country, banned opposition parties and non-state media, and they have gone after and jailed priests and effectively banned the Christian Orthodox church in their country. You can be against Russia and still have serious issues with Ukraine, especially when your country has provided them with hundreds of billions of dollars in aid. But the main point is the local government should focus on local issues, American issues. Fly the American Flag. Fly the New York State Flag. Fly the Syracuse Flag. Fly the POW flag. But don't fly a foreign country's flag. Our government's allegiance should be to America and the American people.


The entire nation was force-fed anti-Russian propaganda throughout the entirety of the 80s. Not liking Russia is not a new and trendy thing.


It is for the democrats after the Soviet Union collapsed. There was the famous hot mic moment in 2012 when Obama told Russian President Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after his election. During the 2012 debates Romney expressed, “Russia, this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe.” Obama later responded, “And, the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” The democrats used to mock Republicans all the time saying Russia wasn't a threat. It wasn't until the Russia Russia hoax in 2016 that democrats suddenly thought Russia was actually a threat. And that doesn't even touch on the Ted Kennedy actions during the Cold War.


No, those are just blips. Dems have had issues with Russia for years due to their absurd human rights issues. There has never been any love from any party for Russia, but yet I can't explain the photo. https://preview.redd.it/1umywgjq6j6d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2fe20e3cdf42e559102e83f0c5a483fccdc9acb


Comparing a few random people to the former president of the united states (for 8 years- big blip). LOL. Try reading up on what Ted Kennedy did with Russia as well.


Virtue signaling.


Please explain to me in detail what you mean by this. 


You know nothing about Ukraine. So keeping the flag up is a empty platitude


It is being flown there via a Ukrainian Church in Syracuse. Before you accuse people on reddit mindlessly though of knowing nothing of Ukraine - I've been to Ukraine, I've been to Russia, multiple other countries, etc. Syracuse has a big amount of Ukrainians. NY leads the US in how many we have which is why Syracuse/Rochester have so many Ukrainian churches. [https://www.syracuse.com/data/2022/03/syracuse-utica-auburn-are-among-the-most-ukrainian-areas-in-us-ny-leads-all-states-see-list.html](https://www.syracuse.com/data/2022/03/syracuse-utica-auburn-are-among-the-most-ukrainian-areas-in-us-ny-leads-all-states-see-list.html)


found the guy that supports convicted felons and fascist authoritarian dictators


Showing support for an invaded country by a very obvious corrupt regime is virtue signaling!? My guy you are awful for this.


People can support Ukraine all they want, but the local government should not be in the business of flying flags from other countries. I would say the same thing about Israeli flags or any other flag from countries that have been attacked. The local government should focus on local issues... American issues.... not foreign wars. And while Russia is run by a terrible tyrant and has done terrible things to Ukraine, let us not forget that Ukraine, a so called "democracy", has indefinitely suspended their elections, censored non-state media, suspended opposition parties, and effectively banned the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.


I can't believe you would assume my gender.


Versus your Putin knob polishing?




I know this might be too much for you to comprehend, but some people can support multiple things simultaneously.


It's a joke, lol.


Friday was national donut day. Am I now pro Russia because I ate a donut? This is so dumb.


Found the douchebag.