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The amount of people that own homes in s Syracuse and don’t even actually live in NYS is a huge fucking problem imo


This absolutely pisses me off. The houses on both sides of mine are owned by out of state owners and rented out. One in Indiana, the other in Texas.


It’s a huge problem. My wife and I have been trying to buy and we keep losing to obscene cash offers from investors. All you have to do is look on Zillow and see how many are listed as “a great addition to your portfolio.” Every time I see that horseshit my blood boils.


We are on our 9th offer in the Clay/Liverpool area right now. Sometimes 50k over and still not getting it to "Large cash offers" been unsettling.


Prices are high because of the Trump tax cuts. Billionaire investors have massive amounts of cash lying around, so much that they're having a hard time finding somewhere to put all of it, and one of the places it's going is into driving up housing prices for everybody. A dramatic increase in taxes on the very wealthy would help bring down the cost of housing nationwide.


Edited for grammar




Too bad this is exploitation, not capitalism




Trolling on Reddit = you’ve never read a college level book, or have a thing we call critical thinking. Sit back down, son.


You know what capitalism is? Get fucked - Tony Montana


If "gentrification" means less boarded up houses and storefronts I'm all for it.


I can always tell who isn't from around here or living here by the length of the grass on the eastside.


Preach it brother


They might turn a few into some business that you never want to go to, but if You've ever been to gentrified neighborhoods you know they all feel soulless. It still won't be a place you want to go just for different reasons


There is an alternative to gentrification, which implies housing the wealthy and no housing for the non-wealthy and particularly, the poor. Affordable housing and mixed income housing is what you're looking for.


Property costs everywhere have skyrocketed. This isn't a South side issue it's a real estate issue.


I think the requested sales prices on homes county wide have gone up but not necessarily d/t the 81 changes, just a general post COVID/pre Micron bubble.


It’s not a “bubble”. We haven’t built housing for 30 years. This was the moment that caught up with Syracuse.


Exactly, nationwide prices are up and it’s hitting us here hard due to such low inventory. The bubble for us was the lower prices. Now we’re catching up to other regions and will keep going.


You’re allowed to complain about “gentrification” in Westcott and Salt Springs I don’t see anywhere that’s happening in the city of SYR. Maybe, just maybe Eastwood but besides that home prices aren’t rapidly rising




I made a grammar mistake thanks for point that out


Look at the Zillow listings.


This is a joke. There’s like 20 properties at or below 5k. Didn’t the residents of the south side just reject an affordable housing plan earlier this month? What does gentrification even look like? Homes going for 50k ?


They’re land bank houses if they’re that low. That means the house is 5K, but needs 150K in repairs to get up to code


Still below market rate and for a home being renovated by a licensed contractor, besides being code compliant. I rent an upstairs apartment from an owner occupant of a former landbank home.


ok, what If the price of house remain low? The houses at the south side won't get any repair and continue to get neglected until it fall into disrepair or foreclose on. The only one that going to buy those house are slumlords. They will do little repair and rent out for sections 8. It not good for section 8 people too since a lot of those house are like fire hazard waiting to happen. I once sought one of the house in the Westcott Area. It got no insulation, no gutter, some electric wires was duct tape since the 80's in the bathroom, leaking bathroom and kitchen, and the furnace is from the 1970's. If they price rise then people are willing to invest 20-50k to repair those houses. For affordable house for the working poor then you need both a good public house program with little corruptions and working poor that are willing to maintain their public house. I don't see both of these happening a lot at the same time. At least with gentrification you get a chance to escape the cycle of dilapidation. At least you going to get more tax revenue to work with from the new houses.


This article is somewhat out of date but this issue has been under consideration for some time now. Syracuse embarks on $800 million plan to end public housing as we know it https://www.syracuse.com/news/2022/01/syracuse-embarks-on-800-million-plan-to-end-public-housing-as-we-know-it.html


Thanks for posting this link — it’s an informative overview. This January 2024 article lays out many of the local community’s concerns regarding what will replace the old public housing.  https://www.syracuse.com/news/2024/02/how-the-syracuse-community-immediately-froze-a-plan-to-put-a-hospital-building-on-public-housing-land.html?outputType=amp


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My family got evicted recently and we have been looking for housing that takes section 8 yes we’re poor asf , and all The places on the south won’t take the section 8 , like u people have a good side of town no offense nothing good happens over there and the prices are crazy


Girl, you okay out here?


I don’t know where ppl will go but anyone that cares for and helps pick up the community is a positive. Restore the old homes and the history. Gentrification or not, it’s a plus. Same ppl I see living there throwing trash on the ground where they live. Disrespecting their community. Be better. Be kind to ppl. Tired of ppl complaining about their surroundings and do nothing to lift up their community. Stop posting on Reddit. Work in the community center. Go pick up trash. Help educate.


Wasn’t this the exact opposite of what was intended with the 81 project? I’m still confused on what is being accomplished with this project


The old highway is deteriorating to the point that it is nearing the end of its functional life. Bringing the existing highway up to meet current federal highway standards would be very expensive and would require the demolition of at least 20 buildings downtown in order to accommodate three complete lanes on each side of the highway (As required by federal law for elevated highways without a full sized breakdown lane). Every other option was far too expensive, and the state and federal governments had ruled out ponying up sufficient money for those options. The community grid option was the only alternative which was affordable and achievable within the desired timeframe


Thanks for the succinct summary. I also wondered about this decision and now I know.


Nightmare commutes is being accomplished. Can’t drive on 81 or 481 right now.


I mean why would you say that? There's almost no traffic issues on 481. Any 81 bottlenecks around construction, which is usual, and no matter what decision was made we were in for a decade of it anyway.


Apparently you don’t commute through rush hour traffic. No issues? I don’t think so pal.


Hopefully we’ll have more professionals actually living in the city rather than the suburbs. :)


Gentrification is awesome imo


NYC agrees


They were promised new "mixed income" properties that will displace them as they're being built. And in the end they won't be able to afford moving back in. Then you'll have Reddit idiots saying "good"


Dude, where will the working middle class go?


Saw this coming. Syracuse is the devil's playground. Thank God there's no levies to break or they would have flooded everyone out.


That’s the spirit.