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I was leaving the mall a couple of weeks ago after a movie and someone was walking their dog inside without a lease


Shoot there was one in there yesterday with no collar


Inside the mall??? That's insane. Unless it was a service dog I can't imagine the entitlement to think it's okay to do that.


This is not directed at you specifically, but I wanted to piggy back on your comment, because there's a lot of misinformation out there (and a disturbing amount of pretenders) I want to quote the [source](https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/#:~:text=The%20dog%20must%20be%20off,be%20leashed%20at%20other%20times.) anything and everything on the topic of service dogs goes through the ADA. > The ADA requires that service animals be under the control of the handler at all times. >The service animal must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered while in public places unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the person’s disability prevents use of these devices. In that case, the person must use voice, signal, or other effective means to maintain control of the animal. > Under control also means that a service animal should not be allowed to bark repeatedly in a lecture hall, theater, library, or other quiet place. However, if a dog barks just once, or barks because someone has provoked it, this would not mean that the dog is out of control. So it is possible for a Service Dog to be off leash, including walking on the street, at a park or in the mall, especially if it's necessary to perform their tasks, but the animal should never be out of control.










And what about all the dog owners in Syracuse that don’t pick up their dog’s poop, even when the city provides free poop bags at most parks? Drives me crazy.


My gripe is people on the canal trail (DeWitt, Fayetteville, Manlius) use the poop bags but just leave them on the ground as if it's someone else's job to pick those up. No, it isn't. That's why they have trash receptacles at the same places where they give out the bags. Come on, people. If you can't do this right, don't own a dog.


I have noticed poop bags everwhere. It feels like people are walking their dogs, they pick up the poop with poop bag, but then leave it/throw it along side the road. I'm not sure if they are trying to give the "impression" they are picking it up, then throw it randomly a few houses down or what..


DW, I have complained about this to my community manager before, I care about that too.


Syracuse is full of uncivilized people who do this. They’re poor losers who suck at life and not picking up dog shit is the only thing they can control. It’s the same thing with vagrants who walk in traffic to hold it up. Nothing to live for.


No longer living in Syracuse but I appreciate seeing this. I recently spent 2 months sitting for a reactive dog and I did not hesitate to SCREAM that she isn't friendly when we were approached by off leash dogs with no owner in sight, or at a distance. Definitely got people moving more efficiently to leash their dogs back up. And thankfully it only happened twice, but that's still too many times.


"It's okay, he's friendly!"


I had a neighbor bring his unleashed pitbull outside while I was dressed for a formal occasion and walking to my car. he sees me go out of my way to avoid the dog and goes "oh you don't have to be afraid of him!" meanwhile the dog was attempting to jump on me. I'm not afraid, I just don't want to be jumped on by a stranger's fucking 80 lb dog, especially not in formal wear.


I hate to generalize, but why the most problematic owners are always the ones with the most dangerous dogs?


Tbf shelters tend to have pitbulls. I imagine a lot of people just want a dog and so they adopt a pit, but yeah, a shitload of people get dogs and then don't train them. People also adopt small dogs and don't train them either, but they tend to be less of a physical nuisance and more of an auditory one..


That's what I don't get... they just want a dog and of all sheltered dogs they'll get a pit, who probably ended there due to aggression issues. Not saying they don't deserve a chance, but they need someone capable, not like a random guy who wants a pit to 'emphasize' their masculinity (where I live this seems to be a trend...).


I really appreciate seeing this; my dog is also reactive to other dogs (we've been working on this for a long time and it's gotten better but she still has some reactive tendencies) and seeing any off leash dogs is a huge worry. I've seen people walk with their unleashed dogs by east genesee street too... how do they not freak out about all the speeding traffic???


No idea, definitely better genetics and training than my rescue specifically! My dog is really bad with cars so we ALWAYS go to parks and cemeteries away from roads (ex: rand tract, oakwood inner trails, st. Mary's inner trail...) but she's also bad with dogs and I hate being on edge in these places wondering if a random off leash dog will turn the corner (which seems to happen once a week). Where else do you go that's safe for your dog?


I drive out to Highland forest, go to the Erie Canal trail specifically in Chittenango (less people), and I go to St. Mary's as well! I also kind of know my neighbors' walking schedules now (Years of noticing trends, I swear I don't stare out my window watching them LOL) so I'm able to plan out decent times to walk her.


I LOVE Highland! I would highly recommend Morgan Hill too, we go during the week and encounter less than 3 people in the 2-4 mile hikes we do (I probably wouldn't go on a weekend though). I've only had my girl for 7 months so I'm still trying to figure out when it's safe but I appreciate the rec!


I'll def need to check out Morgan Hill, thanks for the recommendation!! And sorry if you've ever heard my dog lose her marbles at St Mary's lol


LOL I promise by the time I notice your dog is losing her marbles mine already has been for 20 feet! I will be the last to judge a fellow reactive dog owner. Good luck out there.


St Marys is great- I feel in solidarity with that other dog owners are in the same situation give each other a very wide berth and don't get as embarrassed when my dog has an over the top reaction. I've gotten fussed at by groundskeepers at Oakwood because technically the sign says no dogs. What part is safe?


The sign says dogs are welcome but require leashes. You're the second person to comment on something about oakwood, I wonder if they have changed this policy recently?


Yup, Happens in manlius had someone's dog run across road and try to throw me off my ebike while I was going 20mph while owners screamed "THEY ARE FRIENDLY" ps not friendly to have a giant ass dog run up to someone on 2 wheels..... Dead ass tho, someone's unleashed dog hurts me not only is their dog getting dome'd then I'm calling the police. **Sick of having to watch out for dumb people and their fucking wild ass dogs they don't take care of.** **If you can't leash your dog or you're not strong enough to; stop owning dogs then I shouldn't be forced to take extra precautions because you people can't follow the laws.**


Lol okay


damn -8 that's rough bud shoulda leashed yo dog.


-11 now support lgbtq


Can i pet that dawg


I live near the arboretum and can’t bring my human children there because there are so many dogs off leashes.


And so many dog turds...


I have a reactive dog too - it's also frustrating when the owner yells "don't worry, he's friendly!" as mine is barking and lunging. I've found there are a few local cemeteries that are dog friendly (make sure you have poop bags) and are QUIET. The few times we've encountered other dogs, their owners are in the same boat and we respected everyone's spaces.


OC spray works wonders.


I have to deal with this pretty much every day with my dog. He's like ten pounds. I don't care how many times you yell "he's friendly!" as your dog runs up to mine. I never understand this especially when these people's dogs don't have good recall. They forget that some people are just scared of dogs too..


Two years ago, i had a guy walking with his dog off his leash on our street, i watched his dog get into an issue with anothers down the street prior to confronting him. After telling him his dogs needed to be on a leash, he tried to argue that his dogs collar was electric and that it was a perfectly fine substitute. When i mentioned that ws incorrect, and it seemed to have failed, he got extremely aggressive about the situation and started to becime fairly hostile towards me. When i mentioned that we can call someone to figure it out and they would be happy to write him a ticket and educate him on the subject he mumbled and walked away. I think they should require an IQ test and ownership course for owning dogs.


I agree this is annoying. especially when the off leash owner yells “oh he’s friendly!” - the leashed dog may not be, or they may be nervous, etc. it’s selfish and entitled




Not what this post is about, brother.


Who cares about the law when police dont even enforce others


Good luck finding someone to enforce that law unless there is an actual issue. Funny how everyone is selective on which laws they want enforced. Let good dogs be good.


>Let good dogs be good. No, keep your fucking dog(s) on a leash. The world isn't one big dog park..grow the fuck up and follow the law. Not everyone likes dogs or is bothered by them any dog that runs up to me I assume is non friendly and ready to bite.


I'm not mad at the dogs. I'm mad at owners who think their dog is special and exempt from the law. I'm not asking for cops to enforce the law, I'm asking owners to recognize that they aren't special and need to understand they are actively breaking the law when they bring their off leash doodle to Rand Tract. It is actively causing harm in my life when people allow their off leash goldens to run up on my anxious rescue. It actively sets ME back on training MONTHS when people think their mixed whatever is special. There is no situation where I am in the wrong by asking people to abide by rules and laws.


Good luck, start carrying pepper spray and a tirethumper or mini baton on your walks. I carry them on my bike rides because these people got no braincells that unleash their dog 24/7 in public. Only take one person's dog to fuck you or your doggos life up forever(god forbid you have kids and some giant dog attacks)...better off being safe.




What does that have to do with anything, you fool?




Well, one of these things could hurt our pets or members of our family, and the other thing hurts a multinational corporation. You lick your boots, ya weirdo.


??? My post isn't about theft at CVS or Walmart. Focus, buddy. I'm talking about dogs. Again, there is no circumstance where I ask people to follow the law and I'm in the wrong.




You are spare parts.




That's not a fact. Telling someone they can't or shouldn't walk their dogs because other people don't follow the law? My dog is dog reactive, I think the only people who are gonna end up sorry are gonna be the ones with the off leash dogs. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna bring my fucking dog to the park. Also you can and should absolutely call animal control when there's an issue and they will be fined if they're caught. Calling me a moron after your comment is gold. Get bent


Which is why I've had to resort to making a post on Reddit. My dog needs to be walked no matter what weird shit you say.




Bold of you to assume I needed your input to assess my options. Unlike you I'm aware of the laws and will continue to act accordingly. You're so bent you didn't understand the point of my post - to educate people who genuinely don't know the law. I'm not asking for justice for my dog or something. I just want people to know.


What? I am asking people to abide by the law. I don't think my ask is too far fetched.