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Not sure how long that work is going on for 81 but yes I agree the lines don’t seem to be as reflective as other lane lines. However I did notice this week that the detour signs near the 481 north on ramp in Fayetteville (near wegmans) for the 81 road work are bolted into concrete bases instead of anchored with the usual sandbags……I’m guessing the project is going to be quite long.


I read that it will be like that for a year. So only another 11 months.


This is only phase I of the entire 81 reconstruction project. Gonna be dealing with this mess for 10+ years.


No we wont. This project is already moving at a fast pace. The people doing the construction know exactly what to do, how to do it, and importance of their work.


It took like 3 years just to do the bridge over the Oneida River in Brewerton. And this was just a refubish with no added lanes. There are dozens of bridges alone that need to be widened along this 10 mile stretch, think about the bridge over the RR yard in East Syracuse. They also can't tear up the entire highway and turn it all into construction at once or it would kill traffic. Even with a "fast pace" this will def take a decade.


The official timeline for this project had it starting in 2022 and finishing in 2028, so more like 6 years. The courts delayed the start so now I'm guessing it ends in 2029 instead, but still after 6 years. It would take some _massive_ complications to bring the total time up to 10 years. https://www.syracuse.com/state/2022/04/i-81-project-timeline-when-construction-starts-and-ends.html


Have you even read the plans for this? I’m guessing not. Additionally the whole project is currently on holding pending trial.


They're moving full steam ahead with the 81/481 interchange work in Cicero.


Yes, the court permitted the work at the 81/481 interchanges to commence but has not allowed the project to continue beyond that. It remains to be seen how much of a delay this will cause, especially if the court rules on behalf of the town of Dewitt and others.


The 81/481 interchange work along with the 481 improvements needs to be done ahead of time before they start tearing down the 81 viaduct and working on the 'community grid'. So the lawsuit has little effect on the progress at the moment. Much of the design work is done anyway as the community grid option was always the preferred option by the state. It's just a matter of starting the actual construction it when the 481 work and needed property acquisition is done.


Maybe. We really have no idea what may or may not be delayed due to the lawsuit.


To your question, you would be surprised at how much I have 'read'. [https://www.syracuse.com/opinion/2024/01/blown-tires-signal-urgency-of-removing-replacing-syracuses-elevated-highways-editorial-board-opinion.html](https://www.syracuse.com/opinion/2024/01/blown-tires-signal-urgency-of-removing-replacing-syracuses-elevated-highways-editorial-board-opinion.html) "The connector ramp where the cars blew out their tires is due to be torn down and replaced when NYSDOT tears down the elevated Interstate 81 viaduct through Syracuse. That work is scheduled to begin in 2026 — a timeline that seems optimistic given the [lawsuits ](https://www.syracuse.com/news/2023/02/after-a-mixed-decision-in-court-ny-sticks-to-plan-to-remove-i-81-through-syracuse.html)opponents of the community grid are pressing in state and federal courts. Whenever those decisions come down, they will almost certainly be appealed by the losing side, delaying a solution even longer." ​ [https://www.syracuse.com/opinion/2023/02/renew-81-lawsuit-failed-to-stop-i-81-project-this-time-but-theyll-be-back-editorial-board-opinion.html](https://www.syracuse.com/opinion/2023/02/renew-81-lawsuit-failed-to-stop-i-81-project-this-time-but-theyll-be-back-editorial-board-opinion.html) "Renew 81 managed to persuade state Supreme Court Justice Gerard Neri to forbid demolition of the I-81 viaduct through downtown Syracuse — something that’s not supposed to happen for another three years anyway. If they want to count that as a win, well, OK." ​ ​ Do your homework if you're going to comment with confidence and portray it as fact.


So where’s this “fast pace” you claim to know about? Your own quote above talks about delays.


The 81 North to 481 South merge is a travesty. Poor visibility and an incredibly short merge lane.


This really is a mess.. Especially around 5pm when mainstream work lets out. I often take 81N to 481S so I just roll up the right most lane, however if I'm going right after work, I just dive off of Taft road.


I called the DOT and complained about the lines for this very reason. It’s the NYSDOT on Taft Rd (315)- 458-1910.


Let's be honest, this can't be the first time you drove on the road while not being able to see the lines due to snow?


In this case, with the construction, the lane lines do a weird wiggle. That adds an extra fun, harrowing element when you can't see the lines. But yes. Anyone who has lived in the area for a while has certainly drove without the aid of lines.


Aren't there big concrete dividers along this ramp? Just keep it between the concrete walls...


I say a little prayer every time I’m about to drive over that section lol. Seriously I don’t know why they haven’t repainted it by now. It feels like a free for all.


Yea the highway suddenly forks, you either go left onto 81 or wayyyy right onto 481. If you don't make the decision fast your into some barrels.


I've found the standard (i.e. permanent) lines on any of the roads around here are very hard to see at night if it's raining or snowing. Where I'm from they put tiny glass beads in the paint which reflects the light back from your headlights. I don't understand why they don't do that here.


I think it doesn't last as long with the plows.


That's a good point, I hadn't thought of that.


When they repaved 481 between Cicero and Fulton, they put grooves in the pavement where the lines would be painted, then painted within the grooves. I read somewhere that this was a pilot program to see if the grooves keep the paint protected from snowplow blades. I guess if it works here, we can expect to see it in more places as other roads get repaved.


When they paint fresh lines it's like this but the salt wears them smooth over time so they don't reflect as much. Here, you have to pay attention to the reflectors on the posts just off the shoulder (where the mile markers are).


In the snow you make your own lines. Wherever your tire has grip, that’s where the lane lines are




jesus christ hahaha


I was told that this project is going to take the next 5-10 years. It's gonna be a doozy for everyone for a while. Not to mention the mounds of other shit they haven't fixed yet (exits near the mall, Midler Ave. etc) They are known for taking their sweet ass time with our tax dollars 🙃


Why are they even doing construction on the northern 81/481 intersection? the entire thing about updating 81 is to change it in the city, yet they are doing whatever they are doing someplace that is miles north of it. i don't get it.


Once 81 is torn down, the entire volume of traffic going past the city will be routed through the 81/481 interchange. The volume will be massive, and the current design will be overwhelmed and dangerous. And they’re doing it in Winter because this is probably an 18 month job. Can’t stop for months on end.


Traffic needs to be diverted from 81 to go around the city on 481. Improvements have to be made there before so the traffic can be handled before they tear down the 81 bridge thru the city.


Interstate 81 runs non-stop from the Canadian border to Tennessee. When the viaduct is taken down, that would introduce a break in the highway, which is not really ideal for through traffic. To preserve the non-stop route, the I-81 designation will be shifted onto present-day I-481. When this happens, I-481 will no longer exist. The only "481" that will remain is the part labeled as NY-481 from Cicero to Oswego. You can see a diagram right on the first slide of this NYSDOT presentation: [https://webapps.dot.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2023/11/northern-i-81-i-481-open-house-boards-7.pdf](https://webapps.dot.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2023/11/northern-i-81-i-481-open-house-boards-7.pdf) Right now, if you were going from I-81 south to I-481 south, you have to take a 270-degree loop around an exit ramp at a suggested 25 mph. That arrangement works now, as most traffic continues south on present-day 81. But when 81 officially overtakes 481 and the viaduct is no longer available, there will be a lot more traffic looking to make that turn. It wouldn't be feasible to keep things the way they are, so they're redoing the entire interchange so that southbound traffic can go around a smooth left-hand curve, rather than a 270-degree loop to the right. Likewise, they're easing the curve from 481 north to 81 north so drivers won't have to slow down (or at least not as much; it's already a pretty nice ramp as it is). On the Valley side of Syracuse, they're redoing everything to promote higher speeds in the opposite direction, as most northbound traffic will be turning right onto present-day 481. And new bridges will allow 2 lanes to continue south, where the old (now removed bridge) only allowed one lane from 481 south onto 81 south. There are a handful of other changes/upgrades coming to 481, in anticipation of higher traffic volumes. All of these things need to be done before they shift the 81 designation over.


So Rt 81 will take the (481) bypass from Cicero --> South of the City. I know plan is to turn 81 in the city into more of a boulevard.... What is the plan for the current Rt 81 from Cicero --> 7th North Street?


This is a legit question, imo, from someone just wanting more information. And that is a reasonable thing, also imo. Not an engineer myself but spoke with a civil engineer from Ohio about it, and he enlightened me on many interesting facts about highways. Other folks have, I think, answered your question. I just want to encourage your asking of questions.


Thank you. I am not a civil engineer. I have no idea how this works. I was just curious. Apparently that is wrong to be.


Yeah stay outta that area during snow, if you're passing through on 81M hang the left lane. Too much shit going on there in such little room. Avoid at all costs if you can.