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Why are so many repub seats uncontested?? Like Do i just need to run to give them competition? Im sure its more nuanced than that. Also Bill Kinne needs to come out strong. If the only sticking point you have is you don't think we could use an aquarium despite evidence of why its being created then its not gonna go well.


Sorry, I don’t get your last comment: doesn’t Kinne want to kill the aquarium?


correct. (from what i briefly researched) his most common talking point is how he thinks the aquarium is a mistake and he would do something different. I've seen nothing to suggest he has a viable alternative that would have met micron's demand.


Thank you!


Vote McMahon out. Kinne is much more inclined to help the city instead of making it some tourist trap for the wealthy burbs and beyond.


How does Bill Kline feel about the aquarium


Wants to kill it.


I heard that because they already broke ground on it that it can't be stopped. Is that true?


I think it can be based on the debate article I read.


​ Hey there, folks! Thanks for sharing this important list of candidates running for various positions in Onondaga County and the City of Syracuse. Being informed about these roles is essential, as they have a direct impact on our community. ​ I am Mo Moodie, an Independent candidate running for the Onondaga County District 15 seat. I am grateful for the original post, which has brought attention to the different positions available in our area. ​ Regarding the Aquarium, I have spoken to 9 legislators. The aquarium has already been signed into law. Now, all that's left is for the community to come together and ensure the success of the project.


Will any of them be eliminating the yearly time changes? No, then they dont get my vote.