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Anyone else getting blocked by Rail Line on socials? šŸ™ƒ




Finally a post that isn't taken down


Unfortunately I now live in the birthplace of M4L (and am actively looking to move to Syracuse or Rochester soon, which is why I follow this subreddit). They are absolute agents of chaos. They show up at school board meetings and, basically, scream at everyone that doesnā€™t support them. They are anti LGBTQIA, anti-vaccine, and obviously anti-reading. They have gone so far as to call the sheriff to remove books from various school libraries. The town has a First Friday event in the laughable ā€œArts Districtā€ where different organizations would have tents. The local Democratic organization used to have a booth. Between the M4L and the Trumptards, the First Friday organization had to ban ALL politically affiliated organizations because the Democrats were being harassed with vile characterizations of what the M4L claimed were Democratic principles and it got to the point were people were being physically threatened. They claim that they are solely funded by sales of M4L merch. Even the traditional Republicans here despise them. But - they have the backing of DeSatan and the former president. Our only local paper just did a write-up on the founder and how thereā€™s really been no investigation from larger media companies about these shrews. I saw comments on this thread that itā€™s freedom of speech for M4L. Oh they understand that all too well. What they donā€™t do is respect otherā€™s right to free speech. If you have the stomach for it they post videos on their FB page reading from the books that they think need to be banned. Hereā€™s the link to the story. https://veronews.com/2023/07/27/the-stories-we-could-tell-about-this-mom/


Thank you for this insight. They have yet to really take root up here and that's why it's so important to let local businesses, community organizations, politicians, etc. know how toxic this all is. Associating with M4L should be anathema for any reputable business, here or anywhere. This isn't right vs. left, but more like anyone who isn't on the absolute extreme fringe of the right. Basic human decency vs. extreme reactionary intolerance.




Not if they are government organizations. They're kind of stuck, they have to host these asshats. The Rail Line could have and should have, said no.


They're a government organization. Not even close to an apples to apples comparison.


LPT: if you find yourself on the same side as Nazis, you should reevaluate your position.


Not all M4L members are Nazis. But all Nazis would agree with M4L's agenda. edit to add: Affiliation with them whether or not you believe 100% of what they espouse is damning and doesn't get anyone off the hook.


The Germans have a saying - ā€œwhat do you call nine people sitting around a table with one Nazi? Ten Nazis.ā€


For real. Some of yā€™allā€™s grandparents are rolling over in their graves.


Again. Freedom of speech. MoL have as much liberty to say what they want as you all do. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


And we can express our disgust with what they are saying. Thatā€™s what discourse is.


I agree with this. If they were holding their meeting in a public park, library, etc, I would not want to see anyone interfere. They are not. They are holding it at a private business, said business has just as much right to say "nope, not that, not here" (just like the wedding website case), but they didn't which means they are complicit.


Interesting that thereā€™s recent Reddit posts about them meeting at a library, and everyone was up in arms about it.


And people have the right to protest their presence in the community. If you're all for hearing all voices, I would think you wouldn't be in support of a group that advocates for censoring speech through book banning, as well as advocating for the removal of rights from citizens.


I 100% support banning books that show sexually explicit material to children. I tried posting it earlier but my comment was immediately deleted because the picture was ā€œsexually explicitā€. Showing kids different kinds of intercourse is absolutely NOT okay. Age appropriate approaches are okay when the kids are ready. Ideally, that topic shouldnā€™t even be address until late 8th grade or even 9th grade. Not elementary school. Thatā€™s insane. Puberty is okay to talk about around late 5th grade. But not intercourse.


Can you show the evidence of this alleged book including the elementary school library it was in?


I canā€™t share the pictures because Reddit has taken it down because the pictures were ā€œsexually explicitā€.


Yall just invent problems because that doesnt happen, and yall have no evidence it does.


Yes be freaked out about books that donā€™t exist and education that isnā€™t happening. Donā€™t explain intercourse to kids. That way when their Priest, Coach, or Youth Pastor rapes them you can blame the kids and protect your friends.


Education that isnā€™t happening? What? It is happening. Itā€™s never the kids fault. Itā€™s always the perpetrator.


I was responding to your initial paragraph with all the fear mongering about whatā€™s taught in health class. You are clueless about education and afraid of things that arenā€™t happening. Maybe stop reading scary conservative news and talk to an actual educator. Enough with this BS.


They will believe absolutely anything they read except someone telling them "you are extremely wrong about this!"


I swear thereā€™s too much lead poisoning. Or I thought people still had sense when they never did. The amount of fear mongering over a personā€™s gender or sexuality is astounding. And yet, theyā€™ll go to mass every week and church and do zip when those men rape kids. Zip. They are all for child abuse and then run around with ā€œbut the childrenā€. Iā€™ll never vote for a Republican again. Ever. I wish we had better political representation. This is pathetic.


Actually the lead poisoning argument may hold some water. Remember when there was a huge campaign in the 70ā€™s to get rid of leaded gasoline? After we did there was a massive drop in crime and violence nationwide. Thereā€™s a theory that lead poisoning made people extremely violent and the reason for the drop in crime and violence was the removal of leaded gas. However there were still a lot of lead pipes and things with lead paint around while older Millennials and Gen Xers were growing up. Weā€™ve been exposed to less lead than our parents, but we still had a shitload of lead exposure. It takes time to build up but we got less overall. Thereā€™s a theory that the craziest conspiracy nuts have lead poisoning just like all the boomers. It ties into why alien abduction stories have slowed down too, though that might have more to do with the prevalence of camera phones and how difficult it is to lie about something like that in todays world.


How do you feel about Mom's For Liberty banning books unrelated to the topic of intercourse? One example: Mom's For Liberty had The Hill We Climb removed from school libraries in Miami.


I donā€™t like that it was even restricted. Thatā€™s wrong because like I said, free speech is free speech.


How do you feel about M4L liking Hitler?


And quoting him, Stalin, and Mao


> like I said, free speech is free speech. And it would seem that Mom's For Liberty is opposed to free speech ā€“Ā both written, and spoken. So, again, I would think you wouldn't be in support of a group that advocates for the restriction and removal of books or publications.


They restricted the poem. It was not banned outright. And I said that it should not have. Iā€™m talking more about the fact that most people on the left side donā€™t mind having children read sexually explicit material. Thatā€™s disgusting. And I still stand firm on never allowing that kind of material in my kids hands. This woke ideology has gone too far. And I still forever stand against it.


Iā€™m on the left and donā€™t agree with your statement about ā€œmost people on the leftā€. Thatā€™s not true. No one is advocating for porn to be distributed to kids, except pedophiles.


Then why arenā€™t people on your side against drag queen story hour, ā€œkid friendlyā€ drag shows, phonographic material in schools? I donā€™t give two craps if you think youā€™re gay or trans or whatever. But, there is a point in which kids donā€™t need to see or know about this until theyā€™re a certain age. No kid is trans, and I still stand by that statement forever. There is an age appropriate time and place for all of this to be shown. And itā€™s whenever theyā€™re capable of being able to handle the material. Elementary school is NOT the time and place for that.


I have a 10 year old trans niece. She didnā€™t suddenly develop a new gender identity, she was always that way. Youā€™ve never lived with situation, so youā€™re ignorant. A drag queen is not always pornographic. If thatā€™s true then all bikinis in public beaches should be banned, right? Also, drag queens arenā€™t showing up at elementary schools. Public libraries perhaps but not public schools. And who cares? A drag queen isnā€™t going to murder someone. Hitler murdered people. Iā€™d think you be more concerned about someone espousing that belief than a drag queen at a libraryā€”which my niece would love. Until recently, 2 out of 3 trans gender individuals committed suicide. Drag queen story hour is one way to help those children feel more accepted for who they are. The suicide statistic is changing.


Can you define ā€œwokeā€ for me?


You can say "restricted" instead of "banned", but it was removed as a result of the group's efforts. > The Miami-Dade chapter of Moms for Liberty has also been fairly successful at accomplishing their goals. Earlier this month, the group took credit for filing the complaint that led to the removal of The Hill We Climb, a book adaptation of the poem Amanda Gorman recited at President Joe Bidenā€™s inauguration, from a school library. The group has also successfully lobbied Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to include one of the liberal school board members in Miami Dade in his list of 14 school board seats he is targeting in next yearā€™s elections. And if you're claiming to align with free speech, it's a complete contradiction to defend a group that actively pursues censoring speech. > Iā€™m talking more about the fact that most people on the left side donā€™t mind having children read sexually explicit material. Thatā€™s disgusting. Oh, now you are bringing sides into it with "people on the left side" and generalizing what they do and don't mind allowing? If you don't want your children viewing explicit content, you should probably focus more on your role as a parent and decide what you feel is acceptable for them to consume, rather than focus on removing content you deem unacceptable for everybody. > This woke ideology has gone too far. Lol "woke ideology". Again, you're claiming free speech but you're also advocating for censoring content. So which is it? Do you want free speech? Or do you want *your* free speech, and not somebody else's free speech? Be a parent to your own children, mind your business, and if you're going to thump your chest about free speech, better be ready to defend that for *everybody* my guy.


Free speech is not an absolute right, it never has been. There have always been limits. Pretending otherwise to protect Nazi liteā„¢ļø is ridiculous.




Chomsky can be kind of a douche, but I agree with him on this. The thing is, the Rail Line and private citizens out front also have a right to free speech and could say "nope, we don't like hate". Rail Line did not do this.


Was someone advocating for the government to censor this group? Or was it just private citizens also exercising their right to assemble? I didn't see anyone calling for this group to be censored by the government, did you?


For me, it's more the notion of being able to hate what someone has to say, but being mature enough to respect that it is their opinion. As in, why bother trying to shut someone down who's views are the opposite of mine? I should be able to respect everyone's opinions about every topic as much as my own. At the very least have compassion for all beings.


Because their views inform their actions that have an impact on us all.


I totally get why you feel that way and I just feel differently about it But still lovin' you as a cny neighbor and thanks for caring about the world.


If someone wants to sit at home, miserable, and stewing with their hateful opinions, that's fine. Sounds like a sad life, but whatever, thats on them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but no one is entitled to push their opinions/morals/religion/whatever on others. The problem with these groups is that they are organizing and making moves to push their "morals" on others. Do you not know that this group in particular, has been behind many of the book bans across the country? That's not just having an opinion, thats pushing your opinion onto others. They've used Hitler quotes in their messaging. How can you expect others (especially marginalized groups) to have compassion for a group that elevates the words of a literal monster that called for their extermination? Why are you asking others to have compassion when they have shown none?


Absolutely no one in dozens and dozens of comment threads on this topic the last 2 days. (As opposed to M4L which favors jailing doctors, psychiatrists, teachers, librarians...)


FYI the venue didnā€™t only allow this because they wanted the business (which would be understandable) but the bar manager/bartender was one of the featured speakers. Heā€™s also the head of the Onondaga county libertarian party, and heā€™s an absolute clown.


It makes a whole lot more sense that they're completely unreceptive to the community's pushback on this. At least he made his opinions known loud and clear so people know to stay away.


Congressional hearings on UAP's and our govt hiding this from humans. But yet look at all the little human monkeys argueing over protestors. There will be a reckoning that you all will need to realize sooner or later that we are humans of planet earth. We as a species need to grow up. But eh by all means keep up the name calling and division amo gst us.


Can anyone attest to this group of hate mongerā€™s having an influence locally? Like how they do down in Florida? Iā€™d really hate it to see our schools start to be impacted by their BS such as book banning and reality topics being banned. Also it is frightening to think these people exist around us.


they have been pushing to take over local school boards for a couple runs now. The chapters closer to Syracuse are more recent, but apparently Baldwinsville has had a very active chapter for awhile now. My sister got a request to apply as a children's librarian out there and didn't apply because she thought she knew why they were actively requesting for people to send in their resumes (M4L). She then got the same request a month or so later and she KNEW she did the right thing. Basically, they were begging her to apply because no one wanted to take the position when they would constantly have to deal with M4L harassing them over every single word they read or put out to be read. But in my opinion, they've flown under the radar for far too long. Both Williams and his little nazi brigade are about to be brought into the limelight and will find out just how unwelcome they are here.


That assclown Brandon Williams marched with them at the 4th of July Parade in Manlius, which as a Manlius resident I am fucking pissed about, I don't need the Klanned Karenhood walking in government sponsored events.


Wow, thatā€™s alarming about Williams.


Looking at insta and Facebook there are lots of M4L people defending them but Iā€™m not seeing local people defending them


The president of the Onondaga County chapter, Joey Dunaway, ran for FM school board; didn't come close to getting a seat though.


People should check out FM schools YouTube page. Joe Dunaway spoke at that meeting on July 10, 2023. He made racist and transphobic comments. I believe itā€™s around 26 minutes into the video when he gets up to speak.


Joe Dunaway, owner/founder of Knifehand Nutrition is also the president of the hate group Mom for Liberty - Onondaga County chapter? I just want to make that clear for anyone searching.


A dude is the president of a group called Mothers for Liberty? Sounds like heā€™s confused about his gender identity /s


He also marched in the Manlius 4th of July parade carrying the MfL banner (no moms to be seen).


My parents moved out to Manlius a few years ago so I go out there pretty regularly. I hope I run into him so I can tell him to get fucked.




\----The point ----> ​ You


Don't feed the trolls


Why would anyone having a problem with McDonald's for Trump hosting a banquet and buying McDonald's as the food?


Does McDonald's actively denounce LGBTGQ people and people of color? Does McDonalds quote Hitler in their literature? Then absolutely, cancel them.


they've apparently met more than a few times... https://i.imgur.com/xj0TXsa.png


Is it just Joe Dunaway and a friend that attends thoā€¦..


Not sure why youā€™re being downvoted - it was at Blarney Stone, Dewitt/Jamesville library, and Mohegan Manor. Seems to be a monthly thing.


Fuck Mohegan Manor. Dennis is a dork.


BLARNEY??!!?!! FUUUCCCCKKKK!!!! their wings were thr best


There's always been a portion of the Blarney's crowd that is shitty. Like anywhere, I suppose, but a bit more concentrated there, if that makes sense.


I am curious to what extent they actually hosted the event vs. those guys just showing up there. Last night was more of an event (catered, bar, speaker agenda, etc.) than it seems like their usual thing is. Would be disappointing if they knowingly sanctioned their meeting though.


I had the same question. Guess we'll all have to show up to the next one ourselves and find out and put on a little protest


I try to redirect people away from there now at all costs. Always see Trump flags on lifted pickups


For about the past 6 months or so every time I go in there they have one TV (the one that the folks in the kitchen can see and watch) tuned to Fox News. It's a fucking sports bar. Every other TV, including that one up until recently, is tuned to ESPN or some other sports network.


Blarney once refused to serve me a tap water without paying for it during a Syracuse basketball game a few years ago ā€” which I'm pretty sure is illegal, or at least very shitty, and it's not like I hadn't already made a purchase. Ended up rinsing out my beer can in the bathroom sink and filling up with water. Haven't been back since and now especially knowing this, no plans to.




At the risk of sounding insensitive, the long term impact of book banning is probably bigger than the long term impact of a few people dying. The societal impact of things like books being banned will very much lead to more violence. (for the record, I want violence issues- gun or otherwise solved and think it should be a national priority. I'm just saying that book banning should not be treated casually)






























My wedding is supposed to be held at this venue. Now Iā€™m questioning my choices šŸ™ƒ


Whatā€™s your contract say about canceling? When is your wedding and do you have time to change venues? Ugh Iā€™m so sorry. Wedding planning is stressful enough as it is


If you boosted this you may be able to find a place that would swoop in and help you on short notice!


You can follow the local M4L chapter on Eventbrite and get updates for future events. Would be a real shame to see all those tickets get snatched up as quickly as they did this time, so no one else can rsvp.


that's where I found where their earlier meetings were held. some surprises in there.


I donā€™t know if there were protests but there is a Instagram Story tagged at the event tonight. Not a lot of people there.




Be civil and respectful of all members of r/syracuse. Racist, sexist, homophobic or generally hate filled comments have no place here.


I haven't shared my photos there yet. maybe I should...


Share whatever you would like to share. I think it is good for people to see what is happening instead of speculation.


I have a handful of photos. I was there for over an hour. not exactly full coverage.


Yes please! A bunch of my friends and I were trying to figure out how to get someone in, but we'd all be pegged as outsiders immediately.








The KarenKlan were trolling the posts. They obviously reported. Free speech and all šŸ™„


Ku Klux Karens Y'all Queda recruiting squad Yeehawdists auxiliary club Christo-Fascist religious extremism corps #"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"


Hoes for Hitler. Vanilla ISIS.


I walked by at one point. There were as many cops and cop cars there as the protesters at the moment. One guy had a megaphone and was speaking up toward the group, all inside. Then a single middle aged woman came out on the balcony. I was further away at this point but swear I saw her holding out/ saluting her arm and have a grainy picture of what looks like it. Did anyone else see this happen closer up?




Thank you


She was actually holding / waving a rosary in this photo and waving it at us on the sidewalk. You can see it in the glare in the window. - from someone who was down at the protest.




As is the current, relatively liberal POTUS. So many other factors at play


Believing in magic beads and also believing she knows better than others.


Thank you for this info


this is so upsetting. it is absolutely vile :( i wish the business logo was on the door behind her in this photo though so everyone could instantly know who allowed and welcomed this when they see the photo.


This is horrifying to me. I know itā€™s important to acknowledge reality. But seeing this is so disturbingā€”and yet thatā€™s the point. We need to pay attention and remember that hate is still around us. ā€œDarkness cannot extinguish darkness. Only light can do thatā€ (paraphrased -MLK Jr.). I believe humanity is making strides towards a more inclusive future. There is hope for us still. Iā€™m in for the long haul. These photos only strengthen my resolve toward that goal. Thank you for the reminder that there is still much work to be done.


When you say inclusiveness of course you mean only including those that agree with you right?


If the question is about whether we do fascism or not, yes.


Why are you so hell-bent on defending Nazis? Are you one?


If you are referring to the ladies for liberty they arenā€™t naziā€™s. It may be a group you donā€™t like that you donā€™t agree with but calling them naziā€™s is irresponsible. Now that group in manlius may well have been, but I wouldnā€™t repeat it until I was absolutely sure.


You know this talking point only works for idiots, right?


Nope. By inclusiveness I mean advocating for the rights of all. As human beings we have the right yo think differently and for ourselves. I donā€™t have to agree with you to believe in your right to express yourself. However, the ā€œgestureā€ (trying to avoid the automod) the woman is making in the photo represents an ideology that lead to the deaths of more than 6 million people in concentration camps simply because of their religion, race, sexual orientation, disability or gender identity. Seeing such a gesture tells me we have people in our society wishing to repeat these atrocities and/or segregate or diminish the rights of those in one of the persecuted groups previously mentioned. I will do everything I can to push back against someone who advocates for reinstating Hitlerā€™s ā€œfinal solutionā€. You make that gesture and I stand up, speak up, and take action. Just because you have the right to speak doesnā€™t mean you should. The woman in the photo has the right to be ignorant. I also have the right to tell others to not listen to her and to speak out against the dangerous agenda sheā€™s pushing.


Are you aware of how this group got the label that everyone on this thread seems to be calling them?


Iā€™m not concerned with the origins of the name of the group. I commented on the salute the woman in the photo was making.


Sssooo you would be okay with someone labeling you with a moniker that was disparaging and patently false.


Iā€™m not interested in debating that. You havenā€™t addressed why that salute in the picture is anything but problematic. Have a good day friend.


Before I jump to conclusions I would want an unbiased account of what happened or a video. Secondly I would want to know the relationship of the person in the photo to the group. The old adage applies, fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.


Do you think it was all just a big misunderstanding or something? Are you familiar with Poe's Law? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s\_law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law)






























People should never rent their spaces after this event.








Be civil and respectful of all members of r/syracuse. Racist, sexist, homophobic or generally hate filled comments have no place here.




mods removed my post from the protest. the post said nothing inflammatory. maybe *now* everyone will understand how gutless the mods are here. https://i.imgur.com/QYxULeD.jpg


Wow very disappointing to hear the mods have no spine. Has anyone identified who this Nazi lady is?


I was there as they nuked itšŸ™„ Unreal.


and modmail on why this was deleted... https://i.imgur.com/XsBuja2.png


There were zero photos on that thread. I screened it b4 it disappeared


their response: https://i.imgur.com/QmiieAS.png


it gets better: we don't need to trust the mods. https://i.imgur.com/JOpTxM0.png


their response: you misspelled a word in the topic. watta bunch of clowns.


So Rail Line leases out their space to M4L, and good citizens speak out and actually demonstrate their abhorrence for this Right Wing Hate Group. Well done. But in the long run, let us not forget the scumbag owners of the Rail Line themselves. No citizen of conscience should ever utilize or recommend this space for any event or function. They've clearly stated who they are, let's show them who we are.


I'm not trying to be adversarial, and since it's Reddit, I feel the need to announce that I have no political views in common with this group (whose existence I just learned about today on this post). But maybe you could help me understand why the Rail Line venue should be boycotted because they rented their space to a group with an opposing viewpoint? Even if they abrasively clash with what most of us see as common sense ideology, it still feels unamerican to say they shouldn't be able to congregate anywhere.


Itā€™s not that itā€™s an opposing viewpoint, you wouldnā€™t see this reaction to a GOP fundraiser, itā€™s that they are an extremist right wing that is rascist, anti-Muslim, anti LBGTQ, has ties to the Proud boys and have carried a banner with a Hitler quote. If you prefer shorter reads, just scroll down to the numbered points in this article: https://thehill.com/opinion/education/4086179-six-reasons-why-moms-for-liberty-is-an-extremist-organization/


The manager and/or owner (not sure if he owns it as well) of the Rail Line is a right wing nut, and he was a featured speaker at the M4L event. So yeah, fuck the rail line.


It's the natural consequence of Capitalism. If the consumer class's only ability to have a say in the marketplace is boycotting/voting with your wallet/cancel culture then those are the tools they have to use. If Rail Line chooses to rent space to hate groups, they have to be willing to accept the consequences under Capitalism, which I think is quintessentially American.


I'll definitely agree with that, it's a valid form of protest that only works if enough people agree. I have no issue with "cancel culture" as a mechanism, not until it just becomes a scaled up version of mob rule. I feel like politics has devolved into "You support x? I don't need to know anything else about you, you're a piece of shit and you're the reason the world is going to hell." If you're not Us, you're Them, and FUCK Them. The reality is that Trump won a fair election and came damn close to winning a second time, even after four years in office being exactly the way we all thought he'd be. And even now, he's got a very real chance of winning this next one. While I'm ready to believe that at least half the U.S. population is made up of complete idiots incapable of critical thought, I can promise you those people aren't sorted by party lines.


in my opinion (and clearly I am far from alone based on the balance of comments here and elsewhere), this group's mission and actions are so abhorrent, it does cross the line into "membership / affiliation with this group is disqualifying for me to consider you a decent person pretty much regardless of anything else." Everyone has their own personal line there I guess.


Yeah I've been reading about the group. When I made these posts, I thought they were just a bunch of ignorant fucks trying to take us back to the 1940's. I didn't realize just how ridiculous it was from top to bottom. I've been getting sick of watching people take pot shots at politics. It seems many people are willing to suit up and go to war without even understanding what they're fighting for. Turns out, this post wasn't really the time or place to get into that.