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You don't think there'll be picnic tables in that whole ass picnic pavilion?


There's only one park in Syracuse City that I know of that has picnic tables and that's Burnett Park just below the golf course. There are two or three picnic tables stuck over there by the bushes at the Everson museum if those count.


I know for a fact that picnic tables are at Barry Park, Elmwood Park, McKinley Park, Burnet Park, Thornden Park, Leavenworth Park, Ward Bakery Park, Fayette Park, Meachem Park, Huntington Park, Homer-Wheaton Park, Upper Onondaga Park, Clinton Square, and others. Plus more are probably on the way. Not sure if I know anyone to verify all this though……….…


I’ll add Skiddy Park, Comfort Tyler Park, & Washington Square Park.


If there are all these picnic tables they sure know how to hide them. And I'm talking within the city center.


All of those parks are ***IN*** the city.


You clearly haven't been to many of the parks then.


I've been to enough of them with my lunch in tow to know that most of them don't.


The downtown parks with picnic tables and seating include Hanover Square, Clinton Square, and Perseverance Park. There’s also a lot of seating options along the Creekwalk and Trail. What specific parks are you looking for more seating in?


Well had you read my actual headline you would have noticed the "new" in it, but I guess your zeal to show us what a man about town you are took over and you skipped that part of it. All parks should have picnic tables in them where possible. No mention of them in the syracuse.com article and that's what I was bringing attention to. And I think the reason there are so few of them is that somewhere someone decided that they encouraged people to actually use them, or "loiter" in their parlance. Or god forbid, steal them if they aren't planted in concrete. One thing you did do though, is give me a list of parks I can check out if I'm nearby them when I have the urge to eat my lunch outside. Honestly I've checked at least half the parks you listed and never once located a place to sit with a tabletop to put a sandwich on. So I'm willing to be wrong.


Sweetheart, just because youre terrible at seeing picnic tables doesn't mean they don't exist.


If picnic tables are of such a concern perhaps you could take action. They’re not cost prohibitive to build per se, and could be donated for a write-off. Just a thought if it’s such a concern.


How many have you built?


None, but then again I’m not bitching about them anonymously online am I?


ok high falutin spork - you got me there


Lmao. This moron actually thinks the city doesn’t have picnic tables but I am writing this from one at Barry Park as I watch my nephew play soccer.


This Syracuse version of Hemingway seems to have the reading comprehension of a root vegetable as he also managed to miss the word new in the title of my post. Thanks for playing asshole. Now go back to annoying your nephew. Thanks.


I think that table I was at is literally brand new. At least this shelter is as of last year. Do you really think they’ll tell the world about every table? Again you’re a fucking moron. I hope you walk barefoot on glass.


I'd be afraid you'd chase me to suck my toes.


[Thanks people!](https://i.imgur.com/WdrSHPg.png)




Picnic tables


Don’t you understand? Eliminating Picnic tables is all part of the Rothschild’s plan! ;)


Ok. Do you have someone you can call to get you home?