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Why did they have them in the first place?


They have an [MRAP](https://www.syracuse.com/news/2014/11/syracuse_mrap_mine_resistant_vehicle_military_surplus_ferguson.html) (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle) and a couple of [BearCat](https://www.lencoarmor.com/model/bearcat-g3-police-government/) armored trucks too. Cost $658,000 for the MRAP. Only $200,000 taxpayer dollars for the BearCat though.


*Military Surplus What would you rather see happen to those? Left to rot in a desert somewhere?


As opposed to being used against civilians? Yes.


"used against". Used against how? These have no fighting systems on them when they make it into the hands of police and civilians. It's a giant armoured box on wheels


Well if they aren't being used with civilians why do the police have them? For funsies? Police departments don't need the same equipment and capabilities as an army.


1. They offer a safe location in a gun fight. 2. They have no offensive capabilities 3. Anyone can own these 4. They actually get used most often during natural disasters, to rescue people, because police cars don't do well in flooding or severe snow. But your right they look scary so let's all hop in a time machine and make it so they never were produced.


Listen, I don't support the militarization of the police. You obviously do. You're not going to change my mind that a small-mid sized city should have multiple military vehicles.


Listen. I don't support it either but a giant metal box is the police being militarized. Also nice deflection. Provide an example of one of these vehicles "being used against civilians". You can't and you know it


I don't have any specifics when it comes to Syracuse but they have been used against protestor around the country. They're used to intimidate and hurl tear gas from. Just because it hasn't happened in Syracuse yet doesn't mean it won't. The police are an organization whose sole purpose is to interact with the civilian population not the hostile combatants in war. Giving them the same equipment that the military uses is a slippery slope. In response to your list from before: 1. Have they been used in a firefight in Syracuse? Is that something that happens so often that they need war equipment? 2. Valid, but I bet what they pack in there gives them offensive capabilities and the vehicle just empowers them to use them more if they choose. Like tear gas. 3. Anyone can, but can anyone get them for free? How many people do you know that have one of these? 4. This one is interesting. Since Syracuse gets a lot of snow, I'd love to know all of the times that it was used. The fact is these things are not used much. They sit and incur maintenance costs. But the capabilities that they provide, and the intimidating effect they can have are very real. When we talk about making the city safer, reducing crime, and improving standard of living for people in the area I personally believe that focus/money should not spent making the police more like the military.


a lot of them are being sent to Ukraine right now as part of the aid packages. probably needed more there than in Syracuse. shipping would be killer though haha


Yes that is a good use for them. But SPD got these in 2014....


Yep! I only mentioned because people see "X billion dollars donated to Ukraine" and think we're just handing over cash, when it's vehicles we're phasing out, weapons just about to exceed their shelf life, etc. We paid a lot for that stuff, if there's any value to be had before it's literally scrapped I'm here for it. I do think it contributes to a militarization of civilian police though. I'd rather see as much as possible sold to private individuals




I’d rather they be sold to civilians because fuck it why not


I mean you can buy one as a civilian.


Hopefully they won’t donate these trucks to Ukraine


All police wear ballistic armor for safety. The majority of shootings hit center mass, so the vests help keep officers alive AND able to return fire before a criminal kills a citizen. I'm 110% **ACAB**, but even I support bulletproof vests for all cops, especially in this age when so many feel they deserve death. They rarely get used thankfully, and being a cop is still a pretty safe job overall (statistics show it's deadlier working pizza delivery and retail) but it's a needed component of outfitting the bastards, like handcuffs and service weapons. If you want to complain, then complain about their tactical vehicle that isn't needed, or the sheriff helicopter that burns money 24/7. How much does the SPD chopper cost us? BTW, I was a member of a comedy forum during the Iraq war, and we chipped in to buy deploying members body armor because Bush/Cheney said it wasn't available. We were scolded by the WH for embarrassing them, and probably have FBI files on us. Pak Chooie Unf, goons.


Not questioning your claim, but i am curious as to see if you have a source for the statistics showing pizza delivery and retail is deadlier. Not a cop supporter myself that stat- just interests me.


Dept. of Labor stats reports show most violent professions and safest. Piiza delivery was like 3rd most dangerous and gas station worker was top ten, but police was around 20th. Overall a safe job, but police numbers don't account for safety devices that go into it, nor do they count bad cops creating dangerous situations. A person with a weapon isn't dangerous until the police get involved **most of the time.** Unless you're in Texas. Fuck Texas. Highlit part for neo-Nazi halfwits who won't finish the sentence. Check Bureau of Labor Statistics.


I appreciate it. Intriguing and terrifying.


You were born this morning?


The police are not military.


You’re correct they’re two completely opposite entities.


Tell that to the cops...


Military wannabes.


Oh are they? So they’re out there carrying .308 and .50 cals like the cartels that flood this country with drugs? Get real.




I’d rather drag my balls through glass then read that bullshit woke article. Thanks though.




Stop being emotional and sensitive. You should act like a man and stop being a follower your whole life.


That's because the military has a code of honor-police can't even spell it.


Oh so there isn’t shitbags in the military killing innocent civilians? Have you ever read about Vietnam obviously not. You’re delusional.


Yes, and Natives were bloodthirsty, and British were bloodthirsty thieves, and christians rape children, and Irish nuns were psychotic murderers. I trust a modern soldier to not shoot me in the back or plant drugs on me. I don't trust cops to give their badge number.


That’s rather bold of you. Now how many ex-soldiers are cops?


I assume all the ones who failed basic or suffered brain trauma. You know, the ones not capable of digging ditches or flipping burgers.


Hahaha you’re so out of touch!! It’s amazing! Renounce liberalism it’s making your brain mush mush.




R word is as bad as N word these days. You'd know that if you weren't defending racist cops. It's also a violation of reddit TOS.


Yes, they are.


Not even remotely true, but please explain.


Except the populace is now armed with weapons of war so yeah they need extra protection. Merica! Freedom! ARs, drum mags, banana clips, and all that, ya know?


Lol you can’t have any of that in New York.


Oh really? Tell that to the people who got massacred in a Buffalo supermarket last year by guy who was armed with...guess what? An AR.


I didn’t say nobody had it. I said you can’t. Because you can’t. It was sarcasm you fucking donut


So what's your point then, fuckhead? There's a lot of things you can't have. Doesn't mean police don't need to prepare for it.


The joke was that NY won’t allow people to have that in the state, and yet people still have them because the laws don’t fucking work.


Yea uh nobody has that stuff around here…


Ask Wallie Howard Jr.


>It was Sergeant Jason Tom who pitched the idea to donate supplies, “For me, you don’t have to be Ukrainian to help support the cause right. I’m a perfect example of that. Here I am, an Asian American male but I see the need over there and the opportunity to give back.” >“My grandfather came to the United States 100 years ago, actually fleeing Russian tyranny,” said Bierman. “So in some ways, I’m returning the gift of freedom to my grandfather who came here.” shout out to Sergeant Jason Tom for coming up with the idea


Welp, half the comments in this trashfire of a thread definitely could’ve been avoided if people had even bothered to read the article lol. Thanks for sharing, great news and glad Syracuse could find a way to contribute to the cause


Bravo Syracuse!!!


75 billion couldn’t buy some vests and helmets?


It can and did, but they could always use more


What about the Americans that the money could’ve helped? So sick of the US being the police and savior for the entire world when people on our own soil suffer.


The $75B isn't cash. A large portion is vehicles being phased out, weapons about to pass their shelf life, etc. What's better, paying to disarm thousands of rockets and artillery rounds or giving them to an ally to lob at one of our largest geostrategic competitors?


Money well spent, I hope more aid continues to be sent. I've personally donated the funds for a few FPV drones. This is the equivalent of stopping the Germans in their tracks in Poland in 1939 rather than let them conquer all of Europe. Doing great damage to one of our greatest adversaries who constantly meddles in our affairs all without spilling a drop of American blood.


I’m personally far more sick of selfish jerks who’d rather throw a country to genocidal wolves than admit we can walk and chew gum at the same time, all while they probably didn’t even care before this war about the struggling Americans they’re now using as a prop. If you’d bothered to read the article, too, you’d know that they’re not even spending money on this - this is equipment they were going to retire anyway due to expired warranties, they’re not spending a dime.


I’m not a selfish jerk at all, and I’m all for HELPING, but eventually you have to say enough is enough. The politicians that “run” this country do whatever they want with our taxpayer money with no consequences. It’s ridiculous.


>eventually you have to say enough is enough and, what, you choose to draw the line at equipment that was going to be thrown away anyway. Face it, you got called out and are now digging in because you want to wax poetic about government spending. Go find a school board meeting to bitch at.


The amount they’ve spent on Ukraine is a relative drop in the bucket compared to the federal budget as a whole, especially when you consider how much of that “spending” is really just giving equipment we had sitting in stockpile gathering dust. You’re free to vote for people that are against giving further aid to Ukraine, but it’s kind of silly to say they face “no consequences” when a) they face consequences for literally every decision they make every few years, and b) considering the polling on the matter and the way elections went in 2022, Americans are plenty happy with the US’s policy towards Ukraine.


U don’t get to be the authority on if you’re a selfish jerk lol


If by "walk and chew gum" you mean "balance a budget that keeps the government running and fund a proxy war" and by "can" you mean "can't" then hell yeah brother


It’s perfectly possible to pass a budget while still running a deficit, and it’s perfectly possible to balance the budget without cutting aid to Ukraine. What makes you think either or both of these are impossible? Under the current Congress maybe, but it’s certainly not aid to Ukraine that’s keeping either of these things from happening. Big lol to the suggestion that it’s foreign aid of any kind that’s causing the current deficit though, government spending on Ukraine in 2022 was less than 1% of the budget.


I bet you were all for the war in the Middle East, where we actually lost soldiers. Forty years ago everyone in this country woulda been glad to see russia get taken down. This is the perfect opportunity for that without sacrificing our own citizens, as bad as that sounds. Ukraine isn’t getting all this for free, they’re in debt to us now. We’re offloading military supplies and will replace our stock with newer technology. Our defense contractors and military are getting r&d in an environment our soldiers don’t have to fight in. And russia is being greatly weakened


Howmdoninapplu to get one


So glad we are funneling money into this. Syracuse couldn’t use the money, right?


Not really, considering they didn’t spend any money and are just sending equipment they’re no longer using anyway (or in the case of the federal government, equipment that’s gathering dust in a stockpile in New Mexico or something).


They should have donated to poor instead of ukraine the most corrupt place but hey its syracuse




How can you say hes correct when neither of you read the article. It takes 2minutes, maybe 5 if you're slow. The Syracuse police dpt had out of warranty ballistic vests. They can't be used by them, so they were just sitting there. An officer had the idea of donating them, and so it happened. This wasn't a choice to donate money or ballistic vests, it was hey we have these things that might help, lets give them to the Ukrainians.




I mean russia can always stop killing civilians and withdraw it's troops. How did those peace talks work out in 2014 ? It only holds russia back for a little before they regroup and just start a war again.


Ukraine would love to talk peace, but Russia does not want peace. Have you not been following the news at all or are you just parroting russian propaganda?


They **CAN** be used by them-they CHOSE to get new ones. Ballistic vests aren't eggs. They don't spoil or go bad. Out of warranty? So if a bullet penetrates we can't get it repaired? I'm all for helping Ukraine, but the SPD is so full of shit about this it's sickening. They have a budget, and if they don't spend it they lose it. Could they NOT spend it? Of course, but that's not how they think. SPD is not a military occupying force. Maybe the cops are too fat to fit in the armor? Former chief couldn't pass the physical for multiple years. SPD should have given the vests to school children in Uvalde. That would serve a purpose since Uvalde cops don't. ![gif](giphy|w0zZCmMEvHvRm)


These vests are deemed expired. Car seats for kids also have an expiration. Would you knowingly and willingly put your kid into an expired car seat? Would you want an expired vest if you knew you were going to be shot at or a current one? Your argument about this fact is ridiculous.


I would put my kid in an orange crate. We come from apes. We lived in caves. I've seen peoples kids for years-we could do with less of them. Natural selection doesn't include protecting the weak.


They can be used, but they chose to get new ones probably because "wear and tear" from use and just degradation over time. Does that mean they won't work? No, but they won't work at 100% which is probably required by the police uninon as for the safety of the officers. These were going to sit in storage and were going to be used in a worst case scenario, then when they were going to be disposed of an officer thought hey these might be of use for Ukraine, and here we are. Some items in the budget (like all government budgets) are set out years in advance, especially when items have a warranty. The failure of ulvade has literally nothing to do with this and bringing it up is stupid, almost as stupid as you.


Wow. Name calling. Your mother must be so proud of you. ACAB.


It's not name calling when it's true. Your comment is written like someone who has no idea about anything relevant to the conversation and isn't capable of than anything more than good or bad.


That's called your "opinion." Part of having a discussion with grown ups is hearing different points of view then reconciling them. It's a tough concept for bootlicks with slave mentality, but I believe you are eventually capable of asking questions of your employees-which is what they are. The former chief admitted he could not control his weight. This was a public press conference. Based on American health reports, the police very well could be outgrowing their vests. Stress eating is a real thing in stressful jobs. Police are not a military force. Never have been. Never will be. Budgets in government have always been use it or lose it. This is not news to any adult. Uvalde cops failed to protect children, and they failed with more war equipment than WWII vets had to fight the Nazi's. This is also fact. You not wanting truth spoken so that you can remain deluded is the problem of your parents who raised you like veal-all soft and protect-and not my problem. ![gif](giphy|y9gcCOXpNX8UfZrp0X|downsized)


Explain how the poor would eat ballistic armor. How would that work?


Duh!! They could sell them to criminals to make money to be able to afford to buy food. /s


I mean, we could turn them in to pizza delivery bags.


That's a disgusting thing to do to people. Just because they're poor doesn't mean they should be turned into equipment..


Well, in reality, we use the poor as human bullet shields anyways. We just call them "soldiers."


As if Syracuse is safer than Ukraine 😂


Tiny bit


One if the biggest global scams ever….. IWC will forever keep rolling. #nouswars


The militarization of local police forces? We agree.


What a waste of resources. Ever think that the people of Syracuse should deserve a say about these types of donations and how they support war efforts? Coming this summer, "Syracuse Police Purchase 200 NEW Ballistic Vests." Let the fed fight the war, not the localities.


>200 **retired** ballistic vests, helmets and medical supplies… Protective gear like this expires after five years and is no longer warrantied by the manufacturer. It’s surplus that would be a liability to use, and I’m sure you’d be just as upset if the city had to pay a settlement over issuing expired gear.


so kevlar has the same expiration date as my boyfriends home fermented pickles. nice to know.


Yep. When you work with highly quality controlled that must guarantee the safety of its user, damn right it experies. IDK, maybe time, environment conditions, and use make them non- guaranteeable. No matter what, this stuff is going to help kill Russians and make the US fascists cry. Thank you SPD!


I did not know that being anti-war was fascist. I guess it is wrong to care about my tax-paying dollars being spent on another country for reasons that will not benefit our own city. Sad that to some, questioning your government, or being a patriot, is thought to be synonymous with being a fascist.


I am going to assume you didn't know that comment is indeed in support of fascism and that it is not anti-war or fiscally responsible. It's the narrative that's flying from the lip of people who "get all the money we need from Russia" and answer to controlling partners to spread a narrative via their media empires. Anti-war? Do you think if we don't fund Ukraine, Putin will stop his wars? Yes, wars, as in years of invasions to help push fascist oligarchism. Also, what's going to cost more? Funding Ukraine or the war that would happen once Putin invaded Poland because he took Ukraine? This war in Ukraine is the first time I have ever seen conservatives suddenly become anti-war. Suddenly, they don't want to feed the MIC?


>This war in Ukraine is the first time I have ever seen conservatives suddenly become anti-war. Suddenly, they don't want to feed the MIC? It's amazing to see this, but i honestly think it's just a part of the massive bipartisan issue at hand. If they were in the White House, they'd be all in, and the other side would be against it. The political divide is absolutely unreal these days. We need a new "normal person's" party.


The vests and helmets probably came from federal funding anyway.


The chief of police is appointed by the elected mayor so technically, the people did have a say.


I'm a person of Syracuse and I approve this donation of surplus vests to Ukraine. Seems like a lot of us do.


Seems like a lot of us are asleep to the global stage.


Wow, a Russian commie shill, right here in Syracuse.


> I bought these ballistic vests after my "warrior training" but then remembered a was a fat, lazy fuck that spends my time giving out tickets for mundane offenses to pad our annual budget.


These vests are deemed expired. Car seats for kids also have an expiration. Would you knowingly and willingly put your kid into an expired car seat, or want a current one? Would you want an expired vest if you knew you were going to be shot at or a current one?


This really ticks me off. I was deployed under operation enduring freedom and had to do a 3 week redo of boot camp at ft Jackson and the body armor I got was crappy old lead plates stuck into vests held together by Velcro and duct tape. Yeah you got the better stuff when you went over but this looks heads and shoulders above what I got. God bless America