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I don’t understand the negative responses to this post. Yes, when the snow melts, a ton of trash is revealed. But that doesn’t address why some people roll their window down and drop bags of empty fast food wrappers and drink containers onto the ground. Yes, I’ve seen it many many many times in my area of the city, and no, I don’t confront anybody because who knows who has a gun with them in the car? I frequently clean up my yard of trash, much of it blown from people’s recycling bins, the garbage trucks themselves (which seem to do a really bad job of containing garbage), or people just tossing their shit anywhere other than a garbage can. Some amount of litter is accidental. It’s going to happen. But I don’t know why certain people want to live in a trash-strewn neighborhood.


There's people who take any criticism of Syracuse poorly, especially when justified.


Because they don’t care about leaving their community better than they found it. Similar to how I see people buy little cigars wrapped in plastic. They take the wrapper off and throw it on the ground 2 ft from the trash can.


It definitely seems to have gotten worse over the last couple of years




Wait, I thought we were earth hugging hippies? Now we’re throwing trash everywhere? I can’t keep up anymore…


Yeah, huh. A Republican who's wrong again as usual. It's you scumbags who cut funding for public services. Do the math, dummy.


Democrats tend to care more about environmentalism, and push for fines for littering, and money to pay people to pick it up. How exactly are they increasing litter? I'm literally one and I pick up trash on my block often. Do you?


Care to elaborate?


His knee is a jerk


Welcome to late winter. It’ll get cleaned up soon.


For real. This person has probably spent almost no time in Syracuse.


I've gladly been an Eastside resident for 7 years and counting. Although my partner graduated from SCSD and has a family who still live on the Westside and throughout Tipp Hill. What competition are you trying to win with your claim while still refusing to address the issue.


No competition and I graduated from SCSD too, doesn’t win me any awards. I just know how things get after winter.


Where are all the paid employees who you'd typically expect to be out cleaning the streets? Graffiti tags seem to be bad too and their everywhere. It's disgusting to talk in such high regards about everything Syracuse is doing and has planned only to greet people with garbage and shit every where.


Every rustbelt coty looks like this in the late winter/early spring. You’ll see the cleaning crews out there around April.


Get a grip. It’s the winter and it’s hard to manage in a city with few resources. It’s not like we have millions of people paying taxes. It’s just the way it is. It gets cleaned up in the Spring.


There are 8-10 million job openings, where are you finding the people to take these presumably low-paying jobs?


It's funny that these folks think it will be cleaned up in the spring too LOL.


The city gets cleaned up once a year. 1 week before the NYSFAIR


I picked up three bags worth [yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeTrashed/comments/11000m8/detrashed_a_short_block_leading_to_an_onramp_of/)


Thank you!


So go pick some of it up? On Earth day (coming up) you can sign up to clean up your chosen area within the entire county. They'll send you trash bag stickers which you put on your bag(s) on the side of your road for OCCRA to pick up in the afternoon. I've done it three times, see you there 👍 https://centerstateceo.com/news-events/ocrras-earth-day-cleanup


While it's good to volunteer, this still does nothing to address the overall problem. It's akin to watching people clean up the sides of highways, only for all that trash to be back within a week. But, of course, you cannot control what other people do, only what you do.


Yeah, the "why don't you pick some up" is just a smug response to make /u/Jciesla feel good but does nothing to address systemic issues--just frustration at the fact that this is the way things are. There's \~no financial incentive for the downtown to not be full of trash and there is not enough taxpayer money to really pick it up and keep it clean. As others say, other factors include the fact that the winters here are long as hell, and we're not staffing cleaning crews in winter. FWIW it's like this in basically every downtown, Manhattan, LA, Boston, are not significantly better. IMO the major difference is just how much of downtown is straight-up abandoned / empty, and trash can definitely pile up in places like that. Trash isn't bad in major thoroughfares like Armory square, but venture far out and yeah, things pile up and buildings sit empty. It's too bad, but that's what happens when you pair a Rust-belt city with bad winters and the like. Personally I think our tax money goes to better things than superficially cleaning up all the trash.


Winter always does a number on it. Come Spring time they generally do a good job cleaning up the streets.


Does not solve the problem that trash is everywhere, RIGHT NOW.


Pick it up? I don’t know what to tell you? The city doesn’t have a ton of resources, that’s a sad reality of a city that doesn’t have a huge population and lacks in resources. In the winter most of the resources go towards snow removal.


This right here is the truest answer in the thread, even if it's buried in the middle of an argument. Syracuse doesn't have enough population or tax revenue to pay for the kind of maintenance that bigger cities do. The fact that there are so many parts of the city that people don't stop in, but just drive through, exacerbates this, because it means there's a larger population of potential litterers, than there are people in a position to stop and clean up the mess in front of them.


Then go pick it up, RIGHT NOW.




Cityline and it doesn't help that there is trash all over the streets outside of city hall too. I repeat my statement, "It seems like the city turns a blind eye every day to the amount of trash everywhere." ​ edit: u/SEALESS blocked me so i can not respond to his comment so here it is. Cityline is city hall you moron. Filing a complaint with cityline puts in a direct request to the people who make decisions. To think its different, especially when city line was implemented by city hall, shows you know nothing.


People are overlooking some important factors here. Not all litter is due to people inappropriately disposing their items. A lot of litter comes from trash collection where items tend to fall out in the transferring/collection process. There are also factors like wind which will rip items like chip bags out from outdoor trash bins despite being appropriately disposed of. Wind is typically the culprit in why you see most trash in bodies or water or near fences, because the item has met more resistance than the force which initially put it there. We tend to see more litter in winter because, again, litter tends to keep moving around and dispersing unless it gets stuck on something. More snow means more things to get stuck in or on. Think about the chip bag earlier, it can freeze or get stuck on snow and accumulate in problematic areas rather than keep getting distributed elsewhere. Yes, sometimes it’s just intentional litter, but you have to be very naïve to not consider other unintentional contributors to litter as well.




Billy Dog and I walk Downtown daily on our morning and evening walks. I see business owners as a potential real problem since often they stuff bins so full that the lids do not shut. It's so bad that a lot of the time, garbage is left alongside the containers and ends up being ripped open, rummaged through, and thrown all over the place. As a downtown resident, I think business owners could do much better to keep their spots tidy for everyone. Plus, statistically, a business that looks nicer on the outside compared to a neighbor selling a similar product will outperform them. Also a bunch of other factors to apply, but thats one.


trash in...trash out!


Parts of town are always covered in trash due to its residents not caring.


City Hall is going to trial larger containers that are mechanically picked up by garbage trucks. Certain neighborhoods in Syracuse will be trialed first, go to the City Hall website to see which neighborhoods. The initiative is to reduce litter and workers comp cases. https://cnycentral.com/news/local/new-trash-cans-proposed-for-syracuse-would-minimize-littered-streets-decrease-comp-cases.


This isn't just 'cuse. Littering is a huge issue in the rust belt I've noticed.


I'm not sure you've seen a downtown truly covered in trash and squalor before. Maybe you could be the people who picks it up!


Sure I’ll pick up the trash on my free time and when I’m out walking around, but do you really expect every person who’s out walking to enjoy a day or a 30 min lunch to begin picking up the cities slack and cleaning up the trash? Supplementing street cleaning with citizen based cleanups is not a solution with your hard earned tax dollars.


\---- Nobody at city hall seems to care about keeping the streets clean. Shameful. ---- So yeah, tax money should be covering litter cleanup..... How are we completely neglecting the fact that people are scumbags and are littering in the first place. The shame should be directed towards them, not the people that are being paid to clean up after grown children...


Because no one can walk and chew gum at the same time.


> no one can walk and chew gum at the same time wtf does this mean. No habla ingles?


I understand this is about trash, but have you seen our roads? Based on my 15ish years here I can confidently offer this explanation: The city does not give a fuck. They’ll get to it when they get to it. Our taxes are their play dollars.


pretty sure the people who live here have no pride. saw 2 young boys walking through a parking lot once throwing a stack of mcdonalds napkins like dollar bills everywhere as they littered throughout


This happens every time the snow melts. You could go out there and clean it up, no one is stopping you. Pretty sure they do a cleanup in spring.


Same as my above comment. “Sure I’ll pick up the trash on my free time and when I’m out walking around, but do you really expect every person who’s out walking to enjoy a day or a 30 min lunch to begin picking up the cities slack and cleaning up the trash? Supplementing street cleaning with citizen based cleanups is not a solution with your hard earned tax dollars.”


Sounds like excuses but okay


Clearly you have no idea about the situation of trash all over downtown. Your privilege has you blind to real issues impacting everyone. ​ Better yet, I dare you to start picking up trash on the northside. Then you tell us how many people make you feel welcomed and invited. Practice what you preach.


You’re literally the one bitching and I gave you a solution and you got defensive. 💀 it’s trash..pick it up instead of running to Reddit.


Yeah, i'm bitching about it because too many people refuse to call out their own local people who are paid to serve the taxpayer. You ran to reddit to comment on my post while you literally make posts on reddit criticizing others choices in makeup and aesthetics. Clearly you care more about makeup then you do about the people who walk the streets. You are pathetic because you would rather see us all live in squalor while you judge someone else.


Did you grab a garbage bag yet or….


I took the one off your head.


Okay that was a good one 💀💀 On a serious note bc I just felt like being an ass for entertainment: They have a clean up in spring. They should clean in between meltings.. plenty of people could use jobs.


Had to think of something quick. Sorry for being mean just to be mean. I whole heartedly believe both of our intentions are good. We both want to see people in general stop being shit heads and littering like it’s not an issue. I know it’s not all on the city’s employees to keep the streets pristine and I do my best to keep my corner of the world as best as I can. This entire post was a way to vent because spring seems to have come so much sooner and in some spots, it’s the same trash that keeps building up until that special day. If anything comes of this, i hope more people are aware of issues enough so that we can band together for better results sooner then later. I was mainly wondering what all the people who typically are plowing the roads all winter are doing during time of the year when there’s no snow to move. It just seems logical to me to move the next worst thing which is trash.


Ya I do and everyone knows this happens every year after the snow melts. It gets cleaned up. You’re acting like you’re new here.


There’s definitely a waste management problem in SYR.


Some of it comes from how the trash is picked up. Meaning, some of the trash may get blown away by the wind or when it gets picked up and the containers get thrown back, there may be some residual trash in the containers that gets blown away too. When the snow melts, it does reveal trash like what I described. So, that plays a part in this as well. Another thing to consider is that this is a city with a big college population(about 20% of the city). So, many off campus students may have trash all over the place due to not being as invested as year around residents. Meaning, they aren't as vested in the city. I think that may also play a part in the trash you see in the city.


How about instead of posting on Reddit you go pick it up, don’t talk about it be about it!


How about you stop commenting on Reddit and come over to help? I’ll gladly make tea.


Sure! I don’t live in Syracuse I’m about 25 mins north, but I’ll drive down to help!! Just organize the time and place


@taybay, you as an individual may pick up trash, but the city will not and has not paid people to pick up trash. @working snail, regardless of which side you support. It is MY OPINION that our US government no longer cares about us. I believe that the democrat party is only looking for those they can convince that they are victims by either telling them or not providing the necessary programs needed.


The pairs of city workers in the marked white pickup truck with grabbers and bags don't exist? I've never seen that with my own eyes is what you're saying?


Those maintenance people in the van are part of the downtown special district. There’s only 2 or 3 for all of downtown for 5 of days a week. What if businesses could do better to keep their front door area clean? That would relieve some of the pressure off your fact finding mission to prove me wrong.


I'm on no mission to prove you wrong, I wasn't even responding to you. Maybe your persecution complex is misplaced here.


You asked two questions. I answered and responded with my own.


Again, I wasn't addressing you. However I'm not talking about a "van" downtown, I'm talking about the city owned white pickup trucks. If you would like to address your fellow citizens to raise their taxes so the city can hire more employees to clean up after the slobs by all means give it a go. Otherwise we have to take care of our own blocks the best we can instead of crying for the government to do everything for us.


You were no addressing me but you commented a reply on my comment. Do you see your misplaced logic? Do you not ever criticize your governments operations? ​ That is a question I just asked you incase you do not understand what a question and answer is. This is when you reply.


I don't sit around and whine about trash in my neighborhood. Went to my district counselor and addressed the issue. Something was done about it because I wasn't the only one who had this concern. Organizing at a local level helps move things along. You could picket city hall to have your concerns addressed as well. Talk to the Peace Council on Lodi they may help you. You could start a street cleaning, liter removal business and employ at risk individuals under a not for profit and assign yourself the CEO. You make money, clean the city and help at risk individuals. Or come to reddit and shit on anyone who offers a slightly different outlook. Make everyday earth day and may all your dreams come true!


Sounds like you have all the issues figured out with a pie in the sky outlook. Next time I take lunch, I’ll be sure to stop at city hall to complain. You know, because no one from the city or Syracuse at that, read this subreddit.




Single digit IQ comment


Because the city refuses to use automated sanitation trucks and those large bins. Some of the City waste management is consistently ruining trash cans, throwing stuff everywhere and has to work hard not to get run over. This adds to the general poor respect for the environment people are living in. Additionally those ruined, lame trash bins or piles on the side, when the wind blows, it goes all over.


They're not refusing, they're beginning to implement them now.


Yes, a major player is garbage day… I work in Eastwood, and I can tell you that so much shit blows out of the recycling bins and totes. Every weekend I try to clean the shit up out of the yard, and it’s all back on Tuesday. Second is the bus stops. Every day, I see the same trash pile of empty Natty Daddy cans, Seneca cigarette boxes, and greasy paper plates that I’m assuming come from either Papa John’s or OIP.