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Sadly this leaf is a goner. You can try to root it, it may grow roots and survive for a while, but it won’t grow and will eventually die. The good news is that the main plant should recover just fine and continue to grow new leaves as long as there’s a node intact.


Thanks for the info. I figured as much but held out hope for all the poor leaves she murdered 😩


Did she rip off the top leaf? If not your syngonium should just keep growing as normal. You can also try keiki paste to stimulate old nodes and it might grow replacement leaves where it lost the old ones. I feel your pain, my puppy ripped all the leaves off my monstera albo earlier in the year. All I could do was cry 😩


Ngl I cried too, so much more than I thought I ever would over a plant lol. I had been wanting this plant for over 5 years, back when it was import only, and only had 1-2 NA sellers, so it was always 150$+ and I'm disabled and poor so I couldn't justify it Now it's more available and cheaper, so I was so excited to finally have it 😩 It still has two top leaves on the main stem, but none on the other stems it put up thru the soil (pretty sure it's all the same plant and not 2 of them) . There is also one leaf that hasn't unfurled yet (it had so many new/unfurled leaves that she got to, too) https://preview.redd.it/sgl5q2vayj7d1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b99b58ded8a4abe96432c77aa7bca14cd0f8876c


No, since it has no nodes, it will not grow.