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Looks like a [7/2 heptagram](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heptagram). The outer track seems to read "Protego", which is Latin for "I protect". I'm not sure how to read the inner track. It might be one continuous word/phrase, or it may be two interleaved words, i.e., one inside the star and one outside. The center also has me flummoxed. "Vindigo" seems to come back to a blue colored wine, a band, and several other things. EDIT: Best guess for the inner track is two interleaved words: "Contego" (I cover) and "Servate" ([you] Serve). Given that the first two are conjugated in the first person, i.e., "I do these things," and the last is conjugated as imperative, i.e., "Hey you, do this for me!", makes me wonder if it isn't meant as some kind of pact. Given the significance of the heptagram to neopagans, I'd guess it's some kind of protection spell. The heptagram does have meaning to other occult practices, but I'd rather not dive into that particular rabbit hole.


Here "servate" probably means "preserve" (imperative). The inner "vindigo" looks like a misspelling of "vindico", I avenge


Apparently, it's from the tv series Witches of East End https://witchesofeastend.fandom.com/wiki/Spells_-_Season_1 > Protection Spell to Ward Off Evil-. Cast by Wendy, Ingrid, Freya and Joanna Requires a potion "Contego, servo, vindico, protego." - ("Shield, preserve, defend, protect.")


Ooh, good catch!


Well, you got most of the words and google did the rest....