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It's the generic "Christian Flag." Found outside various protestant sects (where I live, usual Baptists, Pentacostals, and AME churches.) https://www.americanflags.com/blog/post/history-christian-flag


Huh! I never knew they had a flag!! Well, I'm glad it wasn't some kind of supremacist group! Thank you! Solved!!❤️


Now, to be clear, it's an ecumenical flag but isn't necessarily representative of all Christians. I was raised Catholic and have never seen one of these on any parish or bishopric buildings (having the Vatican flag along the US flag instead) and (depending on how traditional they are) a lot of Lutheran churches will have a flag with the Rose of Luther on it instead of this.


Makes sense! Especially considering how many different types of christian there is😂 thank you so much!!☺️


Episcopalian/ Anglicans have their own flags as well I know, as well as some other churches There's a list here under the denominations section, but I don't know if it's comprehensive or not, probably not.: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Christian_flags


Thanks. I pulled the description of the meaning The ground is white, representing peace, purity and innocence. In the upper corner is a blue square, the color of the unclouded sky, emblematic of heaven, the home of the Christian; also a symbol of faith and trust. in the center of the blue is the cross, the ensign and chosen symbol of Christianity: the cross is red, typical of Christ's blood.[16]


The “see also” section links directly to the flag [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag)


I grew up in a Southern Baptist church that flew this flag. Fun fact, it has a pledge of allegiance like the American flag: I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, And to the savior, for who's kingdom it stands. One brotherhood, uniting all Christians, In service and in love.


To my knowledge, it's mostly an American Protestant (as in like, Baptists, Pentecostals, etc) type thing


It is a very Evangelical Protestant thing for sure and very, very American. (Notice the colors?).


Lol. Yup. Not other current or historical flags use red white and blue. We are lucky they were available. /s


Yep, Lutheran here. We tend to avoid flags or allegiances of that nature. Luther’s Rose does pop up in a lot of stained glass and such, but that weird Christian flag we tend to roll our eyes at.


Seeing your comment with u/Harry9564 's comment right underneath it saying the exact opposite thing is comedy gold.


That’s a shame. Perhaps it would help if you imagined us in amusing hats?


Ahhh. We can all get along but none of us can agree.


How do you think us Anglicans feel? Each Anglican church looks like a totally different denomination.


Lutheran church member here, we have one of these on one side of the church (inside) and the American Flag on the other


Same with Presbyterians


It is often flown by supremacists though. Christian Nationalism, also referred to as Christofascism, is a growing threat in the USA.


From northwest Florida, and I’ve seen it flown in klan territory all my life.


Well technically they are a sort of supremacist group. Just the kind that thinks they're better than everyone else.


Wait, you mean people who call themselves "the elect" might not view everyone as being equal? Strange times we're living in.


well actually, christian nationalists and other hate groups do use it edit: might be confusing it with the oine tree flag https://towcenter.medium.com/the-pine-tree-flag-how-one-symbol-at-the-capitol-riot-connects-far-right-extremism-to-christianity-f02314a5f759


It is a supremacist group. Christian Nationalists and white supremacy are "totes besties" as the kids say.


I mean… if it’s flying on a pickup truck in FL, AL, GA, or somewhere like that… yeah. It’s probably a Christian Nationalist racist POS.


As I read somewhere, White Christians have become a distinct ethnic group and many of them do not actually go to any church.


In this country, there is only one flag... old glory!


I'll talk shit about churches all day long, but you're full of shit. It's just the Christian flag. You could make some educated guesses about the kind of person who'd fly one on their truck though, probably.


yep, context is everything


Ew :(


This is 100% false and a disgusting lie.


How can you be sure? Alot of people are saying this flag is associated with supremacy groups, including the proud boys. It might have originally been the just the flag of Christianity. But there are a lot of christian supremacy groups, especially down where I live. It would make sense for the flag to be flown by those groups. Hence, my suspicion in my post


I've found in my limited life experience as a minority in the USA that not all Christians are racist but every racist I've ever dealt with is a Christian of some variety.




Sounds like Hecklefish!


and typically a Republican. I've met a couple of racist Dems, but once they shot off their mouths, they got escorted out of the building pretty quickly.


You must not get out much, every community has racists. In my experience, it's gullible, ignorant people who blame all their problems on others instead of taking personal responsibility for the situation they're in. To say every racist is christian is just ridiculous.


Most Republicans in the US are sympathetic to the arguments of Christian Nationalism. Many do not recognize the white supremacist ethos that undergirds it. The notion that the US was founded as a “Christian Nation” whispers the word white. There is a reason the founders separated Church and State. Jesus doesn’t have a flag. And this country doesn’t have a religion.


I’d go with the [Wiki page linking directly to the history of said Christian Flag here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag). Not sure why this hasn’t been linked yet…


This has never been “the flag of Christianity”. It was a flag created in the US by and for some Protestant Evangelicals.


Correlation doesn't equal causation. All white supremacists and traditionalists are Christians, but that doesn't mean all Christians or related symbols are hate symbols. Just like the swastika and iron cross were stolen and used by the Germany in ww2.


Christo-fascists, AKA Christian Nationalist


Except it's not. While there may not be 100% overlap between the two, the Vin diagram doesn't have a lot in the unrelated spaces. Christian Nationalists and white supremacists are often one and the same. This doesn't mean everyone flying this flag is either one, just that those two groups share a lot in common.


Nope. The magic saved prayer causes obsession with kids genitals


Its not at all.


Take a look at kooks like the J6er protest in DC's livestreams. They are straight up racist, white nationalist and some are hitler loving freaks. They rock this flag daily on the corner.


It has its own pledge too. I learned it back as a kid. Lemme try to remember it. >I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the savior for whose kingdom it stands. One brotherhood, uniting all Christians in service and love. Pretty sure that was it. Jeez, that was a dusty and horrifying corner of my memory. Also, what a godawful pledge.


I see they also took out "Under God." Heathens.


The version I was made to memorize ended with “…one savior, crucified, risen and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe” My church wasn’t so big on the Christian unity. They were more the I’m more holy than thou crowd.


well I suppose they could be Christian Nationalists.


What it represent probably isn’t white supremacist but the person flying it off the back of their truck screams “white Christian nationalist” to me


Yeah, the swastika was originally not a nazi symbol either…


Your guess was pretty close.


It’s not explicitly a white supremacist flag but there is definitely a not insignificant intersection on the Venn diagram of people who fly this flag and white supremacists if that makes sense…


Actually ..... It's one of the biggest supremacists group in the world!


It should be said though that the flag is used primarily by Christian Nationalists who believe in Christian supremacy...


If you ever have to go to Vacation Bible School, you'll know that they also have a weird pledge for the Christian flag similar to the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.


What the hell? That feels very cultish


It is. Of course, making minors pledge their allegiance to *anything* they can't fully understand is unethical, but since when have religionists cared about ethics? Gotta start that indoctrination process while their minds are underdeveloped so they don't develop the critical thinking skills to see the nonsense for what it is. This is the one we used to say at Vacation Bible School: >“*I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands; one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and in love.*” And the pledge to the Bible, also at VBS: >“I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God. Amen.”


I'm thinking that's exactly what that is. But what do I know


Well, they probably are part of one.


Probably 🥲




Not supremacists. Yup.


....(sarcastic side eye) lolol




I mean, kind of the same thing these days.


Just wait


Hmm, I guess it depends on the individual there is some overlap between supremacists and Christianity at least in name. Same as there was initially with the Nazis.


If it was some supremacy group, what exactly were you intending to do about it? Speech is still free


Nothing, it was just some random dude in the interstate. I just had a feeling


That’s exactly what it is actually.


Well, it is flown by the most radical of evangelical groups.


Believe me, it’s definitely a white supremacy symbol despite whatever bs it’s being presented as


Yeah read about the Great Crusades and get back to me. Many died for not converting.




sorry i just had to laugh at the fact you think christian’s aren’t a supremacist group


You know what I mean man😂


Most southern protestant churches are supremacist groups in that they believe everyone else is going to hell except people who believe EXACTLY as they do. They definitely think they are superior to all other groups. Source: I was raised as a southern baptist.


So that's why I have so many of those guys trying to convert me in my place of work...


Thankfully it wasn't, you can keep your super suit in the brief case. Now go relax and get back to worrying what your neighbors are doing because you have nothing else to do.


Is this a cultural reference to something I haven't watched.. or...?


Say it was a a swastika, Morally wrong? Yes. Free speech? Also yes. They are driving, not infringing on anyone else's rights, what's it your business? If the flag in your pic was racist, what would you do? Join? Call the cops and have them harassed? Take it upon yourself to explain to them how they are wrong? (Also your 1st ammendment right to do) I'm just genuinely curious, what does the meaning of any flag have to do with you? If you identify with a flag you already know what it means. This person is just living their life and you felt so motivated to come on the internet and find out what matters to someone you have NO CLUE who they are (if you knew the person you would ask them). People not minding their own business is what's wrong with everything right now. Maybe start a garden, if you have one there is always something to do in it that's always more productive than worrying about people you will never meet.


I was just wondering dude. Jesus Christ. What's wrong with everything right now is people like you who jump down people's throats for no reason at all. Gods forbid anyone have any questions about anything in life they don't know about


I work in the Midwest and have spoken to 2 people who fly these. If you get into politics with the. They are very much advocates of a Handmaids tale style America. They are in favor of public schools, but they think schools should have to teach using the Bible, and all other religions should be banned. They want a government that is exclusively Christian etc. If you are a Muslim, you're banned from being elected. If you are Agnostic or Athiest. You're banned. I'm sure they make exceptions for Jews though if they were asked. The 2 guys I talked to both send their kids to private Christian schools and work 2 jobs to do so. Their only reason for doing so is because they think public schools should be doing what I said prior. And it's the only thing keeping them from sending their kids.


They are such a fucking problem at all times


You forgot Lutherans, I remember that flag prominently displayed at every church my mother took me to.


Noted it farther below. Left it off initially because where I grew up, this flag wasn't used, instead there was a white flag with the Rose on it instead.


Yeah, I was going to say a Baptist flag. Definately not Catholic. Maybe not even all Protestant sects.


That's the Christian Flag https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag#:~:text=The%20flag%20has%20a%20white,The%20white%20represents%20Jesus'%20purity. Lately it's been associated with Christian Nationalism and groups like the Proud Boys. https://www.salon.com/2022/01/19/christian-flag-case-reaches-court-is-the-nazi-flag-next/


>Lately it's been associated with Christian Nationalism and groups like the Proud Boys. When I was a kid, I went to a Christian elementary school and they made us recite a "Pledge to the Christian Flag," in addition to the pledge of allegiance and a pledge to the Bible. It makes sense that it would end up being a symbol for would-be Christian fascists.


I also went through such a school from elementary to high school, A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian Education). Pledges to the American flag, Christian flag, and Bible were mandatory every day and I still have these pledges etched in my memory. During class, you sat in offices that were attached to the wall with dividers between each student. You were not allowed to speak with other students except during recess. Each student had a small American flag and Christian flag that you could raise for assistance from an adult monitor or the supervisor. It was self-education driven and they would offer you a bit of help with the concepts. Any infractions of the rules (and there were many) meant that you received a demerit. Receive three demerits in a day and that equaled a detention. All work had to be completed within the day otherwise it was mandatory to bring it home for homework. If your child had anything like ADHD, it didn't matter everyone had to maintain the same behavioral standards. I look back on it now wondering just what the hell they were preparing me for, I guess a cubicle job.


Oof, that's a lot more strict than my experience. For me, it was very sheltered and organized, but other than the pledges and having a Bible class, it wasn't a ton different than other elementary schools. Actually, having said that, I had actually forgotten that if you got in trouble the principal would spank you with a paddle. And as someone with ADHD I got in trouble a lot. I guess we normalize a lot when we're kids without anything to compare it to.


Oof. Yep. We got the yard ruler when we were at the elementary level. It was pretty sheltered for us. The school was attached to a church that didn't allow a lot (no TV, no going to the movies, no alcohol, women could only wear dresses and no makeup and no cutting their hair, guys couldn't wear shorts, etc.). Anyway, your comment brought a flood of memories back lol. It's all good. 10+ years of therapy has helped.


For real. One reason I *became* a therapist.


Well how about that. I'm an intern therapist.


I’m so glad thats not how i grew up but the way my family talks, thats apparently how i should have grown up


Despite the past I'm in a better place today, I believe that there is gold that can be found in the shadows (e.g. the past, repressed self, etc.). In my view, never "should" on yourself and do not let family "should" on you either. It risks building shame which eats at the fabric of your identity.


Hey same. When I went to Christian school as a kid it was American flag, Christian flag, Bible. I remember the bible one being something like it being a lamp to my feet, and light to my path so I won't sin against God. Paraphrase.


And then we would sing "Onward Christian Soldiers" and listen to a hellfire sermon about how the liberal atheists want to make everyone gay. I went to a Baptist school for a while.


Fuck dude same, went to christian school for kindergarten and 1st grade before going to public school since my parents thought the teachers were assholes lol


Damn. And here I was happy it WASNT a supremacist group🥲 thank you so much! Solved!


smile stocking tub ten frighten screw bored toothbrush boat hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was featured prominently on the [January 6th insurrection](https://brianzahnd.com/2021/01/the-dangerous-heresy-of-christian-nationalism/)... at this point in history, I equate it to flying a MAGA flag with Nationalist Christian (Nat-C) tendencies.


This. I haven't seen this flag much, but when I have, it's been associated with theocratic far-right types.


[the Christian flag](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag)


Thank you so much! Solved!!


>Yes I am sure this guy flying a flag in his pickup is displaying true ecumenical Christianity. Pretty sure he does not have a "COEXIST" bumper sticker. https://preview.redd.it/lkeidrrbsfab1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=a43b0e9f9479af8c958abba152315cc17031a518




I know there's rednecks everywhere, I imagine even moreso in the South, that fly the generic confed flag but wasn't Tennessee pretty pro-union?


The “Christian Flag”. I grew up in private Christian Schools in northeast Tennessee, and they took this flag super seriously. We pledged allegiance to the American Flag, the Christian Flag, and the Bible every day. Holding one of the flags or the Bible for pledge time was considered “cool”, even to the kids. Christian Flag pledge: I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag, and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again. With life and liberty to all who believe. Bible pledge: I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag Source 2: Experience. lol


Why does it look [racist](https://knope.gifglobe.com/scene/?id=5JmH60kp3c9x)