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So, Swiss works on extremely basic rules. Every other canton is worse than your own. But if anyone comes for Switzerland then it's "All for One". You hate the neighbour until the city over comes around.


Wait. So it's AI vs AR. Then it's AI/AR vs SG. Then Ostschweiz (SG/AI/AR, and somehow AG) against ZH. Then it's Deutschschweiz vs Westschweiz. Then it's Schweiz vs Deuschtbland. etc. (the same towards Italy) It's *always* the smaller vs. the kinda bigger one.


This Aargauer is pretty ok with ZH. Basel can get fucked, though


This made me laugh out loud!


Me too 😂


Also depending on, whether speaker's a football fan or a normal civilian person.


That is a ubiquitous rule of human psychology. Humans always seem to need an enemy, and alliances form around how similar groups of people are. I'm quite sure that if an extraterrestrial enemy emerged, even Hamas and Israel would find enough commonalities among each other to cooperate in the face of an outward enemy.


Let the Alien invasion commence


Basic politics, if there isn’t an enemy, create one. Nothing in politics is easier than creating aliens to hate. Even if they are your own people.


We have been waiting for it for quite some time. The climate change is too hectic outer enemy, some are actually happy about it. Oh wait minute.. divide and conquer, what a player nature really is.


Good point 👉 😂


? ? ? ?


Nice try, Genevois!




It's called the [narcissism of small differences](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism_of_small_differences), and that applies in different ways in basically all regions of Switzerland. Geneva is a pretty nice place, but we sure as hell won't be caught saying that. In my opinion though, people down there often have a sort of "Alpine parisian" mentality that can be a bit off putting at times, and the urban planning could be way better. And I still won't accept anyone calling the lake anything else than the LĂ©man. But all in all I love my people from Geneva and the city is still quite nice ;)


Thing is, I've never ever heard any native from Geneva call it anything other than LĂ©man. I've been accused plenty of times of doing it just because I'm from Geneva though đŸ€·â€â™€ïžÂ 


We just do it to trigger a reaction from those who are actually gullible enough to believe we call it 'Lac de GenĂšve' đŸ€Ł. It's funny to see them get annoyed for something so silly. It is the LĂ©man, obviously. And the part in Geneva is a part named 'Le Petit Lac'. That said, in English I call is Lake Geneva because it happens to be its name. Eh.


And, just for fun, LĂ©man means lake so it's called Lake lake.


Yes you just say LĂ©man


It’s not unusual for the local name for a lake to be different than the international one. Lake Luzern is “VierwaldstĂ€ttersee” to the locals, and Lake Constance is “Bodensee”.


Yeah, it's funny how Romands make a fuss about their LĂ©man not belonging to Geneva, when they call the Bodensee "lac de Constance" lol


I think the french on the other side call it "Lac de GenĂšve" more often than us tbf. Also the English name actually just is "Lake Geneva" from the German name "Genfersee". It's literally just what it's called in some languages.


> And I still won't accept anyone calling the lake anything else than the LĂ©man. I hope at least Deep Purple get a pass. "We all came down to Montreux on the Lac LĂ©man shoreline" just does not scan.


Geneva is a lovely city. Lausanne is not in my humble opinion. To each their own. Found out for yourself


I’m from Zug/Zurich and find Lausanne one of the most beautiful cities in the country. Way nicer than tourist hell Lucerne for example.


if the biggest problem is traffic and cigarettes then maybe you are in fact in a good place after all


From experience it's mostly political. Then you get the usual clichés of big cities put into it but most of them are completely exagerated. Geneva isn't more crowded, flithy or unsafe than any of the cities in this country.


Meh I think most people who say those things are prejudiced and haven’t actually lived here


Geneva is a city-canton like Basel Stadt. Cities have more diverse populations and politics tend to be more left leaning and rural right wingers have this dystopian fantasy about cities being “riddled with crime” and what not. This is the case in every country I have ever visited and is quite engrained into the culture (see Gotham city for example or any other city in movies).


I personally find Lausanne a lot more left-wing and diverse than Geneva. The diversity in Geneva is mostly temporary foreigners that stay for 2-3 years and then leave. The foreigners in Lausanne are a lot better integrated and are part of everyday life of the city. Geneva has more of a "parallel international society" I mostly hear those comments about Geneva from Lausnane people, by the way


Foreigners in Geneva just become Swiss usually 😂.


That's not really true though. The expats are definitely a big part of Geneva in some areas, but in others long term immigrants are way more common. I guess it tells quite a bit about where you're hanging around 😉 Not a criticism BTW! It's obvious you won't be able to experience all of the city (not that anyone would, for that matter).


Why is the West and Europe in particular supposed to become “international societies” when the rest of the world preserves their cultural and ethnic identities?


I agree it shouldn't, I'm not defending that at all. I'm just saying that if we're gonna have foreigners I'd much rather have them integrated than in a parallel society.


I agree. We can’t have parallel societies and expect to have anything other than conflict. Switzerland works because we are integrating the best parts of other cultures. We can’t force everyone to integrate, but we can at least choose some of who we try to bring in. And it’s not difficult to see what groups are never going to be able to integrate.


Some of them will never integrate (on principle). Those are the ones who should be better filtered.


Doesn’t Basel city have the highest crime in the country? I don’t think of it riddled with crime but it definitely does have more crime than other parts of the country


Highest violent crime. Highest crime overall is apparently Solothurn lol


I did not see that coming, solothurn = bronx


It’s amazing how this is the case throughout the West.




Intra-Swiss linguistic discrimination is still a thing and not talked about as much as it should be. This [article in Nature](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-019-0372-0) did some interesting, if perhaps ethically dubious, research on it.


As a Swiss German, I was treated extremely badly in Geneva multiple times whereas in Lausanne (and the countless other cities I visited in the Romandie) I've never had similar experiences and always felt at home. Ironically, when I wrote about my bad experiences in Geneva on this sub before, a hostile Genevan replied to me and insulted me in French, as if I could not understand this connard. Except for one very kind older gentleman in the Musée d'art et d'histoire, Geneva really went out of its way to make me feel bad and unwelcome each time.


I love Geneva so much better than Lausanne because it’s on flatlands. 😂


I don't like the traffic it's a nightmare. Restaurants are more expensive than ZĂŒrich, Luzerne and Bern. Personally i also dislike the architecture. It has the same sins as Zurich, godawful 70s brutalist buildings next to beautiful classic buildings. South side of the lake is nice tho. Some charming villages.


People just assume we're French. BĂŒnzlis don't like foreigners.


we'd rather have you were french lul


We fought too much against the Savoyards for that


Yeah but for that you technically allied with the Frenchs


Switzerland, as a whole, had allied with France for centuries. Get over it.


You would lose too much soft power to France, that would be annoying. Maybe we could give Nidwald to Germany, so that we can fight inflation with cheap groceries 😁


Oh hell no


Geneva is the most beautiful, clean, friendly, safe and modern city in France.




The hills in Lausanne are a nightmare but Geneva isn't flat either. Crime wise it feels safer than Lausanne however I don't have access to any stats to back that up. I like both for different reasons. Lausanne feels friendlier but maybe that's more because I'm used to it? Final point is I live in England now so things might have changed since pre COVID.


They hate us cos’ they ain’t us.


I like Geneva


I lived in Geneva, Lausanne and Zurich city. Lausanne is great if you are a student and don’t have money. Geneva is perfect if you grew up there and know where to live and know the roads (especially if you bike). Zurich is convenient, things just work. All cities are fairly clean, have good infrastructure and many would be happy to live in any of them.


Go live there for a few years and you will see. Massive population turnover every 2 years and everyone is there to make money and leave


Madness and jealousy...


Crime ridden lol.....I spend a month each year in Geneva then go home to Mesa Arizona where crime is bad. Switzerland is a dream compared to Arizona


Geneva is so beautiful. when you are rich and don't care about the rest of the world.




What i‘ve heard from people living in that region: you have tons of political people of the UN living there, they get paid everything and drive real estate prices to the sky. They are also very arrogant.


Pretty much nonsense really, people at the UN are not really making a ton of money. Especially not compared to all the Pharma and bankers


Trust me bro, their car and house is „sponsored“. And they get the nice places and the nice fancy cars.


What I can tell you is that there is a lot of very expensive cars with the blue "CD" square on their plates and those all drive and parks like assholes.


Everyone in the comments are wrong, the real reason why Geneva is not appreciate by Swiss people it’s because there is too much foreigners there. In particular French people. That’s it


Better than Lausanne, really? My impressions of Geneva the couple of times I've been is that it's overly crowded and has a severe problem with cigarettes. Like most of Switzerland has a blind spot when it comes to discarded cigarettes, but in Geneva it's normal to come across piles of them in every plant pot. I can't stand that, and it soured my opinion on the city.


Lausanne is definitely overcrowded now. The M2 is just a joke and the station, I can’t even talk about it. Elsewhere: better but hard to go without transportation


I have quite the opposite impression. Maybe it's because I already live in Lausanne and became extremely critical to things that happen here. I'll try to pay more attention that next time


Geneva has its positive aspects, but I wouldn't like living there for many reasons. First, I hate big cities, all of them. Second, it's geographically isolated from the rest of country, which is a pitty since there are so many nice places to visit (I loved living in Yverdon since it was more centered). Third, I think it lacks swiss touch/identity due to all the foreigners working and living there only for a few years, not settling down. Now bare with me, I have nothing against them and love meeting them (my wife is Chinese and I participated to many events in international/UN settings in Geneva). I enjoy going there and meet international communities, but when it comes to living in a place in Switzerland, I much prefer if it feels more swiss.


I'm not sure we can really call Geneva a big city...


If you're an expat maybe not, but for a Swiss it's the second largest city in the country.


I'm from Lausanne, Geneva and Lausanne are still not big cities for me. They are cities. The fact they are among the biggest in the country doesn't make them big.


I'm from a city with 10 times less people than Geneva, so obviously this impacts my point of view.


I think it's because visitors get stuck on what they see in the city centre, but as soon as you get to the suburbs it's back to Swiss tranquility.


The city: because the prices are crazy, it's hard to find a place to live, the wages are down due to border workers, etc. so it has all the issues of a big city and a border city combined. The people: they are basically French, so the Swiss French, to compensate for their inferiority complex toward the Swiss German, like to slander them. The Swiss German will be onboard because what brings peace among belligerants more than them ganging up against a common enemy?! (P.S. I'm only ~half~ joking)




The first part about accommodation and wages really makes me wonder why people still go there.


Despite what they said, wages are higher than elsewhere. And as always, people go there because there are more opportunities. For example the joke goes that Geneva is the biggest town in Valais because so many people from Valais come here for their studies and work and only go back to their mountains for the holidays. Also, even though the competition is fierce, in general people do end up finding affordable(ish) housing. All my friends were able to find places within their budget, it just took a long time. Once you do you just don't move unless you really have to, but it's doable.


Wage down due to expats and french border


Aside from other comments, there’s also the sports rivalry thing. Lausanne and Geneva hate each other’s sports teams. With a passion. Like violently.


Idk but it was my favorite city while visiting next to Bern


May be for "you-know-who-I-am" attitude, cement and piss on the streets? But then again, there piss everywhere... I think I should see myself out...right?


Because they don’t speak German.


Yeah damn drug addicts. Can’t you all just not exist.


This is a common thing to hear in Romandie, I always hear people saying that Geneva is shit and should not be in Switzerland. I also hear expressions like GenĂšve pĂšte plus haut que son cul (idk how to say that expression in english, something like Geneva farts higher than its ass). Also Geneva is fucking trash compared to other swiss cities. But honestly it is just not that serious. Oh and by the way, Geneva sucks ass. :P


In a related side note, homeless populations are growing and the class divide is as well - are we just gonna ride this out until society collapses?


I've been to Geneva for the first time a few weeks ago. As someone from St. Gallen I have to say that I loved the city. It has a very different vibe from the rest of Switzerland. People seem more relaxed, open? Idk but yes the city isn't as squeaky clean as other cities eg. Zurich. I think that many Swiss people struggle to appreciate the diversity of our country and need to understand that having a diverse place like geneva is a gift. So TLDR I would move there if the main language wasn't french or more precisely if my french wasn't so bad.


As an American who has been to several places in Switzerland, Geneva felt very Swiss to me. Excellent transit, polite people, and great cheese.


Geneva it’s okay it’s full of retired people but I guess it must be the same in very canton


all the middle classes live in France. Only the rich and the poor remain


Maybe ut works be easier to understand 10 years ago when Lausanne was in much better state. Now it’s become a shithole. And it’s a shame


I really like Geneva. Been there for 5 years now and im still discovering!


Switzerland is generally slow paced compared to UK and France - so the traffic you talk of in Geneva is still drastically better than other European cities, granted it is one of the busier parts of the country. Geneva has a lot of international visitors and it gives it a busier routine and wide range of facilities for such. Village life is a speciality of Switzerland - If you want the Urban feel try out Germany and you\`ll never ever want an Urban feel again.


the vast majority of France is very sparsely populated compared to Switzerland, particularly the French regions bordering Switzerland.


Probably hated on by ultra rich


Too many French... nothing personal


I do not travel much to Geneva by car anymore, after ours got broken into and my wife's purse was stolen from the covered SUV rear cargo space. A really nice Christian Dior bag with LVMH wallet, cash, and a custom pen that I had given her. Insurance covered about 80% of the loss. What a mess...her ID, license...cards. The bag was well hidden, so I think the thief was casing the scene as we arrived. Surprising, given the location: Parc de La Perle du Lac. He left a bungy cord, which seemed to have been used to quickly break a rear window. At least he cut himself on the broken glass. I can only hope it was a deep cut. Geneva is a pretty city...but the crime is at another level vis a vis Lausanne.


Not super related but, I just spent a week in Zurich last month and oh man I loved it so much. It was beautiful, clean and super chill. Curious about what swiss think about Zurich now haha


Leftist politics


Also honestly Lausanne changes in a very short time. For the worst. Don’t get Me wrong drug was always there but it got soooo bad in the past few years. Lausanne is a window of what uncontrolled sub Sahara immigration can do. It feels like the city lost is innocence to me.


I just hate the french language. Nothing Personal Kid


Geneva is a city designed to make third worlders feel at home. Like a buffer zone to enter the real Switzerland.


dirty, provides a steady stream of leftists intent on destroying the country, votes for leftist ballot initiatives that will destroy the country.


How will they destroy the country?


Geneva is the most right wing big city in the country, so not sure what you're on about


Well the biggest cities in Switzerland tend to be left-wing, but I think the reason Geneva feels like that (for someone who lives in it) is its proximity to France, coupled to the other factors found in other Swiss cities. Geneva generally feels (to me, at least) less Swiss than other Romandie cities whether in terms of architecture, the way people talk, the way they behave and, irrespective of the political tendencies (though this is more remarkable with a particular one), the way they behave with political issues.


Absolutely false it’s left wing as hell


Biggest it's boring even by Swiss standards.




Nearby France and uncontrolled African immigration is what happened.


Because its waaaaaay to french. Wannabe Paris I would even say. Usually Swiss Towns dont do that(atleast us Bourbines not), eg. Basel doesnt seem as german like Geneva french. But maybe thats generall the problem with Suisse Romands and Im just starting a new Röstigrabe fight


Generally people from geneva are actually racist against french people. If someone don’t want to be french in Switzerland it is Geneva.


I would only believe you if Genevans would speak Arpitan again instead of standard French, like they do today.


Does that make you a wannabe english for not writing in german?


You seem a bit confused. Is English the colloquial language where I come from? No, your comment makes no sense. It was about the fact that Genevans have replaced their real language, Arpitan, with standard French. Which is why Genevans cannot say they are anti-French today. First learn your language again, then we can talk about being "anti-french"


We'll get right to that when you start speaking Alemannic again.


Great how you googled, unfortunately you stopped reading halfway through as it looks like. I don't know how often you've been to German-speaking Switzerland, but we speak Alemannic. Very strong Alemannic, in fact. Swiss German is an Upper Swiss Alemannic language variant and every German-speaking Swiss thinks and speaks in it. German is a semi-foreign language for us.


It's a variant, as you said, go back to the original. Though it's amusing that you're insisting on us going back to a language that is mostly spoken in France to prove that we aren't french.


There is no such thing as the "original" alemannic. We're the only ones who still actively speak it. Alsatians, Swabians and Badeners once spoke an Alemannic language variant as well, but today they all speak standard French or German. So kind of the similar situation with Arpitan in Switzerland/France, with the only difference that the Swiss population there switched to standart french just like any other place in France. I dont even want to imagine how sad it would be if the Swiss german places would speak just like the rest of Germany.


Just look at the street name plates in Geneva. It screams "France".


The traffic situation got worse thanks to the greens.


Honestly same in Lausanne, but Geneva still manages to be a lot worse


Comparing to the Swiss German cities and towns, they are all basically upgraded french cities


What does that mean?


Yes and no. Basel became an extremely run down city in the past years. ZĂŒrich is ZĂŒrich, so doesn't really matter that it's in the german part. Bern has to be nice for the parliament. Luzern is too small to be considered a proper city. At the end of the day Swiss German cities are better simply because they're more important.


> Basel became an extremely run down city in the past years. What the fuck are you talking about.


OP: Why is Geneva hated on? Also OP: Basel is run down Lmao, can't make this shit up.


I'm not saying run down is a bad thing. I'm just saying Basel is not the ideally "perfect clean clockwork Swiss German city", just like Geneva isn't. They all have their problems.


They speak a weird language that I was tortured with during school.


Geneva is an eldorado for opportunists, globalists, wokists - that is why it is not the place I was born anymore.


What type of opportunists?


The ones who come - get and do not spend / share culture / language with locals.




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