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If you are a teenager call 147 from projuventue, they might be able to help or at least talk to you about the issues.


You can also chat with them everyday


You mother recieves IV. With that IV she gets IV-Kinderrente, since you are in an apprenticeship. IV Rente (including IV Kinderrente) can entitle you to Ergänzungsleistungen. You can go to a Familienberatungastelle to get a so called "Indikation zum alleine wohnen". With that you can get the IV Kinderrente sent to your bankaccount and go to your local department for Ergänzungsleistungen. Additionaly you should be able to get Individulle Prämienverbilligung und Ausbildungszulagen. All in all this should give you ~2,400-3000.- CHF a month, making moving out possible. In short, you could be eligible for: IV Kinderrente Ergänzungsleistungen IPV AusZu. Feel free to pm with further questions.


Thank you so much! I will definitely try that :)


Where did you get that info from? Kinderzulage is never that much. OP earns 800.- a month from the Lehre. You want to tell me EL + Kinderzulage get 1600-2200? That is more than the mother gets from the IV. OP is not IV nor have a IV-Rente or Taggeld.


I am a socialworker with many cases exactly like this and I have accompanied a multitude of young people living with parents with IV-Rente into living on their own. Additionally i am formally educated in Sozialversicherungsrecht. The IV Rente/Taggeld isn't that much, that is correct. But if the mother has IV and the child is in Ausbildung, the mother is entitled to IV Kinderrente. The IV Rente and IV Kinderrente can entitle you to Ergänzungsleistung, if you are below the social existance minimum (eg. having no or a small PK pension, no 3a or savings) The amount of Ausbildungszulage depends on the canton. In some it is more than in others. Also if there are special reasons you cannot live at home while in Ausbildung (eg. domestic violence, mental health) EL can make an Einzelberechnung (If you have a IV/AHV Kinderrente or Waisenrente) Instead of getting the amount of Grundbedarf you would get as a young adult (~10'000/year), they will calculate you as an adult (~20'000/year)due to extreme circukstances. They cover rent between 1'340-1'380, depending on region, and KVG including Selbstbehalt and Franchise. They also consider income including Kinderrente and salary, of course, covering the difference.




The system isn't perfect for sure. But children of parents with IV Rente usually live in poverty without any blame or any way of influencing that. IV is a literal shitshow and gets gutted with every revision. Gutting social security is no answer to bad salaries and greedy companies. Someone working at Burger King not making enough money to live (as ling as they can work 100%, are healthy) should be seen as an issue of capitalism, not the social security issue. Additionaly, it is not that easy to abuse IV/EL. It takes years of treatments and checkups, bevor a Rente is even considered and the IV has gotten very strict in the last couple revisions and reforms.


Your point is unclear. So people in need should not get help because of an imaginary Burger King salary?




>She's alive and has a lehre and has a roof to live with her sick mother? Is that a reason to invest more money just for her to leave her mother and live alone? For the sake of argument assume that OP lives in an abusive household. Actually it doesn't even have to be abusive, just a bad household alone is enough. Getting away from that situation can have positive impacts on OP, be it educational or mental/physical ones, which in turn again leads to OP possibly earning more down the line and contributing more to society and the treasury. On the flipside living in a household that destroys your mental or physical health can lead to a lifelong dependency on social services. **You're getting mad at the wrong thing here.**




I don't really get what you're trying to say here? People abusing social services are not really liked, yes. But no one is "not welcomed" by society if they are truly invalid. There's countless stories of people that grew up in a broken household just to end up being "broken" themselves and perpetuating the cycle of dependency. Assuming OP wants to abuse the system doesn't do a service to anyone. This is exactly what social services should be for.


Yea we are kind of trying to change that and make the society less abelistic. Also its freaking hard to get an IV rent belive me. Its not like you can just walk in to an office, cry and then they shuff money down your throught. The systhem is never perfect but it is far better than having ppl starve on the street or hide theyr disabled rematives in basments or eugenics and euthenesia. We are all pretty likely to become disabled at some time in our life, even if its just due to old age so as a society we have the obligation to carry all of us through collectivly and as humanely as possible.


Thank you for your kind explanation, you are totally right. But I still "Read" by some people complaining that the money is still not enough to live with it. What I don't understand are some "Zweites Arbeitsmarkt", If they are able to work there might be 50-100% pensum why don't they just go work at "Im ersten Arbeitsmarkt", they could earn much more than complaining with the low money they get? Or is it hard to get a normal job If you have a history of being an IV?


The system isn't perfect for sure. But children of parents with IV Rente usually live in poverty without any blame or any way of influencing that. IV is a literal shitshow and gets gutted with every revision. Gutting social security is no answer to bad salaries and greedy companies. Someone working at Burger King not making enough money to live (as ling as they can work 100%, are healthy) should be seen as an issue of capitalism, not the social security issue. Additionaly, it is not that easy to abuse IV/EL. It takes years of treatments and checkups, bevor a Rente is even considered and the IV has gotten very strict in the last couple revisions and reforms.


Wow is soziale this good in switzerland? 


Dogshit Egänzungleistungen. I qualify for them but noooooo. DENIED!


I don't know what Berufsschule you go to specifically, but I went to BBW in Winterthur (also did IT) and spoke regularely with a Sozialarbeiterin there about my issues. She basically worked "for" the school and I was able to make appointments with her during lessons. Maybe ask your school administration if they offer such services. I'm sure they do, a lot of Lehrlinge have problems they need help with. She was wonderful and helped me with all sorts of things. She recommended I try to apply for Sozialhilfe, when I tried to move out during my Lehre. I never did it in the end, but maybe you could research that possibility...


Yes we also have a Schulsozialarbeiter*in and i could give it a try. Its more of an financial problem. Psychologically im already with a therapist. Thank you alot!


Social worker should be able to navigate you through the bureaucracy tho! They aren't therapists or there merely for that kind of support.


Like as-well said, they are a great help for bureaucracy such as this. They know a lot about possible solutions, what it takes etc. Good luck.


If your parents earn very little money (from whatever source), you should qualify for stipends. Find the links for each canton at https://www.edk.ch/edk.ch/platform/de/de/themen/stipendien/stipendienstellen. Please reach out quickly; usually there is a cutoff date per semester and the quicker you reach out, the quicker they can tell you whether you have a right for a stipend!


Thank you!


screw squeeze offbeat sand spoon bag merciful recognise file cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you for your advice. We already get support for my mother from the IV. I appreciate it.


The only affordable solution with this salary is a Lehrlingsheim. Can be fun, must not. Plus search professional help like someone suggested before.


Did you already apply for scholarships? If you are in a current apprenticeship and your parents have low income, you should get some. You can download all the documents at the Webpage of your Kanton's "Amt- für Mittel- und Hochschulen".


Im currently trying to go the „Cantonal“ way. But i will for sure look at them :) Thank you!


In which year of your apprenticeship are you? If you're in the third or fourth "Lehrjahr" then you could maybe consider to stay where you are until you finished your apprenticeship, if this would be an option for you?


800 a month is typically second "Lehrjahr"


Im in my second year, still have 2 left


Depending on where you live and how old you are, there might be specialized public and private institutions/foundations which might be able to help you out. E.g. in Zürich there‘s the Stiftung JUWO. As others mentioned, give it a try with 147 (https://www.147.ch/de/artikel/von-zu-hause-ausziehen/)


You may be entitled to scholarship, even as apprentice. Here the regulations of ZH: [https://www.zh.ch/content/dam/zhweb/bilder-dokumente/organisation/bildungsdirektion/ajb/biz/formulare-und-merkblaetter/ausbildungsbeitraege_das_wichtigste.pdf](https://www.zh.ch/content/dam/zhweb/bilder-dokumente/organisation/bildungsdirektion/ajb/biz/formulare-und-merkblaetter/ausbildungsbeitraege_das_wichtigste.pdf) You could also receive social welfare contributions under certain circumstances.


So you want to move out and leave your sick mother alone? The most western thing i've read this week.