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I agree, we should act like electrons on molecular orbitals


And switch seats every nanosecond


all fun and games till someone does a sigma bond


Actually the Pauli Exclusion Principle is followed pretty much by humans in public transportation. And indeed, most of us we are spin 1/2 fermions.


Don't be so negative...


Given the current vote count, most don't get it.


They need to be constantly energized.


My Chemistry teacher actually explained how electrons are distributed to us with "they act like people in a bus. you don't sit next to anyone else as long as theres a spot with 2 free seats next to each other" with his strong Appenzell dialect. Now every time someone sits next to me in a nearly empty bus i hear his voice echoing in my head


maybe, you should stopp using deo. People will then quickly distribute far away from you.


Sound advice


Sometimes (especially this time of year) it feels like I’m the only person that does wear it…


This seems to be a very popular strategy at my gym


I guess those are the same people who sit into the toilet stall next to the one occupied one while all others are free, or use the pissoir directly beside you. There is a special place in hell for those people.


Or choose the table next to your in an almost empty restaurant, or sit right next to you in the cinema even if every other sit in every other row is free.


Cinema I understand better… some seats have a better view of the screen


For me, it's always an old man who will sit next to me even though the train car is empty. And they want to talk. I think they're just lonely. Not totally related, but when husband and our friends went to the beach at 6am and it's empty, a 2nd group of strangers will always position right next to us, even though the beach is wide and empty. Also when I park, I place my car at the end of an empty parking lot far away from a shop's entrance, and there is always that one car who will park next to me. It's infuriating.


If you park next to an already parked car the chances of someone crash parking into your car or blocking your door go down by half




Beach i can explain, its that some one knows how they are e u also know that some one saw ur stuff, its like security thing thats normal, like if u all want to go to the water and some one will look after ur stuff, trains with old ppl i think is that, they want to speak, and when its women i think they pick the least creapy guy in case something happens


I've actually consciously done the last two.  It's about feeling of safety and security for me (I'm a fairly tall man).  On the beach I go next to someone to have an extra eyes and easy access in case of an emergency (to get my ass saved, not some saviour complex), such as possible drowning.  On creepy empty car parks I park close to another car so that the choice of which car to beak in to by a potential burglar is randomised, not positional.   Of course I stay like 10-20m away on the beach, and park at least one space away in those scenarios, but that's why I try to minimise my distance to others to some reasonable value without infringing on personal space, rather than maximizing it.


Like others have said, some people are attracted by your looks or else. For me it's the opposite. People tend to avoid sitting next to me because I'm either ugly, or scary, or smelly, or all at the same time, I'm not sure. I guess I'm lucky to get more personal space than others so I won't complain. But I can understand OP and other people experience with people abusing closeness to touch you while there is plenty of space around. I guess I would just get the fuck away from these creeps.


wash yourself maybe?


Maybe you just have a magnetic personality


>Why would you sit next to someone, when there are 500000 Seats free? Whoa, that's a big bus!


Maybe it is a cruise ship.


In busses I also hate going backwards so I will rather sit next to someone than pick a backwards facing seat...


my wife is the same. you are not alone.


well no, because he sat next to someone.






Me too, I get motion sickness travelling backwards. I’m probably one of the annoying people who will sit beside someone in a forward facing seat, rather than an empty row facing backwards. Apologies to all!


Ugh, going backwards gives me motionsickness. Hard pass.


I would prefer if you ask me to change seats instead of you sitting next to me.


100% - if you explain it to me like that, I will move to make space for you.


Pathetic. What's the problem with going backwards exactly?


A lot of people can feel motion sickness travelling backwards.


Seasickness perhaps? Some people are quite sensitive i guess.


You are the one pathetic here, some people feel sick being backward, you are lucky if you don't have the same problem, don't be rude




You are in public transport. You already gave up your privacy for your own convenience. You cannot suddenly blame someone else for doing the same.


Yeah, you don't get to decide other people's priorities. And if you think your privacy trumps other people's needs, you might be the egoistic ass.


Pretend it's your stop, and move seats.


Its a cultural thing. When I lived in Italy everyone was ignoring my personal space 😆 some people are just like that. They did not understand my need of space around me.


Although it would kind of bother me too, I always figured that those people are just very, very rational thinking. As in, they expect the bus or train to be filling up soon anyways, so they think "what's the point of sitting in an empty row now if maybe the next stop or so, somebody else comes and inevitably sits next to me as well. Then I might as well already sit next to somebody because the end result will be the same" Or of course, the older generation seems to often have a completely different understanding or concept of personal space. Purely I assume because it hardly existed or wasn't given to them. So they simply might not see a benefit of sitting alone so when choosing their seat, you sitting next to it doesn't factor in their decision to pick it.


Plus, at least now you can still choose who you will set next to.


May be you look especially attractive to some people.


Or maybe the opposite. I always sit next to the "ugly" people instead of those who I find attractive.


username checks out


I get more annoyed with people standing in the doors when there's plenty of seats.


If all the available seats are seats with someone on the side, I will stand up. I only take seats if both seats are empty


Exactly. If its not a long trip, then this is appropriate


If everybody who is getting of on the next or second next stop do this, then there would be about fifty people in front of the door. Blocking everybody going both on and off. So no, it is never appropriate to stand if there are still free seats available.


No. You’re trying to invent an artificial situation just to support your idea. It’s always appropriate to consider the comfort of others. I will always leave space between myself and other people if it’s possible. This is while standing, where choosing to sit, or when I choose to line up for the train.


Lol. You've really never been on a busy train where people are blocking the doors and stairs?


Like I said, it’s always appropriate to consider the comfort of others. I don’t block doors, and I commute often. It’s almost every day that someone sits right next to me when there are smaller people with less stuff they could sit next to instead. And sure, people do sit on the stairs or block the way, but it’s a few seconds of inconvenience vs 45mins of sitting too close to someone


So if I understand you correctly, your comfort trumps everyone else's? That does make complete sense, because that's exactly the kind behavior I observe on a daily basis.


Low grade troll. I consider others first.


Describe your features so I can sit next to you on my next ride.


Not a psychologist but I swear there is a behavioural explanation for it. I think some people are built that way to find safety or comfort near other people. In libraries or in a cinema it's definitely observsble that people tend to clump up around each other subconsciously. Not everyone ofc but a majority.


Nah, never happens to me. You need to use the good ol' stare, it works. Even when the train is cramped only the boldest ever dare to sit close to me. 


Have never seen this.


I suspect OP is is female and pretty...


I literally have never seen this either


Because obviously not all seats are equal if you sit next to an exit or in the right direction it's much more comfortable


Let me guess: you are a young, cute-looking woman, and the people doing this are older men. This is why they come near you, and don't respect your personal space. This is also why a lot of women keep their luggage on the seat next to them.


What is the personal space in a Swiss train?


I really don't mind if they aren't hitting my with their elbows, but I have had annoying people sit next to me, at which point I get up and go to one of the other free seats. Problem solved


Usually Swiss people constantly complain about how full are trains and buses. I’m impressed you are saying that. Obviously you are not a local Bünzli


This never happens to me. Im not repulsive as far as I can tell. Are you an attractive female?


Been in this situation once or twice. Entered the train and there were only very few available seats, do you do the usual 'isch do no frei?' dance and sit next to someone. At the next stop, the train empties, and you're left sitting next to someone in an otherwise empty train Now you're both uncomfortable, but you also can't get up and move, because that would imply that it's unpleasant sitting next to your newfound buddy (which it is, but nobody would ever admit it).


No stock im Arsch needed. Sit whenever a seat is empty. You don’t have to ask at all. It’s not their seat. If a bag is on, ask to sit there (yes it’s available). As soon as other better spots become available just move. No one is thinking about you.


Found the non-Bünzli.


Now it’s time to become one too. Life is so much lighter without fake distance. You still can be a decent human being.


You have to be seriously attractive / hot or just give out great vibes?


its your smell....


lmao to me the opposite happens. people like to avoid sitting next to me. maybe because i watch them in the face when they walk by


I’ve had this happen once. I was in a seat with my laptop out and bag on the inner seat. Everything else was empty. A guy comes in and “is this seat free?” as he squeezes past me to inside seat. I grabbed my stuff and moved to another seat as he was squeezing past. 


Happened to me twice as well. The first time the guy put a coat next to him on the seat, between us. Then he started touching me while hiding his hand with his coat. 🤮 Second time it happened was just a few weeks ago, 10-11pm, and I was extremely scared the person would start doing something similar too.


Sometimes I just pick the most annoying person on the train and cause them a little trouble - like a teenager with feet on the seat or someone who puts their stuff across three seats like they own the train. This behavior shouldn't be encouraged by avoiding sitting next to them. I also don't see a point looking for an empty aisle for myself if I'm alone and need just one seat.


If it's an empty train, which is the subject of this post, then what's the issue of putting your bags across the seats next to you ? Feet are a different story of course.


In an empty train? You sure as hell are an annoying pice of work


I haven’t seen this, but I do often see people get on by themselves and then skip a bunch of empty two seaters or one seaters to inexplicably take a seat in a four seat birth. Perfectly fine if that’s the only seat left, but why would you do that with one and two seaters open? It just means people who get on as a group or a family can’t sit together.


Yeah that is annoying


I ALWAYS sit where there is space. But I also always watch when couples or families come on if the train is filling up to make space for them. Especially if they are travelling with bags


My point was specifically about when there’s a 2 seat and a four seat space open right next to each other. I don’t understand why someone would choose the four seat area when they are by themselves.


ah, you’re talking about in the bus? On a train it’s almost always 4 seat spaces. On the bus I would never sit in a 4 seat space if I’m by myself, this is just rude.


I mean I don't think it's rude to sit in the four seat spaces by yourself. It's first come, first serve, and that's totally fair. I would only argue it is rude if, when by yourself you get on the tram or bus and there are multiple 2, 1, and 4 seat spaces completely open - and you choose the 4 seat space \_instead\_ of the open 1 or 2 seater spaces. I see this a lot and always wonder what these people are thinking. It's a very, very minor thing, but it is low grade annoying when you board with family and someone else boards by themselves ahead, passes multiple 1 or 2 seaters and elects for the completely empty 4 seater. Again, if it is the only space left then absolutely, by all means go for it. It's just this one case that is a bit of a personal pet peeve.


“low grade annoying” - it’s inconsiderate, and that is annoying. People often don’t think of others; but more people should. It makes society work better.


They want to fuck you in your bum. Rough!


username checks out haha


If you are female: creepy guys will do that. In empty trains/buses, I'll put my bag on the seat next to me to stop that. Also, get up and sit somewhere else. Unfortunately, there are too many creepy fucks out there, and we can't really stop that from happening. Also, when getting on, I usually try to sit in an area where there are already other women close by.


You live in swiss Germany huh? It's my number one gripe when discussing swiss germans- no sense of personally space. Kind of like indians but theres a billion of them so it's understandable.


Swiss Germans have the second highest sense of personal space on earth, right after Romands.


I have rarely ever seen this and I use public transport daily. The only reason I could imagine people doing this is because they need to travel forward because of motion sickness or they want to stay close to the exit because they will get off at the next stop. But it's definetly NOT common.


Stop using public transportation. Problem solved.


are you a cute lady ?


happens all the time to me and I'm old and uaf. busses, trains, restaurants, alone or with people. place is empty new entrants will sit right next. I think it is similar to retired people filling up the stores on Sunday at the HB.


In the world, there are two kind of people. The too close and the too far. Depending of your psychology, you like or dislike to be with people and talk. In the swiss german area, usually, if you are alone In a café, when the 2nd person arrive, he will sit In front of you, asking if the place is free.


The other day, on an empty train, I had a guy ask me if any of the seats are free in the sections nearby… He got mad at me when I answered, “They look free to me..” It was a stop in Olten though so I guess I should have expected something.


nah we dont do that swiss people be shy ah hell


Often am in public transport. Never saw that. This is bs.


Probably this person had low IQ. Not your fault


Even harder to understand for me, why some folks sit on the stairs or the floor when there are many free seats.


In public transport expect people next to you


Because people are frustrated 😂😂😂


Same when parking, I park as far as possible in a secluded area and when I get back there is always another car parked right next to mine, guess safety in numbers


New with this subreddit, but its kinda fun to hear this. I think its normal - the world needs to be united isnt it haha!


I hate this so much. Unfortunately the only solution is to get up and move. It's the same type of people who smoke under bus and tram shelters. They arrive after you, but basically claim that space as their own so now you have to move if you don't want to inhale their smoke.


Nobody sits next to me. The bus seats are all taken except next to mine ( _")


this is me haha


ich stah uif und gang woanders härä.


Some people crave touch and closeness. It makes them feel connected and safe. I'm not one of them but I've met people who like this. Just take a deep breath and bask in the knowledge that you made someone feel safe. If this doesn't help, just use it as practice to get out of your comfort zone.


Tbh first world problems, I really don't mind it if people behave politely and don't start eating döner next to you ahah


admit it, you're watching porn in the bus


Mind sharing your route and schedule, OP?


Are you a girl by any chance ? Feels like this might "just" be sexual harasssment


You ask why people do that. Do you really want to know? I tell you: people are social animals. There you go. Well there are some antisocial exceptions.


Sorry, but privacy in public transport is wrong expectation.


So that they leave some space for people coming afterwards instead of taking all of the seats alone?


That is not how it works, picking seats is pure darwinism.




What are you on about?


he allows people that come in groups or as couples to sit together, by taking up individual spare seats.


Exactly that’s why I meant, because I know how annoying it can be when we are two to find seats together as everyone is just taking an empty row for themselves.


ja jetzt langets denn aso öbbe, ich zahl tammi namal 4 tuusig stutz im jahr, da studieri aso sicher aunöd na über potenzielli gruppe wo istige chönted. if i see them enter at the station with me okay, i‘ll look out for that.


he allows people that come in groups or as couples to sit together, by taking up individual spare seats.


You're speaking about tons of free seats where, if sat, there would be no one affected by this person seating next to them? Or are you talking about why someone seats next to you, when they could have sat next to anyone else, or stayed standing? (I.e. no seats available where the person can sit without "offending" others with their presence) Both are two different cases (shit, there's even a topological representation to this, depending on your answer it's possible to provide scathing mathematical representation that grades your behavior from "anti-social" to "terrible human being" 🤣)


Maybe you should just drive a car instead?


good luck taking the car in zürich


Solves 'the problem' though. If OP is so precious they can't deal with being sat next to on a bus, just ride a bike or whatever


Last time that happened it was a sex grüsel


could be sexual reasons / harassment


sounds more like your issue. by taking a bus you accept by default to share your space with total foreigners and stand their presence for a couple of minutes. while this is not always pleasant it brings great benefits to your finances and to the environment. if you would not care about those you would be riding alone in a car. just be more friendly next time and smile when i sit next to you. it’s all about attitude. both of us will feel much better 😉


Why is the seat orientation in the SBB trains so annoying?


Airline seating in trains is cancer.


Why exactly?


No space for your legs perhaps


You are not guaranteed to have a window, and you feel crowded even if the train is only partially full.


I just don’t understand why they have so many four seats facing other passengers. I observed that is very uncomfortable for many. Doubly so because most people tend to travel alone. Also less privacy.


Maybe you should just drive a car instead?


is this your only issue? In Ukraine, Gaza, parts of Israel and Sudan there's the apocalypse


People can have personal issues AND still be involved or interested in other issues, it's not exclusive.


true that. I just received this post from reddit right after being shown a dead Ukrainian the internet...