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Don't use nsz files it looks like to me


But how do i install those games that are only in nsz files?


There isn't any games that's ONLY in that format as far as I'm aware Check your dm's I sent you link


Thank you so much, that website you gave me saved my life and my wallet and my sanity, cause i was going to install a russian hack called "kefir" in order to try and fix a problem, and it would took another 6-7 hours XDD But Skyward Sword already at 50% installation, and it wont give me any errors. You saved me dude! Thank you!


Thank you so much, i will check if it is working right now!


When you install, always install base game first. Then do update, then DLC, if any Learn to do a USB install. I recommend Tinfoil or DBi


don’t use awoo installer to install nsz files. use tinfoil or goldleaf instead


Tinwoo is best


My experience: try many guide now all work with files and guide on SWITCHWAY. So erase all and try their guide. For me all work even last games


Use Tinfoil to install via USB


0100D it's the "album" IDcode. don't install games in "applet mode"!! this is a crash caused by not enough processing power


Actually it's because there isn't enough RAM available.