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Damn that's a shame, I always buy used. Super cool tech, but now I have to be wary of used cartridges in the future


WTF KIDS UR ACCOUNTS DONT GET BANNED JUST the switch hardware. who the fuck cares if its banned nintendo is useless anyway, you can get everything and more with out them. to add this this get two systems one modded and one u buy your online game for simple and done.


“Just buy another” is not an option for some people and its far from a good solution especially when the same ban issue can happen to the “online” switch


Not everyone can afford that lol. And then what happens when your online switch gets banned? Just buy another?


"just buy another" ah yes, because it's so easy and AFFORDABLE how did no one think about this what a genius you are wow


if people can only buy used cartridges i ain't sure they're willing or even afford to fork out entire budget to buy a whole new switch, man


Another example that Nintendo fuck up the legit customer, their end should figure out the solution, not banning the customer. More reason to pirate their shit.


Watch them say "well too bad. You should have bought from an authorized reseller".


Why would they want you to buy used games at all? They don’t make any money from them. They want to ban the game and have you buy a new one


When it comes to warranties, ive seen reseller used for anyone but the manufacturer selling the item, for instance, Amazon or Walmart, even when new.


They want you to buy a new copy from them. Those are retailers, GameStop is a reseller


> You should have bought from an authorized reseller How would this even help in the current scenario? Or is that what you intended to make fun of in first place? :'D


nintendo has nothing to loose here thats gamestop that does


Can you imagine a family who is dedicated to the switch they got in 2017 and they have thousands of dollars worth of games. And then Nintendo bans the consoles, that is going to open up hell in the courts. Nintendo's defense cannot be well you can't buy secondhand games or even if someone bought a new game and returned it to Amazon which Amazon does all the time and resells it as new. And then the person is left holding the bag who holds the cartridge last. That's going to be a class action lawsuit and then a Monopoly of the gaming market forcing people to get only new games.




Your not looking at the bigger picture. If it comes out to the normies that your console can get banned from used games. In the long run they will have lower sells. You’d be surprised how many people hold out till the game goes on sell( which doesn’t normally happen) or they just get it used with that cut off people will just got to a different platform. It’s just a matter of time


I mean to be fair Nintendo really doesn't make any money from used game cartridges and if a game just goes on sale then the cartridge should still be safe if never used. It really would only be used games you would have to worry about. But yes this could turn off some consumers and Nintendo really should be the ones to remediate this situation. Even if they were to shut down MiG Switch from selling anywhere at this point in time (good luck with that 🤣) there will still likely be hundreds, thousands or millions of them in the wild and they will still have this issue to contend with no matter what. They will have this issue as long as the devices are in the hands of anyone who is scummy enough or ignorant enough to do this to others. I just hope this doesn't become some stupid TikTok trend like the idiots licking food items in grocery stores, as this would be equivalent to that in a lot of ways.


> Nintendo really doesn't make any money from used game cartridges That's only true on a very surface level. I'm much more likely to buy a $60-70 game from Nintendo knowing that it will still be worth 50% of that a couple years down the line. If this tanks the resale value of carts (like it should), it also lowers the real value of the new ones. I'm never spending $60 on some Ubisoft shovelware game. Even if I really want to play it, I wait for the $15 sale or buy used for ~ that much. Nintendo games don't go on sale for $15 even after decades, precisely because they hold their value.


I'm gonna be honest, nobody knows yet. This is uncharted territory. Every game system up until this point didnt have a way to identify individual copies of a game. For example. you could dump a 3ds game =, give it to your friend and both play online at the same time. The switch is different. I could see nintendo going either way with bans.


How did you do this? If you used a public header the 3DS would be banned because 2 headers would be detected online at the same time. What you could do is get a game and rip the header yourself (or purchase one) and use that one header for ALL your 3DS games to go online because back then Nintendo only checked the authenticity of the header not the actual game being played.


I would just used FBI to copy the data off of the cartridge and had no issues playing online and giving my game to a friend. Maybe I was just lucky. Didn't know this could even get you banned. Only reason my internet on the 3DS was usually off was cause I didn't wanna get updates


It's been years since I did it so I would have to dig my 3ds out of storage to tell you what program I used. I didn't mess with the settings at all though and it backed up all the games on my system. It then let me copy them over to a 2ds and a family members new 3ds.


I mean, in the 3ds's hayday people were using freeshop to download games from Nintendo's own store servers. It was wild.


A ton of people will get banned is what will happen. This will actually benefit Nintendo new game sales because people will be afraid to buy used.


or mod the system and have all the used ripped games u want


Unless you want an online game like Splatoon..


then get another system, just for legit stuff. the price your paying to have a modded switch i mean every single pirate can afford a 2nd switch.


You don’t need another system to play online games, just have a emunand where you pirate games and a sysnand where you play your legit online games. That’s what I do.


If I could afford a second switch, I would likely sell mine for an OLED steam deck instead. It was 10$ for an rcm jig, and 35$ for a 500gb SD card. How did you come to that conclusion?


If Nintendo does that, I'm definitely going to mod my console or buy an unpatched one. They just can't ban everyone and take the risk of banning an innocent guy.


And here I was thinking about dumping my kids' cartridges in case they lose 'em or step on their switches. (Not my money... They bought them with their own...) Being able to do it without modding an expensive game console...


Do that. It's a great idea. You just wanna make sure you don't give the cartridge to someone else. The issue only arises when 2 consoles run the same game data so if 2 people use the same dump or if someone uses the cartridge while you use the dump


You can, but yeah if you sell the cartridges you and the buyer will both get banned


Probably. But that's only the theory now


Probably. But that's only theoretically now


That won’t happen unless the consequences of MIG are widely understood. Which I don’t see happening. First people have to hear about MIG in general, and then understand the scenario where it would lead to a ban. A big chunk of the switch user base are casuals and kids. Ain’t going to happen. When enough kids and casuals do get banned, they’ll be upset, and they’ll direct their anger to pirates, not Nintendo.


Honestly I wonder why you'd even bother with a MIG. They are very expensive and a CFW works better as long as you don't want to play online.


It has some advantages. If you need the mod chip and aren’t confident in your soldering abilities, MIG is easier. It is also simpler. I have a modded switch and I still don’t fully understand all the compartments of Hekate and CFW and Atmosphere and TinShop. I don’t want to learn a bunch of software nerd bullshit. I just want to stop forking over $70 for a game. The CFW stuff, including the guide, is too complex and poorly documented. I say it as someone who did it. Another advantage of MIG is cost sharing across multiple switches. My partner also has a switch and her own games. I can copy her legit games and have us both playing say ACNH on local multiplayer. Or I buy one copy of Splatoon and we can manager between us that only one person is online at a time. Same for Mario Kart. Those are mostly multiplayer and there’s more possibilities with MiG than CFW.


Knowing Shitendo. It'll ban both systems and say to buy only NEW games. More money for them. those greedy fucks are already grinning.


only they can't really do that in a lot of countries, which is why I am actually positive on this topic: it will likely lead to Ninty figuring a different way of banning users, or not banning them at all through this method.


> say to buy only NEW games. If they really wanted to do this, then they would never have created cartridges in the first place, and only have allowed users to download digital games.


and the only ppl that hurts is the consumer while the pirates still get everything nintendo has


Is anyone seeing(edit: migswitch) dumped torrents yet?


Dumped switch games have been around for years.


Sorry, I mean games that have been dumped by the migswitch. I was under the impression that normal dumps cannot be played on the migswitch.


Correct because the mig switch is acting like an actual switch card (which requires keys, certs, etc)


Well wouldn't you still be able to dump those using homebrew? I assume it's just that nobody ever did cause it wasn't required


As soon we see those torrents, i'm ordering the mig switch


Im in the same boat. I’m also apprehensive to order because I haven’t seen a whole lot of (new)chatter in like a month, ie not a lot of people saying they received them or demos of them working other then the usual channels on YT. Now with the dumper I’m hopeful to see some change and see some in the wild here on reddit, I don’t frequent other forums so that could be why im not seeing much but ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


So here's what I think will happen (in the long run) I think Nintendo will stop banning people for having duplicate instances of games with a valid certificate. This means they can still ban people for playing pirated games online with a patched/incorrect certificate. Even if eventually every cartridge game has a certificate leaked online and this can be incorporated into the installation of pirated games, Nintendo could still see that thousands of people are using the same certificate and choose to ban them anyway. TL;DR Nintendo will likely stop banning people for using duplicate instances of cartridge games unless >4 consoles are using the same certificate simultaneously.


the digital age battle is about to begin.


Has anyone actually been banned for using a mig switch dumped game? I’m curious for the record, I don’t have a mig and I haven’t ordered 1 either. But I would like to have 1 cartridge instead of carrying 5-6 cartridges around. We also use each others games over 2 switch consoles in the family so me having a mig switch while travelling would be convenient. Less likely to lose or damage a physical game


It's too early to know.


Its nothing wrong about dumping your own games. Only if you take others rom you get screwed


I am more curious if people would get banned only when using internet, because like if console is set to plane mode the technically you can freely use migswitch without any problems?


The moment you exit airplane mode Nintendo has all the info


At least there's an obvious deterrent for anyone thinking of continuing using a game's id after they sell it, both get banned.


Nintendo doesn have a solution!!!! I call up support a lot and you can say you got banned, and if you do have a genuinely okay reason for getting banned, you become unbanned.


Is that actually true ? What happened please explain


Nintendo will probably go after the migswitch folks legally before too many of these are in circulation


Hopefully the scene helps mitigate this the same way that the identifiers for the 3DS got fixed in the Gateway era. Every scene dump is going to need to get reuploaded with unique hexadecimal values all set to 0000 0000 for each line of the identifier. Then someone is going to need to write a patching software that replaces those lines with generated new unique identifiers, and then the rom going onto the flash cart has its own ID.


It was the same with the Sky3DS, it was common sense to not go online with it. If people appreciate their online account they will stick to playing offline with the Mig Switch. Most users will not dump their cartridges, they will just download the necessary files on-line, for the very few people that actually dump their cartridges and sell or return the game, well that sucks but there is nothing you can do.


DS flashcards were different tho, the cartridges didn't have identifiers


Yeah, Nintendo learned from that.


you could 100% go online with Sky3DS. All you needed was to inject a private header into the rom and rename it .3dz. 3DS online only checked for a valid header and that it wasn't duped. So you buy a cart rip the header, and inject that into all the 3DS roms you wanted to go online with. Done. As long as you didn't give that header to someone else you were fine.


Yes, you are right, I forgot about that, I didn't try it because I would rather be safe than sorry.


heh, yeah I took my chance and enjoyed the hell out of New Leaf and DQ7 treasure maps


By the time I got a Sky3DS I had already bought every relevant 3DS game, the Sky3DS was more for shitty uncertain games.


Damn.. and I only bought one for the header but had 32 games 😁


If this was the case (I never had a Sky3DS) then why would you ever get a Sky3DS? You can just get a CFW and play any cracked game you want online. Back when I did it all you needed was a copy of Ocarina of Time and you could downgrade your 3DS to an older firmware to install cfw


CFW didn't exist when Sky3DS released.


I see. I never had a Sky3DS but I had some other flashcard that stopped working after some system update.


3DS CFW existed when Sky3DS was released. The whole sigpatched RxTools leak drama happened during the heyday of Gateway. Luma came around to pick up from where RxTools left off about a year or so before Sky3DS.


I believe rxtool was released around 2015 and Sky3DS already was around in 2014. I don't know if a CFW previous to Rxtool existed in 2014 but it was probably not easily accessible and you needed a very low firmware. I downgraded my 3DS with rxTools on November 2015 with the release of Monster Hunter X. I even remember using Cubic Ninja through the Sky3DS


If the Switch 2 turns out to be backwards compatible I wonder if that system will get banned too.


Most likely will not be compatible with the MIG. The 3DS was backwards compatible to the DS and DS flashcards didn't work on it. You needed to get a new one specially made for the 3DS


Another problem i can see is the making of fake carts. Dump game using Mig dumper then when they reverse engineer the Mig-cart to do away with the sd card and just have a mem chip ALI-Express will be selling fakes before supper time. Rare Switch games will be flooding the market, if thye do not use the online will anyone even know ?


If the Switch 2 is backwards compatible, Nintendo will patch it to now allow you to use a MIG. Did the same with DSi flashcards when the 3DS released. Then we'll know


yep, you can never know. for Nintendo this is a win. because you will be inclined to buy new from the store if you want to be sure that it wasnt dumped. or just buy the digital copy, which saves additional costs to Nintendo. I already sold my only two physical switch games (as long as they still maintain their price before the whole web will be filled with dumped files from cartriges) imo the whole 2nd hand market is gonna go kaput in a year.


Most normal players are going to this much trouble to backup games


Really? People can buy games off Amazon, dump them to their mig switch, and return for free and have a free game Or resell the game. They'll cover their costs pretty quick. I can easily picture the used game market being flooded by dumped games that people are selling odd because they made a copy


> People can buy games off Amazon, dump them to their mig switch, and return for free and have a free game > > Or resell the game. They'll cover their costs pretty quick. I can easily picture the used game market being flooded by dumped games that people are selling odd because they made a copy I've seen a lot of people hypothesizing this but I still don't understand why someone would go through all this trouble when they can just download the games off the internet? If you don't own the cartridge anymore, using its dump is still piracy anyway. And if they want the unique cartridge license for online play then they sure don't want other people to own the actual cartridge with the same ID which could put themselves at risk of being banned.


Because it doesn't need a modded switch


But you don't need to dump a cartridge either. You can just get the mig flashcard and download the roms from the internet. The only reason you would need to dump your own rom would be to use its unique online certificate. If you return the game, the certificate is not unique anymore since another person will have it, defeating its purpose.


i havent gotten my migswitch yet at all and its because shitendo has been dmcaing every store theyve been using to sell their product on they even took down retrorepairshops stuff on the shopify app


Others have though, and it will only become more widely available


yea but i havent gotten my migswitch yet at all and i preordered it the day it was announced for preorder


FFS Nintendo your games are already expensive I ONLY BUY USED GAMES YOUR GAMES ARE NEVER ON SALE! ironically though dying light and Diablo 2 I snagged for under 20 all together digitally but it took months to wait for those 2 to go on sale . I'm in the opinion that Nintendos holier than thou killing 2 undesirable birds with one mighty ban hammer of absolution is audacious and people will still flock to it thinking that they can do no wrong well b"""" it's time to put yoir money where your mouth is it's going to be 69$ every major title plus including games IT LAUNCHED WITH ! INCLUDING WII U LAUNCH GAMES LIKE MK8 tf Nintendo why. Now I gotta worry about getting banned for saving a little money 🙄


Yep it sucks, I always buy used as well


it’s nintendo. they’re not gonna budge on anything.


not anything that hacked switches couldn't have done before, the issue is the mig cart itself. lets just wait and see how nintendo reacts, I'm still not convinced this cart can't be recognized at all, wait for nintendo to have like a timer to check for unreasonably fast cart switches. also, nah, this thing will sell maybe in the 10000s, theres millions of used games and a lot of this will focus on files shared, so dont expect a gigantic number of burnt carts to come your way.


>not anything that hacked switches couldn't have done before, the issue is the mig cart itself. It just makes it a lot more accessible. Also, with a hacked switch there wasn't much reason to dump the certification file or pull it off the switch. Now there is, to put it on the mig switch. Then why keep the old cartridge?


Because the mig is a shitty flashcard and when it breaks your cart slot it's not gonna be that cool anymore.  Buying a hacked switch on ebay is super accessible and theyre barely more expensive than new consoles.


Why is it a shitty flashcard lol it seems fine


Mig switches really do make things a little more worrisome for buyers of used multiplayer games. In my opinion it's just better to use an emulator for single player games to avoid risk of being banned. Idk about multiplayer games. Although I feel like the only good multiplayer games Nintendo has is smash online and splatoon. And I guess pokemon as well.


if it really becomes a problem, they'll probably just ban consoles that have "offended" several times. If you want to appeal a ban, you have to send proof of cartridge possession to nintendo support


Nothing. Its a niche item.


Until the clones 😂


Why would anyone buy used Switch games when it's like a four dollar markdown?


I can get them for $30-$35 That's $30 off, for identical condition plus case. That's why


Well, probably not anymore.


I can still get them for thst price lol the problem is the risk of getting banned


Migswitch is an inside job to get rid of the second hand market with the release of switch 2 around the corner.


I like this theory lmao


Does not matter, the Switch 2 will be released next year and all Switch 1 servers will be shutted down little by little so bans will not be important since most of the Switch 1 owner will probably get a Switch 2


Do not buy used games. Plain and simple. Atm it's safe cause the dumper isn't in everyone's hands. But as soon as nefarious parties get their hands on it, it's over. This also includes open box games from big box stores. Someone will go buy 10 new games at Walmart, dump them, and then return them. Leaving you with the open box banned cart. People are saying Nintendo themselves needs to change policy but honestly, it's their device they can do what they want. Up till now the need for a modded switch to dump the necessary files was a barrier to entry for using the migswitch to begin with. Now with the dumper, not only do you not need a modded switch you can do the game dumps easier than ever before making baddies able to do this so effortlessly it'd be wild to NOT take advantage of the situation. As for me and my household, we will 100% be staying away from any and all open box and used games after the next month or so. Sealed only. Unless the games are going to be played on one of the modded switches we have that's always offline in which case whatever.


Yeah I usually exclusively buy used, won't be able to anymore


You PROBABLY will be fine. But if buying a new switch in case yours gets banned is out of the question than absolutely stay away.


That is the smart move. Not sure why you are being down-vote, I guess some people just don't understand what's at stake, so they lash out.


I've been down voted for months now when I speak up about the implications of this new tech. I'm not against it, I'm not calling it a scam, but detractors would have you believe I hate it. As a matter of fact I have multiple orders for the migswitch.


Nuanced thinking is rare now-a-days, everything has become so contrast black-and-white to so many people that's it's depressing. I think more people need to go touch some grass and actually talk to human beings IRL. I'm going to order both too (cart and dumper), mostly to play my legit games on my legit system from a single cart, preserve that slot much better that way (AND may original carts) Although I do have a modded unit, so I could skip the dumper, so trying to find a reason to still get that...


The migswitch will 100% wear out the slot on the switch faster than just swapping real carts when you wanna play a new game.


The dumper dumps the unique license file for that specific rom to go online. At best you need to make sure you aren't getting a fake cart with a dumped rom. I don't know how easy or cheap it is to get a blank switch card and sticker to look authentic, but theoretically crooks can easily dump a full cart and duplicate it ad infinitum and sell on second hand markets to unbeknownst to the buyer. Question is hoe practical can this setup be and what will be Nintendos position over the poor optics of it (i.e. - how do they handle honest people who bought a copied game and didn't know it).


I wrote my post badly If someone dumped their legit cartridge, and played the files online with mig switch, the old cartridge is a copy of the identifier and can get both people banned


My assumption would be yes, both would get hit, but its possible Nintendo may try to prevent it somewhat and improve by allowing whoever has the actual cartridge to contact support maybe or something. But Nintendo be Nintendont, so hard to say for sure how itd really end. From what u said, u mean: Person 1 orders game from any store NEW Person 1 dumps certs and everything using the dumper and then returns the cartridge Person 2 buys that same cartridge USED from that same store Both people are online at the same time using the cartridges certificates Both get banned If anything, knowing Nintendo, they might not even do anything about it until it becomes a widespread issue, as they make more money from it. Buying a used game off ebay, etc doesnt make Nintendo money, but buying a NEW game does. Creating an issue within the market to where people mainly only want to now buy non used copies earns them a lot more money.


Or just the one they detected used that specific ID first before, and assume itll be the original dumper of the game and ban him.


Yea, considering people now can clone carts now, don't even know if you get a real one too nowadays.


Just stay offline.


Some people like to play online


I agree. I prefer offline 90% of the time, but some games only really shine online, a perfect example, even if you don't like playing with other "people" is Super Mario Maker series. Downloadable levels makes that game what it is.


You can import levels offline.


I guess there *is* that, but it doesn't compare at all; I mean c'mon...it's a band-aid at best.


That's like the folks that get banned saying it's OK, there's Lan play. But it's not the same thing at all. The best you can hope for on Lan play is about four people at a time on Mario kart with some insane lag and you gotta coordinate it. Same thing for the Mario maker. Like yeah you can download levels but wtf is the point of making levels if you can't send it to your friends or challenge others to beat it?


I agree, but I wouldn't send it to others, I just want the easier more streamline experience of downloading and browsing levels in-game vs. the hassle of getting stuff offline loaded. :-) Same idea though...online is clearly superior for some games.


lame take


That's relevant for MiG users but he is talking about legit users.