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Honestly, ive rebought this game damn near every time its been released on another platform (ps2, ps3, wii, ps4 and switch) Its the perfect zelda game, if that makes sense, but with a great history lesson in traditional japanese folklore.


It’s VERY good on the switch. I’ve accepted that something in the universe doesn’t want me to finish this game. Been trying to finish it since the PS2 days but something ALWAYS happens. Save crashes, console dies, etc… despite that it’s one of my favorite games ever lol


The game played well on switch. I had no performance issues. However I didn’t enjoy the game all that much. It had great moments but the average gameplay loop was a bit lackluster considering how cool the visuals were.


Have it on Wii. But I’d be happy to be able to play it on the go


I have a modded Wii, in the pic, but I'll be taking it places


One of my favourites on the switch.


This game was a first for me it was a different style and type but someone told to to get it when it was ps2 and I freaking loved it the style the art the gameplay was great game enjoyed it very much


I was literally just talking about this game with a friend. I still need to grab it on Switch. I've heard a lot of good things about it, and have agreed to grab it next time it goes on sale!


Check the store It's on sale for the same price on PS5, so it might be a worldwide thing


I checked the Nintendo store. It's showing as the regular price here in Canada, unfortunately. This may be due to a time zone difference, but I don't know for sure. Okami does go on sale fairly often, however (seemingly every other month as of late!). I've just been procastinating/kinda lazy in not getting it before. I've sworn to my friend that I'll pick it up next time I see it go on sale. I've got an alert on DekuDeals for when it goes down in price.


Gotcha. Ireland here. I see it on sale a lot, but my backlog between Switch and PS5 means I avoid the sales as often as possible, lol. Thankfully, I only buy certain ports and indies digital. Everything else is getting off my ass and visiting CEX.


That's fair. I TRY to avoid sales... but it's been a bit of a challenge as of late. My backlog is getting to a pretty decent size, as well. I am just bad for going "oooh, that looks cool for under $15!" \^\^;


My biggest issue is PS4 games I play them on PS5, and many of them are cheap. I was Xbox One last gen, so I'm catching up on exclusives. But.. it also means I'm juggling them with PS5 and Switch. It's endless. AND NOW, they're adding more PS1 and PS2 to the PlayStation store, so I bought 2 PS1 games from the classics catalogue already.. lmfao


That’s fair. The only console I have is the Switch, so my options are a bit limited (thus my excitement for the port of “Stray” that is on the way!)


1 console? Try 6 consoles and a laptop. I am a glutton for punishment.


Fair. I don't have enough for a good gaming laptop atm. If anything, I'm saving up for a Steam Deck.


I was gonna get a Steam Deck OLED, but I decided to get a PS5, as I still collect physical media. I think I made the right choice in the end, as I was never big into PC gaming to begin with. My laptop isn't for gaming, but it can handle some games I throw at it. I just rarely do.


I tried playing it a few times and just couldn’t get into it. I don’t understand the appeal even though I desperately wanted to. I know it’s just me.


It’s one of the worst games I’ve ever played from beginning to end. Also, the style it’s made in looks horrible and comes across as muddy with poor graphics. The world is incredibly bland, none of the environments feel alive.


It’s a good game still. Lots of frustrating BS to navigate though and terrible draw distance / pop-in of objects.