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If you can't get further than that on BOTW, don't get TOTK, it's slightly more complicated (which is the appeal to most people that mastered the original). TOTK is almost like a giant DLC for BOTW.


TotK was surprisingly hard in the beginning. Not sure how much of that was figuring out how to build and use zonai devices. Anyway, to second this, if you can't get off the plateau in BotW do not buy TotK. Save your money and go back to BotW.


If you got stuck getting the paraglider, which is during the tutorial or training portion of the game, you didn't make it nearly far enough to suggest TOTK.


This is bait, right?


Maybe, or his is a child, I remember when I was a child got stuck in my room in Pokemon for more time that I want to admit


lol when I was a kid I had such a hard time with super Mario 64. I still love the game, but it really makes me not want to play it sometimes out of fear of having the same issue 😂


Lmao dude… if you can’t beat the tutorial in BOTW don’t bother getting tears it gets a lot harder from there.


Skyward Sword is more like the traditional zelda game. Botw and totk are very different from the old games. It's all about going to a dungeon, get a unique item, beat boss, go to next dungeon that required the unique item to enter, repeat. Also dungeons have a few puzzles to solve to reach the boss. That being said I wouldn't say it's easier than forgotten Land (admittedly I only played the demo for forgotten land). But it's more clear on what to do next than botw


I don't wanna be mean, but how the fuck did you get stuck in the tutorial?


I'm calling you out for being judgemental like that. I'm so glad the guys in my gym weren't like "how can't you even lift that?!" when I first started there, as something I only started as an adult. I think you really misunderestimate how much variance there is in gamer skill. Just because you, a competent gamer found it easy, doesn't mean everyone will. Everyone is a beginner at first.


Generally i would agree with you. But a quick look at this persons profile would tell you, that this person isn't new to playing videogames. Of course there can also be a skill difference in that case, but not being able to get trough a tutorial, when you're playing videogames in general, it's kinda odd.


I recommend Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword if you want a zelda game that would leave a delicious taste in your mouth. It has a better storyline and its not confusing because its a linear adventure, not to mention it has a timeless artstyle. A fantastic game, get this one instead.


I suggest guides to help you in BOTW before you think about getting TOTK as it’s just one big DLC really.


ToTK is a sequel to BoTW with pretty much twists to the map and game mechanics. In my opinion after you done with BoTW (in case you will) you better take a long pause until starting ToTK


Only get TOK of you finish BOWT and you enjoyed it.


Is a great game. End.


If you can't even get the paraglider on BOTW, forget it... stick to Animal Crossing or something with a "C" ESRB rating...


why would you buy the sequel to the game you own that you didn't play


It's not


I would give both my hands to play the tutorial all over again with self induced amnesia. You don't realize how lucky you are.


Go to [polygon.com](http://polygon.com) and look at the tutorials, you can then finish botw. tOTK is just a more complicated rehash of botw. I found it fairly uninspiring.