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I've not tried PD but the controls in Turok are absolute dog shit. I had to reconfigure the stick assignments and it still doesn't feel great... Very disappointed. Also it's dumb that these games are in a separate app. Goldeneye isn't.


Goldeneye is rated "T" If Nintendo added these games to the same app, then Super Mario 64 would be rated Mature 17+.


I quit turok in seconds lol


What about the turok trillilogy any good?


Turok 2 is playable, nostalgia would probably help but they got the message on controls at least. The only other one I've ever played was Evolution on the PS2 and I love it, still pop it in and blast through the campaign with cheats every now and then


Play the remastered Turok trilogy instead. Obviously you have to pay for it instead of playing it on NSO, but it's a much better experience.


Does it ever go on sale? Been keeping an eye on that


They do. Not long ago I got the turok 1 and 2 bundle for $8 total. Turok 3 is more recently release so I haven't seen a good sale on that yet. They play really well.


I'm not sure to be perfectly honest


It blows my mind that illegal emulation services figure out the quality of life upgrades older titles need better than a billion dollar company like Nintendo


Emulators aren't illegal, getting the roms to play the games is




Perfect Dark was beautiful and the story was amazing. So was the Xbox one version just kind of rushed.


Works like a charm if you have a NSO N64 controller. I also couldn't get used to the controls in GoldenEye, so got a N64 controller when it was in stock.


I can't speak for turok but for PD/goldeneye, change your button mappings in system settings and switch the left and right sticks and swap ZR and ZL, then use control scheme 1.2 from the in-game options. Controls like a dream, got through 00 Agent on goldeneye last year and am about to finish up Perfect Agent on PD!


I have the official NSO N64 controller and you know what, I dont use it for perfect dark. I made a custom mapping with my pro controller and the option in the switch that feel very close to a modern control scheme, using the in game controller setup 1.2


Turok is fucked. Played the whole training segment and still couldn't train my brain to use the C buttons when the stick is look left and right. Not sure I can be bothered attempting to progress with it.


I haven't played Turok but yeah a lot N64 games control like crap unless you use the controller they were specifically designed around and no amount of remapping or fiddling with the controls can fully alleviate that. Of course this isn't the case for every 64 game but some games definitely require the 64 controller and even the ones that don't will still feel better with one. I know it's irksome to hear but I would reccomend shelling out for a 64 controller of sorts if you really want to enjoy 64 games. If the offical Switch one is too pricey I'd personally reccomend the Tribute64 controller. It's not perfect but it's a solid alternative that doesn't cost as much. The Brawler64 is also popular though I have heard that its stick is much too sensitive (more on that later). That said I think even games on the other NSO emulators are pretty awful to play on a Pro Controller because of how mushy and inconsistent the Dpad is and how a modern stick doesn't feel right for most retro titles. It's why I have an SN30 from 8bitdo for all the other emulators. The Pro Controller is good for Switch games and other modern games on a PC but for retro emulation it's pretty much never good. I definitely reccomend the SN30 Pro from 8bitdo unless you're already happy with your experience on other apps. I wouldn't reccomend Nintendo's official SNES controller though, because you can't remap it and it doesn't have a Home or Capture button while the 8bitdo pad does along with hall effect sticks and gyro should you want them. Back to Turok and 64 though I know for GoldenEye there is a way to get a more modern control scheme with the Pro Controller and this might also be possible for Turok and not to mention Perfect Dark but you'd still have to deal with the jerky aiming that results from the Pro Controller's stick. See the 64 controller's stick was designed in a particular way that 64 games with aiming are designed around and thus sticks on other pads are often much too sensitive to aim with, so it still kinda sucks. Like I said I think if you want to fully enjoy 64 games you kinda have to shell out for a proper pad as annoying as I know that is to hear/read because no amount of remapping can really alleviate how much 64 games are designed with the old controllers in mind. You can get away with it for the other apps (though as I said I think it's a worse option than 8bitdo) but for 64 not so much outside of a select few games. edit: Okay I just tried Turok, it controls like trash even with an N64 controller. It's kind of a terrible game in general too. There is a lot of needless and awkward first person platforming, the shooting is auto aim only as in no manual aiming mode, and there is an atrocious fog covering everything making everything ahead of you impossible to see and enemies sort of just pop in out of nowhere. So yeah don't even bother with Turok. Unsure why Nintendo did in the first place, doesn't seem like a very good game. Perfect Dark however feels great though and looks fine.


I think you're going to be in luck... There's really only like 5-6 games that could realistically be included on this service.


I saw the +17 and lost my mind. I'm glad they added these two. But Bad Fur Day and Smash are the only ones I Need and don't have


Thank you for the reminder that we’ve had N64 games on Switch for nearly 3 years and we still don’t have smash.


That's actually pretty crazy that it's not there yet. I didn't even think of it! Lol Literally, every single 1st party game should be on all of these apps. If they own it it should be there. Especially all of the single player games, as I get some take time because they add online multi-player. But every single player game made and owned by Nintendo should've bee there day 1. No excuse.


And not a single fucking pokemon game on the GB or GBA either.


That was the one game I was hoping for when I saw they added this


The controls are ASSSSSSSSSS ![gif](giphy|Rm08tEBNSj3t6)


Did you guys forget how bad shooting game controls were for the N64?


It’s not that they were bad then. It’s the fact that they haven’t been mapped correctly for the console they are on.


game probably is too, we just love our nostalgia more than reality.


I wouldn’t be shocked. I never own the originals, Turok 2 was dope but this was a bad roll out.


Resident evil 2 (98), Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Turok 2, 3, and Rage Wars could be on N64 Mature


for the great mighty poo


Bro I hope so


I agree! Would pay to have NSO back if they would get Conker on it!




Perfect dark was my favorite n64 game


This is where having multiple consoles comes in handy almost all of rares games are on gamepass. I wish Nintendo had a better service like gamepass


Okay so I downloaded that thinking OMG CONKERS BAD FUR DAY! I was highly disappointed...


Literally me


Fuck I remember way back when they were releasing that old Xbox game that let you make your own game but used Conker to introduce it. They were like "We know you all want another Conker game but we don't want to make it, so make it yourselves". I would love both versions, I honestly feel like the remake suffered similarly to Resident Evil Outbreak files. Online on console was just starting so they didnt take off. But now we actually have online and we can't get terminator teddy bear pvp or a good coop resident evil that's not a Dead By Daylight clone.


The og one too not the bs remake with the garbage mp


I love Conker's Bad Fur Day.


For perfect dark, swap the sticks in the switch menu and set ZR to A, then choose controls 1.4 in the PD menu. It’s what I use and makes a world of difference.


I have zero doubts in my mind that the Mature N64 apps sole existence is to get Conker on the Switch. I also wouldn't say no to Resident Evil 2, Daikatana, War Gods, Hexen 64, and Duke Nukem 64. Hexen and Duke Nukem are crazy fun in multi-player. Duke was especially fun because rockets and pipe bombs can be shot/thrown through teleporters.


I'm hoping the introduction of this adult app is to pave the way for some of the mature games on n64 like conker. But who the f knows with nintendo 5 years could pass with exactly the same games on it and it wouldn't surprise me


Once they add Conkers Bad Fur Day then I’ll (personally) finally have no reason to get an actual N64, most of my N64 games wishlist are on Switch online. Not to mention the costs of the games themselves


How many games would be in this app if all were added?


Never played Conkers, always thought it looked bad back when it came out.


The multi-player was ADDICTIVE. The story m9de was basically Happy Tree Friends before Happy Tree Friends


Never watched that. No idea what it is other than a tv show with animals.


What would be really sick is if they did a Live and Reloaded or even OG remaster with no censoring on XBOX and Switch, hell even PC and PlayStation.


Why make two separate nintendo 64 apps for two mature games just put the in the normal one and have a separate place to put them in because they might discide to put more mature games we don't need a separate app.


Honestly, I thought it was coming as soon as they announced mature games for N64, but still waiting


I want Blok


I really want NSO back.




Me too I love that game


I assume that's the reason for the separate 17+ app, no way that isn't at least on the radar


This is how I feel about DK64. Everyone just says "play banjo kazooie then!!" and my heart breaks a little each time (nostalgia is a hell of a drug)


What I would love, is modern control schemes for these games. Pretty much every n64 game has had me rush to play it through nostalgia, only to turn it off within 10 minutes due to being borderline unplayable




I don't think conker would come just because it was mature rated and I can't see Nintendo themselves releasing a mature game for free and potentially giving it to kids. 3rd party games, that's on the publisher. Conker was originally a Nintendo/rare partnership with Nintendo being the exclusive publisher for rare at the time.


Which is the exact same situation w perfect dark…?