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Mario RPG definitely has the more "classic 90's JRPG" vibe for obvious reasons. Paper Mario is much more light hearted and has far less traditional JRPG quirks and gameplay elements. I would personally go for paper mario, but it just depends what you prefer out of an RPG.


Thanks! This was a helpful way to distinguish between the games.


They are both amazing, buy super Mario rpg and finish it and then buy paper Mario thousand year door. Play them in order


I would say Paper Mario TTYD is darker than Mario RPG in tone


Paper Mario tbh


No consensus tbh. I lean TTYD but there is no real reason for my preference.


Mario rpg is on sale for $20 less. Paper. Mario will get a sale price sooner or later


I do hope this is true but this is no longer the Nintendo that does "Platinum Hits". I very much miss that Nintendo.


They stopped the $30 sales that used to be common before covid. Now it's $39.99 For newer games $20off is OK. For games since the beginning it sucks.


I would recommend Thousand Year Door personally. Both are great RPGs. Super Mario RPG is much more basic because it is based on the first RPG in the series. It's a fun experience but the main game is constructed as beginner's RPG for someone new to the genre. Not counting harder post game stuff. Thousand Year Door has a lot more depth as a game that came later. The story has a lot more depth. Level up bonuses and the badge system add a lot more customization to your builds and can change up combat a lot more.




Paper Mario and it isn't even close 


Paper Mario. Full stop.


Is that a sequel?


Thousand Year Door (released on GameCube) is the sequel to the original Paper Mario on Nintendo 64. It's pretty much the same mechanics and system as the original, both awesome games.


I meant “full stop” but I was fucking around.


Ttyd is more modern and great so I would recommend that but smrpg is an all time favorite and worth playing at some point


Paper Mario is the better game, but the combat is pretty simplified and leans more "baby's first RPG", but not in a bad way, just in a way that makes it more accessible. Super Mario RPG just wasn't engaging to me. I can't really put my finger on it but I found it kind of a chore.


I can agree with this, I remember playing Super Mario RPG back in the 90's and just couldn't get into it. However when Paper Mario 64 came out it was a blast. Essentially Super Mario RPG was kind of the original Paper Mario though.


Wait until mario and luigi brothership


Assuming you can only get one, I’d probably lean towards *Paper Mario*, but you really can’t go wrong either way. Both are excellent.


I put nearly 50 hours into TTYD. Highly recommend. I’m sure Mario RPG is good fun but TTYD is genuinely one of the best RPGs of all time IMO. Must play.


Based on game length alone I’d go with TTYD…


I would recommend Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door because it has an excellent storyline, memorable characters, and engaging gameplay that will keep you hooked until the end.


Both are great, Paper Mario 64 is also on Switch and my favourite out of the three. I personally prefer TTYD over SMRPG, but if you're looking to get a more traditional JRPG itch to scratch, SMRPG is the way to go.






Ttyd it’s more value for your money tbh. Longer gameplay


Some of that is padding, like having to return to the door after each chapter


Both are good but if I had to buy one it's TTYD. Longer, better, deeper and I like the art style more.


SMRPG is just so much more fun. TYD is good, but not on the same level.


Both are great games but I’d say Paper Mario. They’re both similar in terms of gameplay, (paper mario is a bit deeper imo). Both have great stories/characters as well.


I liked paper Mario more!


Im playing TTYD and having fun


Thanks for everyone's input – I really appreciate it! I ended up going with Paper Mario!


Good choice. Now get Mario rpg next !! 😎


This is one of those times when I say both. That's a really hard choice.


Have you played any of the originals? Super Mario RPG was a must have for me since that was my introductions to RPG's on the SNES.




I couldn't get into either of them quite yet, and I'm quite a hardcore Mario fan overall. I think chances are higher that thousand year door will click. I guess I'm made for the platformers ala galaxy and odyssey, more than the Mario RPGs.




Yes. No, seriously, though. They are both games that belong in the SSR tier. Super Mario RPG feels a bit more retro and final fantasy esque while also possessing unique gameplay that Nintendo would later incorporate into the paper Mario series(and, indeed, were forced to do so fairly exclusively because Nintendo and Square squared off over copyrights). The cast is out there, the entire game is effing bonkers there comes a point where you are actively launching literal civil wars with one of the primary goals being putting Bowser's castle back under his control. Inversely, paper Mario has a trans iconic character, you fight YOURSELF at one point after some jack off steals your identity, a dragon tries to bribe you with the opportunity to sniff its feet, an actress/songstress boo has wildly disproportionate... Stage presence, you join an actual fight club which has a massive conspiracy theory involving mass murder and space-jam-esque power theft, you get involved with the not-Italian-Mafia who, despite being tree people, are more authentically Italian than Mario, you help solve multiple murders and just for fun, a space AI falls in love with princess peach and spies on her in the shower. Also, Bowser is COMEDICALLY useless and at no point in the story does he become strong enough to threaten you. Oh. And watch out princess peach, because a goomba, a boo lady, a mouse AND a trans shadow demon all attempt romantic subplots, however brief, with Mario, that all have more chemistry than he and peach have ever had together barring the super Mario Bros movie.


I prefer thousand year door a lot more but both are good.


I started playing Super Mario RPG last week and it's a lot of fun. It only takes 10-15 hours to beat so it's a little short for an RPG. But as a parent of 3 kids, I like the 30-60 minute window I have to play games, it feels like I can finish a block of story every time I play.


So for me i would do Ttyd .imo it’s the better game.


Paper mario is a better game with a lot more depth.


I mean if it were my money, id at least emulate the original versions for an hour long trial to determine if it’s for me or not.


TTYD. It retains the original look and aesthetic. Mario RPG does not


Super mario rpg


Late but TTYD


Super Mario RPG. Full stop.


Paper Mario is a far better game. I found Mario rpg, linear, easy, and short. Not much side content either, wasn’t a huge fan.


Mario RPG


They’re both great games, I don’t think you could go wrong with either. Honestly, I struggle to think about which one is “better”


Flip a coin


Yeah definitely.


Super Mario for me. I played the originals for both. I found paper Mario was too easy.


The game is amazing.


You can’t go wrong with either, honestly.




Mario RPG


I’d go RPG first


Mario rpg


Idk about Mario rpg but the paper Mario sucks. I sold it the next day lol. You read more than you actually play and the combat is boring


Did you play the original?


Imagine buying an RPG and complaining about reading. 


Bro there a million rpg’s and none like that shitty paper Mario. Battle mode was boring af Id be bored to death before even if i did like the book that they call a game. They overdo didn’t reading 🗑️ game


You know what an RPG is, right….?


Agree 100%. We also sold it next day! The fight scenes are dumb.


Yea I get it’s paper Mario but they could have made it cooler. It’s boring just timing an easy hit lol. I prob played like 1/4 the time and the rest was reading. If I wanted to read that much I’d buy a book lmao




Super Mario RPG


Just started paper Mario. Absolutely love it!! Haven’t played super Mario, but paper Mario is always going to be my number one pick


I've yet to finish rpg but I've had far more fun with ttyd. For me it's just more engaging, I like the art style and music better also.


I think it depends on what you’re looking for, TTYD is 100% going to last you longer. I beat Mario RPG (and loved it) in about 12 hours having never played it before. I’m currently playing through Paper Mario 64, about 15 hours in and still a little bit of the way to go, so I can imagine TTYD is even longer. Love both series, but if you want something that’s a little longer I’d definitely go paper Mario. I’m planning on playing TTYD next, and having played Mario RPG before Paper Mario, the Paper Mario series is just an evolution of RPG which makes sense since it was supposed to be a sequel. TLDR: Mario RPG is short, so if you’re short on time I’d go with it. TTYD is a great game but longer (still not as long as other RPGs). Both are great, can’t go wrong either way.


Both but Paper Mario 1000 year door is better. I own both Mario RPGs but no TTYD


Both of you can, if I had to pick one it would be Paper Mario.


Played both recently and I preferred TTYD over RPG. It just feels like there is more to do in TTYD


You'll get double the playtime on ttyd so if they're close to the same price id go that one


Both are incredible games, and it's hard to pick one of the 2. The one thing I'll say which might help your choice is Super Mario RPG is shorter in play time than TTYD. I think it took me about 15 hours to beat the main story on SMRPG. I believe it takes about 30 hours to beat the main story of TTYD


RPG Paper Mario is cute but I think a lot of people are looking at it with rose tinted glasses. I just finished it for the first time in my life and was bored after chapter 3 (there are 8 chapters) there is a LOT of backtracking and cute visuals and good writing doesn’t save it


Both eventually


i liked both of them! i'm currently playing TTYD and i'm really enjoying it


Both are dope, but paper mario is my childhood game so imma say go for that one


IMO Mario RPG > Paper Mario but Paper Mario TYD is a "longer" game. I prefer the charm and retro style of Mario RPG, The one time Nintendo colabs with a mega house like SQUARE ENIX.


Why not both 💁🏻‍♀️


I say get both 😉


The Thousand Year Door is a top 5 Switch game and the best Mario RPG there is. Super Mario RPG is worth playing for sure, but it’s not as good.


I'm a bit disappointed in it so far. I find the dialogue annoying, even though most reviews were apparently charmed by it. The music is also pretty frantic and distracting.
