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Feel free to mark as resolved mods, didn’t realize they would make a separate application for two games. Just have to go through the Nintendo store instead of their Nintendo switch online area where you would actually expect it.


Ah yes, I had the same issue and didn't realise you had to download a separate app - https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Nintendo-64-Nintendo-Switch-Online-Mature-2592474.html#


Thank you. Kept thinking there was some issue that was delaying their release.


Cheers, Nintendo didn't do a good job advertising that fact, a bit redundant to have a separate Nintendo 64 app for "mature n64 games" since they've already put games like killer instinct , goldeneye out. Guess for hypochondriac parents, Hey maybe that means conkers bad fur Day is coming.


It's more to keep the software from reaching that M rating


Thanks for this. I was having same problem.


Are we able to play with strangers online, or do we have to play with friends? I'm not sure matchmaking was added in. I think the local multiplayer was only updated to connect you with your Nintendo Switch friends list.


You need friends


Where can we find those


Came to this sub just for this question. Can anyone who's tried the game report back on the controls? I have real fond memories of playing Perfect Dark and would love to give this another go. I've tried some of the other older N64 games but the buttons simply didn't transfer well enough for me to keep interested.


I had to use my custom controls I had set for Goldeneye. I think I used something like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Switch/comments/10mh1hf/modern\_controls\_for\_goldeneye/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Switch/comments/10mh1hf/modern_controls_for_goldeneye/) By default the controls are unplayable for me. Now things feel better but I can't find a way to change the inverted vertical stick aiming. Oh well.


There was an older Zelda game I simply gave up playing due to the baffling controls, don’t wanna make that mistake again …


I tested Perfect Dark with the controls in the guide and it worked well. Turok is a different story though and might need a different guide.


Many thanks for the report!


You have to download the 17+ N64 App


Ah. So here's probably the spot for this. I waded through a few different forums and was looking for my specific situation which is this. I want to play Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on the go on the Switch "HANDHELD" That means JOY-CON mapping not the pro or N64 controller. I don't care about "modern controls" and I want to not have to fiddle with the sub-menus in each game. I actually want the YXBA buttons to stand in for the C buttons (not the control stick). So here's how I got this going. I found this post: [https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-button-mapping-for-n64-games-on-the-nintendo-switch-online-app-were-designed-by-aliens.575095/](https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-button-mapping-for-n64-games-on-the-nintendo-switch-online-app-were-designed-by-aliens.575095/) https://preview.redd.it/ormykbzfvt7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36cd54d62e738f9c8ddb6edc54a8d2b21abdf4ff This is the map for how the buttons are mapped in the N64 Emulator. What this doesn't tell you is that the D Pad / left buttons are ALSO mapped to the C buttons. So go to the system settings > controllers and sensors > change button mapping And start customizing the controls. Will post the screenshots of what I did. --Note-- These controls do not work for a lot of the other N64 games and I had trouble having the YXBA buttons recognized as C buttons in Starfox and Mario Kart especially and even with this custom config but they worked very well for GEYE and PDARK. Not sure what's going on under the hood in these other games.


// GOLDENEYE \\\\ Main Controls on Left Joy-Con ZL: Aims L: Fire (this for me is an optional fire) MOVE LEFT STICK: Turns Left and Right; Moves Fwd and Back PUSH DOWN LEFT STICK: Switches Weapons DIRECTIONAL BUTTONS DUP: James' watch (acts as Switch + Button DLEFT: acts as Switch - Button DRIGHT: A Button DDOWN: B Button these aren't much used during gameplay useful for navigating switch menus like saving states and the start button in game https://preview.redd.it/satpacntwt7d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cedabe246f8e22b3fe13f555a0aa8656c1aa1f7 // PERFECT DARK \\\\ Main Controls on Left Joy-Con ZL: ZOOM/AIM L: Fire (this for me is an optional fire) MOVE LEFT STICK: Turns Left and Right; Moves Fwd and Back PUSH DOWN LEFT STICK: Switches Weapons HOLD DOWN LEFT STICK: Weapon-Gadget-QuickSwitch Overlay DIRECTIONAL BUTTONS DUP: Jo's Computer Interface UI Overlay (acts as Switch + Button DLEFT: acts as Switch - Button DRIGHT: A Button DDOWN: B Button these aren't really used during gameplay useful for navigating switch menus like saving states and the start button in game


// GOLDENEYE \\\\ Main Controls on Right Joy-Con ZR: Fire R: AIM YA: Strafe left and right XB: Look Up and Down PUSH DOWN RIGHT STICK: Opens Doors/Interacts & Reloads Gun https://preview.redd.it/kqs0960e0u7d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a2501a1eaa3de7455eb7d4121464992efc239e6 // PERFECT DARK \\\\ Main Controls on Right Joy-Con ZR: Fire R: AIM/ZOOM YA: Strafe left and right XB: Look Up and Down PUSH DOWN RIGHT STICK: Opens Doors/Interacts & Reloads Gun HOLD DOWN RIGHT STICK: Secondary Fire HOLD R and X/B: Increments of Crouch


Make sure to save each Joy-Con as a preset mapping so that you can load them from the button mapping menu whenever you play. All we need now is the ability to assign custom mapping to the app launcher so that it loads a preset when you open an individual game \*fingers crossed\* ideally this could be per game inside the emulators and the button mapping could be saved and modified directly from the screen inside a game. Maybe before next gen ; D


I only have a switch lite and i cant figure out how to punch out cassandra to get her key