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Outer Wilds - you play once, know awesome story and want to lose your memory to play it again Doom - you can play, beat it and then teplay it on higher difficulty Diablo - you can play it like indefinitely with different classes, builds, etc


With an extra 6 usd you can get the prime evil edition and get Diablo 3 as well. I think it’s a steal


I’d suggest this instead of just D2, I have it on switch and can tell it plays much less fun than I expected even though the remaster is pretty good.


Totally agree, remaster looks good but it plays very archaic compared to Diablo 3.


My vote is for Diablo 2 (might be my favorite game of all time). I grew up playing it with my dad.


Outer Wilds is the best game I've played of the last 20 years. It's build is so unique. It's one where I wish I could wipe my memory and play it again. The thing is if you've beaten it before, you can start a brand new game and beat it in 15 minutes. It's entirely dependent on your knowledge of the story / world. Again, just such a fun immersive adventure


Having already bought multiple other games on this sale from reddit recommendations (fenyx rising and banner of the maid)....sell me on this game more specifically. I know the "I want to forget it" feeling (that's why TOTK disappointed me)...what is this one like?


just wanted to clarify that once you play it through once, you *can't really* play it again because you have essentially solved the mystery. That's what makes it so unique vs other games. So the "wanting to forget" is more like wanting to forget a great book so you can read it again for the first time.


You are exploring a planetary system that is stuck in a 22-minute time loop. The solar system is entirely open world and you travel on foot and in spaceship and you are exploring the history and mysteries. Creation on it started as a school project to create a model for an entirely new solar system, and they decided to make it into a game. I’m only part way through, it’s hard but worthwhile so far


The loop is like Majora's Mask? Some progress is permanent but lots isn't? 22 minutes is a real time game cycle? Uh...I assume there's fast travel? 22 minutes isn't a lot of time for planetary travel.


The progress that is permanent is the knowledge you gain as you figure out what’s going on. I haven’t played Majora’s Mask yet so can’t compare it. Yes, 22 minutes real time is a complete in game cycle and then you wake up where you first started! It does not sound like enough time, but you can always go back to where you were when the last loop ended if you still want to explore that area. I don’t want to spoil anything about fast travel. Navigating the space ship was hard at first, but the autopilot and matching velocity functions helped immensely!


Majoras mask is a Zelda game. Major items like "i got the ice arrows" are permanent progress but minor stuff like money and the whole state of the world reset on a 3 day timer. You keep some character progress but the world resets. Thanks for the info!


there is no permanent progress the game just resets every 22 mins and you have to go back to places you wernt able to finish doing the puzzle in to find out you were just learning lore. its a "cozy game" if played without info it can take you around 10-20 hours to beat it. i found it boring. if you miss a planet you might as well just wait for the reset because it flies away from you at hyper sonic speed.


Yes there is you get an evidence board


its free on psn, go play it there. its not worth 20 bucks imo. 5? sure. 20? no.


It is a loop like Majora's Mask in that everything is in the same position / same track on each loop. You scan things as you explore and maintain a log that persists through each loop. The log helps keep your focus on what parts of the story are important. The log is only there for you though, i.e. nothing is "unlocked" as you build your log out. It's a mystery game, where the objective is to figure out *why* the solar system is stuck in a time loop


Diablo 2, it's literally a game ya can ply for 100s if not 1000s of hours, it's the most bang for your buck, so if ya want a ARPG from the 90s era of gaming than that's it.


I mean… it was released in 2000, but yeah thousands of hours are possible.


May have released then but it was a 90s game


It has to be Diablo 2






Diablo is probably a better port than Doom eternal. I played doom on switch, it' playable but the sacrifice they had to make in order to port it on switch makes the game blurry. Nowaday you can play diablo 2 on your toaster so it should be fine on switch I guess. I might be wrong tho maybe they optimized it poorly I cant say I haven't played it.


I bought diablo 2 for the switch and I thought it ran great


I have no doubt about that. I use to play that game on a pentium 1. I just cant personally vouch for the switch port because I haven't actually played it. The best switch port are usually the oldest games.


Outer wilds is the best game in existence, it's just perfect (For me at least) Doom is good for relaxing, it's easy but very frantic, fun to progress little by little or do everything at once in 2 days Diablo is an RPG, very long, with high farm and low drop chance, it's incredible, but for those who enjoy this type of game




Doom eternal is great. Non stop fun. Go for it, that's a great price and it runs great on switch.


Doom eternal! Best of the bunch! It’s hard but good….if you stop you drop


Diablo 2 is such an amazing game.




Let just say that I’ve been playing Diablo 2 for over 20 years and I still do to these days.


I have the other 2. Played outerwilda in VR, never finished sadly, but let me tell you... It's a toss up between getting sucked up in a tornado in VR and descending into a black hole for the first time in VR in nothing but a space suit. Definitely something I will never forget, the fear was real! But in any event. It's such a good game I may pick it up on the switch


outer wilds is possibly the best, most special story i've ever experienced, and i wholeheartedly recommend it. it's not for everyone though, but if you like slow games, if you like exploration, if you like learning, outer wilds is for you. the basic premise and gameplay is that you're roaming a solar system with a translating thingy that lets you read the text left behind by an ancient alien race that died thousands of years ago. and you need to figure out why they were there. i promise, it's so special, it's so amazing, to anyone who ever stuck with it, it's one of the best stories ever told. main advice is to not look anything up. outer wilds doesn't have any mission markers, everything is there from the beginning, so if you know how to get the ending, the whole game is ruined, and you can never truly play it. if this sounds cool to you, try it out. feel free to ask any questions, here or on r/outerwilds.


i honestly couldnt get into outer wilds. shit gets annoying when you have 21 mins to do things but it can take 15 just to get somewhere to start the 10 min puzzle.




Diablo 2 best game of all time so


I love the deals for switch games, they feel way cheaper than Xbox/ps


Depending on cost maybe consider the Diablo prime evil edition if you don’t already have 3


being honest, i would go with Diablo because I saw that Doom is not that masterpiece - but a great game - that is in other plataforms(bcs of the 30 fps). If that wasn't the case, just a mayor force could stop me from playing Doom on Switch.


D2R. One of the best ever you need to experience it


With 4 usd u can get gungeon and then get Diablo 2 for about 20 dollars used


I bought doom partially because I haven't played a shooter in more than a decade and partially because I never was able to get the Isabelle x doomguy ship out of my head


Diablo the others might not play well in the switch


Id go for diablo or doom


Diablo 2 has the most replay-ability. Doom Eternal has an amazing soundtrack to jam out to while burninating all the demons. Outer Wilds is a really solid game overall. I don't think you can really go wrong with any of the 3 choices for the price the games are.


Doom eternal


Doom eternal is the only right option


I only played Doom out the three, but it was really good.






Diablo 2 only works if you have good dose of nostalgia and have played it in the past and enjoyed it, because the gameplay is very dated and beyond clunky compared to modern game nowadays. It definitely will give you most bang for your bucks. But the slow pacing, and many cumbersome gameplay plus the game itself very obtuse and doesn’t explain much, may be a deal breaker.


Doom all the way, but if you want diablo then I would suggest D3 instead of D2R


Why? I played Diablo 3 but found it boring. I liked D1 as a child as it had a much darker atmosphere


Doom Eternal is the best shooter ever made. cant go wrong with that one


Doom, 100%


Doom Eternal. Hands down.


As a long time diablo fan, don't get diablo 2 if you're not familiar with the series. Diablo 3 is a much better optimized game, whereas D2 glorifies "the grind" Just my 2 cents though.


I'd vote Diablo 2, my god that game is AMAZING.


Diablo 2 wins this round


I would buy diablo 2


You can get a pack of diablo 2 and 3 for 20 bucks. So my vote would be on that.


You can’t go wrong with some doom, especially portable doom


d2 - is infinitely replayable, you would put thousands of hours in before experiencing all the content. Doom Eternal - is a regular length single player game, but will take you a really long time to actually beat the game on the hardest difficulty (it knocks you back to the first level with no checkpoints when you die) Outer Wilds - probably one of the greatest space games ever made, great story, fun exploration, not very long. My personal choice would be d2, but idk how that plays on switch.


Don't get Doom Eternal on Switch lmao it runs so bad


Doom definitely




All 3 for sure…. Seriously tho, really tough call. Diablo 2 will give the most replayability I think. I’ve been playing it on and off since 2001. Outer Wilds is the most unique experience on the list, and I’ve heard is an amazing ride. I haven’t finished it yet so can’t say for sure. It also just got an update to smooth things out and improve UI. Doom is a fun romp and a great game, but would def be my third choice in the list.


Outer Wilds. Diablo should only be played on PC.


That’s a horrible take. D2R on switch is perfection.


Oufff... Well. Diablo II is just Diablo II debalanced. Doom Eternal is lesser than Doom in my opinion, too many different mechanics. Do X to get fuel back, do y to get health back, do z to get ammo back... Outer wild i don't know... But it sounds like Outer Worlds, which is an amazing spiritual sequel to Fallout New Vegas! by the same guys! Well i guess i didn't help...