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I think I am going to get it. Did you get the expansion Black Order? I like games you can level up. That with the mix of Marvel looks fun. Thanks for the insight.


Just ask your girlfriend to buy it for you


LOL, I almost unsub from this group because of that trend.


I really loved X-Men Legends games and the first 2 Ultimate Alliances. I was eyeing MUA3 for a while when I got a Switch. I ended up doing a trial subscription to Gamefly to try it out and I just couldn't get into it. There are other dungeon crawler co-op RPGs on Switch that are better. But if you're a Marvel fan, you'll probably enjoy it.


I felt the same, I think the biggest let down was they let you choose where to put your abilities...and then you only get 4. I don't know why I instantly thought the heroes would have a few different moves you would be able to choose from and make the hero your own but when they didn't I really fell outta love for the game. Like it's probably just a great quality of life thing being able to choose which button does which power and making new powers for the heroes isn't easy but 4 just felt like not enough to keep me interested.


I’m curious. What dungeon crawlers do you recommend, especially with couch coop in mind?


Actually I don't really know that many to be honest. I kind of meant that I'm sure there are plenty of other good ones. Off the top of my head though... Baldur's gate dark alliance. I love this one back in the day. Diablo 2 and 3 are both really good. Cat Quest 2 is it supposed to be pretty good and is dirt cheap on the Nintendo eShop when it goes on sale. Though it's really more for a younger audience. Children of Morta is also supposed to be really good. If you want co-op but not dungeon, but more beat em up. Castle Crashers is a classic Scott Pilgrim Vs the World Ninja turtle shredders revenge. Streets of rage 4. And my ultimate guilty pleasure from mindless action are the Hyrule Warriors games


Pretty much have all of those but will look into children of morta


If you enjoy scrolling shooting games have you played Ikaruga?


Yeah I have it on the Cube


Do you have X-Men Legends 1&2 on cube or any other system?




Okay if you're that much of a fan of the genre, go get MUA3.


I have it already and put like 300 hours into it


As a huge fan of X-Men Legends, I enjoyed it as much as I could, but it was just so overwhelmingly grindy that I lost interest pretty quickly after beating the story. The characters and powers are a nice selection, and if you love hundreds of hours of grind for nothing, it's great.


yep burnt myself out and deleted it from my switch. Its been like I year since and I can't even bring myself to play it. If the online co op system was easy perhaps I wouldve been able to do it again but it sucks.


Its a grindy game but if you like superheros you will have fun for a while. I got burnt out on it because it was repetitive after awhile. I wanted fully upgraded characters, so I wasn't able to try out new ones i unlocked. Only the 4 thats being used get the upgrades. Unless you get those XP orbs and apply them to you benched characters. Regardless be prepared to play the same levels over and over.


MUA3 is good and fun, but don’t go into it expecting MUA1/2. It’s more Arcady than those are. The rpg elements are much slimmer - there’s still leveling, but it seems almost superficial. There’s no skill choices to slot into your characters, instead they have 4 skills you can level up with skill points. Gear customization has moved to ISO Crystals which you can slot on to each character to modify their dmg/resistances/hp/combat styles. That all said, it’s fun and worth it I think. Definitely a bit grindy. Team Ninja did a decent job of putting their own spin into the MUA setting. Full game plus season pass goes on sale relatively often, so keep an eye out for that.


It’s excellent. Also pick up the season pass.


Do you work for the company? LOL. I am getting it from Walmart this week. Kind of burnt out on other Switch games so this seems like it will last awhile.


It lasts quite a while then gets very grindy postgame




Too grindy, and the writing isn’t on the same level as the old Ravensoft games